Working with reason codes for accounting transactions

The Reason Codes for Accounting Transactions (RCAT) are used to associate reason codes with account disbursement repair rules so that costs are properly accounted for during the accounting process.

  • Before adding a new RCAT, it is important that you evaluate the reason behind the addition. Adding one new RCAT results in a complete new set of disbursement rules, which will require extra setup.

  • You cannot edit an RCAT once it has been created.

  • Once history is attached to an RCAT, the code cannot be deleted, but it can be inactivated.

By default, the system includes Maintenance and Accident RCATs


  • Required on account disbursement repair rules

  • Required on Reason codekeys

Adding RCATs

To add a new RCAT:

  1. Go to Menu > Setup > System Setup
    The System Setup page opens.


  2. In the System section, select Reason Codes for Accounting Transactions.

  3. Click Add.
    The Details section displays editable fields.


  4. In the Code field, enter the new RCAT code.

    Note: The code is limited to 12 characters.

  5. In the Description field, enter a description.

    Note: The description is limited to 60 characters.

  6. Do the following as needed:

    • Disable the RCAT

      By default, the new RCAT is enabled. If needed, toggle the Active option to NO. When you toggle this option to NO, the system disables this RCAT.

    • Enable with the Mobile Computing add-on module.

      By default, the new RCAT is enabled on handheld devices. If needed, toggle the Handheld option to NO. When you toggle this option to NO, the system prevents you from using this RCAT with the Mobile Computing add-on.

  7. In the Details section, click Save.

Deleting RCATs

To delete an RCAT:

  1. Go to Menu > Setup > System Setup
    The System Setup page opens.

  2. In the System section, expand Reason Codes for Accounting Transactions.

  3. Select the code to delete.

  4. Click Delete.
    The Delete Code message window opens. It states, "Are you sure you want to delete the selected code?"

  5. Click Delete Code.
    The system deletes the code. The window closes.

Note: To close the window without saving your changes, click Cancel.