Booking Number Processing


In this window, users can filter down on booking numbers by Beyond Carrier and Departure Date, and also create the Beyond IP Records based on the Line Haul trip.


Toolbar Menus


This menu is a grouping of the tool bar buttons (the 'Refresh' button and the 'Print' button)


This menu includes one option only 'Beyond Carrier Reports' which opens the Booking Numbers Beyond Carrier Reports Window


This window allows the user to setup a Beyond Carrier Report. The user can assign a report for each vendor.

Field Definition

Report Definition Section (Upper Part)

This section is for defining the report attributes. It’s where the actual definition of the report takes place.


Select The beyond carrier.

Report ID

This an auto generated ID, it will be populated by the system.

By Trip

This option can be set to 'True' which means the report will be ordered by trip. Or it can be set to 'False' and the freight bill will be used in ordering the report.

Report Name

Enter a report name.

PDF File Name

Enter a file name for the PDF file that will be generated.

Allow Blank Export

If there is no data to report this option can be set to 'True' to export a blank report without issuing any errors.

Note: The Beyond Carrier report includes a SQL script for counting the exported records. The user can edit this SQL script if there is a need to do that. To edit the SQL script right-click on any report and select 'Set Export Check SQL'.

Linked Documents Section (lower part)

Image ID

Double clicking this field will open a filter, you can define your search criteria to look for the image you want link to this export. This ID will be used as the 'Index Number' for the Synergize Viewer option.

Image File Name

Enter a file name of the image of the linked document to be exported.

Image Type

This type is based on the selected image file. The Image Type will be used as a prefix for the image file name.

Show No Document Warning

The normal behavior of the system is to issue a warning if a linked document is not found during an export. If there is a need for suppressing the warning message for any reason if a specific document is not found, the 'Show No Document Warning' option should be set to 'False'. The default value for this option is 'True' which reflects the normal behavior.

Booking Numbers Section

The header part of this section is to select an Interliner and set the Departure date. The grid part allows the user to have Booking numbers grouped together by changing the group code using right-mouse on the booking number grid.

Group Grid

The Group Grid displays available booking number groups. Using Right Mouse Click provides some options to manipulate and handle groups.

Context Menu

Merge Groups

This option allows the user to merge groups together. This option is useful when you want to gather different groups of booking numbers together in one group.

Change Group Code

Selecting this option allows the user to change group codes.

Preview PDF Reports

When a PDF report is generated as a result of Booking # Processing, TruckMate handles the process in a two stage process. The first stage is to store the PDF report in a staging folder which can be specified using an application configuration option 'Booking Carrier Preview Folder' in Application Configurator Program > Interline Payable > IPIIPM.exe. The purpose of the first stage is to allow the user to review the PDF files before allowing the agents to view them. This option allows the user to review the PDF files before they become available for agents to view them.

Export PDF Reports

This option moves all files (including sub folders) from the staging folder as set in 'Booking Carrier Preview Folder' application configuration option to the web folder as set in 'Booking Carrier Web Folder' in Application Configurator Program > Interline Payable > IPIIPM.exe. In addition, this option allows the user to send an e-mail to the vendor and then create a PDF report and populate the Web folder for the vendor.

Mark as Processed

Selecting this option will mark the selected booking number group as 'Processed'.

Booking Number Grid

This grid displays details of available booking numbers.

Origin Hub

This is the hub where the shipment will leave from.

Dest Hub

This is where the shipment should go to.


This is the identity of the voyage that will carry the shipment


The cutoff is the amount of time


The date the vessel will depart the hub.


The scheduled time of arrival

Advance Carrier

The carrier assigned/hired to transport the freight from the shipping terminal to the shipping port.

Advanced Remarks

Remarks regarding the advance carrier. Any notes, clarifications or special instructions regarding the Advance Carrier are displayed in this field.

Beyond Carrier

This is the carrier assigned to transport the freight from the destination port to the destination terminal.

Beyond Remarks

Remarks regarding the beyond carrier. Any notes, clarifications or special instructions regarding the Beyond Carrier are displayed in this field.


This field displays the vendor.


This is a flag showing whether the booking number has been processed of not.

PDF Export Date

This field is the date a PDF was generated for the beyond carrier, which indicates the date the beyond carrier was notified by e-mail about the selected shipment.

PDF Reviewed

This field is the date the generated PDF was reviewed by the beyond carrier.

Job Completed

This is a time stamp to mark the end of the Booking Number processing. This is automatically populated when the automated process is finished.

Freight Bill Tab

This tab has three grids that show freight bill / IP information related to the currently selected booking number group. The left Freight Bill grid shows a summary of the bills group by the destination and end zone. The two grids on the right hand side show detail information about the freight bill.

The context menu for each grid is different, below are the distinct options available in all three grids:

Context Menu

Create IP records

Use this option ton create a single IP record.

Create all IP records

Use this option to create all IP records at once.

Create IP Consolidation

Use this option to consolidate IP records that belong to the same interliner one consolidation at a time.

Create All IP Consolidation

Select this option to consolidate all IP records by creating interliner-based groups of IP records then consolidate each group together.

Recalc Totals

Use this option to recalculate all totals base on new consolidations.


Select this option to re-rate the selected freight bill.

View Freight Bill

This option will invoke an instance in customer service to show the details of the selected freight bill.

Freight bills on each trip using the booking number must have IP records for the Beyond Carrier before the user can 'Mark as Processed'.

Trip Tab

The trip tab is a grid showing the vendor load summary. It contains information about all trips assigned to the selected interliner. The trip tab is very useful if the user wants to review a specific trip, or is concerned with the activity of the interliner on a trip level.

Context Menu

Carrier Assignment

This option invokes the Carrier Assignment component. The interliner can be assigned to a trip using this component.

Recalc Cost for All Trips

If this option is selected the system will recalculate the costs of all the trips for the selected interliner. The recalculation will take into account all consolidations and changes.