Fleet Profiles


The Fleet Profiles (maintenance) program is used to configure fleet data for the purposes of the Fuel Management module. After configuring fleets in the Fleet Profiles program, you assign Fleet ID codes to Power Units (in the Power Unit Profiles program). You can also use Fleet ID codes when creating Filters in the Dispatch program.

To access Fleet Profiles (Fleet Maintenance):

From this location Go to

TruckMate Menu and TruckMate Task List

Profiles > Fleet Profiles

Windows Start Menu

TruckMate 20xx > Fleet Profiles

Windows Explorer

C:\Program Files (x86) > TruckMate 20xx > Fleet.exe

Setting up Fleet Profiles

There are no TruckMate settings associated specifically with the Fleet Profiles program so setup is a matter of ensuring you have access to all the information you will need regarding which fleets operate within which registered jurisdictions.

Application Configurator for Fleet Profiles (None)

There are no Application Configurator options directly associated with the Fleet Maintenance program.

Security Configuration for Fleet Profiles (None)

There are no specific options available in the Security > Security Configuration program directly related to the Fleet Maintenance program.

Configuring Fleet Profiles for use in Fuel Management

  1. Go to Profiles > Fleet Profiles.

    The Fleet Maintenance program window is displayed.

  2. Click image2 Insert.

  3. Make the appropriate entries to these fields:

    Required field: *

    Fleet ID *

    Code assigned to units in the Power Unit Profiles program. (Maximum ten characters.)

    Base Jurisdiction

    Select a state or province code from the image3 pick-list to indicate the base jurisdiction for this fleet.

    Fleet Name

    A more descriptive name for the fleet.


    Enter a description for this fleet configuration.

    Address 1 / Address 2 / City / State / Postal Code / Country

    The administrative office address for this fleet.

    FEIN / Tax ID

    Federal Tax Identification Number or tax ID number.

    License #

    Fleet license number.

  4. Use the checkboxes to indicate the jurisdictions where this Fleet is registered.


  5. Use the Select All / Unselect All buttons to quickly select all available jurisdiction records, or to remove all selected jurisdiction records for the displayed fleet.

    Note: This list of Registered Jurisdictions for the fleet is for informational purposes only, and is not used anywhere else in the TruckMate system.

  6. Click image5 Post to save your entry.

The fleet profiles can be assigned to a power unit using the Fleet field on the Profiles > Power Unit Profiles program > Basic Info tab.
