Create a new trip

In addition to creating trips automatically through merges and splits, you can create trips manually in Trip Operation Planning.

Trips you create in an Operation or Planning Point column have their start zone set to match that column’s point zone.

To start, right-click in an Operation or Planning point column. Then follow the steps below for the type of trip you want to create.

Once finished, change resources on the new trip as needed. You must match resources to the trip to make it a valid movement.

Create a non-LTL trip

  1. In the shortcut menu, select New Trip.
    A new trip with a start zone and no end zone appears.

  2. Right-click on the new trip.

  3. In the shortcut menu, select Set Trip Destination.

  4. Select a zone ID.
    An end zone appears on the new trip. If you do not select an end zone, you will get an error when you try to execute the plan.

Create an LTL trip

In the shortcut menu, select New P&D Trip. A new trip with the same start and end zone appears.