TruckMate 2024.2 New Features: Back Office

Required upgrade (TM-173710)

TruckMate 2024.1 and later requires DB2 version 11.5.9.

You must upgrade your instance of DB2 to this version before upgrading TruckMate.

AR Adjustments

Added ability to correct mixed currency issues in AR Inquiry and AR Aging (TM-170155)

Previously, if you posted a cash receipt in a different currency control account than the one the bill is in, an AR control account mismatch occurred. Only Trimble Transportation Support could fix this issue.

Now, there is a new security config under Security > Business Events - Allow Changes > AR - Allow Edit of A/R Adjustment Currency. If this config is set to True, you can change the currency yourself.

The Allow Edit of A/R Adjustment Currency security config.

As before, the app config AARAE.EXE - Allow Bal Forward must be set to True to access the Currency field:

The Allow Bal Forward app config.

The currency you choose still needs to be the same as the AR Control account that is selected.

Check Printing, Direct Deposit

Control ability to delete checks (TM-169578)

New Security Configuration settings in Business Events > Miscellaneous > Checks let you specify if a user can or cannot delete checks in Check Printing and Direct Deposit and if so, which checks they can delete.

The Allow Deleting Direct Deposit and Allow Deleting Printing Checks business events.

  • Allow Deleting Direct Deposit
    Affects the ability to delete checks in Direct Deposit. Valid options are:

    • Disallow
      Users cannot delete any checks.

    • My Direct Deposit
      Users can only delete checks that they created.

    • Allow
      Users can delete any check.

  • Allow Deleting Printing Checks
    Affects the ability to delete checks in Check Printing. Valid options include:

    • Disallow
      Users cannot delete any checks.

    • Allow
      Users can delete any check.

If Allow is selected, TruckMate looks at the value of the AP - Allow Clearing of Other Users Checks option to determine which checks users can delete. This option is on the Security tab under Business Events > Allow Changes.

The Allow Clearing of Other Users Checks business event.

Codes Maintenance

Enhanced the TruckMate Rating for the Brokerage Use Case (TM-159575)

Part of this work was done in earlier versions. See earlier release notes for details.

The Codes Maintenance > Zone Codes tab now shows more information if a zone that you are viewing is used as a Rate Base Zone in the Rates Maintenance > Rate Base tab.

A zone code with the Rate Base checkbox selected.

Similarly, if the zone you are viewing is included within the range of a rate base zone, the Zone Code of the rate base appears in the Rate Base Zone field. If included in multiple rate base zones, Multiple is displayed instead.

A zone code with its Rate Base Zone emphasized.

You can now increase your client charges based on a percentage of your carrier charges, without accessorials. This is enabled by two new tabs.

The first new tab is in Rates Maintenance under Vendor Information > Client Markups. This tab has a grid where you can configure client markup changes. These will apply wherever the vendor rate sheet is applied to a freight bill when determining the carrier payment.

The Client Markups tab.

The second new tab is in Rates Maintenance under Client Information > Carrier Markups. This tab has a simple grid where you can configure a global client markup charge. This will apply wherever the client profile is the bill-to party on a freight bill.

The Carrier Markups tab.

A new section in Customer Service under IP > Charges shows the original and adjusted markups.

The IP tab and the Charges sub-tab.

Vendor rating audits and logging were changed to capture this information in two locations.

The first location is in Customer Service under IP > Rating.

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The second location is in Customer Service under IP > View Rate Log.

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When a carrier is assigned in Dispatch or Multi Mode Dispatch, the client markup is calculated when the prorated charges are assigned to each freight bill in the manifest. At that point, each freight bill is checked for:

  • If the bill-to party of the freight bill is configured for a profile-level global markup.

  • If the vendor rate sheet used for the carrier assignment has a client-specific markup. If multiple rate sheets apply, this type of markup is not used.

Select Rate Log to see the log for each freight bill.

An example of a rate log for a freight bill.

The Billing tab in Customer Service now shows when client charges are being increased due to markups on vendor or carrier payments.

The Billing tab with the Markup (Base) and Markup (Extra) fields emphasized.

By default, markups are considered taxable. The app config Client Markup Taxable can be used to make them non-taxable.

Because the client’s total charges are being increased, GL Distribution was changed to set the GL account to be associated with IP markups. The GL account must be associated with a new PR004 GL type, IP Markup Revenue.

