General keyboard controls

Moving between fields and screens

To move through data entry fields in TruckMate programs, it is not necessary to use the mouse. You can use the <Tab> key to move from one field to the next, or the <Shift><Tab> key combination to move back one field.

Hot Keys

When a letter in a field label is indicated by an underscore, it means that you can use a 'hot key' combination to move to the field. A function with an underscored letter can be invoked in this way. To use hot keys, hold down the <Alt> key and type in the letter that is underscored.

Keyboard shortcuts

TruckMate applications support hot key combinations designed to make data entry faster by replacing mouse usage with keyboard usage. For example, pressing and holding the Ctrl key on the keyboard and pressing the P key (represented as CTRL+P) within many applications will open the Report Selection window. Any options, commands or functions with keyboard shortcuts are shown on the menus.


In most cases, you can discover the keyboard shortcuts for an application by looking at the menu where the shortcuts will usually appear next to the function name.

Program specific controls

General shortcuts

Most TruckMate applications support the following hot key combinations to provide the following functions. These were designed to make data entry faster by replacing mouse usage with keyboard usage. In most cases, you can discover the keyboard shortcuts for an application by looking at the application’s Shortcut Menu, where the shortcuts will usually appear net to the functionality you are trying to access.

As with all TruckMate programs, the underscoring of a letter in a field label indicates 'hot keys'. When you see an underlined letter, it means that you can use the <Alt> key in combination with that letter to invoke the function. Some 'hot keys', however, cannot be indicated by underscores. These are listed below:

Display the first record


Display the previous record

<Ctrl><Left Arrow>

Display the next record

<Ctrl><Right Arrow>

Display the last record


Adds a new record


Delete the selected record


Posts the Add or Edit

<Ctrl><Enter> or


Display User Defined Fields window/Tab (where applicable)


Display Crystal Report Selection menu (where applicable)


Display 'Find' window (where applicable)


Refresh Display


Phone Number Lookup (available in DISPATCH.EXE, PROFILES.EXE and PHONE.EXE)


AR Cash Receipts Entry

Calculate Amount


Check Balance


Validate Applied Checks


Balance Check


View GL Report


Save Bank as Default


Save Date as Default


Discount or Write-Off


Pay Outstanding Amount


Clear Payment/Discount


Enter Payment Amount


Enter Payment in Check Currency


Pay By Statement > Client Statements


Pay By Statement > By Statement Number


Pay By Trip Number


Manual Invoice Entry


On Account Payments


(When not using Synergize Index function)

Transaction History


Freight Bill Notes


Batch Pay


Import Cash Receipts File


Update Synergize Document


(When using Synergize Index function)

City Dispatch

Select All (in grids)


Display the Create New Pickup window


Display the Status Change window


Display the Trip Description window


Display the Load Offer window


Unmatch selected Freight Bills (in drill-down window)


Clear selection


Assign Power Unit


Assign Trailer


Display the Show Linkage window


Customer Service

The Customer Service program uses the following keystroke combinations for functions normally accessed by mouse click. In most cases, as with all TruckMate programs, the underscoring of a letter in a field label indicates 'hot keys'. When you see an underlined letter, it means that you can use the <Alt> key in combination with that letter to invoke the function. Some 'hot keys', however, cannot be indicated by underscores. These are listed below:

Display the first record


Display the previous record

<Ctrl><Left Arrow>

Display the next record

<Ctrl><Right Arrow>

Display the last record


Adds a new record (Bill Number to be generated by system)


Deletes a record


Add a new record (User manually enters new Bill Number)


Display the Find Freight Bill window


Display the Notes pop-up form


Clear the contents of the Shipper, Consignee, or Bill To name and address fields

Note: The cursor must be positioned in the customer code or address fields to use this function


Display the User Defined Fields pop-up form


Display the Report Selection pop-up form


Post the Add or Edit

<Ctrl><Enter> or <Shift><Enter>

Cancel the Add or Edit


Post the current load detail line and create a new line

<Down Arrow>

Abandon the current load detail line

<Up Arrow>

Move to the next field to the right in the load details

<Right Arrow>

Move to the next field to the left in the load details

<Left Arrow>

Display the Search Form when working in the Caller, Shipper, or Consignee information fields


