Working with parent and child accounts

This functionality is available only for Comdata and TCH users.

In a balance-based card setup, a trucking company receives a line of credit. From this parent account, the company can advance funds to one or more child accounts. Cards associated with a child account can only draw from the child account’s balance. The cards are not linked to the trucking company’s line of credit directly. In addition, the company does not control the use or management of the cards.

Setting up Card Management for use with parent and child accounts

To use parent and child accounts in Card Management, you must configure data and options in several TruckMate applications.

Security Configuration

On the Security tab, review and change the following options where needed for individual users. For more information on all Card Management options, see Setting up Security Configuration options for Card Management.

Go to Do this To

Business Events > Allow Changes

Select one or more of the following:

  • CARDMGMT - Allow Cancel of E-Checks

  • CARDMGMT - Allow Edit of Auto-Approve Flag in E-Checks

  • CARDMGMT - Allow Edit of Deduction Code in E-Checks

  • CARDMGMT - Allow Edit of Post Flag in E-Checks

  • CARDMGMT - Allow Issue of E-Checks

Enable a user’s access to e-checks

Business Events > Misc > Card Management

Specify an amount in the Cash Advance Limit Per Trans $ field

Limit the amount of money a user can advance per transaction

Specify an amount in the Cash Advance Limit Per Day $ field

Limit the amount of money a user can advance per day

Select Allow to Change Parent/Child Account

Allow the user to define an account as being a parent or child account

Deselect Allow Driver Deduction override

Prevent a user from overriding the creation of a driver pay deduction

Deselect Allow AP Invoice Line Item override

Prevent a user from overriding the creation of an AP invoice line item

Tabs Setting > Card Management

Select one or more of the following:

  • Child - Details

  • Child - Custom Def’s

  • Child - Notes

  • Child - Audit

  • Child Real-Time - Log

  • Child Real-Time - POS

  • Child Real-Time - E-Checks

Give users access to the Child interface features in Card Management

Codes Maintenance

Go to Do this To

View > Custom Defined Fields

Set up custom defined fields using these parameters:

  • Table Name: FC_CHILD

  • Program Name: CARDMGMT.EXE

Allow the user to record any miscellaneous information about a child account

View > Status Codes > Dispatch/Orders

Create a unique status code for each event listed at right

Have the system:

  • Trigger an auto-advance in Customer Service

  • Stamp the freight bill when:

    • a loading of funds is successful

    • a loading of funds is unsuccessful

    • a driver deduction is created successfully

    • an AP invoice is created successfully

You will specify these codes on the Child Settings tab when setting up e-check information in Card Management.

Driver Pay Contracts

To apply an advance to a driver, the driver’s pay contract must contain the driver code for advance funds and, optionally, the driver code for fees. Set this up on the Deductions tab.

Card Management

Follow the instructions in Setting up Card Management for use with real-time fuel vendors using the specifications indicated for parent and child accounts.

Driver Profiles

Once you have imported or created TCH child accounts, you can attach a driver ID to one on the TCH Child tab.


Required field: *

Field Definition

Account *

Parent account ID

If there is only one account in your database that is configured as a parent account, this value appears automatically in the field. If there is more than one parent account, enter the ID or click image23 Pick List to search for and select an account ID.

Child Account *

Child account ID. If you want, click image23 Pick List to search for and select a child account ID.

Auto Advance

When selected, the driver will receive funds automatically.

Advance %

If Auto Advance is selected, enter the percentage of revenue the driver receives when funds are advanced. Decimal values are allowed (e.g. 50.25).

TMW Service Host

Go to Add Service > TCH and configure the service on the Windows Service Setup window.

To start the service, right-click on the service in the leftmost pane and click Start.

Viewing and editing child account information

You view and edit child account information on the Child tab. To look up an account, click image22 Find and select an account on the window that opens.


All fields in the header and the Details tab are read-only except for the Status field. The system pulls this data from the EFS web server. You can change the status, but the account status will not update on the web server.

You can:

  • View, add, and edit custom-defined field information for the account on the Cust.Def’s tab

  • View, add, and edit notes on the Notes tab

  • View audit information on the Audit tab

  • View point of sale (POS) transactions, including funds advances, on the POS tab

  • View and add e-checks on the E-Checks tab