Trip Sheet Entry



With this program you can track a particular Driver’s trip, which Trailer he has, the Mileage estimation and the map he will be taking to complete the trip. You enter the starting Origin, Destination, starting Odometer reading, Leaving Date/Time and estimated Arrival Date/Time. The Trip program can help you calculate the rest. You can even track different legs of a Trip. For example, on a Trip with a single Freight Bill, the first leg of the Trip is the movement of the equipment to the freight pickup location, the second leg is the movement of the equipment and freight to the delivery location. Empty and loaded miles can be calculated for all legs.

You can use PC*Miler, Inter-Tax or T-Chek software as your primary Fuel Tax Vendor.

The program screen is divided into the following areas: Dispatch & Fuel Trip Information, Fuel Trip Leg Details, and Fuel Purchase Information.

To access Trip Sheet Entry:

From this location Go to

TruckMate Menu and TruckMate Task List

Fuel Management > Trip Sheet Entry

Windows Start Menu

TruckMate 20xx > Trip Sheet Entry

Windows Explorer

C:\Program Files (x86) > TruckMate 20xx > Trip.exe


How do I Track a Driver’s trip, the Trailer used, the Mileage estimation, and the Map being Used?

  1. Open the Trip Sheet Entry program (TRIP.EXE).

  2. You enter the starting origin, destination, starting odometer reading, leaving date/time and estimated arrival date/time. The Trip program can help you calculate the rest.

Menu Bar / Toolbar

File Menu

Print Reports

image3Selecting the Print Reports button will bring up the report selection window, common to many TruckMate applications. Here, you will select a report file from those available in your system and a Crystal Report will be generated.

For more information on Report functionality in TruckMate, see the Crystal Reports Reference.


image4Selecting this option will close the Fuel Tax Trip program.

Multi-Company Menu

For more information on the Multi-Company options available from the Menu Bar, see the Multi-Company documentation.

Navigate Menu

The Navigate Menu contains the standard TruckMate Navigation Bar, used to browse your Database records, as well as the following options:


image5Click this button to open the Get Fuel window.


Field Definition

Select Activity Date Range

Use the two drop down date fields to configure a Date Range in which to find Fuel records.

Truck / Driver / Dispatch Trip / FB # / Trailer 1 / Trailer 2

These fields are used to filter the records that will display when you click the 'Get Data' button. If you wish to filter by one of these values, simply click the search icon within the field you’d like to use, and pick one of the available values from your system.


There are two different types of data that can be shown in the Search grid. Use this drop-down menu to choose to display either the 'Fuel Purchase Info' or 'Trip Details' associated with your chosen filters.

Get Data

Click this button to display the records that match your filtering criteria into the Search Grid at the bottom of this window.

Search Grid

This Grid will display the results of your search.

Tools Menu

TruckMate Monitor

image7Click the down arrow next to this button to access the various functions of the new TruckMate Monitor.

Remember Position / Size

Selecting this option will maintain the program window position and size upon close. When the program is re-opened, it will appear the same.

Window Menu

Power Unit Profiles

image8Select this option to open an instance of the Power Unit Profiles program.

Trailer Profiles

image9Select this option to open an instance of the Trailer Profiles program.


image10Select this option to open an instance of the Dispatch program.

Fuel Card Data Import

image11Select this option to open an instance of the Fuel Card Data Import program.

Help Menu

TruckMate Help

image12Selecting this button will open the R&M Stock Adjustments topic in the TruckMate Online Help file (the page you are currently viewing).


image13Selecting this button will open the standard TruckMate About window, which contains important information about the application you are currently using, including its version number (important for support calls).

Service Portal

image14(Accessible from 'Help' menu). Selecting this button will open an instance of your default Internet browsing software, with the login page displayed.

Header Information

The top left of the screen is the Header Section, where you fill in information about the Trip, the Truck being used, the Fleet that particular Truck is attached to, the Trip Driver, and the Trailer Name. The top right-hand side of the screen is Destination Information. You input the starting location, where the Trip is going, the Date/Time it’s leaving and the estimated arrival Date/Time, the starting Odometer reading, and whether this is a round Trip. The middle and lower sections deal with mileage and the best route the Driver will take. Here you can add the individual legs for the route taken. See the Legs Tab on this page for more information.

