Message tabs 309 through 997


There are several Tabs available within the EDI Communication Manager program, each of which details a certain kind of EDI Message.

In order to maintain a succinct overview of the functionality of each of these Tabs, only those details that are unique to each Tab will be outlined. For an overview of the common details, see the 204 In tab descriptions.

309 Out Tab

This transaction set can be used by Carriers, terminal operators, port authorities, or service centers to provide Customs with manifest data on cargo arriving in or departing from oceangoing vessels, railroad trains, or other types of conveyances. The transaction set can be also used by carriers to provide terminal operators, port authorities, or service centers with manifest data on cargo arriving at their facilities.

This Tab is used with eManifest. The 309 is the main manifest transaction set is sent to the CBP.

Production / Test

These radio options modify the Production / Test indicator in the Outbound file. Select the radio option for that best classifies your 309 Out EDI Messages.

Status Codes Tab


Double click this field to select a Status Code for use with your 309 Out Messages.

Manifest Type

Double click this field and use the pull down menu that appears to select a Manifest Type for the current Detail Line. Available values are:

  • P - Preliminary Manifest from Carrier to Customs

  • W - Original Manifest from Carriers to CBP for imports at land border

  • T - In-Transit Manifest

Used for US-CAN-US, CAN-US-CAN traffic where it is not consisted on the outbound move. This must be an Original manifest. This is for future use.

  • Y - Amendment to Manifest from Carrier to CBP

  • 3 - Delete Manifest

Amendment Type

Double click this field and use the pull down menu that appears to select an Amendment Type for the current Detail Line.

Amendment Code

Double click this field and use the pull down menu that appears to select an Amendment Code for the current Detail Line. Available values are '03', '18' and '24'.


Automatically populates with the Description of the Status Code you have selected.

Use Date Value

Select an option that will define which Date Value is used for this 309 Out EDI. Available values are: 'Status Change Date', 'Pick Up Appt.', 'Pick Up By', 'Pick Up By End', 'Latest Pick Up By', 'Actual Pick Up', 'Delivery Appt.', 'Deliver By', 'Deliver By End', 'Actual Delivery', 'Bill Date' or 'Date / Time Now'.

Hold for Audit

Double click this field and use the pull down menu to select a 'Hold for Audit' value of 'Never', 'Always' or 'When'.


Double click this field and use the pull down menu to choose an Operation modifier.

Date Field

Double click this field and use the pull down menu to choose a Date Field option for your 302 Out EDI. Available values are: 'CREATED_TIME', 'PICK_UP_BY', 'PICK_UP_APPT', 'PICK_UP_BY_END', 'LATEST_PICK_UP_BY', 'ACTUAL_PICKUP', 'DELIVER_BY', 'DELIVER_APPT', 'DELIVER_BY_END', 'ACTUAL_DELIVERY' and 'BILL_DATE'.

322 Out Tab

This transaction set can be used to provide all the information necessary for a terminal operation, port authority or intermodal ramp to communicate terminal and Intermodal ramp activities (e.g., 'InGates' and 'OutGates') to authorized parties to a shipment. Used in conjunction with TruckMate Container Inventory to transmit Ingate and Outgate notifications to the equipment owners.

Production / Test

These radio options modify the Production / Test indicator in the Outbound file. Select the radio option for that best classifies your 322 Out EDI Messages.

Rules - Send Update to Trading Partner When

If your Client has its own set of Customers that also require the 322 EDI Messages, this section gives you the ability to send a 322 Out Message to 10 different clients, for every status change on an order, if you needed to. Use the '+' button on the Navigation bar to add a new record, and double click the two fields to select values from a Search window.

Hold All In-Gate Messages

Check this option to Hold All In-Gate Messages.

Hold All Out-Gate Messages

Check this option to Hold All Out-Gate Messages.

350 In Tab

This transaction set can be used by the Customs Service (CS) to supply carriers, terminal operators, port authorities and service providers with cargo release and cargo hold information for import shipments. It can also be used by the CS to provide exporters or their agents, carriers, and service providers with information pertaining to export shipments.

This Tab is used with eManifest. The 350 is used to receive status information back from the CBP.

Problem Notification by E-Mail

This section allows you to setup the sending details for your outgoing 350 Email Messages.

Enable E-Mail

Check this box to enable the use of 350 In EDI Notification E-Mails.

