PRREGISTER.EXE - Payroll Processing


Auto Create Advance

When set to 'True', will automatically create a payroll advance for a negative check. Default is set at 'False'.

Calc Neg Taxes

This setting, when set to 'True', will allow negative Federal and State Tax amounts to be Posted. Default is set at 'False'.

Get SUTA rates based on Department

If set to True, this setting allows the user to utilize the Department Code field in PRSETUP.EXE > U.S. > Unemployment Tab. If this is set to False, user should NOT set any Department Code for SUTA codes in PRREGISTER.EXE. If this is set to True, user should set ALL Department Codes for SUTA codes in PRREGISTER.EXE to one of the valid departments.

Retrieval of 940 data depends on this option as well. If this option is True, retrieval is based on State and Department, rather than just State when this option is set to False.

Link SIN# for EI&CPP

When processing Canadian payroll, will link a Driver to Employment Insurance and Canadian Pension Plan data by using his Social Insurance Number. Default is set at 'True'.

USE US Payroll DLL

If you have subscribed to the TMW Systems Inc. US Payroll Taxes DLL program, this option allows you to use that same DLL within the Payroll Processing program (not just within TESTUSTAX.EXE). Default is set at 'False'.

PUNIT.EXE - Power Unit Profiles


Copy Description

If this field is set to 'True', when you use the Copy function in the Power Unit Profiles program, the Copy Description box will be checked by default. If 'False', the box will not be checked by default.

Copy User Fields

If this field is set to 'True', when you use the Copy function in the Power Unit Profiles program, the Copy User Fields box will be checked by default. If 'False', the box will not be checked by default.

Operational Charges

If this field is set to 'True', when you use the Copy function in the Power Unit Profiles program, the (copy) Operational Charges box will be checked by default. If 'False', the box will not be checked by default.

RM User Field 1 - 10

In the 'R&M' tab of the Power Unit Profiles program, you can access ten free format fields by using the <CTRL> - <U> key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form in the R&M tab.

User Field 1 - 10

In the Power Unit Profiles program, you can access ten free format fields by using the <CTRL> - <U> key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form in the Power Unit Profiles program.

RATES.EXE - Rates Maintenance


Ad-Hoc Rating Client Field

This config option allows you to specify the TLORDER Table field that will be used to gather the Ad-Hoc Rating Client when a Freight Bill’s 'Rating Term' value is set to 'AH (Ad-Hoc)', allowing you to setup a situation where you can choose one Client (Customer A) for Rating purposes, but invoice another (Customer B, the 'Bill-To'). Enter any valid TLORDER field as the value for this option.

Note: If you wish to use the Ad-Hoc Rating functionality, TMW Systems recommends using the 'ADDITIONAL_CONTACT' field, as that way the user can just use the 'Other Contact' section of the Customer Service program > Contacts Tab to specify the Ad-Hoc Rating Client.

Add Min Rate Line

This option affects the Simulation Tab of the Rates Maintenance program, and will add a detail line labelled 'Minimum Charge' (or 'Maximum Charge' or 'Flat Charge' depending on the conditions) to the Simulation Grid when performing a Rate Simulation. This allows you to test the various 'Min Charge', 'Max Charge' and/or 'Flat Charge' functionality of the Rates Maintenance program for a Client. The behavior of this setting is as follows:

  • When 'True': if the Freight Bill’s 'Cost' value is less than the 'Min Charge' value in the RATE_DISCOUNTS Table, or the 'Cost' is greater than the 'Max Charge' value in RATE_DISCOUNTS, or if the 'Flat Charge' value in RATE_DISCOUNTS is greater than '0', a detail line will be added to the Simulation Grid with the appropriate label.

  • When 'False': if the Freight Bill’s 'Cost' value is less than the 'Min Charge' value in the RATE_DISCOUNTS Table, or the 'Cost' is greater than the 'Max Charge' value in RATE_DISCOUNTS, or if the 'Flat Charge' value in RATE_DISCOUNTS is greater than '0', then for one of the existing detail lines on the Simulation Grid, the following fields are reset:

    • As Rate will be set to the 'Min Charge', 'Max Charge' or 'Flat Charge' amount.

    • As Break will be set to '1'.

    • Sub Cost will be set to the 'Min Charge', 'Max Charge' or 'Flat Charge' amount.

    • Discount will be set to '0' (If RATE_DISCOUNTS.MIN_PRE_DISC = 'False').