The Billing tab of GL Distribution with the IP Markup Revenue field emphasized.

The IP Audit program was updated to change the client markup amounts if the IP pay is changed. However, this cannot be done if a freight bill has already been interfaced for billing. Two new warnings were added for this scenario.

One warning tells you that the markups will be recalculated:

A warning that says: This Interline Payable record is associated with client markup charges. Adjusting the I/P will cause the markup to be recalculated.

Another warning tells you that, if the freight bill has markups and is approved for billing, the markups cannot be increased:

A warning that says: This Interline Payable record is associated with approved (or interfaced) client markup charges. Adjusting the I/P will not recalculate the client markup.

The IP Inquiry Import tool under Tools > IP Import Processing was also affected. If the freight bill linked to the carrier payment is already approved for billing or interfaced to the GL, client markups cannot be adjusted. In this case, the Import tool will populate a new error code:

An error that says: Record found but FB has approved for billing or interfaced to GL.

This situation will require you to use the "Manual Update" feature to force the carrier payment through. However, client markups will not be adjusted.

The TruckMate orders REST API’s GET method was updated to return the client markup charges as part of its body payload.

The Get method JSON code with MarkupBase, markupExtra, adjustedMarkupBase, and adjustedMarkupExtra emphasized.

Filter option for fuel prices (TM-168714)

On the Prices tab in the Fuel Prices window, a new Filter field lets you refine your search by:

  • Specific text in the Average Code field

  • A range of start dates

  • A range of current prices

Also, if you select Multiple Filters, you can specify two or more filters.

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Added the Applies to option to the Accessorial Charges settings (TM-170172)

In the Accessorial Charges section, Applies to sets what type of movement that the Accessorial Charge applies to.

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Applies to can have these values: Pickup, Delivery, Both, CrossDock, and None.

The details area shows the ACHARGE_DETAIL records for this accessorial charge code. The IP Movement Type column shows the type of movement that this ACHARGE_DETAIL applies to.

The IP Movement Type column.

IP Movement Type can have these values: Advance, Any, Beyond, Crossdock, Linehaul, and Other. When Applies to and IP Movement Type have conflicting values, the accessorial charge will never be applied.

  • If Applies to is None, then the accessorial charge is changed for all IP Movement Type values.

  • If IP Movement Type is Any, then the accessorial charge is changed for all Applies to values.

For example, if Applies to is Delivery, then the IP Movement Type values that do not conflict are Beyond and Any. Other values conflict. Therefore, the accessorial charge will not be applied.

If any ACHARGE_DETAIL records exist, then MOVEMENT_TYPE is verified. If it conflicts with the Applies to value, then you are alerted. If you change Applies to to the Any value, you have two choices:

  • Select Yes to change all MOVEMENT_TYPE values that conflict to Any.

  • Select No to make no changes.

The Applies to column in the Accessorial Charges section.

Made labels editable for two tables on the Users Fields section (TM-171148)

In the Custom Defined Fields > User Fields tab, we changed the Table Name menu. We added ORDER_INTERLINER and VENDOR_LOAD_SUMMARY to Table Name.

The User Fields tab with the Table Name menu emphasized.

We added a new setting, Label. The default is the Field Name value. However, if Table Name is ORDER_INTERLINER or VENDOR_LOAD_SUMMARY, you can edit the Label. The ability to edit this is currently limited to those two Table Name values, ORDER_INTERLINER and VENDOR_LOAD_SUMMARY.

We added the columns Label and Sync to the grid.

  • Label shows the value for the Label field.

  • Sync shows True or False to indicate if the UDFs match in the ORDER_INTERLINER and VENDOR_LOAD_SUMMARY tables.

Because the VLS (trip-level carrier assignment) and OI (freight bill-level carrier assignment) tables are closely associated, we added a feature to synchronize (sync) the user-defined fields in these tables.

When you save an edit to any user field for the VLS or OI table, TruckMate checks if you want to update the matching field in the other table.

A confirmation window that says: Update associated VENDOR_LOAD_SUMMARY table user field to match?

  • If you select No, then the user-defined field value for Sync saves False in the current table and the matching field in the other table. No other changes are made.

  • If you select Yes, then the user-defined field value in the other table changes to match the new value you entered in this table. Sync saves Trude in both tables.

One exception is if the Read Only value is set in one table.

  • If the other table is VENDOR_LOAD_SUMMARY, Sync is False.

