TM4Web Installation and Server Configuration

TM4Web is installed using the standard TruckMate installer ISO file. Instructions for installing TM4Web and the required Apache and PHP components are described in the TruckMate 2021 Installation Guide > Installing TM4Web section available on the Trimble Tramsportation Learning Center.

Apache and PHP Compatibility

With each new major TruckMate version, TM4Web is released with the latest Apache and PHP versions available at the time. This helps to protect you against any recently discovered security vulnerabilities addressed by newer releases of Apache and PHP and to take advantage of any stability and performance improvements.

As part of your own web server maintenance and to address any concerns over specific security vulnerabilities, we recommend that you be aware of Apache and PHP releases and to upgrade to the current patch / point releases for the version you have installed as they become available. Stick within the patch / point releases and only perform a major/minor upgrade as part of an upgrade to a new TruckMate version to avoid compatibility issues.

For example:


  • Apache versions use a standard triplet of integers: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Changes in the PATCH level are expected to be compatible as these releases are pure bug fix releases.

  • Using Apache 2.4.51 as an example:

    • 2 - MAJOR

    • 4 - MINOR

    • 51 - PATCH


  • PHP uses the term point instead of patch and typically only adds new features to major and minor releases, and fixes security issues and bugs in point releases.

  • Using PHP 8.0.13 as an example:

    • 8 - MAJOR

    • 0 - MINOR

    • 13 - PATCH

If you are on PHP 8.0.12 and Apache 2.4.29, upgrading to PHP 8.1.13 and Apache 2.4.51 is expected to be compatible.

To address any concerns over specific security vulnerabilities, check the PHP and Apache web sites listed below, and upgrade as security fixes become available.

Subscribe to the Apache and PHP mailing lists to help ensure you are aware of any updates.



Updates should first be made on test servers identical to the production environment, and both load and performance testing should be done hitting all pages and features.

Test every page on the site, looking in both the TM4Web and Apache log files for errors. The TM4Web log file should always remain empty, any issues should be reported and resolved with Trimble Transportation Support. Be sure to also run performance and load testing.

TruckMate REST API service

TruckMate 2019.4 introduced new RESTful API services as an alternative way to the older SOAP API methods for accessing the TruckMate data. The TruckMate REST API service continues to be expanded and enhanced with new features and capabilities.

To take full advantage of the TruckMate REST API service, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade directly to the latest version of TruckMate instead of an earlier release to take advantage of the most current, improved and expanded set of API methods and endpoints.

If you are new to using TruckMate REST APIs and setting up the ART web server required to run the API services, documentation is available on the Trimble Transportation Learning Center.