
These settings are located in the Repairs section on the Application Options page. To open the Application Options page, go to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options.

Allow Closing RO In Open Status From Repair Listing

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option lets users close an open repair order directly from the Repair Orders Listing page. Instead of a Complete button, a Closed button is displayed.


  • NO
    Users cannot close an open repair order (RO) directly from the Repairs Orders Listing page.

  • YES (default)
    Users can close an open RO from the Repairs Orders Listing page using the Closed button.

Allow For Adding Items To Requisition List

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether a user can add parts to an RO if the requested amount is not in inventory.


  • NO (default)
    Users cannot charge out parts if the requested amount is not on hand. Instead, the program displays an error message stating that there is insufficient inventory available. The user must change the amount to the number available or, if there are no parts available, the user must cancel the part entry.

  • YES
    Users can charge out parts even if the requested amount is not in inventory. The program displays a confirmation message showing the difference between the amount entered and the amount on hand. If the user clicks OK, the program adds the number of parts on hand to the RO and the number of parts not on hand to the manual section of the Requisition List.

Additional notes

This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Allow Quantity Requested

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option is a sub-option for the option Allow For Adding Items to Requisition List. It allows the user to choose between ordering the total requested amount or ordering the difference between the on-hand amount and total amount requested.


  • NO (default)
    The user is prompted to order the difference from the on hand and the quantity requested and the on-hand quantity would be used to charge the parts on-hand.

  • YES
    The user is given the choice to order the total requested or the difference. If they choose to order the quantity requested, it would not charge any parts out and create a requisition for the total amount requested. After the request for the total amount is created, the part number is cleared and focus placed in the part number field. If they choose to order the difference, a requisition is created for the difference between what is on hand and the requested amount, and the part quantity is changed to the quantity on-hand.

Additional notes

This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options and changing the Application Options does not sync to the Shop Option.

Allow Non-vendor Service Lines On Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If No is selected, service lines cannot be created on indirect charges and service lines will not be allowed on repair orders depending on the option PO Required for Vendor Lines on ROs:

  • PO Required for Vendor Lines on ROs: Set to NO, then service lines are not allowed on non-vendor sections and the Service Line button will be disabled.

  • PO Required for Vendor Lines on ROs: Set to YES, then service lines are not allowed on non-vendor and vendor sections.

Interactive WorkStation:

If NO is selected, service lines cannot be created on indirect charges or repair orders, because the Service button is not displayed. IWS does not take the PO options into consideration.


  • NO (default)
    Non-vendor Service Lines are not allowed on Standard repair orders and indirect charges.

  • YES
    Non-vendor Service Lines are allowed on Standard repair orders and indirect charges dependent on the PO Required for Vendor Lines on ROs option setting.

Allow Reassignment Of Shop On Open RO

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If YES is selected, a right-click menu option Re-Assign Shop will be added to the RO Query screen. If the right-click option is clicked, a screen will allow entry of the new shop and, on clicking OK, all the lines will be associated with the new shop.


  • NO (default)
    You cannot re-assign a repair order to another shop.

  • YES
    You can re-assign a repair order to another shop.

Additional notes

The following business rules will apply:

  • The RO must be status OPEN and all sections and lines must be OPEN.

  • The RO must be a Standard RO.

  • All non-vendor parts must exist in the Parts Catalog and the shop that the RO will be assigned to; otherwise, an error will be issued that the parts must exist in both shops.

  • When the re-assignment occurs for non-vendor parts, the parts are returned to the original shop, a part transfer is created to transfer the parts from the original shop to the new shop, and then the parts are charged out from the new shop.

  • The RO cannot have a mechanic signed into any of the sections via Interactive WorkStation.

  • The RO cannot have parts on order or parts on request.

Allow Switching Between IWS Shops With Same Division Codes

As of V.2020.2, this option’s name and location changed. Before, its name was Allow Switching of IWS Shop Based Upon Shop Region. It was located in Repairs.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option lets you set up the system to allow switching between shops when logging into IWS. Switching is allowed if the destination shop belongs to the same division.


  • NO (default)
    Users cannot switch between shops on the login page.

  • YES

    Users can switch between shops on the login page. The Change Shop button is available. Clicking it lets users log into shops that have the same division as the IWS user’s shop.

    Once a new shop is selected, IWS shows all employees logged into the new shop. It uses that selection until the user switches shops again.

