Pre-Paid Accounts Module



This report is used in conjunction with the Pre-Paid Accounts program (PPDACCOUNTS.EXE), and lists all Pre-Paid Accounts that are nearing their date of expiration.


This report is used in conjunction with the Pre-Paid Accounts program (PPDACCOUNTS.EXE), and lists all Pre-Paid Accounts, divided by the equipment they are attached to.


This report is used in conjunction with the Pre-Paid Accounts program (PPDACCOUNTS.EXE), and lists all Pre-Paid Accounts by their Account Type.


This report is used in conjunction with the Pre-Paid Accounts program (PPDACCOUNTS.EXE), and lists all Pre-Paid Accounts, as well as each Account’s transaction data. Note that this report can be extremely long if you have many Pre-Paid Accounts in your Database.