Close the Notes pop-up


Access the 'Driver Deductions' section of the Driver Pay Tab


Access the 'Driver Pay' section of the Driver Pay Tab


Access the Dispatch Tab


Access the GL Tab


Opens the Skid Dimensions window


Update Synergize Document


Access the Detention window


Auto-fill the 'Start Zone' or 'End Zone' (when in Shipper/Consignee section) based on City and State



The Dispatch program uses the following keystroke combinations for functions normally accessed by mouse click. In most cases, as with all TruckMate programs, the underscoring of a letter in a field label indicates 'hot keys'. When you see an underlined letter, it means that you can use the <Alt> key in combination with that letter to invoke the function. Some 'hot keys', however, cannot be indicated by underscores. These are listed below:

Display the Quick Filter window


Toggles Full Screen On/Off


Manage Auto Dispatch


Display the Custom Defined fields window


Display the User Defined Fields window


Display the Set Via Zone window


Display the Load Offer window


Display the Trip Details (Drill down) window


Display the Optimize Trip window


Display the ETA Details window


Display the Show Linkage window


Display the Intermodal Movements window


Display the Driver Diary window (is Security Settings allow)


Increase Font Size

<Ctrl><Alt><Shift><Up Arrow>

Decrease Font Size

<Ctrl><Alt><Shift><Down Arrow>

Driver Call In

Display the Load Offer window


Move between various Power Unit and Driver Codes in the program header

<Alt><Left arrow>

<Alt><Right arrow>

Quick Bill Entry

The Quick Bill Entry program supports many of the same keystroke combinations as Customer Service, with some minor exceptions:

Display the previous record

<Ctrl> <Left Arrow>

Display the next record.

<Ctrl> <Right Arrow>

Adds a new record (Bill Number to be generated by system)

<Ctrl> <Insert>

Add a new record (User manually enters new Bill Number)

<Ctrl> <M>

Display the Notes pop-up form

<Ctrl> <N>

Display the Trace Numbers pop-up form

<Ctrl> <R>

Display the Pick Up / Delivery Dates window


Clear the contents of the Shipper, Consignee, or Bill To name and address fields (note: the cursor must be positioned in the customer code or address fields to use this function)


Display the user fields pop-up form

<Ctrl> <U>

Display the Report Selection pop-up form

<Ctrl> <P>

Post the Add or Edit (Freight Bill record only)

<Ctrl> <Enter>

Post the current load detail line and create a new line

<Down Arrow>

Abandon the current load detail line

<Up Arrow>

Move to the next field to the right in the load details

<Right Arrow>

Move to the next field to the left in the load details

<Left Arrow>

Duplicate the data entered in the same field in the last freight bill (note: this only functions in the Shipper, Consignee, Bill-To, Pickup Driver, Pickup Trailer, Delivery Driver, and Delivery Trailer fields)


Display the Search Form when working in the Caller, Shipper, or Consignee information fields


Close either the Notes or Trace pop-ups


Update Synergize Document


SQL Execute

Connect to Database


Load from File


Save to File




Undo Typing (up to 1024 times)


Redo Typing


Close SQL Execute

<Ctrl><F4> or


Copy (Selected Text)


Cut (Selected Text)


Paste (Text from Clipboard)


Select All (Text)




Find Next




Execute Query


Previous Query


Next Query


Commit Work


Rollback work




Toggle SQL History Mode


Toggle Transactions Mode


Toggle Display SQL Memo Field


System Info


Show Log


Delete Log


Show SQL History


Add to Favourites


Database Connections


Security Patcher


Dependency Checker


Export Schema


Install Service Pack Wizard


Move Table to Larger Tablespace Wizard


Find bracket mate (useful for complex nested brackets; place cursor just before opening or closing bracket)


Set Bookmark (0 - 9)

(You may set up to 10 bookmarks in the text, and toggle them on/off with the varoius hotkeys. If you have 'Show Line Numbers' option on, an indicator will appear in the left margin. You can then use the hotkeys to go back to exactly that spot in the text).

Using the hotkey without the <Shift> key will toggle the bookmarks on/off.




Toggle Text Select Method:

N = Normal

C = Column

L = Line




Indent / Un-indent

(Highlight a block of text/lines and use these hotkeys to indent/un-indent entire block).



Screen Design

You can access the Screen Design functions using the following hot keys:

Toggle Design Mode


Undo Last Change


Redo Last Undo


Load Layout


Clear Layout


Cut Element


Paste Element


Edit Element Properties
