TruckMate 2024.1 New Features: Back Office

Required upgrade (TM-173710)

TruckMate 2024.1 and later requires DB2 version 11.5.9.

You must upgrade your instance of DB2 to this version before upgrading TruckMate.


Features described in this section appear in three or more TruckMate applications.

Email, fax added to address lists (TM-171347)

When emailing or faxing a report from Customer Service, Dispatch, or Claims, you can now see in the address book any client and vendor email and/or fax information available.

tm 171347 241a

This data comes from the Contacts tab in Customer and Vendor Profiles.

Command Center

Billing validation enhancement (TM-170997)

These new options have been added to the Stored Procedure Setup window.


When selected, the Auto-Refresh option enables automatic refreshing of the grid content after the stored procedure has been executed. By default, it is deselected.

The grid refreshes automatically regardless of whether the stored procedure outcome is successful.

Suppress Results

When selected, the Suppress Results option does not display the Stored Procedure Results window if the procedure returns no data and no errors occur. By default, the option is deselected.

Regardless of whether the option is selected:

  • The Stored Procedure Results window displays if the procedure returns data.

  • Error messages generated by Command Center or DB2 display.

Customer and Vendor Profiles

Added rating method to Master Data API (TM-172169)

CzarLite Tariff Import

Issue with SMC3 calls resolved (TM-171517)

Previously, when the rating process made a call to SMC3 and a rate was returned, no currency was returned with the rate. These changes have been made to resolve this:

  • A new Tariff Currency column has been added to the grid on the RateWare XL tab.

  • New currency exchange rate logic has been added to the RateWare XL integration. This logic is used when the tariff currency in CzarLite Tariff Import differs from the freight bill currency in Customer Service.

Data Purge, TruckMate Service Host

Improved Out-of-Band service job handling (TM-172490)

The Out-of-Band service job handling has been streamlined to avoid unnecessary update/delete calls. This improves performance and helps avoid any contention or deadlock issues with other processes accessing the same freight bill.

A new MADSERVICEHOST.EXE Application Configurator option, Auto Purge Out Of Bank OK Records, lets you determine whether TruckMate retains successfully-completed "OK" jobs. This could be useful for troubleshooting or improving performance for minimizing table access during busy times. The default value for this option is True.

In Data Purge, a new option lets you remove old records from the UTIL_OPS_JOB table.

Driver Pay Contracts

New cube weight option added (TM-172964)

A new option, Highest Actual or Cube Weight, is available in these locations:

  • Rate Field in the Units tab

  • Pay Basis in the Stops tab

When selected, TruckMate uses the highest of the actual weight or the cube weight (based on the cube factor indicated in the Cube to Weight field) to determine the quantity for calculating pay.

For example, suppose a freight bill contains this information:

  • Actual weight: 1000 pounds

  • As weight: 1200 pounds

  • Cube: 1000 cubic feet

If, on the pay rule, the cube factor is 1.1, then TruckMate compares the actual weight to the cube weight. It calculates that weight as:

1000 * 1.1 = 1100

Because the cube weight is higher than the actual weight, TruckMate uses that weight when calculating pay.


Improved performance with EDI 204 input files and extra stops (TM-173652)

Previously, after the EDI 204 map initially posted freight bills with extra stops into Customer Service, the SAVE_TLORDER procedure was called on the parent bill after each child bill was created.

Now, SAVE_TLORDER is called on the parent bill only after the last child bill is created. The value in the Application Configurator option MILESERV.EXE - Hosts is also considered, as shown in this table. The information provided here assumes that the Application Configurator option CSERV.EXE - Calculate Mileage Instantly is set to False.

Hosts value EDI 204 map TLOrder job trigger Mileage Server Manager

blank (not in use)

Call SAVE_TLORDER on the parent bill after the last child bill



localhost:mileservice (default)

Call SAVE_TLORDER on the parent bill after the last child bill

(With the default setting, the map cannot be sure that Mileage Server Manager is running.)

Create Mileage Server Manager jobs

Process jobs and call SAVE_TLORDER on the parent after each UPDATEDLD job completes

any non-default setting

Do not call SAVE_TLORDER on the parent bill after the last child bill

(A non-default setting implies that Mileage Server Manager is running. The goal is to avoid conflict on the same DLID.)

Create Mileage Server Manager jobs

Process jobs and call SAVE_TLORDER on the parent after each UPDATEDLD job completes

Employee Profiles

Fuel Card button error (TM-173041)

Previously, if an employee’s fuel card status was not active, clicking tm 173041 241a Fuel Card did not display the fuel card profile.

Now, the profile displays regardless of card status.

Interline Payable Audit

Adding mixed currency carrier accessorial charge codes when adjusting an IP record (TM-173508)

If your environment is configured to allow accessorial charge codes with different currencies, you can now add carrier accessorial charge codes with different currencies in Interline Payable Audit. This allows you to have accurate adjustments for international transactions.

After the charge is added, you can see the original currency and exchange rate information in the Adjust Accessorial Charges window.

Payroll Register

Symmetry Tax Engine upgrade (TM-130712)

The US payroll tax calculation engine now uses version 2 of Symmetry Tax Engine. With this, these PRREGISTER.EXE Application Configurator options have been added:

  • STE Debug Level - WARN - Use Payroll DLL for US
    Valid values are:

    • 0

    • 1

    • 2

    • 3

    • 4

    • 5

  • STE Framework - 2.0 - STE API
    Determines which framework version to use. Valid values are:

    • 1.0

    • 2.0

Security Configuration

Driver Pay business event description change (TM-138310)

The Driver Pay business event description changed from Allow Edit of Driver Pay in CServ(Approval N/A) to Allow Edit of Driver Payments/Deductions.