    • Discount Rate will be set to '0' (If RATE_DISCOUNTS.MIN_PRE_DISC = 'False').

    • Is Tariff Min Charge will be set to 'False'.

Default is set at False.

Adjust Rounding Options

This option controls how Rates are rounded when they are adjusted. Valid values are as follows (all others will be ignored):

  • 25C: rounded to nearest 25 cents after adjustment.

  • $1: rounded to nearest dollar after adjustment.

Aggregate Rating

This option is used to determine how the system will rate Freight Bills with multiple detail lines. The four valid settings for this option are:

  • True
    If this field is set to 'True', the system will add all the rate units and calculate the Rate for each detail line based on the rate for the sum of the units. For example, if there are three details lines, each with 1000 lbs of freight, the rate for 3000 lbs of freight will display in the Rate field. To account for the difference, the system will create a 'deficit' line with the difference between the actual rate units and the rated as amount, and will rate the deficit line at the lowest rate for the existing detail lines.

  • False: (default)
    Each detail line on the Freight Bill will rate independently.

  • Client:
    Rather than having a global 'True' flag (as above) this setting allows you to set the Aggregate Rating option ('True' / 'False') on a Client by Client basis. The Rating logic will then use whatever is configured at the 'Client' level of the 'Bill-To' Client on the Freight Bill.

  • Rate-By:
    This option allows further specificity than the 'Client' option. By selecting the 'Rate-By' value, the 'Rate-By' Client attached to the 'Bill-To' Client of the Freight Bill will be used to determine if the rate will be Aggregate or not. Rate-By Clients are configured on the Rates Maintenance program > Rate Clients Tab.

Note: When using Aggregate Rating, the rate sheets (as configured in the Rates Maintenance program) used to rate each detail line must have the same break unit and the same break levels.

Allow Rate and Base

When set to 'True', allows both 'Rate Base' and 'Rating Zone' values. Default is set at 'True'.

Change From Zone

When set to 'True', this option will have the 'From Zone' automatically change to the Customer default when a Customer change is accomplished on the Simulation Tab. Default is set at 'False'.

Copy Rate Sheet Opt

Default is set at 'Null' (no copying). Allows Users to copy Clients (using the value 'C'), Vendors ('V'), and Discounts ('D').

Dest Use Call Rates

Default setting is 'False'. Setting this function to 'True' will enable the following: When rating a freight bill and the bill to person is the Consignee, the rating system will then use the rate sheets assigned to the Caller on the freight bill, but still bill the Consignee.

Discount Only After Rating

The default value for this option is 'True', in which case the discount will only be applied at the end of rating. In other words, the system will try to find the cheapest rate before applying the discount. Once the cheapest rate is found then the discount will be applied. On the other hand, if the value of this option is set to 'False', the discount will be applied while trying to find the final rate to apply. in other words the discount will be part of the calculation in the comparison and rate selection process.

Driver Pay Fixed Qty

Inserts a fixed quantity into all Driver Pay calculations for the formula Qty X Ratesheet Rate for % of Driver Pay. Enter any numeric value. (If the App Config has a number in it—​for example, 0.5—​then it ignores the Delta Amount / Delta Percent on the Rate Sheet used to rate the Freight Bill. If set to the default of '0', then it will use the Delta Percent value. Afterward, the contract/rules [percentage etc.] are applied to the Driver Pay Portion.)

Equipment Rating

The default is set at 'TLORDER'. Setting this option to 'TLDTL' would mean that you are using Contract Rating (which is rating based on specific equipment used), and so, your rate sheet will have to have the Contract radio button selected.

Note: When this setting stays at 'TLORDER', you can see the ramifications when in the Customer Service program, Summary tab. View the requested equipment field. Also, while still in the Customer Service program, on the Dispatch tab, there are two more TLORDER fields for requested equipment. If you leave this setting at the default 'TLORDER', it will rate by the equipment in this field. Changing the setting to 'TLDTL' will have ramifications in the Customer Service program, Details tab, where there is also a field in the grid for requested equipment. When rating for equipment rating, it creates a detail line for each type of equipment used on a number of freight bills. In order for each detail line to rate, it must look to the TLDTL requested equipment field. Also, Application Configurator options must be set as follows: CONBILL.EXE--'False', RATES—​Aggregate Billing--'False'.

Intra-State False Means Disallow

When set to 'True', and if the 'Intra-State' field value is set to 'False', then the 'Start' and 'End Province' values must be the same. Default is set at 'False'.