    The Unit Search shows only units that match the Shop’s division.

    Using this option enforces matching between Shop and Unit divisions. Search results will not display Units that do not match the Shop division. This applies to the Unit Search in ROs, Shop Planner, and Shop Scheduler.

Additional Notes

This option in not compatible with non-company units.

Automatically Calculate Tax On Vendor ROs

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If the option is YES, when a Vendor RO is created and a Vendor-supplied PART, LABOR, FEE or SERVICE line is added, it will generate the appropriate TAX lines on section one of the VRO based on PO Business rules for tax calculation. When a TAX line is generated, it will automatically be READ only and cannot be edited. You will also not be able to add new Tax lines manually.


  • NO (default)
    Tax lines must be manually created on section one of a VRO.

  • YES
    Tax lines are generated after a Vender RO is created. They are read-only.

Additional notes

If the new Vendor RO option Override Taxes is set to YES, automatically generated tax lines can be edited or deleted, and new tax lines can be created.

Check For Open ROs When Creating New RO

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will display all OPEN repair orders when a new repair order (RO) is being created for the unit and repair shop.

For example, if this option is active for Shop 01 and a unit is entered on a new RO in shop 01, any pre-existing OPEN ROs for that unit in Shop 01 will be displayed and can be selected instead of creating a new RO.


  • NO
    The system does not notify the user of existing OPEN repair orders for the unit and repair shop.

  • YES (default)
    The system will notify the user of existing OPEN repair orders for the unit and repair shop.

Additional notes

This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Check For Open Vendor ROs When Creating New RO

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will display all OPEN vendor repair orders when a new vendor repair order (VRO) is being created for the unit and repair shop.

For example, if this option is active for Shop 01 and a unit is entered on a new VRO in shop 01, any pre-existing OPEN VROs for that unit in Shop 01 will be displayed and can be selected instead of creating a new VRO.


  • NO
    The system does not notify the user of existing OPEN vendor repair orders for the unit and repair shop.

  • YES (default)
    The system will notify the user of existing OPEN vendor repair orders for the unit and repair shop.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Create Unit Cross Reference For Catalog Parts

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance, Client Server


When you charge a part in the Parts Catalog to any repair order, the Fleet Definition will be used to create the Unit Cross Reference automatically. The program populates these based on what is selected in SysMgr > System Setup > Auto Fleet Definitions:

  • Year

  • Make

  • Model

  • Capacity

  • Unit Type

  • Engine

  • Wheel Base

The program populates the From Year and To Year fields with the same year from the unit master.


  • NO
    Unit cross-references are not created.

  • YES (default)
    Unit cross-references are created.

Display Associated Unit Field

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the repair order header includes the Associated Unit field.


  • NO (default)
    The repair order header will not show the Associated Unit field.

  • YES
    The repair order header shows the Associated Unit field. It is available for entry.

Additional notes

  1. This option must be set to YES to use the Require Associated Unit field.

  2. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  3. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  4. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Require Associated Unit

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the Associated Unit field is required for repair orders. You can only use this option if you set Display Associate Unit Field to YES.


  • NO (default)
    The Associated Unit field is not required.

  • YES
    The Associated Unit field is required. When you save an RO header, the program will not let you proceed until you complete this field.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Display Cost Center On Repair Order Form

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When a repair order is created, the Cost Center from the unit will be displayed below the Order Status Date and written to the REPORDER.COSTCTCODE field in the database. If the employee has the User Level option User to change Cost Center on Repair Order form checked using Security Administrator, then the employee can right-click on the cost center and select Change Cost Center to change the cost center.


  • NO (default)
    The user level option User Can Change Cost Center On RO cannot be set, the Cost Center will not be visible on the Header tab of the repair order, and nothing will be written to the REPORDER.COSTCTCODE field.

  • YES
    The user level option User Can Change Cost Center On RO can be set in Setup > Options > User Options > Repairs, the Cost Center is visible on the Header tab of the repair order, and the Cost Center is written to the REPORDER.COSTCTCODE field.

Enforce Unit Max Repair Amount
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2020.2.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option sets if you can enter a repair amount for more than the maximum repair amount for a unit.


  • NO (default)
    You can enter any repair amount and add any number of lines.