  • If the other table is ORDER_INTERLINER, then Sync is True. In this case, the UDF fields for both tables are changed to match.

On the I/P tab in Customer Service, we added the User Fields tab. This displays all ORDER_INTERLINER user-defined fields. In the grid, these ORDER_INTERLINER fields are visible but read-only. You can only edit them in this new User Fields tab.

The IP tab in Customer Service with its User Fields subtab emphasized.

Added more site codes (TM-174247)

You can now add up to 50 site codes in Site Setup.

The Series dropdown list with 50 as the highest value.

Appointment auditing added for freight bill changes from EDI or the TruckMate API (TM-170902)

Before, TruckMate created status history records in the ODRSTAT table if all of the following were true:

  • Any of these dates changed for a freight bill while in Customer Service:

    • Pickup start/end

    • Delivery start/end

    • Pickup appointment required/made

    • Delivery appointment required/made

  • In Security Configuration, under Business Events > Miscellaneous > Customer Service, if the field value is Audit for Pickup/Delivery Dates and/or Pickup/Delivery Appt.

The option Add Trace Number(s) is now in the shortcut menu in filter mode. On the Add Trace Number - Freight Bills (Multiple) window, you can add or update one or more trace numbers for multiple freight bills.

Adding trace numbers to multiple freight bills (TM-171163)

A new Add Trace Number(s) shortcut menu option is available in filter mode. On the Add Trace Number - Freight Bills (Multiple) window, you can add or update one or more trace numbers for multiple freight bills.

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Quick Trace Number Entry window added (TM-171834)

Select CTRL+A to open a new Quick Trace Number Entry window to make it easier to enter trace number data.

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Data Purge

Added tables to clear out all expected data (TM-174416)

Nine tables were added to Data Purge: five main tables and four child tables.

The main tables are:



  • EDI_990_WORK



The child tables are:





Driver Pay Audit, Driver Pay Contracts

Added semi-monthly pay deduction frequency (TM-170840)

A new Semi-Monthly option has been added to:

  • The Deduction Frequency radio button group in Driver Pay Contracts

    The Deduction Frequency radio button group.

  • The Deduction Frequency field in the Memorized Driver Deduction window in the Driver Pay Audit application. To access this window, right-click Deductions > Memorize this Deduction.

    Memorized Driver Deduction window with the Deduction Frequency emphasized.

EDI Communication Manager

Specify one transaction set per envelope (TM-163813)

For the KNect outbound map, you can now select the One Tx Set Per Envelope checkbox if you want the EDI Communication Manager to create a single file when multiple invoices go out at the same time.

By default, this is not selected; therefore it sends separate files for every invoice.

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Export Wizard

Added new fields to the PROBILL output file (TM-174739)

When exporting data to the TCG LTL/Traffic Costing Info format, there are now three additional fields in the Monthly Shipment File:

The TCG LTL/Traffic Costing Info export type.

The Monthly Shipment File.

These fields are:

  • RATE_ROW_ID 41

  • Pickup Equipment 53V

  • Delivery Equipment 53V

The three new fields in the grid.

Fuel Card Data Import

Added the ability to import fuel and product purchases from Flying J Excel file (TM-173147)

Flying J Excel files can now be imported. This allows you to import fuel and product purchases from Flying J Excel files.

Added Flying J file format (TM-174468)

A Flying J - CSV file format (format #83, license 33083) has been added to Fuel Card Data Import.

A grid with data from a Pilot Flying J CSV.

The fuel purchases can be imported into:

  • Accounts Payable.

  • Driver Deductions.

  • Fuel Tax modules.

The rate precision in this format is six digits. Trimble Transportation recommends you update the app config APNE.EXE - Exp Rate Field Prec. Change the number of decimal places displayed in the rate fields from four to six.

Fuel Card Management

More record logging for TCH LoadCash call (TM-174019)

Extra logging has been added for the fuel card vendor TCH LoadCash call. TruckMate records successes, failures, and exceptions in the TCH_FuelVendorCard.log file.

GL Journal Entries

Added Resource Type and Resource ID (TM-172537)

Two columns have been added to Journal Entry Import.

  • Column I: Resource Type
    Valid values:

    • empty string

    • C – Container

    • D – Driver

    • E – Misc. Equip.

    • F – Freight Bill

    • I – Interliner

    • P – Power Unit

    • R – Trailer

    • T – Trip Number

    • V – Vendor

  • Column J: Resource ID
    Valid values:

    • TruckMate resource ID based on the resource type.