Trip ID

Click on the add button (plus sign) and a new trip number will be generated automatically. To view an already existing trip, click on the search button beside the field and you will view all trips entered.


Enter the Truck ID code or select one from your system by clicking the search button.


Enter the fleet identifying name. This should pre-populate if you have already attached your truck identifying name to a fleet. If not, refer to Fleet Profile information.


Enter your Driver ID code, or select one from your system by clicking the search button.


Enter your Trailer 1 ID code, or select one from your system by clicking the search button.


Enter your Trailer 2 ID code, or select one from your system by clicking the search button, if required.

Dispatch Trip

Pre-populates based on your trip information in the Dispatch program which links to the Trip ID in the Fuel Tax Audit program. This allows mileage and fuel to be entered using the actual Trip #, but maintains the functionality of the trip ID.

FB #

Enter your FB number, or select one from your system by clicking the search button, if required.

User Field 1 / User Field 2 / User Field 3

These User Fields may be populated with data from the AP Invoice Entry program’s User Field data, and can be used on the Fuel Tax Trip program’s Filter form to filter on specific records.

The text label of these user fields can be changed by using the three 'Fuel Trip User Field' options in the Application Configurator program > TRIP.EXE section.

Origin Section

Originating Location

Enter your starting location Zone Code.

Start Date/Time

Enter the trip starting date and time.

Starting Odometer

Enter the trip starting Odometer reading.

Activity Date

Enter the date the trip information was entered.

Destination Section

Destination Location

Enter the destination City and Province/State, or click the search button to select a Zone Code from your system..

Destination Date/Time

Enter the estimated arrival date and time

RM Button

Selecting this button opens the R&M Odometer Readings dialog box where you can view the current Odometer reading for the selected power unit. Changes to the Odometer reading can be made by accessing the Power Unit Profiles program, Hub Tab.

Context Menu

Print Reports

Opens a report dialog box where you can specify the desired fuel tax report. View fuel tax reports available.

Fix Odometers

Selecting this option will bring up the Fix Odometers window where you must select a start and end date range. This feature ensures the Odometer amounts in the header and detail line in the Trip program, are accurate and thus eliminating any overlapping or missing miles. Because this feature will 'normalize' odometer gaps and overrides (and may overwrite needed information), use it with caution.


Leg Information Tab

The main section of the Legs Tab is the Leg Information Grid, which displays all the current Legs associated with the Trip selected in the Header section. Right-clicking anywhere within this tab (except in the actual details Grid) will allow access to the same Context Menu options as detailed in the above Header section.


Up / Down

These two buttons move the currently selected detail line either Up or Down in the list of Legs.


This field is automatically pre-populated by the Unit ('KM' (Kilometers) or 'MI' (Miles) specified for the current Power Unit (as determined in the Power Unit Profiles program).

Get Legs

Once you have completed the starting and ending location, you can use Get Legs to determine the mileage between two or more points. Get Legs must be connected to a third-party software such as PC*Miler, Rand McNally Milemaker 17, and/or ProMiles. Your third party software must be installed and running in order to use the 'Get Legs' button. The MileageServer program, which ships with TruckMate, allows you to access the data from these third-party Mileage providers.. See the Mileage Server Overview for more information.

  1. Open the TRIP.EXE program.

  2. Open Mileage Server (MILESERV.EXE), which ships with TruckMate.

  3. Press the 'Get Legs' button within TRIP.EXE to calculate the 'Starting' and 'Ending' legs of the trip.


Will allow you to calculate different legs of the trip. Click the 'Leg' button to display the window on the left. A new 'Leg Number' will populate based on the number of records currently assigned to the Trip. You may edit this number, but doing so is not recommended.

Toll Correction

Will allow user to make changes to Toll and Non-Toll if they are entering Odometer readings. If the Toll Correction box is not checked, the Toll column appearing in the grid is coloured blue, and cannot be typed into. If the Toll Correction box has a checkmark in it, the Toll column appearing in the grid will be white in color, and can be typed into. Checking this box would allow users to enter their own toll mileages, or correct/adjust those generated by their mileage program.


Should already be set at Odometer but you can reset it to enter Mileage manually.


