Application Configurator



The Application Configurator is used to configure options for the programs listed. Each program has a unique set of options that control different aspects of the program’s function. Once an option is set for a program, it applies globally from that point forward.

To access Application Configurator:

From this location Go to

TruckMate Menu and TruckMate Task List

  • TruckMate 2023.x and later:
    Settings & Configuration > Application Configurator

  • TruckMate 2022.x and earlier:
    Utilities > Application Configurator

Windows Start Menu

TruckMate 20xx > Application Configurator

Windows Explorer

C:\Program Files (x86) > TruckMate 20xx > ConfigExplorer.exe

The list of programs on the left has two main nodes: Configuration Options for listing the programs and a small node section at the bottom of the list for listing the Date Tolerances.


Each node contains a list of program executable names and their associated set of configuration options. If you select the topmost node, Configuration Options, the entire configuration list for every program and application is listed.

If your application is configured to operate as a multi-company, you will have the flexibility to assign any given configuration option to a specific company, any number of companies or to all defined companies.

How Do I?

Edit Configuration Options

Configuration options are usually applied to the program when it loads, so any changes made will not appear until the next time the users load their programs. If you want your changes to be applied immediately, ask your users to log out and then back into their programs.

To change the configuration options for a particular program:

  1. Double-click to select the desired option and open the Edit Config window.

  2. Use the drop-down menu to change the settings for the selected option. If the valid value is a number, text string or some other value, enter it manually with the keyboard.

  3. Click OK to save your changes and return to the main screen.


Note: If you are on a multi-company database, you will see each of the values across your companies, and can change them all at once, if required, from within the Edit Options window.

Set Date Tolerances

Date tolerance options control how the three specified TruckMate programs limit changes to date values. The intent is to prevent data entry errors by users. If a date is entered or adjusted beyond the tolerance, the user a message box appears to warn the user the value is outside of the allowable range.

For example: If the date tolerances are set to '1 day' In Customer Service for the pick-up start and end fields, you adjust a pick-up date more than one day beyond today.

By default all tolerance values are set to '-1', indicating that tolerances are not enforced and any date is allowed.


To change the configuration for any of the programs listed:

  1. Highlight the program in the tree view panel. Date fields using the tolerance logic are listed for the program.

  2. Highlight and then double-click the desired date field option to open the edit configuration form.

  3. Click OK to save your changes and return to the main screen.

Save / Load from XML File

The ability to save the option settings to XML and load them from the resulting XML file allows you to transfer a desired set of option settings to other locations/machines/databases running TruckMate to ensure separate instances of TruckMate are running with the same configuration.

To save a complete set of the application configuration settings to an .XML file:

  1. Select the Tools > Save to XML File command.
    A typical Save As window opens.

  2. Enter the desired name and location for the .XML file.

  3. Click Save.

  4. An "Export completed successfully" message box is displayed.

To load the application configuration settings from a previously saved .XML file:

  1. Select the Tools > Load from XML File command.
    A typical Open window is displayed.

  2. Browse to select the desired the .XML file.

  3. Click Open.

  4. An "Import completed successfully" message box is displayed.

After completing the import, a new Imported Value column will be shown in the grid to allow visual comparison between new and old values and a different color is used to highlight which values are different.

Note: If a new application configuration option arrives in the XML, it will NOT be created in the database because only patches are supposed to do that, and only when the respective new version has been installed.

  1. Right-click over one option and use the Import this option function to move the desired value into the database.


The new value is displayed.


You also have the ability to import all the options associated with any specific program.


Menu Bar / Tool Bar

This topic describes menu and toolbar options and functionality that are specific to the Application Configurator window.

For information about common menu and toolbar options, see General menu and toolbar items.

File Menu

Menu option Toolbar icon Keyboard shortcut Description

Print Reports



Opens the standard TruckMate report selection screen. There are no standard reports written for the Application Configurator, so this is here to support any custom reports created later.

Tools Menu

Menu option Toolbar icon Keyboard shortcut Description

Find Option



Opens the Configuration Search window, allowing you to search through the entire set of options using a search string. The search includes the 'Program Name', 'Option Name' and 'Option Hint' fields.

Edit Option



Opens the Edit Config window for the selected item.




Refreshes the data from the CONFIG Table for any recent changes/updates to the options available in the Application Configurator program.

Load Application Icons

Displays the executable specific program icons instead of the generic TruckMate icon in the left side list of programs.

Load from XML File


Imports and loads TruckMate configuration options saved in XML format (created using the 'Save to XML' option).

Save to XML File


Saves the available configuration options into an XML format file which can be transferred to other locations/machines/databases allowing separate instances of TruckMate to run with the same configuration.

Export to TMW


Exports configuration information to TMW Systems.

Status Bar

The left side of the status bar at the bottom of the window displays the name of the program currently selected in the list of programs.

Configuration Options Grid


Option Name of the configuration option


Current setting of the selected configuration option.

Imported Value

Displays a visual comparison between new and old values. This column is only displayed if the 'Load from XML File' option from the Tools Menu was used and the contents of the XML file were exported successfully.

Note: If a new application configuration option arrives in the XML, it will not be created in the database because only patches are supposed to do that, and only when the respective new version has been installed.


A description of the configuration option and what is it used for

Value Hint

A hint to help the user select and enter the proper value


The 'Difference' field displays an asterisk (*) if there are differences in the configuration value setting between your companies (if using a multi-company database).

Last Modified / Last Modified By

These columns will are used for auditing configuration value updates. They show the date/time of a configuration change as well as the TruckMate user ID of the user that changed the configuration value.

