Company communications

The topics and procedures in this section describe features that allow you to provide and receive information. For example, you can use the Surveys feature to answer questionnaires. The News feature allows you to read and comment on the latest company and industry news.

Reading the news

The Read the News page provides access to news communications from your company. Use this procedure to view news items.

  1. Go to Menu > Home > Read the News.
    The Read the News page opens with a list of article titles and summaries.

  2. Click the Full Story link below the article you want to view.


    The entire news article opens.

    Note: If the news item is a link to an article on another website, the full article will open in a separate browser window.

  3. Return to the news list.

    • If the article opened in the application window, click the News List link below the article.


    • If the news item is a link to an article on another website, close the extra browser window.

Posting a comment on a news article

Use this procedure when you want to submit a comment on a posted news article. This feature is only available if the TMT Fleet Maintenance administrator enabled it for the company. The administrator may choose to review and approve comments before they can be seen by news readers.

  1. Go to Menu > Home > Read the News.
    The Read the News page opens with a list of article titles and summaries.

  2. Click the Full Story link below the article on which you want to submit a comment.
    The news article opens.


    Note: If the news item is a link to an article on another website, it will open in a separate browser window. You cannot use this procedure to submit a comment on an article that links to another website.

  3. Click on the Post Comments link.


    You can also submit news and edit your comments.


    The Post News Comments page opens.


  4. In the text area, enter your comments.

    Note: You can use the inline text editor to format what you type in the text box.

  5. Click Post.

    Note: Your comment may not appear immediately. The administrator may choose to review and approve comments before they can be seen by news readers.

Viewing comments on a news article

Use this procedure when you want to read comments on a posted news article. This feature is only available if the TMT Fleet Maintenance administrator enabled it for the company hosting this website. The administrator may choose to review and approve comments before they can be seen by news readers.

  1. Go to Menu > Home > Read the News.
    The Read the News page opens with a list of article titles and summaries.

  2. Click on the View Comments link for the news article for which you want to view comments.
    The View News Comments page opens.

  3. Read the comments.

  4. If you want, post a comment.

  5. To return to the list of news articles, click the News List link below the article.

Taking a survey

Use this procedure to respond to a survey that was distributed through the application.

  1. Go to Menu > Home > Take Survey.
    The Take a Survey page opens.

  2. From the list, select a survey to take.

  3. Click Participate in Survey.
    The survey opens.

    Note: If you have already taken the survey, you can see your answers and the current total results. For more information, see the result details in Step 6.

  4. Complete the survey.

    Different types of questions and multiple pages may be included in the survey. Use this guideline to help you complete it.

    Radio buttons

    You can select only one of the available options for the question.



    Check boxes

    You can select as many options as apply to the question.



    Text boxes

    You can type as much text as you want in the box. If you enter more lines than are displayed, a scroll bar will appear to enable you to move up and down through the text.



    Navigation buttons

    For multiple-page surveys, use the Previous and Next buttons to move from page to page.

  5. Click Submit.
    The current results of the survey appear.

  6. View the results.

    The current results appear, with your selections in bold font.


    For each question type, the following information appears:

    Radio buttons

    Each response includes:

    • Survey meter bar graph

    • Number of responses

    • Percent of total responses


    Check boxes

    Each response includes:

    • Survey meter bar graph

    • Number of responses


    Text boxes

    Your response appears in gray text.


  7. When finished viewing, click Return to Take a Survey.