IP Save Zero Rate

When set to 'True', allows the saving of zero rate charge amounts. Default is set at 'True'.

Lowest Rate

The default is set at 'False'. Valid values are: True, False, Assigned Sheets Only, and Assigned Else Base. Currently, with the setting at the default of 'False', the rating system loops through all possible rate sheets for a customer until the first occurrence of a valid rate is found. If this option is set to 'True', the rating logic will loop through 'All' possible rate sheets after which the lowest rate found will be assessed to the detail item. Setting this option to 'Assigned Sheets Only' will cause the system to loop through rating sheets from the lowest rate from all assigned rates sheets, and if no valid rate sheet is found, then will revert to the first base rate found. Setting this option to 'Assigned Else Base' will cause the system to loop through rating sheets from the lowest rate from all assigned rates sheets, and if no valid rate sheet is found, then will revert to the lowest base rate.

Match Currency

When set to 'True', the Rate sheet currency must match the Customer’s currency value, as set up in Customer Profiles. Default is set at 'False'.

Mileage/Split Sheets

You can enter either 'Zone Code' or 'Zone Tree'. Zone code allows you to enter say, just the abbreviation of a Province in the start zone of the rates maintenance program. Zone Code uses the standard setup in the Codes Maintenance Program - Zone Codes. Zone Tree allows you to enter just the beginning letter of a Province. For example, for all zones within Saskatchewan, you would only enter the letter 'S' and all available zones would appear.

No Deficit Commodity

When set to 'True', does not use the 'WGTDEFICIT' value for Deficit commodities. Default is set at 'True'.

Non-Class Rateware

When set to 'True', allows Non-Class rating in Rateware. Default is set at 'True'.

Rate Precision

The default is set at '4'. By default, the rates you enter in the grid in rate sheets display with 4 decimal places and if you enter a rate with more than 4 decimal places, the number is rounded to 4. With this new Application Configurator option, you can set this to either 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 places.

Note: If the Application Configurator is not installed or if you enter an invalid value in the Application Configurator, i.e., letters or a number < 0 or > 6, then the display/rounding defaults back to 4 - as before.

Rate-By Metric/Client

When set to 'True', the Rates Maintenance program will use a new Rating structure (that includes the RATEBY_CLIENT and RATEBY_METRICS Tables) to determine the various Rates a Client has access to. This Table structure allows multiple entries per Rate Type to be created for a single Client, with additional criteria added to further filter the Client used. Default is set at 'False' (use old logic: 'Rate By' method in the CLIENT Table).

RateWare API Version

This option is used to set the current version of the RateWare API in use. The Version number should be entered in the #### format.

RateWare Timeout

This setting controls the time-out value when attempting to connect to the RateWare Server. Enter a value in milliseconds (max: 999999).

Rateware Port

Sets the value of the Rateware socket port. Enter your socket port ID number. Default is set at '23700'.

Rateware Server

Sets the value of our Rateware server name or IP address. Enter either the server name or IP address as this option’s value. Default is your server name.

Round Exchange

If the rating routine performs a currency conversion, (that is, if the freight bill’s currency differs from the current of the Rate Sheet), this value determines whether the rate is rounded to two decimal places, or whether the rate displays as four decimal places.

Round Rate

If this value is set to 'True', rates will be rounded to two decimal places before being multiplied by the rating value (weight, pieces, whatever). The rounding will apply wherever rates are calculated, including the Simulation tab in the Rates Maintenance program, the Customer Service program, etc.

Sum Vendor Rating

The default is set at 'False'. Setting this option to 'True' will allow you to choose how vendors are rated by default in the Dispatch program. The Consolidated checkbox is available on the Dispatch Carrier Information Tab and Find Near Carrier Tab and will default to selected when the value = True. Alternatively, setting to 'False' will default the Consolidated checkbox to blank and will allow freight bills to be rated individually. Setting this option to 'CLIENT' will check the 'Carrier Rate Consolidated' field on the Customer & Vendor Profiles program > Misc Tab.

Note: This box can be checked or unchecked manually. This Application Configurator option merely allows the user to set a preference for the checkbox, and does not impact the rating style, only the checkbox does.

Tariff Discount Min

When set to 'True', discounts the 'Minimum Charge' of a Tariff rate from the total charge. Default is set at 'True'.

