TruckMate 2022.1 New Features: Back Office

Required upgrade (TM-162557)

TruckMate 2022.x and later requires DB2 version 11.5.6.

You must upgrade your instance of DB2 to this version before upgrading TruckMate.

Support for DB2 version 11.1.3 ended as of TruckMate 2021.4.

TruckMate versions 2022.1 and 2022.2 have been released as a single upgrade package available for download on the Trimble Transportation Client Center.

TruckMate version 2022.1 is not available as a stand-alone download.

If you are upgrading to TruckMate 2022.2 from an earlier version, review the Release Notes and New Features Guides for this version, along with those for all the versions in between.

For example, if you are currently using TruckMate 2020.3 and you want to upgrade to 2022.2, review the materials available for versions 2020.4 through 2022.2.

AP Invoice Entry

Tax Incl options changed (TM-136614)

Previously, the Tax 1 Incl and Tax 2 Incl options were checkboxes. Now, they are buttons.

TM 136614 221

AR Cash Receipts, AR Inquiry

Tooltips added (TM-124352)

Now, tooltips appear when you hover your mouse over filter fields.

TM 124352 221a

TM 124352 221b

Check Register

Added check posting information option (TM-159694)

In Application Configurator, a new Commit Each Trans option has been added. It lets you determine what happens in Check Register when a user posts multiple checks (at least one of which is "good").

If set to True:

  • The Information window displays individual process results.

    TM 159694 221a

  • The results appear in the Check Register Windows service log file.

    TM 159694 221b

If set to False, the Information window does not display individual results.

TM 159694 221c

Codes Maintenance

New estimated delivery date calculation method (TM-157514)

Now, TruckMate calculates estimated delivery dates based on recorded service days for:

  • Delivery terminal

  • End zone

  • Beyond interliner

On the Service Failure Codes tab, delivery offset values are now measured in days. The Hours and Minutes fields in the Delivery Offset Time Adjustment window are no longer available.

TM 157514 221a

In addition, Service Level Matrix logs now include estimated delivery date calculations.

In this illustration, two calculations took place:

  1. The date changed from Thursday, April 28, 2022 to Friday, April 29, 2022.

  2. Because the vendor’s service days did not include weekends, the date changed from Friday, April 29, 2022 to Monday, May 2, 2022.

TM 157514 221b

Container Depot Configuration, Container Inventory Control

Improved window usability (TM-152951)

Changes made to the Container Depot Configuration and Container Inventory Control windows include:

  • Description field added to the Depot Rate Setup tab

  • Abbreviations spelled out

  • New warning message

TM 152951 221a

TM 152951 221b

Customer Service

Set contact type in Windows Registry (TM-160487)

Now, you can define and save the contact type in Windows Registry. TruckMate uses the value as the default in:

  • Caller

  • Shipper

  • Consignee

  • Other Contact

  • Pickup At

  • Care of Delivery

TM 160487 221

New Default Quote Days Application Configurator option (TM-161992)

The Default Quote Days option replaces the Default Quote Period option. It lets you set an exact number of quote expiry days.

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of TruckMate, a patch is available.

  • It transfers your existing Default Quote Period values, as shown in this table.

Old Default Quote Period value New Default Quote Days value (in days)







  • It removes the Default Quote Period option.

Driver Profiles

Improved Pay/Remuneration section layout (TM-156296)

Changes made to the Pay/Remuneration tab include:

  • Grouping of items that are logically related

  • Elements realigned and/or extended

  • Tabbing order fixed

TM 156296 221

Buttons added to toolbar (TM-156299)

The Driver Profiles toolbar now contains:

  • TM 156299 221a Special Events

  • TM 156299 221b Mileage Profile

  • TM 156299 221c Create Shifts

TM 156299 221d


Wildcard feature added to Commodity Description validation (TM-160880)

A column has been added to the Validation tab on the eManifest Defaults & Settings window. With it, you can now refine validation rules using criteria you specify.

TM 160880 221

Benefits of this feature include:

  • Previously, you could only enter exact values. For example, if you defined ABC as unacceptable, eManifest would still accept ABCD.

    Now, if you select Starts with the characters and ABC, eManifest rejects any description that starts with ABC.

