CrossDock menu bar and toolbar

As of TruckMate 2022.4, CrossDock is no longer available. Trimble still provides support for older versions.


Menu Bar/Toolbar

File Menu


image4 Closes the CrossDock program.

Multi-Company Menu

For more information on the Multi-Company options available from the Menu Bar, see the Multi-Company documentation.

View Menu

Select Terminal / Terminal Setup

image5 The Terminal Setup button opens the Terminal Selection window, where you can select a working Terminal. Click 'OK' to select the displayed Terminal as your working terminal and return to the main CrossDock screen. When you select a terminal from this form, the information displayed in the Freight Bill, Door List, and Yard sections of the screen will change according to the parameters of the Terminal Setup.

Select the 'Terminal Setup' button to add or modify the settings of existing terminals. For more information on the 'Terminal Setup' button, see Terminal Setup below.

Show Door Bills / Show Bills at Door Grid

image6 Selecting this button adds a Grid showing Bills at the Door above the Grid listing Bills available for pre-planning. You can remove those bills already assigned to the trip.

Window Menu

Show Log File

image7 Selecting this button opens the Crossdock log file.

(This option is also available on the Toolbar).

Merge Trips

Select this option two merge two or more trips from the Trips / Doors section into one Trip.

Find Trailer

Selecting this option will open the 'Find Trailer' window, where you must enter a valid Trailer ID. If you have entered a valid ID, that Trailer will become highlighted in the Yard Area section of the program.

Full Screen

Select this option (or use the <F11> key) to expand the CrossDock program window to toggle full-screen view.

Hostler Queue

Selecting this option will open the Hostler Queue Grid. This option is not available if your Terminal does not have any Hostler Users configured in the Security Setup program > Mobile Dock Users Tab.


The Hostler Queue window tracks the various stages of Trailer moves between TruckMate and a Hostler hand held communication device.

When completing Equipment Repositions from the Trailer Pool to the Trips / Doors section, the User will be prompted to add the Trailer Move to the Hostler Queue Grid. If the User selects 'Yes', the details of the Trailer Move will appear on this window.

Details of the Trailer Move will then be sent to the Hostler hand held device. As the dock personnel approve the reposition using the hand held device, the Trailer’s status will update on the Hostler Queue Grid.

Tools Menu

TruckMate Monitor

image9 Click the down arrow next to this button to access the various functions of the new TruckMate Monitor.

Remember Position / Size

Selecting this option will maintain the program window position and size upon close. When the program is re-opened, it will appear the same.

Reload Configuration Options

This option is only available when you are working with a Multi-Company database. Selecting this option will re-apply the Application Configurator program options to the application you are currently working in.

Only those config options that relate to application logic will be updated on the fly. Configuration options related to default selections (such as flags being checked/un-checked) will not update, as these configs are only checked when the application is loaded.

Generate Trips from Schedule

image10 Selecting this option will open a Calendar menu. When you select a date value from this menu, Trips will be generated based on previously configured Trip Schedules. See the 'Edit Trip Schedules' option in the City Dispatch program > Tools Menu for more information.

Edit Trip Schedules

image11 Selecting this option opens the Trip Schedules window, which allows you to create and modify Trip Schedules for your various yards. See the City Dispatch program > Tools Menu for more information.

Move Item

Selecting this option will open the Move Item window, which will prompt the user for an 'Item Number' and 'New Dock Location'. The system will then update the item inventory record to be in this new specific dock location.

IDSC Expert Fuel Advice / IDSC Fuel Request / IDSC Netwise

Selecting these options will open their (respective) external application (if available).

Help Menu

TruckMate Help

image12 Selecting this button will open the Crossdock topic in the TruckMate Online Help file (the page you are currently viewing).

Service Portal

image13 Selecting this button will open an instance of your default Internet browsing software, with the login page displayed.


image14 Selecting this button will open the standard TruckMate About window, which contains important information about the application you are currently using, including its version number (important for support calls).



image15 Select this option (or use the '<CTRL><F5>' hot key combination) to refresh all sections/grids of the Crossdock program.