Tariff - No Multi Min

When set to 'True', does not use the 'Multi Min' value for Tariff rates. Default is set at 'True'.

Terms Rate Precedence

This option enables / disables the new Pre-Paid / Collect Rating options available in the Rates Maintenance program. When set to 'True' (enabled), the Rates Maintenance program will recursively search through the Clients attached to a Freight Bill for any matching Pre-Paid or Collect Rates. The RATING_GET_CONFLIST procedure will build the list of matches based on the following order:

  1. Client(s) attached to the Freight Bill

  2. The Freight Bill’s 'Origin' (Zone Code or Zip Code)

  3. The Freight Bill’s 'Destination' (Zone Code or Zip Code)

If no Rate Sheets are assigned to any of these variables, then the Rates Maintenance program’s will use its Pre-Paid / Collect Base Rate. If this specific Base Rate is not available, the program will use the default Base Rate (of 'N/A' precedent type). For more information on Rating Precedence, see the Rates Maintenance program > Rate Sheets > Misc Tab.

TruckMate Tariff Class

This option, when set to 'True', will allow the values configured on the Rates Maintenance program > Client Tab > Tariff Class Tab to apply to any TruckMate Rate Sheet flagged as a 'Commodity Class Enabled' Rate Sheet. Default is set at 'False'.

Truncate Start/End Time in Trailer Detention

When set to 'True', will truncate the 'Start'/'End' time in Trailer Detention calculation if time unit is set to 'Day'. Default is set at 'True'.

Use Detention

When set to 'True', the 'Detention' field is populated. Default is set at 'False'.

Use Pre Disc Min

This config setting must be set to 'True' before the user can set the 'Min Pre Disc' field of the Rates Maintenance > Client > Discounts/Minimums Tab to 'True' when configuring Client Discounts/Minimums. Default is set at 'False' (i.e. user cannot flag a Discount/Minimum detail line as 'Min Pre Disc' = 'True'). An error message will appear in RATES.EXE if the user attempts to set the 'Min Pre Disc' field to 'True' while this config is set at 'False'.

Use Sequence Prefix

This option determines whether or not rate sequence prefix logic is used for the current company. (Users with this set to True can control the rating but having base rate sheets start with a letter greater than n.) If set to false, removes prefix logic so that standard rating will work.

Use the Higher of the Dimension/Actual weight in Each Bill for Consolidation Rating

When set to 'True' and the Billing Consolidation program is setup to use the 'Re-rate Individuals' method, the system will sum the higher of the 'Actual Weight' or 'Dim Weight' for each detail line and use this value for the weight re-rating. Default is set at 'False'.

Use Trailer Detention

When this option is set to 'True', the Rates Maintenance program will create a 'Trailer' Detention record whenever a Detention rate sheet is used by the system. When set to 'False', the system will use 'Driver' style detentions.

Ven Acc Ch Inc AccCh

When set to 'True', includes Vendor Accessorial charges in the total charge amount. Default is set to 'False'.

Vendor Acc Codes

Enter 'False' and Vendor Account charges will be applied to ALL Vendors and Clients as set up in the Codes Maintenance program > Accessorial Charges Tab. Enter 'True' and you are able to choose the specific Vendors you want to assign the charge to (by selecting the 'Vendor' button).

RENDPRINTDRIVER.DLL - Imaging > Rendition Printing


Use Alternate Billing E-mail

This option controls where a Client’s email address value will be populated from when using Imaging functionality with the Customer Profiles program. If this option is set to the default value 'Use Main E-mail', the Imaging software’s XML code will use the main e-mail address. If 'Use Billing E-mail' is selected, the Imaging software’s XML code will use the Billing/Alternate e-mail address.

Use Alternate Billing Fax

This option controls where a Client’s fax number will be populated from when using Imaging functionality with the Customer Profiles program. If this option is set to the default value 'Use Main Fax', the Imaging software’s XML code will use the main fax number. If 'Use Billing Fax' is selected, the Imaging software’s XML code will use the Billing/Alternate fax number.

Use XML Date Time Form

This option allows you to choose whether to use the XML standard date format with date fields or use the windows date format. The default value for this option is set to 'False' (windows date format will be used). If this option is set to 'True', the standard XML date format will be used with date fields.

Wait for tif File to Appear for Pegasus

The default value for this option is 'True', in which case if the vendor of the imaging software is 'Pegasus' and unique file name options are not used then the system will wait for 'tif' file to appear before generating the next XML file. On the other hand if this option is set to ' False' then the system will not wait for a 'tif' file to appear and will continue generating the XML.

