HighwayMaster information


HighwayMaster Return Macros

The Field Types available for HighwayMaster Return Macros are configured using the Define HighwayMaster Datatypes function, accessible from the Macro menu of the Communication Macro Setup screen. The Data Type for this Field value is configured when you create the datatype. It cannot be changed here. The Return Actions vary according to the Data Type. For example, for numeric data types, only those fields that are updated with numeric data are available for selection as a Return Action.

You can use multiple fields in HighwayMaster Return Macros. However, if you use the same field in more than one Macro, you must use the whole group and it must be configured in the same order. This is because the link order is stored in the datatype (which is the same as a Field Type). For the same reason, when the Driver sends a Return Macro with linked datatypes, the first datatype must be selected and sent so that the order is preserved. The field that begins each Macro must be unique. For example, two Macros cannot begin with the same datatype.

None Data Type Return Actions

These return actions correspond to the Status Codes configured on the General Configuration (TL and LTL) tab of the Communication Manager program. They must be used in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number numeric field.

Arrived Consignee

Corresponds to the "Arrived at Consignee" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - TL configuration tab. This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

Arrived Shipper

Corresponds to the "Arrived at Shipper" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - TL configuration tab. This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

Arrived Stop

Corresponds to the "Arrived at Stop" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - TL configuration tab. This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

Completed Current Trip

Corresponds to the "Delivered / Trip Completion" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - TL configuration tab. This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

Depart Consignee

Corresponds to the "Depart Consignee" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - TL configuration tab This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

Depart Shipper

Corresponds to the "Depart Shipper" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - TL configuration tab This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

Depart Stop

Corresponds to the "Depart Stop" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - TL configuration tab. This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.


Corresponds to the "Dispatch Trip" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - TL configuration tab. This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.


Corresponds to the "Dock Trip" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - TL configuration tab. This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action. Additionally, the macro must contain a field with the Return Action of "Identify Dock Zone".

LTL Arrive Consignee

Corresponds to the "Arrive Consignee" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - LTL configuration tab. In order to use this return action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric datatype field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" return action.

LTL Arrive Shipper

Corresponds to the "Arrive Shipper" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - LTL configuration tab. In order to use this return action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric datatype field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" return action.

LTL Cancel

Corresponds to the "Cancel" field in theCommunication Manager program’s General - LTL configuration tab. When using this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric datatype field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" return action.

LTL Deassign

Corresponds to the "Deassign / Reschedule" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - LTL configuration tab. When using this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric datatype field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" return action.

LTL Depart Consignee

Corresponds to the "Depart Consignee" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - LTL configuration tab. In order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

LTL Depart Shipper

Corresponds to the "Depart Shipper" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - LTL configuration tab. In order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

LTL Dispatch

Corresponds to the "Dispatch" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - LTL configuration tab. In order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

Spot Trip

Corresponds to the "Spot Trip" field in the Communication Manager program’s General - TL configuration tab. This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

HighwayMaster Alphanumeric Datatype Return Actions

Equipment Location

Whenever a macro is received from a remote unit, the unit’s current position (latitude and longitude) in stored. When a return macro contains a field with the Equipment Location return action, the Driver can enter a Free Format comment that will be stored with miscellaneous equipment’s position. This comment can be viewed, along with the position update, in the Location History Report in the Dispatch program. The macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the Return Action of "Identify Equipment".

Identify Dock Zone

Is used in conjunction with the Dock Trip return action. When the Dock Trip return action is used, the macro must also contain an Identify Dock Zone field. This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field.

That is, in order to use this return action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

Identify Driver for Hours Update

Can be used to create an hours of service entry for a Driver that can be viewed on the Driver Call In program > Hours Tab. The macro must also contain a numeric field type with the return action of "Identify Date for Hours Update", and a numeric field type with the Return Action of "Update On Duty Hours"

Identify Equipment

Is used in conjunction with the Equipment Location alphanumeric datatype field. This field is used to specify the Miscellaneous Equipment ID Code.

Identify Freight Bill for Update

Is used to create a field where Drivers enter a freight bill number. Using this field indicates that the freight bill number specified should be updated with the other information contained in the macro (as applicable).

Identify Power Unit

Is used in conjunction with the Power Unit Location alphanumeric datatype field. This field is used to specify the Power Unit ID Code.

Identify Trailer

Is used in conjunction with the Trailer Location alphanumeric datatype field. This field is used to specify the Trailer ID Code.

Match Equipment

Will assign the miscellaneous equipment Code specified in this field to any unfinished legs on the specified Trip. This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use the Match Trailer action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

Match Trailer

Will assign the Trailer Code specified in this field to any unfinished legs on the specified Trip. This field works in conjunction with the Identify Trip Number field. That is, in order to use the Match Trailer action, the macro must also contain a numeric datatype field with the "Identify Trip Number" return action.

Power Unit Location

Whenever a macro is received from a remote unit, the unit’s current position (latitude and longitude) in stored. When a return macro contains a field with the Power Unit Location return action, the Driver can enter a Free Format comment that will be stored with Power Unit’s position. This comment can be viewed, along with the position update, in the Location History Report in the Dispatch program.

The macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the Return Action of "Identify Power Unit".

Trailer Location

Whenever a macro is received from a remote unit, the unit’s current position (latitude and longitude) in stored. When a return macro contains a field with the Trailer Location return action, the Driver can enter a Free Format comment that will be stored with Trailer’s position. This comment can be viewed, along with the position update, in the Location History Report in the Dispatch program. The macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the Return Action of "Identify Trailer".

Unmatch Equipment

Will cause the miscellaneous equipment Code entered in this field to be removed from any unfinished legs on the specified Trip. This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Trip" numeric action.

Unmatch Trailer

Will cause the Trailer Code entered in this field to be removed from any unfinished legs on the specified Trip. This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Trip" numeric action.

Update 3rd Contact

Will update the Other Contact name for the selected freight bill.

The Contact Name will be updated on the Customer Service program > Contact Tab, and the name will also be added to the Contacts tab in the Customer & Vendor Profiles program for the Other Contact Customer Code. This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. That is, in order to use this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action.

Update Bill of Lading

Is used to create a field where Drivers enter a Bill of Lading - type trace number. This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. That is, in order to use this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action.

Update Commodity

Works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. It will update the summary commodity on the associated freight bill by adding a new detail line with the commodity Code entered in this field.

Update Consignee Contact

Will update the Consignee contact name for the selected freight bill. This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. That is, in order to use this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action.

Update Customs Number

Is used to create a field where Drivers enter a Customs - type trace number. This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. That is, in order to use this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action.

Update Driver Notes

Will add Driver Notes to the selected freight bill. This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. That is, in order to use this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action.

Update OSD Notes

Will add OSD Notes to the selected freight bill. This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. That is, in order to use this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the Identify Freight Bill for Update Return Action.

Update Other

Is used to create a field where Drivers enter an Other-type trace number.

This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. That is, in order to use this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action.

Update Purchase Order

Is used to create a field where Drivers enter a Purchase Order - type trace number. This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. That is, in order to use this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action.

Update Shipper Contact

Will update the Shipper contact name for the selected freight bill. This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. That is, in order to use this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action.

User Trace 1 - User Trace 3

Is used to create a field where Drivers enter a trace number of the User Defined types (as configured in the Application Configurator program). This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. That is, in order to use this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action.

User Field 1 - User Field 10

Will update the User Defined fields for the selected freight bill. This field works in conjunction with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action. That is, in order to use this Return Action, the macro must also contain an alphanumeric field with the "Identify Freight Bill for Update" Return Action.