Sender Address

Enter your Company’s E-Mail Address in the space provided.


Enter the Subject line for the 'Problem Notification' E-Mails that will be sent.


Enter the E-Mail Address of the party you wish to notify that there is a problem occurring.


Enter the E-Mail Address you’d like a Carbon Copy (Cc) of problem notification to go to. You can add multiple Users simply by separating their Email addresses with a semicolon.


Enter the E-Mail Address you’d like a Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) of problem notification to go to. You can add multiple Users simply by separating their Email addresses with a semicolon.

353 Out Tab

This transaction set can be used by Carriers to notify Customs of events concerning cargo moving in-bond, or of conveyance arrivals or departures. These events include the arrival of containers, or cargo covered by individual ocean bills of lading or in-bond numbers, which have moved in-bond to an inland destination or which have been exported. Carriers can also use this transaction set to notify Customs of the arrival or departure of a conveyance for which an electronic manifest has been filed and for the transfer of custodial liability when an in-bond movement involves multiple legs.

Note: This Tab is used with eManifest.

Production / Test

These radio options modify the Production / Test indicator in the Outbound file. Select the radio option for that best classifies your 353 Out EDI Messages.

Status Codes Tab


Double click this field to select a Status Code for use with your 353 Out Messages.

EDI Code

Enter an EDI Code in the space provided.


Automatically populates with the Description associated with the chosen Status Code.

Use Date Value

Select an option that will define which Date Value is used for this 353 Out EDI. Available values are: 'Status Change Date', 'Pick Up Appt.', 'Pick Up By', 'Pick Up By End', 'Latest Pick Up By', 'Actual Pick Up', 'Delivery Appt.', 'Deliver By', 'Deliver By End', 'Actual Delivery', 'Bill Date' or 'Date / Time Now'.

Hold for Audit

Double click this field and use the pull down menu to select a 'Hold for Audit' value of 'Never', 'Always' or 'When'.


Double click this field and use the pull down menu to choose an Operation modifier.

Date Field

Double click this field and use the pull down menu to choose a Date Field option for your 353 Out EDI. Available values are: 'CREATED_TIME', 'PICK_UP_BY', 'PICK_UP_APPT', 'PICK_UP_BY_END', 'LATEST_PICK_UP_BY', 'ACTUAL_PICKUP', 'DELIVER_BY', 'DELIVER_APPT', 'DELIVER_BY_END', 'ACTUAL_DELIVERY' and 'BILL_DATE'.

355 In Tab

This transaction set can be used by U.S. Customs to report errors and discrepancies discovered in the U.S. Customs transaction sets to ocean carriers, terminal operators, port authorities and service centers.

This Tab is used with eManifest.

Problem Notification by E-Mail

This section allows you to setup the sending details for your outgoing 355 Email Messages.

Enable E-Mail

Check this box to enable the use of 350 In EDI Notification E-Mails.

Sender Address

Enter your Company’s E-Mail Address in the space provided.


Enter the Subject line for the 'Problem Notification' E-Mails that will be sent.


Enter the E-Mail Address of the party you wish to notify that there is a problem occurring.


Enter the E-Mail Address you’d like a Carbon Copy (Cc) of problem notification to go to. You can add multiple Users simply by separating their Email addresses with a semicolon.


Enter the E-Mail Address you’d like a Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) of problem notification to go to. You can add multiple Users simply by separating their Email addresses with a semicolon.

358 Out Tab

This transaction set can be used by transportation carriers, terminal operators, port authorities and service centers to provide a list of bills of lading to be carried on a specific conveyance and trip number for which an electronic manifest has been previously filed.

This Tab is used with eManifest.

Production / Test

These radio options modify the Production / Test indicator in the Outbound file. Select the radio option for that best classifies your 358 Out EDI Messages.

Status Codes Tab


Double click this field to select a Status Code for use with your 358 Out Messages.

EDI Code

Enter an EDI Code in the space provided.


Automatically populates with the Description associated with the chosen Status Code.

Use Date Value

Select an option that will define which Date Value is used for this 358 Out EDI. Available values are: 'Status Change Date', 'Pick Up Appt.', 'Pick Up By', 'Pick Up By End', 'Latest Pick Up By', 'Actual Pick Up', 'Delivery Appt.', 'Deliver By', 'Deliver By End', 'Actual Delivery', 'Bill Date' or 'Date / Time Now'.