  • YES
    If you enter a repair amount for a unit above the maximum repair amount, you get a system message. The message states that the repair amount cannot exceed the maximum repair amount. You cannot add more lines.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Enforce Exact Component Level for Repair Order Section

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option is a sub-option of a global option Max Component Level for Repair Order Section. It enforces the exact component level for repair orders in a shop.


  • NO (default)
    Max component level will be enforced.

  • YES
    If the maximum component level is Assembly and the Enforce Exact Component Level option is set to Yes, only 6 digit component codes will be allowed in repair order sections.

Labor Entry Via Start And End Times

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When entering a labor line on a repair order, the starting and ending time is required instead of total hours.


  • NO (default)
    Total hours is entered on manually created Labor lines on ALL orders.

  • YES
    A starting and ending time must be entered on manually created Labor lines on ALL orders.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Max Component Level For Repair Order Section

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Sets the highest level of component code that can be entered on a repair order section. If System is chosen, only a three-digit code can be entered on the section (013). If Assembly is chosen, only a three-digit or six-digit code can be entered (013, 013-001). If Part is chosen, a three-digit, six-digit, or nine-digit code can be entered (013, 013-001, 013-001-001).


  • System
    The System code is a 3-digit code.

  • Assembly (default)
    The Assembly code is a 6-digit code.

  • Part
    The Part code is a 9-digit code.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Prompt For Creating Vendor Part Master

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The user will be prompted to create a Vendor Part master record when entering vendor parts on a repair order that do not exist in the Vendor Part master for the selected shop and vendor.


  • NO
    The prompt will not be displayed and the user will not be given the option to create a vendor part master for the vendor part entered.

  • YES (default)
    The prompt will be displayed and the user will be given the option to create a vendor part master for the vendor part entered.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Require PO For Vendor Lines On Repair Order

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Vendor Lines cannot be added to a STANDARD repair order (RO) unless they are received directly to the repair order from a purchase order (PO). The Vendor Supplied checkbox will be unchecked and disabled on the RO line items and the Vendor ID field will be disabled on the RO section.

If Yes is selected and a Vendor RO (VRO) is created, the Vendor Supplied checkbox will be checked and disabled on Services, Comments, Tax, and Fee lines and checked and enabled on Parts and Labor. The Vendor field will be disabled on the section.


  • NO
    Vendor lines can be entered without a PO reference.

  • YES (default)
    All Vendor lines must be associated with a PO.

Additional Notes

  1. If this option is set to Yes and a Vendor ID is entered on the header of a RO, the RO will be automatically changed to a VRO.

  2. Non-Vendor Labor lines can only be entered manually on a VRO. Mechanic Workstation time cannot be applied to a VRO.

  3. This option can be overridden at the Shop Option level.

Require Repair Site
This setting applies only to V.2022.1.3 and earlier versions. As of V.2022.2, this setting was moved to the Repairs > Default node and renamed Repair Site field is required.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If set to Yes, the Repair Site field will become a required field, and a repair order cannot be saved until it is filled in.


  • NO (default)
    The Repair Site is not required.

  • YES
    The Repair Site is required.

Additional Notes

This option can be overridden at the Shop Option level.

Require The Promised By Date On RO

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The Promised Date field will become a required field and a repair order cannot be saved until it is filled in.


  • NO (default)
    The Promised Date is not required.

  • YES
    The Promised Date is required.

Require Vendor For Vendor Lines On Repair Order

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Vendor lines cannot be entered for a repair order section unless that repair order section has a vendor ID assigned.


  • NO
    Vendor lines can be entered without a vendor ID on the section of the repair order.

  • YES (default)
    Vendor lines require a vendor assignment on the section of the repair order.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Set Unit Physical Location On RO Status Change

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether an RO sets the Unit’s Physical Location and the Physical Shop Location in the Masters > Units > Misc tab.


  • NO
    Changing the status of an RO does not set the unit’s physical location.

  • YES (default)
    Changing the status of an RO sets the unit’s physical location.

The business rules for this option are complex. For more information, see Business Rules for Set Unit Physical Location On RO Status Change.

Additional Notes

  1. If the unit has at least one SRO and VRO in Open status, the program always gives precedence to the SRO. It sets the Physical Location to IN-SHOP and the Physical Shop Location to the SRO shop.