This is how they look during an import:

The Journal Entry Import window showing a grid of imported data.

This is the result of the import:

Imported data appearing in the Journal Entry fields.

Warn when a Foreign Exchange Currency Adjustment Batch already exists for the same year or time period (TM-174927)

If you try to add a GL transaction that has the same fiscal year, period, and currency as another transaction, a warning now appears.

The warning says, "The journal entries in the same year and period already exist. Continue?"

The journal entries warning window.

Select Yes to ignore the warning and add the transaction. Select No to return to the Period End Currency Adjustments window.

Imaging API

New configuration added to improve performance (TM-173950)

The IMAGING > Maximum Months To Search for API Application Configurator option lets you determine the maximum number of months within which orders can be selected.

The default value is 3 months. If you increase this value, it may affect performance, specifically for the tlorders and query/imagingtlorders endpoints.

Fixed invoice date not being updated in IP Audit Module (TM-174481)

Added remit date to Imaging API so that Synergize can update the invoice date correctly.

Several of the Card Import file formats do not have a unique row identifier (ROWNO). For these cases, TruckMate creates its own unique ROWNO. However, the dropdown list to select a field in the Key Column Definitions did not have this value. This could create a validation error if you attempted to change the definition. ROWNO was added to the list to resolve this issue.

Orders API

New billing resource added to the TruckMate REST API (TM-172301)

A new billing resource has been added to the TruckMate Rest API under the orders endpoint. This resource is currently read-only (accessible through the GET method). It provides billing-related information, such as markup charges.

Schema definition:

The schema definition.

Retrieve billing information for orders:

The GET method for order billing information.

New expand option:

The expand option.

Updated handling when original accessorial is disallowed (TM-172935)

The conditions for allowed client accessorial charge codes have been updated. This applies when the accessorial is:

  • Set as Not Active.

  • Set as a vendor code.

  • Set as Custom Code Only.

  • Set on the client’s substitution list as Disallowed.

For example, the FLATMANUAL accessorial code in this illustration will not be accepted because the Substitution Code is marked as Disallowed.

An accessorial charge with its Substitution Code set to Disallowed.

Payroll Configuration

Fixed issue with incorrect values for vacation pay codes (TM-173450)

Fixed an issue where the VACATION and VAC-EXP system codes were sometimes calculated incorrectly. This could happen if the Vacation Pay Default app config was set to False.

The Vacation Pay Default app config.

This issue applied to non-system Vacation Payout codes, regardless of if the Do Not Assess Vacation Pay checkbox was checked or cleared.

An example of a Vacation Payout code.

If a non-system Vacation Payout code has Do Not Assess Vacation Pay set to False, any dollars allocated to that code should be added to the total. The VACATION and VAC-EXP system codes are calculated using that total, including the amount on the non-system vacation code, regardless of the Vacation Pay Default config’s setting.

If a non-system Vacation Payout code has Do Not Assess Vacation Pay set to True, any dollars allocated to that code should not be added to the total. The VACATION and VAC-EXP system codes are calculated using that total, not including the amount on the non-system vacation code, regardless of the Vacation Pay Default config’s setting.

This applies to both US and CAN vacation codes.

Project 44 (P44)

New bill of lading type (TM-172726)

All load offers in Project 44 now include a BILL_OF_LADING shipment identifier. It has the same value as the customer reference number (freight bill number).

Rates Maintenance

RateWare density rating (TM-168268)

TruckMate now supports density rating from within RateWare XL.

The Dim Factor and Dim Factor Units options are now in the Tariff & CL tab.

The Dim Factor and Dim Factor Units options.

If a value is in the Dim Factor Units field, it is validated against the rate sheet’s rate unit. If they do not match, an error message appears.

For the Test Rates tab, we added the RateWare XL tab for density.

The Rateware XL tab.

RateWare XL density rating is not supported for vendors.

TMT Integration

Updated TMT integration to remove special events when RO is cancelled (TM-170401)

For the repair status download, the TMT service now checks for any special events linked to repair orders that have been closed or cancelled. If such special events are found, they will be moved to a history status before a special event for the new repair status is added.

TruckMate Windows Service Host

TMT message-level authentication support added (TM-174320)

TruckMate now supports SOAP message-level authentication in the TMT service. This change applies to all TMT integrations 23.1 and later.