Hold for Audit

Double click this field and use the pull down menu to select a 'Hold for Audit' value of 'Never', 'Always' or 'When'.


Double click this field and use the pull down menu to choose an Operation modifier.

Date Field

Double click this field and use the pull down menu to choose a Date Field option for your 358 Out EDI. Available values are: 'CREATED_TIME', 'PICK_UP_BY', 'PICK_UP_APPT', 'PICK_UP_BY_END', 'LATEST_PICK_UP_BY', 'ACTUAL_PICKUP', 'DELIVER_BY', 'DELIVER_APPT', 'DELIVER_BY_END', 'ACTUAL_DELIVERY' and 'BILL_DATE'.

820 In Tab

The '820 In' transaction set can be used to setup a profile that will receive EDI messages to TruckMate that contain AR Cash Receipts program header information as well as all the Freight Bill numbers to be paid using the deposited check funds. This allows TruckMate EDI Users the ability to apply payments to specific Freight Bills and mark them as 'paid'.

License # 34100 is required for the use of the 820 In Tab.

Message Transfer Mode

Receive (FTP) and Process

When this option is selected, enter the FTP information in the 'FTP Configuration' area below. Then, you can transfer files via FTP before processing, or work with files found in transfer directory only.

Process File Only

No FTP available with this option. For use when you have another system that’s responsible for retrieving the files normally handled via FTP. Examples would be 'Gentran' or 'Mercadur'. There are a few options available where you can process and map these files to be anything you want. This would occur locally and the file would be dumped into the transfer directory (see below). Enter a specific file name, if applicable, into the FTP Configuration area. Once the file is processed (using the Process File Only option), the data is renamed and placed in the Archive Directory.

Message Format

Allows the selection of an MSI Standard (.DLL file) for use in configuring the appearance of your Messages.

'Custom' is a distinctive format for specialized circumstances and should only be used under recommendation of TMW Systems. The Message Format drop down will list 'MSI Standard' and any DLL’s available for the transaction set. The DLL’s must be in the same directory where the EDI Communication Manger program is being called from, in order to be recognized and utilized.

Transfer File Location

Transfer Directory

For usage, when you have another system that’s responsible for retrieving the files. Examples would be 'Gentran' or 'Mercadur'. There are a few options available where you can process and map these files to be anything you want. This would occur locally and the file would be dumped into the transfer directory. Also used for the FTP option as well. If files are sent or retrieved via FTP, this is the location the files are transferred from or to.

Archive Directory

Once a file is processed, a copy of it is placed in the archive directory renamed using the current date and time prefix as 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS<filename>'.

Update Frequency


Select the days you wish to use the program.


Enter your starting hour/minutes. You may only want to check for this Trading Partner at say, 8:00 am every morning, or perhaps every 10 minutes. Whatever time you wish to set up for this particular Trading Partner, should be entered here.


Enter the ending hour/minutes. You may only want to check for this Trading Partner at say, 8:00 am every morning, or perhaps every 10 minutes. Whatever time you wish to set up for this particular Trading Partner, should be entered here.


Enter the regularity of when the system goes out to check for work. For those using this 24 hours, you would set it to 1 minute. For Trading Partners you could set it for every 10 minutes, or once per hour, or whatever frequency you wish.

Last Update Occurred

Shows the date and time that the last update occurred.

Next Update

Shows when the next scheduled update will be, as per your frequency specifications. The next update option can also be used to set or reset the next usage date. (Double-click to view the calender) When processing, this date field value is checked. When compared to the current time (if equal to, or already exceeded) the process will begin.

This field is the only value evaluated for process firing purposes. All other update frequency fields are only used to establish the 'Next Update' date and time.

FTP Configuration

IP Address

Enter the Client’s IP address, or other FTP EDI processor information.

Login User

Enter the FTP Login name.


Enter the FTP Site password. The Client will assign you an FTP Username and password, and TMW Systems will supply this information.


If it is necessary to change to a different directory after logging into the FTP Site before transferring files, enter the directory name here.

File Name

Send the file name 'as-is' or enter any wild cards or file names here, or, if you prefer, just leave this field blank.

FTP Script Button

See the FTP Script window description above for more information.

Account Receivable Details

This section stores the Accounts Receivable GL Account information that will be used to store the incoming EDI Cash Receipts information.