  2. In all cases, if the RO status is changed from Complete to Closed, the program makes no more updates to the unit’s Physical Location, since it would have already updated the location when the user changed the status from Open to Complete.

Use Burdened Labor Rates

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The Burden Labor Rate for an employee will be used rather than the employee base wage. Burden Labor Rate includes employment costs such as benefits and employment taxes, and therefore reflects the cost to the company of the employee’s time. Choosing the Shop Rate method in the Shop Master record overrides the choice made here.


  • NO (default)
    The Base Labor Rate for an employee will be use.

  • YES
    The Burden Labor Rate for an employee will be use.

Additional notes

Setting a Shop Rate on the Shop Master overrides this option.

Repairs: Approvals

These settings are located in the Repairs: Approvals section on the Application Options page.

Repairs: Approvals
Require RO Approval Levels

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The repair order approval process was created so that every repair order can be closely managed and associated overages can be watched by creating a set of escalating approval levels. While there are many steps to set this up, the results will allow you to control your repair costs more effectively.

For details refer to the Application Options description.


  • NO (default)
    Approval levels are disabled.

  • YES
    Approval levels are enabled.

Additional notes

  1. This option is disabled if the option Require RO Approval Levels is not set to Yes.

  2. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  3. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  4. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Approvals
Allowed Cost Overage

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The Allowed Cost Overage % will allow an order to exceed x% of the highest approvers approval level. For example, if you set the percent to 10%, and you have a $250 and a $500 approver, the order could not exceed $550 or it would have to go back for approval again.


  • NO (default)
    Allow Cost Overage is disabled.

  • YES
    Allow Cost Overage is enabled.

Additional Notes

  1. The option Require RO Approval Levels must be set as Yes.

  2. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  3. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  4. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Approvals
Ignore RO Approval Hierarchy

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


RO Approval Levels will no longer use the hierarchy to allow approval levels. For example if the estimate amount is $2,500 and the approval levels are Level1 $500, Level2 $1500, and Level3 $5000, with the hierarchy Level1 had to approve first, then Level2 had to approve, then Level3 had to approve for the estimate amount to be approved. With this option turned on, the Level3 approver can approve the estimate and the Level1 and Level2 users are no longer required to approve first.


  • NO (default)
    Option disabled.

  • YES
    Only the Approver required that exceeds the repair order or plan total is required.

Additional Notes

  1. The option Require RO Approval Levels must be set as Yes.

  2. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  3. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  4. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Barcoding

These settings are located in the Repairs: Barcoding section on the Application Options page.

Repairs: Barcoding
Print Barcodes On Repair Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The Repair Order Number and section numbers will be printed in bar-code format on the repair order work card and the Mechanic Workstation repair order work card.


  • NO (default)
    Bar-code format does not print on the work card.

  • YES
    Bar-code format prints on the work card.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Estimates
Prefix For Repair Order Barcode Number

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If the option Print Bar-Coded RO Number is checked and a prefix value up to four characters is entered in this field, the Bar Code on the RO Work Card will print with the Prefix value appended to the repair order number and the bar code will print with a larger font.


  • NO (default)
    Prefix and Bar-code format does not print on the work card.

  • YES
    Prefix Bar-code format prints on the work card.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Chronic

These settings are located in the Repairs: Chronic section on the Application Options page.

Repairs: Chronic
Chronic Repair Interval (Days)

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When a value is entered for the number of days, the system will track a chronic repair as a repair that occurs more than once within the number of days selected for the unit and component code. When a new section is created on a repair order and the component code entered has been done on a previous repair order for the selected unit, a yellow message will appear in the section dialog indicating how many repairs for the selected component code have occurred within the number of days selected and the component code and component code description will appear in yellow highlight. The chronic message will also appear when reviewing repair order sections in history.

If the date calculation is put in a formula, it looks like:

SECTION COMPLETED DATE >= '20080504 16:10:00.000' (RO Opened Date/Time less Chronic Interval)

AND SECTION COMPLETED DATE ⇐ '20080802 16:10:00.000' (RO Opened Date/Time)


Set # of Days

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Chronic
Chronic Repair Level

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Controls which level the system looks for matches on the Component code for chronic repairs.

