Managing product licenses

There are two types of licenses in TMT Fleet Maintenance:

  • The product license, which you need to run the program

  • Module licenses, which you need to use modules such as Invoicing, Road Calls, and the Tire Module

Understanding the product license

Every time you log in with the Administrator role, the program connects to the Trimble licensing service. It verifies your company’s licensing setup. The TMT Fleet Maintenance framework uses the licensing service to count the number of full users and tech users available to be added to the system. It also checks the IP address, server name, and database name for validity.

You can see the status of your licenses by selecting Debug Info from your user menu. The Licensing tab shows the product license and licensed user information.

Show me

Licensing Tab

Registering the product license

The first time you open the program, the Register License page appears. Your server, database, IP address, and environment are completed by default.

Register License

If you have the TMT software as a service (SaaS) package, Trimble registers your product license for you.

To register your license:

  1. Enter your ClientCenter user ID in the Username text box.

  2. Enter your password.

  3. Click Sign in.

  4. Once you sign in, you can turn licenses on or off using the Manage License Keys window.

If a license switches between servers, databases, or IP addresses more than five times within a calendar month, the program locks the license. The program shows this error message: "The following license activations failed: Xxx: Too many license changes for module. There have been 5 changes this month. Please contact support for assistance."

Creating program environments

As an administrator, you can create up to four different work environments. Each environment can contain any number of individually licensed modules. For example, you can allow users to work in a production environment that contains Road Calls and Trimble Technician Portal. At the same time, you can experiment with Invoicing in a test environment.

If you have tested a module in one environment, and you decide you want to include it in a new environment, you can turn on the license for that module in the new environment. However, if you want to include any users, themes, or other website-based specifications from the original environment, you must reproduce them manually in the new one.

  1. Go to Menu > Admin > License Activation. The Register License page opens.

  2. If you want, you can change the environment for which you want to turn on or turn off licenses.

    1. Click Edit.
      Register License EDIT

    2. Select the environment from the drop-down list.
      Edit Environment

    3. Click Save.
      If licenses for the selected environment are already active, the program displays a message at the top of the Register License page. It states that those licenses will be updated.

  3. Enter your ClientCenter username. If you need assistance, contact Trimble Support.

  4. Enter your password.

  5. Click Sign in.
    The Manage License Keys window opens. It lists all the licenses included in TMT Fleet Maintenance. For each of these, the Selected checkbox is active.

    Note: This page handles product licenses only. To add module licenses, see Adding module licenses.

  6. Do any of the following:

    • Select the Selected checkbox for each license you want to turn on.

    • Click Select All to select all licenses to be turned on.

    • Clear the Selected checkbox for each license you want to turn off.

    • Click Deselect All to clear all Selected checkboxes and mark all licenses to be turned off.

  7. Click Activate License Keys.
    If successful, the program shows a confirmation message. It states the modules you have added or removed from your local installation.

  8. Close the window to return to the landing page.

Adding module licenses

  1. Go to Menu > Setup > Module Licenses.
    The Module Licenses page opens. It lists all modules available in your setup, along licenses variables such as system users, database information, and web service information.
    Module Licenses Page

  2. Click Apply License in the upper-right corner of the page.
    The Apply License pop-up window opens.
    Apply License

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click Choose File to select a text file.

    • Paste a license string in the License String text box. Trimble Support will provide you the license string text when you purchase a new license. If you have TMT SaaS, Trimble applies the license string text for you.

  4. Click Apply.
    The program shows you a confirmation message.

How module licenses work with pages and functions

Typically, pages are associated with roles. As an administrator, you can assign any pages you like to any user or administrator, regardless of their role. Assigning pages for modules for which you are not licensed, however, may cause unexpected results. You should use only pages for modules for which you are licensed. If you would like to use other pages, contact Trimble Support for assistance.

Certain non-module-related functions do not require licenses. These will work even if all licenses are deactivated. They include:

  • Creating and managing users and roles

  • Setting up communications functions, such as surveys and news items

If you turn on or turn off a license more than four times within a month, the program locks the license. It shows this message: "License Key Activation Failed. Too many license changes. 4 changes have taken place this month. Contact support for assistance."