Filtering freight bills and quotes

The Filter window displays freight bills and quotes that match criteria included in a filter that you specify. From this window, you can perform several different actions on one or more bills or quotes.

To open the Filter window, go to Window > Filter or click filter Filter.

If a filter has already been applied to the freight bill, the bills that meet the filter criteria appear in the Filter window. Otherwise, the Filter window is blank.

This illustration shows the Filter window with a selected filter (COMPLETE NOT APPROVED).


Double-clicking on any line item displays the freight bill or quote in the Customer Service main window.

To refresh the window’s contents, click Refresh.

This table lists filter grid column definitions. Columns are listed in alphabetical order. Depending on your system setup, your grid may contain additional columns, omit columns, or have different column names.

Column Definition

Additional Contact


Indicates if the bill has been approved (True or False)

Bill Date

Billing date
Note: Only freight bills that have been approved for billing have a billing date.

Bill Number

Freight bill number

Bill To

Bill To customer


Caller customer

Caller Contact
Caller Name
Caller Phone

Caller contact information as entered in the header

Care Of
Care Of Addr 1
Care Of Addr 2
Care Of Name
Care Of City
Care Of Province
Care Of Postal Code
Care Of Phone
Care Of Contact
Care Of Zone

Care of Delivery contact information as entered on the Contacts tab


Sum of all charges entered on the Details tab


Freight commodity


Consignee customer

Consignee Address1
Consignee Address2
Consignee Contact
Consignee City
Consignee Name
Consignee Phone
Consignee Postal Code
Consignee Province

Consignee address information as entered in the header

Created By

TruckMate user who created the freight bill or quote


Sum of all cube amounts entered on the Details tab


Bill currency

Current Status

Current bill status

Current Status Admin

Deliver By
Deliver by End

Deliver By date/time range


Freight bill mileage calculation as determined by Mileage Server Manager


Driver assigned to the trip

Effective Date

Effective date

End Zone

Freight bill end zone

Expiry Date

Expiry date

Extra Charges

Sum of all accessorial charges associated with the freight bill

IM Loaded

IM Type

Interline Payable

Last Batch To


Sum of all length amounts entered on the Details tab

Next Terminal Zone

Next Terminal Zone of the assigned freight bill

Number of Uses

Number of times this quote has been used

OP Code

Operations Code assigned to the freight bill


Sum of all pallet amounts entered on the Details tab

Pickup At
Pickup At Addr 1
Pickup At Addr 2
Pickup At Name
Pickup At City
Pickup At Province
Pickup At Postal Code
Pickup At Phone
Pickup At Contact
Pickup At Zone

Pickup contact information as entered on the Contacts tab

Pickup By
Pick up by End

Pick Up By date/time range


Sum of all pieces amounts entered on the Details tab

Pool Code

Pool ID

Pool ID assigned to the freight bill (if applicable)

Power Unit

Power unit assigned to the trip

Protected Charges

Quote Num

Quote number

Quote Pickup/Delivery Times

Make your selections manually or use an Application Configurator choice for CSERV.EXE entitled 'Copy Quote Date'.

Quote User1
Quote User2

Service Level

Service Level assigned to the freight bill


Shipper customer

Shipper Address1
Shipper Address2
Shipper City
Shipper Contact
Shipper Name
Shipper Phone
Shipper Postal Code
Shipper Province

Shipper address information as entered in the header

Site ID Over-ride

Start Zone

Freight bill start zone

Sun Nbr

Tax One
Tax Two

Amounts assessed to Tax Codes 1 and 2 on the freight bill

Total Charges

Sum of all charges associated with the freight bill, including accessorial charges, taxes, etc.

Trace No

Trace number


Trailer assigned to the trip

User 1-10

User-specified columns


Sum of all weight amounts entered on the Details tab

Creating and editing filters

If your system allows, you can create your own filters using Structured Query Language (SQL).

To locate an existing filter, click find Find and select a filter from the window that opens.

Working with bills and quotes on the Filter window

Right-clicking inside the Filter window displays a context menu with options that you can perform on one or more selected bills or quotes.