AR Data Directory

This customized EDI 820 procedure will create an import file of AR data that comes in with the EDI 820 In message and will store the import file inside the directory path specified in this field.

Deposit To

Enter the GL Account of 'Bank Account' Type that will store the AR Cash Receipts information from the incoming EDI 820 In message. This bank account number must have a corresponding GL Account in TruckMate.

Payment Type

Select one of the valid AR Transaction Types that exist in the database for the incoming EDI 820 In data.

Email Notification

The Email Notification configuration section allows for the notification of an email contact when a new EDI 820 In message has been processed into the system.

Enable Email

Check this flag to enable the use of 820 In EDI Notification emails.

Sender Address

Enter your Company’s email address in this field.


Enter the subject line of the email that will be sent out upon reception of the 820 In message.

To / CC / BCC

These fields are used to add recipient email addresses for the 820 In reception message. You can add multiple Users simply by separating their email addresses with a semicolon (';').

Generate 997 (FA) Responses

Check this option if you would like to generate 997 'Functional Acknowledgement' (FA) EDI Responses.

820 Out Tab

The '820 Out' transaction set can be used to configure EDI messages from TruckMate for vendor payments from invoices posted from the AP Check register. Vendor Payment records for 820 Outbound can be viewed and managed in the EDIAudit program. To be able to view, audit and edit 820 Outbound messages through the EDIAudit program before they are sent to the vendor the 'Hold All Messages' option must be enabled (checked).

Note: License # 34101 is required for the use of the 820 Out Tab.

Message Transfer Mode

Create and Transmit (FTP)

When this option is selected, enter the FTP information in the 'FTP Configuration' area below. Then, you can send files via FTP.

Create File Only

No FTP available with this option. For use when you have another system that’s responsible for sending the files normally handled via FTP. Examples would be 'Gentran' or 'Mercadur'. There are a few options available where you can process and map these files to be anything you want. This would occur locally and the file would be dumped into the transfer directory (see below). Enter a specific file name, if applicable, into the FTP Configuration area. Once the file is processed (using the Process File Only option), the data is renamed and placed in the Archive Directory.

Message Format

Allows the selection of an MSI Standard (.DLL file) for use in configuring the appearance of your Messages.

'Custom' is a distinctive format for specialized circumstances and should only be used under recommendation of TMW Systems. The Message Format drop down will list 'MSI Standard' and any DLL’s available for the transaction set. The DLL’s must be in the same directory where the EDI Communication Manger program is being called from, in order to be recognized and utilized.

Transfer File Location

Transfer Directory

For usage, when you have another system that’s responsible for sending the files. Examples would be 'Gentran' or 'Mercadur'. There are a few options available where you can process and map these files to be anything you want. This would occur locally and the file would be dumped into the transfer directory. Also used for the FTP option as well. If files are sent or retrieved via FTP, this is the location the files are transferred from or to.

Archive Directory

Once a file is processed, a copy of it is placed in the archive directory renamed using the current date and time prefix as 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS<filename>'.

Update Frequency


Select the days you wish to use the program.


Enter your starting hour/minutes. You may only want to send information to this Trading Partner at say, 8:00 am every morning, or perhaps every 10 minutes. Whatever time you wish to set up for this particular Trading Partner, should be entered here.


Enter the ending hour/minutes. You may only want to send to this Trading Partner at say, 8:00 am every morning, or perhaps every 10 minutes. Whatever time you wish to set up for this particular Trading Partner, should be entered here.


Enter the regularity of when the system goes out to check for work. For those using this 24 hours, you would set it to 1 minute. For Trading Partners you could set it for every 10 minutes, or once per hour, or whatever frequency you wish.

Last Update

Shows the date and time that the last update occurred.

Next Update

Shows when the next scheduled update will be, as per your frequency specifications. The next update option can also be used to set or reset the next usage date. (Double-click to view the calender) When processing, this date field value is checked. When compared to the current time (if equal to, or already exceeded) the process will begin.

This field is the only value evaluated for process firing purposes. All other update frequency fields are only used to establish the 'Next Update' date and time.

FTP Configuration

IP Address

Enter the Trading Partner’s IP address, or other FTP EDI processor information.

Login User

Enter the FTP Login name.


Enter the FTP Site password. Assign a Username and a password to your trading partner to access your (FTP) site.


If it is necessary to change to a different directory after logging into the FTP Site before transferring files, enter the directory name here.

