Driver Call-In procedures


How do I View a Driver’s Geographic Position at the time a Message was sent?

  1. Open the Driver Call-In program (DCALL.EXE), click:Start > Programs > TruckMate > Dispatch > Intermodal > Driver Call-In

  2. View a 'Return Message' from within the 'All Message View' area. Select the 'All Message View' button located within the Driver Call-in program’s main screen.

  3. Then, select the 'Return Messages' tab.

  4. Find the desired message, and select it using your left mouse button.

  5. Now select the 'Location' button, located in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

  6. You should now be able to see the driver’s geographic position at the time this message was sent.

How do I Change Trip Status using the Driver Call-In program?

  1. Open the Driver Call-In program (DCALL.EXE), click:Start > Programs > TruckMate > Dispatch > Intermodal > Driver Call-In

  2. If the selected driver is currently assigned to a trip, the trip will display in the Trips Assigned Grid. You can change the trip status by clicking on this button, or by double clicking on the Trip Number in the grid.

  3. New Status: if you have configured the Previous Code value for the status code (in the Codes Maintenance program), or if you are using the default TruckMate status codes, the status code will default. You can select any status code from the drop down list box.

  4. At Zone: this is the zone code that will default here depending on the Code Behavior of the status code that is being assigned (as configured in the Codes Maintenance program). For example, if the status code has a Dispatch code behavior, the At Zone will correspond to the Current Zone of the Active leg. If the status code has a Pick Up code behavior, the Leg From Zone of the next loaded leg will be used. If the status code has a Delivery code behavior, the Leg To Zone of the last leg on the trip will be used. You can enter a different zone code in this field instead of the default. Enter the zone code, or click the search button for a search form. The Zone Code entered in the At Zone will become the Current Zone of the trip.

  5. Date / Time: defaults to now. Double click for a calendar selection form. This is for information and reporting purposes only, and can be viewed using the Trip View menu option.

  6. Comment: you can record notes about this status change. This is for information purposes only, and can be viewed using the Trip View menu option.

How do I Create and send Messages to Remote Units?

  1. Open the Driver Call-In program (DCALL.EXE), click:Start > Programs > TruckMate > Dispatch > Intermodal > Driver Call-In

  2. Create a message in Driver Call-In Module.

  3. Select the "Forward Messages" "F" button.

  4. Select the checkmark beside one of Driver, Power Unit or Group to send the message to. A Forward Message to Driver/Power Unit/Group dialog box opens. Type in your message and select "Okay".

How do I View Incoming Messages from Remote Devices?

The Driver Call-In program is used to record and view dispatch-related driver information such as Driver Hours, Driver Position, free-form Notes and the remaining hours in a driver’s Cycle. You can also reposition drivers and change trip status in the Driver Call-In program. The trip grid displayed in the Driver Call-In program is shared with the Dispatch program, so changes made in either program will affect the other. Driver Call-In also forms an integral part of the Mobile Dispatch module. It is used to view incoming messages from remote devices and to create and send messages to remote units. You can also view message history and status, and view the driver’s geographic position at the time the message was sent.

  1. Open the Driver Call-In program (DCALL.EXE), click:Start > Programs > TruckMate > Dispatch > Intermodal > Driver Call-In

  2. There are two ways to view new messages. You can use the Return Messages Area or the All Message View Area. Steps to both options follow.

Return Message

  1. Select the "Return Message" (All drivers) search button.

  2. Select the message based on the Driver it came from.

  3. The Driver Messaging form opens, and you will see a message.

  4. You have three options after reading a message:

    • To go to the original message, select the "Original" button.

    • To mark the message that you have read it, select the "Read" button.

    • To mark the message as Read and reply, select the "Read/Reply" button.

  5. There is a radio button selection area to the left of the message. You can change the filter in place by choosing another option. It is "Unread" by default, and you can change the filter to view messages that you have already read by selecting the "Read" option. To view cancelled messages, select the "Cancelled" option.

All Message View:

  1. This is the easiest way of viewing messages. Click the "All Message View" button.

  2. A message view form will open, and you will see a listing of all the return messages, based on the filter chosen. There are three filters. Not Read, Read, and Cancelled. To change the filter, simply select the box beside the filter option you wish to choose.

  3. To view a message, simply click on the message you want to see, and view the message in the information area below the grid.

  4. The three buttons available in the Return Message screen are available here also. After reading the message, select the appropriate button.

  5. The Context Menu (right-click) provides you with a variety of options. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with these options.

  6. A useful Context Menu option is the "Select All" option. This will allow you to mark all "Unread" messages as "Read". Also, holding the CTRL key down on your keyboard, and selecting the messages you would like marked as "Read" is a way of marking a group of messages as "Read at the same time".

How do I View the History and Status of a Remote Message?

  1. Open the Driver Call-In program (DCALL.EXE), click:Start > Programs > TruckMate > Dispatch > Intermodal > Driver Call-In

  2. Select the "All Message View" button.

  3. You will see two tabs, one for outgoing messages, "Forward Messages", and one for incoming messages, "Return Messages". Both tabs contain current and historical messages.

  4. There are three statuses for Return messages: "Not Read", which are messages that you haven’t yet read, "Read", messages that you have read, and "Cancelled ', messages that have been cancelled by the sender. By clicking the box that corresponds to each filter, you will be able to view messages that are in your chosen status. If you have more than one status chosen, the status can been seen in the Status column in the grid.

  5. To view a history of messages, you would choose the "Read" filter, and you will see all the messages that you have previously read.

  6. There are five statuses on the "Forward Messages" tab. "Not Sent", which means the message has not been processed yet, "Sent", messages that have been processed, but not yet received on the Driver’s M/U, or Mobile Unit, "Ack M/U", which means that it has arrived at the Driver’s M/U, and has been Cancelled, which is a message cancelled by the sender.

  7. You may use any combination of these statuses to view messages that have been sent. To view other users' messages, uncheck the User "%%%" Only filter box. This will show all forwarded messages from all users.

  8. On either tab, use your Context Menu (right-click) and select "Message History" to view the status and date/time stamp of the status change for any message.