REPORTS - Program Reporting (Not an exe)



When set to True, a Company Selector option is available in the Report Selection window, and a Company Selector drop-down menu appears in the GL Financial Statements program. Default is False.

RMCONFIG.EXE - R&M Configuration


Auto Calc Min Stock

When set to 'True', the program will automatically calculate the minimum part stock. Default is set at 'False'.

Auto Calc Ven Price

When set to 'True', will automatically calculate the a part’s current price based on the Vendor information provided. Default is set at 'False'.

Auto Vendor Bump

The 'Vendor Bump' option will, when set to 'True', constantly observe the prices of parts, based on Vendors. When your current default Vendor’s price exceeds that of another Vendor in your system for the same part code, your current default Vendor will be "bumped" into the secondary field, and the cheaper Vendor will become your default Vendor. Default is set at 'False'.

AutoMin Check Months

Sets the number of months used to calculate averages. Enter a number from 1-12. Default is set at '6'.

AutoMin Max

When set to 'True', automatically sets the 'Min Max' field to the value inputted. Default is set at '2'.

AutoMin Min

When set to 'True', automatically sets the 'Min Min' field to the value inputted. Default is set at '1'.

Default No GL

This setting works with the R&M Stock Receipts (RMSTOCK.EXE), R&M Work Orders (RMWO.EXE), and R&M Stock Adjustments (RMINVADJ.EXE) programs. On the GL tab in these programs, the user has the option of enabling or disabling the postings of journal entries to the General Ledger. If this config option is set to False then the 'No Journal Entries' flag is automatically unchecked in all three programs (when creating new records). This means Journal / GL entries are created (according to the Transaction Code’s CostInv setting) when posting Parts/Labour. If the user does not want Journal / GL records created when posting then they must manually check the 'No Journal Entries' flag before posting.

If this config option is set to True then the flag will be checked. (Default for this option is False.)


Mechanic GL to use shop code. The default is set at 'False' and the valid values are True and False. Setting this option to 'True' means that the mechanic general ledger is to use the shop code.

GL Sales/COGS use TO

This setting, when set to 'True', will use the GL Accounts based on the Resource Code specified in the 'TO' field. Default is set at 'False'.

OS Equip User 1 - 10

Labels 1-10 for Outside Equipment User. in the R&M Configuration program, you can access ten free format fields by using the <CTRL> - <U> key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form in the Power Unit Profiles program.

Part Code Superseded

This setting, when set to 'True', will allow the replacement of 'Superseded' Part Codes from all R&M Tables. Default is set at 'False'.

Note: This option was named 'Part Code Replace' in previous versions of TruckMate.

Part Search Max Num

Sets the maximum number of parts that are viewable when doing a Parts Search. Default is set at '100'.

Part Search Order By

This option changes the default 'Order By' (Filter) value for the Part Code Search function. Enter a valid RM_PART field name to search by. Default is set at 'PARTCODE'.

Part User Field 1 - 5

Sets the label of the user defined User fields. Enter a text string for the new label. Default is set at 'User Field #'.

Part User Number 1 - 2

Sets the label of the user defined Number fields. Enter a text string of simply an integer value for the new label. Default is set at 'User Number #'.

Rename "Cause"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Cause' in all R&M Programs.

Rename "Component"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Component' in all R&M Programs.

Rename "Driver Call"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Driver Call' in all R&M Programs.

Rename "Effect"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Effect' in all R&M Programs.

Rename "Jobs"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Jobs' in all R&M Programs.

Rename "Labor Code"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Labor Code' in all R&M Programs.

Rename "Package"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Package' in all R&M Programs.

Rename "Part Class"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Part Class' in all R&M Programs.

Rename "Part Code"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Part Code' in all R&M Programs.

Rename "Part Group"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Part Group' in all R&M Programs.

Rename "Remedy"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Remedy' in all R&M Programs.

Rename "Trace"

Enter a text string that will replace the word 'Trace' in all R&M Programs.

Tax 1 Exempt Labor / Parts

These two options can be used to default the 'Tax 1 Exempt' flag on the Labor Codes Tab and Part Codes Tab of the R&M Configuration program. Default is set at 'False' (not checked by default).

Tax 2 Exempt Labor / Parts

These two options can be used to default the 'Tax 2 Exempt' flag on the Labor Tab and Part Codes Tab of the R&M Configuration program. Default is set at 'False' (not checked by default).