If set to System (3 digit component code) and code entered on section is:

017: Looks for 017

017-XXX: Looks for 017

017-XXX-XXX: Looks for 017

If set to Assembly (6 digit component code) and code entered on section is:

017 : Looks for 017

017-XXX: Looks for 017-XXX

017-XXX-XXX: Looks for 017-XXX

If set to Part (9 digit component code) and code entered on section is:

017: Looks for 017

017-XXX: Looks for 017-XXX

017-XXX-XXX: Looks for 017-XXX-XXX


  • System
    The System code is a 3-digit code.

  • Assembly (default)
    The Assembly code is a 6-digit code.

  • Part
    The Part code is a 9-digit code.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Chronic
Chronic Repair Order Check On Open, Complete And Closed ROs

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The chronic repairs will include Open, Complete, and Closed ROs in determining a chronic repair. This option will also use the Section Opened date to determine if it falls within the repair interval days.

If the date calculation is put in a formula, it looks like:

SECTION OPENED DATE >= '20080504 16:10:00.000' (RO Opened Date/Time less Chronic Interval)

AND SECTION OPENED DATE ⇐ '20080802 16:10:00.000' (RO Opened Date/Time)


  • NO
    Chronic Repairs are based off Closed ROs only and the section completed date.

  • YES (default)
    The chronic repairs will include Open, Complete, and Closed ROs in determining a chronic repair.

Repairs: Chronic
Base Chronic Repair Check On Created On Date

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This changes the way the chronic repair is determined when opening an existing RO section or creating a new RO section. This option looks for the component code on sections for the repair unit on other repair orders that are Open, Complete, or Closed by comparing the Created On date for other Repair Orders to the current date/time less the chronic interval to the current date/time.

If the date calculation is put in a formula, it looks like:

RO CREATEDON >= '20091021 09:57:23.160' (Today’s Date less Chronic Interval)

AND RO CREATEDON ⇐ '20100119 09:57:23.160' (Today’s Date)

Note: This option will not be used on the Chronic Repair Report, the Chronic RO Check (Open, Complete, Closed) will be used on the report.


  • NO (default)
    Chronic repair based on OPEN date of the repair order.

  • YES
    Uses calculation method for Chronic Repair determination.

Additional notes

  1. This option can only be set to Yes, if the option Chronic Repair Check (Open, Complete, Closed) is set to Yes.

  2. This option will not be used on the Chronic Repair Report, the Chronic RO Check (Open, Complete, Closed) will be used on the report.

Repairs: Defaults

This setting is located in the Repairs: Defaults section on the Application Options page.

Repairs: Defaults
Default Repair Type
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2020.3.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option sets the default Repair Type for new ROs.


  • Standard (default)
    New ROs display Standard in the Repair Type field.

  • Vendor RO
    New ROs display Vendor RO in the Repair Type field.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be set at the User Preference, Shop, and Application levels.

    • The system looks for the setting at the User Preference Options level first. User Preference options override option values in the Shop and Application levels.

    • The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level second. Shop Options override option values in the Application Options section.

    • The system looks for the setting at the Application Options level last.

  2. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it is independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not synchronize the Shop Options.

Repairs: Defaults
Repair Class field is required
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2021.1.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option sets whether users must make an entry in the Repair Class field on the Repair Details page.


  • No (default)
    The Repair Class field is blank on new ROs. Users do not need to make an entry in the Repair Class field.

  • Yes
    Users must make an entry in the Repair Class field.

Additional notes

This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Defaults
RO Default Repair Class
This option was updated for V.2021.1.
This option was updated for V.2022.2.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


To have a repair class default to the same value each time a user creates an RO, enter a valid repair class here.


Choices depend on active Repair Classes

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

  4. For V.2021.1 and earlier, this option is available only if Repair Class field is required is set to YES. As of V.2022.2, this option works independently of the Repair Class field is required setting.

Repair Site field is required
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2022.2
Before V.2022.2, this setting was named Require Repair Site. It was available on the Repairs node.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If set to Yes, the Repair Site field will become a required field, and a repair order cannot be saved until it is filled in.


  • NO (default)
    The Repair Site is not required.

  • YES
    The Repair Site is required.

Additional Notes

This option can be overridden at the Shop Option level.

Repairs: Defaults
RO Default Repair Site

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


To have a repair site default to the same value each time a repair order is created, enter a valid repair class here.


Choices are dependent on active Repair Sites

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Defaults
Vendor RO Default Repair Class

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


To have a repair class default to the same value each time a vendor repair order is created, enter a valid repair class here.