  • Previously, eManifest ignored values in the upper (unacceptable) grid if:

    • Validate against Unacceptable Commodity Descriptions below was selected and

    • Validate against Acceptable Commodity Descriptions below was selected

    Now, eManifest validates descriptions based on the values in the upper grid first. For example, if you define ABC as unacceptable and ABCD as acceptable, eManifest rejects ABCD.

  • Previously, if an ACE or ACI record had a defined commodity description, eManifest displayed an error message if:

    • Validate against Unacceptable Commodity Descriptions below was not selected and

    • Validate against Acceptable Commodity Descriptions below was selected

    Now, eManifest will accept the record if the Customs value in the lower grid is CA (for ACE records) or US (for ACI records).

Nonexistent power unit IDs allowed in Vehicle tab (TM-161109)

Previously, the only power unit IDs allowed in the Vehicle tab were those that existed in the power unit’s profile.

Now, you can:

  • Enter a power unit ID that does not yet exist in the power unit’s profile.

  • Use the Codes Validation options to tell eManifest how to handle nonexistent power user IDs when saving manifests. The validation takes place before TruckMate saves the ID in the database.

TM 161109 221

Hazmat contact details pulled from Customer Service (TM-160889)

If hazardous materials contact information exists for a freight bill, eManifest now adds it to the bill of lading automatically.

To add contact information in Customer Service:

  1. In the Dang. Goods tab, enter a value in the UN Number column. This identifies your detail items as Dangerous Goods.

  2. Add contact information in the corresponding Contact Name and Contact Number columns.

    TM 160889 221a

In eManifest, add your bill of lading.

TM 160889 221b

The contact information you specified appears in the Hazardous Materials tab automatically.

TM 160889 221c

Fixed Assets

Added 100% bonus claim amount option (TM-159661)

In the IRS Options tab, the Bonus Claim Amount field is available when you enter values in these fields:

  • In Service From/To (header)

  • Date (Acquisition tab)

Now, if the values in these fields are between September 28, 2017 and January 1, 2023, you can enter 100% in the Bonus Claim Amount field.

TM 159661 221

Imaging API

Tolerance limit override (TM-161252)

A new optional parameter in the POST /interlinerpayables/approve endpoint lets you override the tolerance by a dollar amount.

TM 161252 221

Intermodal Configuration

New Application Configurator option (TM-161365)

The Force New Empty FB Status To Site Status option determines the initial status of an empty intermodal freight bill.

If set to False (default), the status comes from the original intermodal freight bill.

If set to True, the status is equal to the value in the Availability Status field. This field is in the Codes Maintenance Site tab.

Invoice Print

Improved window layout (TM-156373)

Among other changes, you can now view more filters in the Invoice Print window.

TM 156373 221

Rates Maintenance

Security options added (TM-157960)

A Rate Maintenance tab has been added to the Business Events - Misc section in Security Configuration. The options let you restrict the types of rate sheets that users see.

TM 157960 221

Updated rating functionality for requested equipment (TM-160516)

For sheets of type List, TruckMate now checks Requested Equipment values against the value defined for the freight bill in Customer Service.

This feature is useful when the client’s requested container is the basis for the rating (as opposed to the carrier’s container).

TM 160516 221

TM 160516 221b

Columns, lookups added to rate sheet search (TM-162072)

Now, the Select Rate Sheet window contains these columns:

  • Sheet Class

  • Base Rate

  • Commodity

  • Commodity Code

  • Equipment Header

Also, yes/no lookups have been added to:

  • Attached Client

  • Attached Vendors

  • Attached Acc. Charges

TM 162072 221a

TM 162072 221b

Field labels changed (TM-162073)

The following field labels have been changed for clarity.

Old labels New labels

TM 162073 221a

TM 162073 221b

R&M Configuration

Enhanced R&M VMRS code import functionality (TM-138845)

In the PG tab:

  • The Description field now displays up to 120 characters.

  • New Obsolete and Comment columns let you enter more information about a code. For example, if the value in the Obsolete column is True, you can enter an alternate code in the Comment column.

TM 138845 221

Safety and Compliance

Security options added (TM-155708)

Safety and Compliance tabs have been added to the Tabs Setting section in Security Configuration.

TM 155708 221