Note: Configuration options are usually applied to the program when it loads, so changes will not appear until the next time the users load their programs.

Program Listing

This is an index of the programs currently associated with configurable options. Click a program for further help on the configuration options offered.

A - K

AMAN.EXE - Manifest Maintenance

APNCP.EXE - Check Printing

APNCR.EXE - Check Register

APNE.EXE - A/P Invoice Entry

APNI.EXE - A/P Inquiry

APNR.EXE - A/P Invoice Register

APPO.EXE - A/P Purchase Orders

ARATX.EXE - A/R Transaction Types

ARRA.EXE - A/R Inquiry

ARRAE.EXE - A/R Adjustments Entry

ARRAU.EXE - A/R Adjustments Register

ARRCE.EXE - Cash Receipts Entry

ARRCU.EXE - Cash Receipts Register

BILDIST.EXE - GL Distribution Set-up

BILL.EXE - Invoice Printing

BILLBR.EXE - Billing Register

BILLCONS.EXE - Billing Consolidation

BILLLTL.EXE - Statement Printing

BILTAX.EXE - Automatic Tax Calculation Set-up

CARDIMPORT.EXE - (Fuel) Card Data Import

CDCDMR.EXE - COD Payable Register

CFGCOMM.EXE - Mobile Device Maintenance

CHKREC.EXE - Bank Reconciliation

CHEQUE.EXE - Instant Check

CITYDISP.EXE - City Dispatch

CLAIM.EXE - Claims

CODES.EXE - Codes Maintenance

CODVIEW.EXE - COD Payable Audit

COMMGR.EXE - Communications Manager

COMMPRG.EXE - Communications Data Purge

CONBILL.EXE - Contract Billing

CONDEPOTBILL.EXE - Container Depot Billing

CONINV.EXE - Container Inventory Control

CONTAINERS.EXE - Container Profiles

COSTING.EXE - RP3 Costing Logic


CRRUN.EXE - Crystal Report Launcher

CSERV.EXE - Customer Service

CZARDATAIMPORT.EXE - Czarlite Data Import

D83IMPORT.EXE - D83 Data Import

DBSWITCH.EXE - Database Switcher

DCALL.EXE - Driver Call-In

DEDREG.EXE - Driver Deductions Register

DIRDEP.EXE - Direct Deposit


DLS.EXE - Dispatch Load Listing

DPE.EXE - Pallet Tracking

DRIVERS.EXE - Driver Profiles


EMPLOYEE.EXE - Employee Data

EQRENTALS.EXE - Equipment Rentals

EQUIP.EXE - Miscellaneous Equipment Profiles

EXCEPTVIEWER.EXE - Exception Viewer

EXTRACT.EXE - Extract Developer Comments

FA.EXE - Fixed Assets

FLEET.EXE - Fleet Profiles

GFS.EXE - Financial Statements Generator

GJE.EXE - GL Journal Entries

GJU.EXE - GL Journal Entries Register

GLM.EXE - GL Chart of Accounts

IMTRACE.EXE - InterModal Trace

IMSETUP.EXE - InterModal Setup

IPIIPM.EXE - Interline Payable Audit

IPIIPR.EXE - Interline Payable Register

KPI.EXE - Key Performance Indicators

L - Z

LANETREE.EXE - Crossdock Traffic Lanes

LATLONG.EXE - Latitude / Longitude Update


LOGBOOKS.EXE -TruckMate for Logbooks

LOGIN - Program Login

LTLBE.EXE - Quick Bill Entry

MACRODEF.EXE - Communications Macro Set-up

MAPVIEW.EXE - Dispatch Resource Mapping


MILESERV.EXE - Mileage Server

NOTES - Notes Pop-Up Form

ORDERPREPRO.EXE - Order Pre-Processor

OSD.EXE - Over/Short/Damaged Data Entry

PAYAUDIT.EXE - Driver Pay Audit

PAYCON.EXE - Driver Pay Contracts

PAYREG.EXE - Driver Pay Register

PAYSTMT.EXE - Driver Pay Statements

PHONE.EXE - Contacts & Phone

PROFILE.EXE - Customer & Vendor Profiles

PRREGISTER.EXE - Payroll Processing

PRSETUP.EXE - Payroll Set-up

PUNIT.EXE - Power Unit Profiles

RATES.EXE - Rates Maintenance

REPORTS - Program Reporting

RMINVADJ.EXE - R&M Stock Adjustments Entry

RMINVADJREG.EXE - R&M Stock Adjustments Register

RMMAINT.EXE - R&M Maintenance Manager


RMSTOCK.EXE - R&M Stock Receipts Entry

RMSTOCKREG.EXE - R&M Stock Receipts Register

RMWO.EXE - R&M Work Orders

RMWOREG.EXE - R&M Work Orders Register

SAFETY.EXE - Safety and Compliance

SECSETUP.EXE - Security Set-up

SPEVENTS.EXE - Special Events


SVCLEVEL.EXE - Service Level Maintenance

SYSTEM - TruckMate Global Settings

TAXJURIS.EXE - Tax & Jurisdiction Maintenance

TIMESHEETS.EXE - Payroll Timesheets

TRACE.EXE - Trip Tracer

TRAILERS.EXE - Trailer Profiles

TRIP.EXE - Fuel Tax Trip

TRIPENV.EXE - Trip Envelope Processing

TRIPGEN.EXE - Trip Generator Maintenance

WEBADMIN.EXE - Web Administration

WEBSERVICES - Web Services