Choices are dependent on active Repair Classes

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Defaults
Vendor RO Default Repair Site

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


To have a repair site default to the same value each time a vendor repair order is created, enter a valid repair class here.


Choices are dependent on active Repair Sites

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Job Codes

This setting is located in the Repairs: Job Codes section on the Application Options page.

Repairs: Job Codes
Enable Employee And Job Code Assignments

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Job Codes are enabled and displayed in the Job Codes section of the Repair Order section when the Sections tab of a repair order is clicked.


  • NO
    Employee and Job Code Assignments are disabled.

  • YES (default)
    Employee and Job Code Assignments are enabled.

Additional notes

  1. Job codes will be created based on fleet ID if Auto Create Job Codes Based On Fleet is set to YES.

  2. Job codes will default using the system component code and complaint if Auto Default Job Code (Component; Complaint) is set to YES.

  3. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Job Codes
Allocate Job Code Percentage At RO Close

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The Allocate Job Code Percentage window opens when:

  • The job code filter for the job code is not marked as an Actual Hours Base Job Code.


  • There is more than one employee assignment with job codes on at least one section.

You use the window to allocate the percentage of work completed to each mechanic.


  • NO (default)
    Job Code Allocation is disabled.

  • YES
    Job Code Allocation is enabled.

Repairs: Job Codes
Allow Duplicate Job Codes on Repair Orders
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2020.3

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option sets whether the program checks for duplicate job codes when users add sections to an RO.


  • NO
    The program checks whether the Job Code is already assigned to a section on the RO. If it is, the program displays an error message stating that the job code has already been used.

  • YES (default)
    Job codes can be used more than once in RO sections.

Repairs: Job Codes
Allow Employee Assignment Without A Job Code

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option sets whether users can make an employee assignment without entering a job code. This setting also affects Interactive WorkStation.


  • NO
    Job Codes are required.

  • YES (default)
    Job Codes are optional.

Additional notes

  1. For this option to work correctly when selected, the options Auto Default Jobcode and Auto Create Jobcode should be set to NO.

  2. This option can be set at the Application or Shop Options level.

  3. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  4. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Job Codes
Auto Create Job Codes Based On Fleet

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Automatically create a job code for a component complaint code combination. Base the code on the repair shop and fleet. Create the code only if no job codes exist for that Component and Complaint.


  • NO (default)
    Do not create Job Code assignments.

  • YES
    Create Job Code assignments based on Fleet ID.

Additional notes

This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Job Codes
Auto Create Tasks On Job Code Assignment

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When the employee is assigned to the repair order section, create a task for the selected job code. Assign the job code to the employee.


  • NO
    Tasks are not assigned to employees automatically.

  • YES (default)
    Automatically assign the task to the employee assigned to the repair order section.

Additional note

You can manually add a task to an employee assignment on the RO. Right-click on the assignment and select Assign Task.

Repairs: Job Codes
Auto Default Job Code (Component;Complaint)

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


On the add section page, make the Job Code field the first field. The section can be filled out based on the Job Code instead of the component code.


  • NO (default)
    Create repair order sections by component code.

  • YES
    Create repair order sections by job code.

Additional notes

This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Job Codes
Create Sections By Job Code Instead Of Component Code

Applies to

  • TMT Fleet Maintenance

  • Trimble Technician Portal (TTP) (as of V.2021.3)


Controls whether the Job Code field becomes the first field on the Add Section screen. The section can be filled out based on job code instead of the component code.


  • NO (default)
    Repair order sections created by component code.

  • YES
    Repair order sections created by job code.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Job Codes
Default Existing Job Code & Allow Assignment W/O Job Code

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


  • If this option is YES, when an assignment is created, the Job Code defaults to the Component;Complaint combination if that Job Code exists.

    If it does not exist, the Job Code is left blank. The Employee must create the assignment. It can be saved without a job code.

  • If the option Auto Default Job Code (Component;Complaint), Auto Create Job Code, or Allow Employee Assignment Without A Job Code is YES, this option will be NO and disabled.

  • If the options Auto Default Job Code (Component;Complaint), Auto Create Job Code, and Allow Employee Assignment Without A Job Code are all set to NO, the Default Existing Job Code & Allow Assignment W/O Job Code will be enabled and can be set to YES.

