TruckMate 2024.2 New Features: Web/APIs

Required upgrade (TM-173710)

TruckMate 2024.1 and later requires DB2 version 11.5.9.

You must upgrade your instance of DB2 to this version before upgrading TruckMate.

The TruckMate ART Server is a high-performance, multi-threaded HTTP server running TruckMate API services designed using Representational State Transfer (RESTful) API principles.

The ART Server currently supports the following public APIs:

  • TruckMate REST API Bundle

  • Master Data APIs

  • Imaging

  • Freight Bill Import (deprecated)

  • Profile Import (deprecated)

Freight Bill Import and Profile Import were deprecated in March 2024. These APIs will be removed in TruckMate 2025.2. Customers should convert to REST and MasterData APIs.

The API release notes cover all changes made to all TruckMate public APIs.

TruckMate API

The TruckMate REST APIs are a comprehensive set of RESTful services, allowing developers to integrate TruckMate with custom or third-party applications, automate tasks, and much more.

Some ways you can use these APIs include:

  • Internal systems: Share data and streamline internal business processes

  • External data sharing and connection: Share TruckMate data with third party systems

  • Application integrations: Access TruckMate data in real time

  • Embedded content: Request TruckMate data to include onto your site

Available endpoints and methods differ depending on the license keys and authorization methods used.

To use the TruckMate REST APIs, we recommend upgrading directly to the latest version of TruckMate instead of an earlier release. This gives you access to the most current, improved, and expanded set of API methods and endpoints.

The following additional information is available on the Trimble Transportation Learning Center:

These tables list issues in numerical order by case number.

Orders API

Case Issue Case Name Description


TM Orders API - POST to /interliners with minimal info not working correctly

Trips API

Case Issue Case Name Description


REST API - GET /trips is not an accurate Trip Stops snapshot

Fixed an issue where the resources allocated to stops returned by the Trips API was not consistent with stop data in the trip optimizer.


IMP-05: Add "Travel Mode" Parameter to GET trips/carriers Endpoint


tm/trips - Duplicate records are being returned by TMS_TRIP view

Fixed an issue where duplicate trips were being returned by the trips API GET method. Also improved efficiency of the trips API when the $select parameter is used.


Memory leak in ART

Fixed memory allocation issues that affected the orders and trips functionality in the TruckMate REST API.


Update GET/trips?expand=orders

Added support for expanding orders, billToCustomer, caller, careOf, pickupAt, shipper, statusHistory, traceNumbers, resources from GET trips, and GET trips/tripNumber endpoints.

Master Data API

The Master Data management API allows an external system to create, retrieve, update, or delete TruckMate configuration data. Some data types include client, vendor, and driver profiles, as well as sites, zones, commodity codes, and so on.

Case Issue Case Name Description


masterData - PUT /vendors/:vendorId - update new fields

Added support for the following fields in the PUT vendors/vendorId endpoint in the masterData API:

  • faxNotify

  • email

  • terminalZone

  • applyTax1

  • applyTax2

  • allowPopupNotes

  • theNote

  • user1 through user10.


masterData - PUT /vendors/:vendorId/customDefs/:customDefId


masterData - DELETE /vendors/:vendorId/customDefs

Added support for the DELETE method for the /vendors/:vendorId/customDefs endpoint in the masterData REST API.


masterData - POST /drivers

Added support for POST /drivers and PUT /drivers/:driverId endpoints in the masterData REST API.


masterData - DELETE /drivers/:driverId

Added support for the DELETE method on the drivers/:driverId endpoint in the masterData REST API, which allows for the deletion of a driver record.

Other APIs

Case Issue Case Name Description


POST /orderCustomsData - Autopopulation of cargoControlNumber and improvements needed around validation

Added logic for the cargoControlNumber field to populate automatically if not provided in the request body for POST /orderCustomsData endpoint.


POST /ordersCustomsData - Add isDefaultBroker to POST request body

Added the isDefaultBroker field to the request body for the POST /orderCustomsData endpoint which allows for a customs broker to be designated as the default when creating the order customs information record.


Error when recreating Shipping Instruction via API


SQL Error when re-adding Shipping Instruction via API

Fixed an issue where an SQL error was encountered when using POST to re-add a ship instruction that had been previously removed from an order. The SQL error would be encountered if any custom triggers exist on the related shipping instructions table (TLSHIPINSTRUCT).


PUT /ordersCustomsData/customsId - Add isDefaultBroker to PUT request body

Added isDefaultBroker field to the PUT orderCustomsData/customsId endpoint, which allows a customs broker record to be set as the default when updating an order customs information record.


Case Issue Case Name Description


500 internal server error encountered when validating bill number in Claims Wizard

Fixed a 500 internal server (PHP) error when attempting to validate a bill number in the claims wizard.


Upgrade Apache to 2.4.58 VS17


TM4Web bill details from Summary error with French language site

Fixed an issue where web administration configuration settings are not reflected when switching between English and French languages in TM4Web.


Security processing failed with reason "24" error when trying to use a password containing special characters to run TM4Web

Fixed an issue where TM4Web connection to the database was failing using PHP 8.2 if special characters were found in the password used in the configuration file (config.msw).


Unable to load Rate Quote History in TM4Web

Fixed an issue where selecting a historical rate quote was not populating the rate quote page with the related data if the details grid was configured to contain the dangerous goods field.


TM4Web - 500 error when loading rate quote page using source guardian encoded build

Fixed an encoding issue that was resulting in a 500 error being encountered when loading the rate quote page.

The fix requires a newer version of the sourceGuardian loader, version 15.0. The new loader can be downloaded here:

Please download the Zip Archive for Windows 64-bit and extract the contents.

For TruckMate version 24.1, the related file is This file will need to replace the existing file in the PHP ext (PHP-8.2.16\ext) directory in the TM4Web installation directory.

For TruckMate 2023 versions, the related file is This file will need to replace the existing file in the PHP ext (PHP-8.1.12\ext) directory in the TM4Web installation directory.


TM4Web page vendor_agent_assigned_deliveries does not load

Fixed an issue on the page vendor_agent_assigned_deliveries page on TM4WEB. The grid would not load, and it would show a continuous loading icon.


Update PHP version in ISO to PHP

PHP version for TM4Web was upgraded to 8.2.20. The ISO installation portion related to Web Server now includes the PHP 8.2.20 version.