Approving freight bills

To change the status of a freight bill to APPRVD, do one of the following:

To do this Do this

Change the status of a single freight bill

  1. Right-click on the bill.

  2. Go to Approve > Approve This One.

Change the status of all freight bills in the window

  1. Right-click anywhere inside the Filter window.

  2. Go to Approve > Approve All.

Change the status of some freight bills in the window

  1. Press and hold SHIFT or CTRL and select each bill whose status you want to change.

  2. Right-click anywhere inside the Filter window.

  3. Go to Approve > Approve Selected.
    Note: If you change your mind, you can clear the selections by right-clicking inside the window and selecting Clear Multi-Row Selection.

If your system administrator has not set a default approval date for freight bills, the system uses the value in the Process Date field on the Billing tab. This value typically defaults to the current date.

Viewing changes made to freight bills outside of Customer Service

If you make changes to one or more freight bills in other TruckMate applications, you can see how those changes apply to your bills by using the Resave menu options.

You cannot use these options for bills that have been approved.
To do this Do this

View changes made to a single freight bill

  1. Right-click on the bill.

  2. Go to Resave > Resave This One.

View changes made to all freight bills in the window

  1. Right-click anywhere inside the Filter window.

  2. Go to Resave > Resave All.

View changes made to some freight bills in the window

  1. Press and hold SHIFT or CTRL and select each bill whose changes you want to view.

  2. Right-click anywhere inside the Filter window.

  3. Go to Resave > Resave Selected.
    Note: If you change your mind, you can clear the selections by right-clicking inside the window and selecting Clear Multi-Row Selection.

Recalculating accessorial charges

The Recalculate Accessorials options allow you to recalculate accessorial charges for bills that have not yet been interfaced through billing.

To do this Do this

Recalculate accessorial charges for a single freight bill

  1. Right-click on the bill.

  2. Go to Recalculate Accessorials > Recalculate This One.

Recalculate accessorial charges for all freight bills in the window

  1. Right-click anywhere inside the Filter window.

  2. Go to Recalculate Accessorials > Recalculate All.

Recalculate accessorial charges for some freight bills in the window

  1. Press and hold SHIFT or CTRL and select each bill whose charges you want to recalculate.

  2. Right-click anywhere inside the Filter window.

  3. Go to Recalculate Accessorials > Recalculate Selected.
    Note: If you change your mind, you can clear the selections by right-clicking inside the window and selecting Clear Multi-Row Selection.

Creating freight bills from quotes

Use the Create Orders options to create freight bills from one or more quotes displayed in the window.

To do this Do this

Create a freight bill from a single quote

  1. Right-click on the quote.

  2. Go to Create Orders > From This Quote.

Create freight bills from all quotes in the window

  1. Right-click anywhere inside the Filter window.

  2. Go to Create Orders > From All Quotes.

Create freight bills for some quotes in the window

  1. Press and hold SHIFT or CTRL and select each quote from which you want to create a freight bill.

  2. Right-click anywhere inside the Filter window.

  3. Go to Create Orders > From Selected Quotes.
    Note: If you change your mind, you can clear the selections by right-clicking inside the window and selecting Clear Multi-Row Selection.

Adding quotes to a freight bill pool

Use the Add to Pool options to add one or more quotes to a freight bill pool.

To do this Do this

Add a single quote to a freight bill pool

  1. Right-click on the quote.

  2. Go to Add to Pool > Add This One.

Add all quotes in the window to a freight bill pool

  1. Right-click anywhere inside the Filter window.

  2. Go to Add to Pool > Add All.

Add some quotes in the window to a freight bill pool

  1. Press and hold SHIFT or CTRL and select each quote that you want to add to the freight bill pool.

  2. Right-click anywhere inside the Filter window.

  3. Go to Add to Pool > Add Selected.
    Note: If you change your mind, you can clear the selections by right-clicking inside the window and selecting Clear Multi-Row Selection.

Other options

The following additional options are available from the context menu.

Option Definition

Edit This Quote

Opens a window in which you can edit the selected quote

Zero Out Selected Bill

If you are able to edit the freight bill, this option sets the bill to zero charge.