Seal numbers in Trip Operation Planning

Seal numbers on freight bills can change status when you execute plans in Trip Operation Planning.

This table shows what happens to seal numbers when you use the Merge on a new trip or Merge on trip options.

Freight Bill Activity Seal Number Activity

No change to bills

Seal numbers from the original trips move to the new or existing trip and remain sealed.

Add bill

Seal numbers from the original trips move to the new or existing trip. Any resource that receives a new bill is opened.

Remove bill

Seal numbers from the original trips move to the new or existing trip. Any resource that has a bill removed is opened.

Switch bills

Seal numbers from the original trips move to the new or existing trip. Any resource that has bills switched is opened.

This table shows what happens to seal numbers when you use the Split on a new trip or Split trip options.

Freight Bill Activity Seal Number Activity

No change to bills

Seal numbers from the original trips move to the new or existing trip. Any resource that has bills switched is opened.

Add bill

Seal numbers from the merge trip follow the associated resource to the split trip. Any resource that receives a new bill is opened.

Remove bill

Seal numbers from the merge trip follow the associated resource to the split trip. Any resource that has a bill removed is opened.

Switch bill

Seal numbers from the merge trip follow the associated resource to the split trip. Any resource that has bills switched is opened.

The Merge & Split option follows behavior from both tables.