Mobile Communications Macro Setup macros list


You can filter the Macros displayed in the grid by Network or by Direction. Click the 'AMSC', 'HighwayMaster', 'QTracs', etc. checkboxes to view Macros for one or more specific networks. Select the Forward, Return or Both radio button to view Macros according to their direction.

Network Type

If you are using more than one network, you can filter the Macros that display in the Macros Grid by selecting the desired network. Check the box for the network whose Macros you wish to view.

Forward / Return / Both

You can filter the Macros that display in the Macros Grid by selecting one of these radio buttons. Select 'Forward' to display only Forward Macros in the grid; select 'Return' to display only Return Macros in the grid; select 'Both' to display all Macros in the grid.

Macros Grid

The Macros grid displays summary and status information about all existing Macros. Normally this grid is populated with Macros that have been created by the User (or other Users), but there are some Special Macros that come pre-packaged with TruckMate.

Macro Type

Displays the network for which the Macro was created. For example, 'QTracs' indicates that the Macro was created for the Cancom QTracs network.


Displays the number assigned to the Macro. There are 63 Forward and 63 Return Macros available for use on each network.


Indicates whether the Macro is of the Forward (from the TruckMate system to the remote device) or Return (from the remote device to the TruckMate system) type.


Each time the Macro is modified, the version is incremented by one letter. This is used by the system to update changes to Macros to the remote devices.


Indicates whether the Macro is 'New' (not yet exported to the remote devices), 'Exported' (exported to the remote devices) or 'Deleted' (deleted on the TruckMate system, but not yet updated to the remote devices). When you export Macros to the remote devices, the status of all Macros will be updated to 'Exported' (and Deleted Macros will no longer be displayed).


Displays the Title that was assigned to the Macro when it was created.


When set to 'True' will keep history records for the current Macro. Set to 'True' or 'False' by double clicking the field.

Program Buttons


Will change the status of the selected Macro to 'Deleted'. The next time the Macros are exported to the remote devices, the deleted Macro will no longer display in the Macro grid and the Macro will be deleted from the remote units.


Will load the Macro construction form and display the Macro selected in the grid. See the Modify Window section below for more information.

View / Test

This button is a toggle value. That is, if you click the button when it is labeled 'View', the label will change to 'Test' and the Macro selected in the grid will be changed to test mode in the Sample Macro section. If you click the button a second time, the label will change back to 'View' and the Sample Macro area will simply display the Macro.

Show Deleted Macros

This flag toggles the display of Macros pending deletion. When selected (flagged), deleted macros will be displayed; when un-checked they will not be displayed (which may clean up the Macro Grid, depending on how many 'revisions' of a single Macro are displayed).

Sample Macro

When the 'View / Test' button above is labeled View, the fields labels and blank fields from the selected Macro will be displayed. If you click the 'View / Test' button to change the button label to Test, you will be able to test the Macro as if it were active in the system. You can select values from drop down list boxes, make sure that your fields are long enough, etc.