    If it is set to Yes, the options Auto Default Job Code, Auto Create Job Code, and Allow Employee Assignment Without A Job Code are disabled.


  • NO (default)
    The other Job Code options are in effect.

  • YES
    The Default Existing Job Code & Allow Assignment W/O Job Code is enabled and the other Job Code options are not available.

Additional notes

This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Meters

This setting is located in the Repairs: Meters section on the Application Options page.

Repairs: Meters
Disable Ignore For Meter Readings
This option was removed as of V.2020.2.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The Ignore button will be disabled on the meter reading warning preventing the user from entering bogus meter reading entries.


  • NO (default)
    The Ignore meter readings feature is enabled.

  • YES
    The Ignore meter readings feature is disabled.

Repairs: Meters
Do Not Allow Meters That Exceed The Daily Max
This option was removed as of V.2020.2.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When entering a meter reading and that meter reading exceeds the daily max the Accept button will be disabled on the unit meter exceeds daily max message.


  • NO
    When entering a meter reading and that meter reading exceeds the daily max the Accept button will be displayed on the unit meter exceeds daily max message.

  • YES (default)
    The Accept button will not be visible on the unit meter exceeds daily max message.

Additional notes

If an import has Ignore Invalid Meter Readings marked as Yes, meters that exceed the daily max will be marked ignored.

Repairs: Meters
Require Meter Readings On Opening Of Repair Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


A meter reading is required to open an RO.


  • NO (default)
    A meter reading is not required to OPEN a repair order but is still required to close a RO.

  • YES
    A meter reading is required to open an RO.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Pay Grade

This setting is located in the Repairs: Pay Grade section on the Application Options page.

Before V.2020.2, this section was named Repairs: Overtime.

Repairs: Pay Grade
Allow Pay Grade Selection

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When the mechanic charges labor to a repair order, they will be able to select the pay grade to be applied to the labor hours: Standard, Overtime, Weekend, or Holiday.


  • NO (default)
    Pay grade selection is disabled.

  • YES
    Pay grade selection is enabled.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Pay Grade
Auto Selection Of Overtime Pay Grade

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Use this option to have the program treat any work done outside an employee’s normal shift as overtime.


  • NO (default)
    Always use the standard pay grade type on labor lines.

  • YES
    Apply the overtime pay grade type on labor lines for work done outside the employee’s normal shift.

Additional notes

  1. This option works with the Auto Selection Of Weekend Pay Grade option. Setting both options to NO lets shop supervisors select the correct pay grade (weekend or overtime) based on the mechanic’s work times.

  2. This option also applies to IWS, Time Card Editor, and Indirect Charge.

  3. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

    • The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

    • If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: Pay Grade
Auto Selection Of Weekend Pay Grade

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The option sets whether the program applies the weekend pay grade whenever an employee works on a weekend.


  • NO (default)
    Weekend pay grade selection is disabled.

  • YES
    Weekend pay grade selection is enabled.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: PMs

This setting is located in the Repairs: PMs section on the Application Options page.

Repairs: PMs
Default Complaint Code For PM Sections

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Select the Correction code that will automatically be used when a PM repair order section is created. The default reason for complaint code is PM Due.


BLANK (default)

Additional notes

You must create correction codes in Setup > System Setup > Repair Order > Complaint Codes before you can use them here.

Repairs: PMs
Default Reason For Repair Code For PM Sections

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Select the Reason for Repair code that will automatically be used when a PM repair order section is created. The default reason for repair code is Preventive Maintenance.


BLANK (default)

Additional notes

Reason codes must be created in Setup > System Setup > Repair Order > Reason Codes before they can be used here.

Repairs: PMs
Enable PM Fixed Date

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If a user enters a Fixed Date for a PM, the interval for the Day meter associated with the Unit is set to 365 when the PM is updated.


  • NO (default)
    The system works normally.

  • YES
    Day meter interval is set to 365 days.

Repairs: PMs
Exclude Inactive Units From PM Due Reports

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Any units that have a status of INACTIVE will not be reported on the PM report in any program (TMW AMS, Interactive WorkStation, Shop Planner).


  • NO
    Units with a status of INACTIVE are included on the PM Due Report.

  • YES (default)
    Units with a status of INACTIVE are excluded on the PM Due Report.