RMINVADJ.EXE < - Inventory Adjustments Entry


No Sorting on Grid

This setting, when set to 'True', will disallow the sorting of records on the Parts Tab Grid, to avoid 'ghost' entries. Default is set at 'True'.

RMINVADJREG.EXE - Inventory Adjustments Register


Allow Inactive GL

This config option can enable error-checking for inactive GL accounts by any of the TruckMate 'register' applications. By default, this option is set to 'True', meaning that the register will behave as in past versions of TruckMate (i.e. no error-checking is done on the GL Accounts that have transactions processed against them).

If this value is changed to 'False' or 'Warn', then when a user clicks the 'Print Report' button, if any of the GL Accounts selected for the report are inactive, a pop-up warning will display, listing the inactive accounts. The reports will still print and the user can check the 2nd (GL) report to see which transactions contain the inactive GL Accounts. When the user clicks the 'Post' button, however, some functionality will be disabled (depending on if 'False' or 'Warn' is chosen):

  • If 'False', you will get an error message and you will not be able to post. (The error message will suggest possible solutions to allow posting).

  • If 'Warn', you will be asked whether you wish to post anyway (you may click 'No' to abort the post).

Note: This config option has no effect on a Reprint, as there is no point in error-checking transactions that have already been posted.

Subtotal GLTRANS Postings

If set to True (the default), then when GLTRANS records are created, all the GL transactions in the audit/register run are grouped/summed together by GL account and date (one lump figure per combination). If set to False, then the figures are grouped/lumped by GL account, date, and source transaction ID.

RMMAINT.EXE - R&M Maintenance


Complete SE Maint

When set to 'True', automatically completes the 'Maint' event in the Special Events program. Default is set at 'True'.

Create WO With Maint

When set to 'True', will create a Work Order when a Maintenance Assignment is made. Default is set at 'False'.

Ignore the shop code set in the special event

If this value is set to 'True', in R&M Work Order program, when the user adds and posts a maintenance job, if the shop code on work order is not matched with the shop code set up in Schedule RM, the information in the SE_DATA table will still be set as HISTORY and the RESULT will be filled as work order. Default is set at 'False'.

R&M Maint Priority

Sets maximum amount of prioritised Maintenance values that will be displayed. Enter a whole integer value between '0' and '100'. Default value is '50'.

R&M User for Maint

When set to 'True', uses the Repair & Maintenance user field information within the program. Default is set at 'True'.



Enable Inventory

When set to 'True', mechanics will have access to the 'Inventory' button on the main form of the R&M Time Clock program. When set to 'False', the button will not be available. Default set at 'False'.

RMSTOCK.EXE - Stock Receipts Entry


No Sorting on Grid

This setting, when set to 'True', will disallow the sorting of records on the Parts Tab Grid, to avoid 'ghost' entries. Default is set at 'True'.

Use Stock Header Date

When set to 'True', new Stock Receipts will use the date entered for the Purchase Order of the part, created in the AP Purchase Orders program. Default is set at 'False' (use current date).

RMSTOCKREG.EXE - Stock Receipts Register


Allow Inactive GL

This config option can enable error-checking for inactive GL accounts by any of the TruckMate 'register' applications. By default, this option is set to 'True', meaning that the register will behave as in past versions of TruckMate (i.e. no error-checking is done on the GL Accounts that have transactions processed against them).

If this value is changed to 'False' or 'Warn', then when a user clicks the 'Print Report' button, if any of the GL Accounts selected for the report are inactive, a pop-up warning will display, listing the inactive accounts. The reports will still print and the user can check the 2nd (GL) report to see which transactions contain the inactive GL Accounts. When the user clicks the 'Post' button, however, some functionality will be disabled (depending on if 'False' or 'Warn' is chosen):

  • If 'False', you will get an error message and you will not be able to post. (The error message will suggest possible solutions to allow posting).

  • If 'Warn', you will be asked whether you wish to post anyway (you may click 'No' to abort the post).

Note: This config option has no effect on a Reprint, as there is no point in error-checking transactions that have already been posted.

Subtotal GLTRANS Postings

If set to True (the default), then when GLTRANS records are created, all the GL transactions in the audit/register run are grouped/summed together by GL account and date (one lump figure per combination). If set to False, then the figures are grouped/lumped by GL account, date, and source transaction ID.