File Name

Send the file name 'as-is' or enter any wild cards or file names here, or, if you prefer, just leave this field blank.

FTP Script Button

See the FTP Script window description above for more information.

Production / Test

This radio button group enables the user to run this process in a test environment by selecting the test radio button.

Hold All Messages

Selecting this radio button will hold any 820 Out EDI messages (put it on-hold) until the user decides to un-hold it through the EDIAudit program.

990 In Tab

The EDI 990 In message set is reserved for when the Interliner/Carrier/Trading Partner accepts an offered load. The status entered on this Tab is what the Freight Bill will be set to when it is confirmed to be accepted or declined.

The 990 In EDI is optional in the load offer process, as a 990 In requires a 204 Out, but a 204 Out DOES NOT require a 990 In.

990 Out Tab

This transaction set can be used to provide general information relative to a specific shipment. The Response to a Load Tender is used as the response to a Motor Carrier Load Tender Transaction Set (204) which has been used as a load tender. Used for sending the Load Offer response to the (inbound) 204 received from a shipper / customer.

Accepted Orders

These options apply to Orders that have been accepted. Check the 'Notification Required' checkbox to allow for Outgoing 'Accepted' Messages, and then select a 'Method', either '990 EDI' or 'E-Mail'.

Rejected Orders

The Rejected Orders section applies to Orders that have been rejected. Check the 'Notification Required' checkbox to allow for Outgoing 'Accepted' Messages, and then select a 'Method', either '990 EDI' or 'E-Mail'.

Original Load Tenders

Place a check in the checkbox to use this option.

Updated Load Tenders

Place a check in the checkbox to use this option.

Cancelled Load Tenders

Place a check in the checkbox to use this option.

Mail Configuration Tab

This Tab allows you to setup your basic E-Mail configuration options for use with the 990 Outbound EDI Messages. Enter your Company’s E-Mail address in the first field, and then the Client Addresses in the 'To', 'Cc' and 'Bcc' fields.

Acceptance Mail

Allows you to configure the appearance of your 'Accepted Order' Messages. Enter a 'Subject' in the first field and then enter the Message body by typing it into the space provided.

Rejection Mail

Allows you to configure the appearance of your 'Rejected Order' Messages. Enter a 'Subject' in the first field and then enter the Message body by typing it into the space provided.

997 In Tab

This transaction set can be used to define the control structures for a set of acknowledgments to indicate the results of the syntactical analysis of the electronically encoded documents. The encoded documents are the transaction sets, which are grouped in functional groups, used in defining transactions for business data interchange. This standard does not cover the semantic meaning of the information encoded in the transaction sets. Used for receiving 'Functional Acknowledgments (FA)' from any entity who an EDI transaction set was sent to.

Problem Notification by E-Mail

This section allows you to setup the sending details for your outgoing 997 Email Messages.

Enable E-Mail

Check this box to enable the use of 997In EDI Notification E-Mails.

Sender Address

Enter your Company’s E-Mail Address in the space provided.


Enter the Subject line for the 'Problem Notification' E-Mails that will be sent.


Enter the E-Mail Address of the party you wish to notify that there is a problem occurring.


Enter the E-Mail Address you’d like a Carbon Copy (Cc) of problem notification to go to. You can add multiple Users simply by separating their Email addresses with a semicolon.


Enter the E-Mail Address you’d like a Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) of problem notification to go to. You can add multiple Users simply by separating their Email addresses with a semicolon.

997 Out Tab

This transaction set can be used to define the control structures for a set of acknowledgments to indicate the results of the syntactical analysis of the electronically encoded documents. The encoded documents are the transaction sets, which are grouped in functional groups, used in defining transactions for business data interchange. This standard does not cover the semantic meaning of the information encoded in the transaction sets. Used for sending 'Functional Acknowledgments (FA)' to any entity an EDI transaction set was received from.

Component Separator

Choose the symbol you would like to use to separate the 'Components' of your 997 Out EDI Messages.

Element Separator

Choose the symbol you would like to use to separate the 'Elements' of your 997 Out EDI Messages.

Segment Separator

Choose the symbol you would like to use to separate the 'Segments' of your 997 Out EDI Messages.

Production / Test

These radio options modify the Production / Test indicator in the Outbound file. Select the radio option for that best classifies your 997 Out EDI Messages.