Set the route to the most 'Practical' (PRAC), 'Shortest' (SHORT), or 'Toll' (TOLL).


Set the border as 'Open' or 'Closed'- this is for informational purposes only, and does not affect the functioning of your Mileage software.

Delete Legs

Clicking this button will delete the currently highlighted detail line in the Legs Grid.

Leg Information Grid


Enter the number of legs if there is more than one.


Enter the two digit State or Province Zone Code.

Start Date & Time

Enter the start Date and Time.


Enter the starting Odometer reading.


Enter the Non-toll Mileage.


Enter the Toll Mileage.

Total Leg

Enter the Mileage for the Total Leg of the journey.


Enter the Sub-total of Mileage.


Enter 'True' or 'False' for Loaded Mileage. Double clicking this field makes a pull-down menu appear where you may choose from the two options.


Enter either 'True' or 'False' for Taxable Mileage. Double clicking this field makes a pull-down menu appear where you may choose from the two options.


Enter the number of Axles.


Enter the Highway name.

Equip Time

Enter the Equip Time needed.

Gross Weight / Empty Weight

Enter the Gross and Empty Weight of the shipment. These values will be used when calculating Fuel Taxes for certain jurisdictions.

Fuel Purchase Information Tab

Right-clicking anywhere within the Fuel Tab (except in the actual details Grid) will allow access to the same Context Menu options as detailed in the above Header section.



Clicking the Fuel button will insert a new record line into the Fuel Grid below. Clicking the button again (before editing the new Fuel record created) will remove the record from the Grid.

Re-Match Fuel

Selecting the Re-Match Fuel button will find any un-matched fuel records that have been imported into your system (via the Card Import program) and rematch the fuel onto Fuel Tax Trips by using the date the Fuel was purchased, then matching that date with the Start & End Dates of the Power Unit’s Trip record. Basically, if an un-matched fuel record’s date falls in the Date Range provided by the Power Unit Trip record, it will be applied to that Power Unit.

You can use PC*Miler, Rand McNally or ProMiles software as your primary Fuel Tax Vendor.

Get Fuel

Clicking the 'Get Fuel' button will open the Get Fuel window where you may specify a Date Range to gather Fuel records.


Field Definition

Select a Date Range

Use the pull-down menus to select a Start Date and End Date for your Date Range.


Click the 'Refresh' button to display any Fuel Records that fall within your chosen Date Range.


Once some Fuel Records have been displayed within the Grid, you can '<Ctrl> click' to highlight a group of records. Clicking the 'Assign' button will then add those selected records to the main Fuel Purchase Tab’s grid.

Delete Fuel

Clicking this button will delete the currently highlighted detail line in the Fuel Grid.

Fuel Purchase Grid

This grid will outline the data corresponding to the Fuel Purchase record as it was imported from the Card Import program. You can also use the fields in this grid to manually enter Fuel Purchase Entries.


Displays the city of fuel purchase.


Displays the two digit Province or State Zone Code where the fuel purchase was made.


Displays the date/time of fuel purchase.


Displays the volume of litres or gallons of fuel purchased.


Displays the cost per litre/gallon of fuel for the fuel purchase record. This value will be multiplied against the 'Volume' value to determine the total cost of the fuel purchase.


Displays the fuel Vendor’s name. Double click the field to bring up a search window where you may select a record from your system.


Will display the invoice number from the fuel purchase record. If entering the fuel purchase record manually, you may enter the Invoice Number here.


Displays the unit measurement of the fuel purchase, either 'Litre' or 'Gallon'. Double clicking this field makes a pull-down menu appear where you may choose from the two options.


Default is left at 'True' for this item. Double clicking this field makes a pull-down menu appear where you may choose from the two options.


Default is left at 'True' for this item. Double clicking this field makes a pull-down menu appear where you may choose from the two options.

Tax Paid

Default is left at 'True' for this item. Double clicking this field makes a pull-down menu appear where you may choose from the two options.


Default is left at 'Bulk' for this item. Double clicking this field makes a pull-down menu appear where you may choose from either 'Bulk', 'Keylock' or 'Station', depending on the Mode required.


Displays the odometer reading for the fuel purchase detail line (if provided by the import file).