Repairs: PMs
PM Due Percentage Dependents

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Type or select the percentage used to trigger a Dependent PM. The minimum due percentage is 1%.


85% (default)

Additional Notes

  1. If you set a PM to change the oil in a Unit every 3,000 miles, and set the Due PM detection level for 80%, you receive a notice when the mileage equals 2,400 miles (3,000 x .80). The report of mileage can come from Fuel Tickets, Trip Tickets, Repair Orders, or any other transaction that records mileage. Note that this percentage is based on the interval of the PM due. A PM level due at 1000 miles appears on the schedule at 800 miles. A PM level due at 10,000 miles appears on the schedule at 8000 miles.

  2. For Dependent PMs, the detection percentage selected is applied to the A PM level and used to determine if the higher dependent levels are due.

    For example: you have a unit with an A PM Due interval of 3000, a B PM Due interval of 6000, and a C PM Level Due interval of 12,000. Using 80%, the PM threshold is calculated as shown in the table below:

    PM Level PM Interval 80% Threshold based on the A Level 80% Threshold based on Actual %













    Using this table with the calculation based on the A Level and the utilization since the last done date, the B will not be due unless it is more than 5400 and the C will not be due unless it is more than 11,400.

    Note that for the A Based calculation, the A Level Must contain an interval. If the A Level does not have an interval, the A Based calculation will not work.

    If the option Dependent PMs by Actual % Due by PM Level is set to Yes and the PM level is a dependent PM, the program will use the Component Level PM% if one is set up. If not, the global/shop level dependent percentage to determine if the level is due and apply the percentage directly to the interval for that PM. The A level will not be considered in determining the PM level’s threshold. Using the table above, the B will not be due unless it is more than 4800 and the C will not be due unless it is more than 9600.

    If the primary meter is due, the unit will show based on the primary meter regardless of the percentage due of other meter types for that PM Level. If the primary meter is not due, the unit will show based on the meter with the highest percentage for that PM Level. Exception: If the Primary meter is DAYS, the highest due meter due will show.

  3. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  4. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  5. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: PMs
PM Due Percentage Independents

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Type or select the percentage used to trigger an Independent PM. The minimum due percentage is 1%.


92% (default)

Additional notes

  1. 92% is a 30-day notification on a PM with an interval of 365 days.

  2. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  3. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  4. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: PMs
Return All Dependent PMs That Are Due

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


All dependent PMs that are due for a unit will be returned instead of the highest level due. For example, if a unit has a B level that would fall due based on the due percentage and the A would also be due based on the due percentage, if this option is checked both the A Level and B level will show on the PM Due report. If No is selected only the B level will be displayed.


  • NO (default)
    Only the highest level PM due in a dependent schedule will appear in the PM Due report.

  • YES
    All dependent PMs that are due for a unit will be returned instead of the highest level due.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: PMs
Schedule Dependent PMs By Actual % Due By PM Level

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The option sets how the program schedules dependent PMs.


  • NO
    The program ignores any Component Level PM percentage for dependent PMs. It uses the Application/Shop Option dependent level percentage instead. The PM Due percentage is based on the A Level.

  • YES (default)
    The program uses the Component Level PM percentage, if one is set up, for dependent PMs. If the Component Level PM percentage in not set up, the program uses the Application/Shop Option dependent percentage to decide if the level is due. It applies the percentage directly to the interval for that PM. The program does not consider the A level in determining the PM level’s threshold.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

  4. If the primary meter is due, the program displays the unit based on the primary meter. It does this regardless of the percentage due for other meter types at that PM Level. If the primary meter is not due, it displays the unit based on the meter with the highest percentage for that PM Level.

    Exception: If the Primary meter is DAYS, the highest due meter due will show.


Dependent Application Percentage: 80%

Comp Code Comp % Interval Comp % Threshold Application % Threshold "A" based Threshold




2100 (70% * 3000)

2400 (80% * 3000)

2400 (80% * 3000)




9600 (80% * 12,000)

9600 (80% * 12,000)

11,400 (12,000-600)




32,400 (90% * 36,000)

28,800 (80% * 36,000)

35,400 (36,000-600)

Repairs: PMs
Section Component Code For PM Parts

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The section component code is used for parts charged on the repair order instead of the part component code. This option works when the reason for repair code has been marked Update PM in Codekeys.


  • NO
    Parts will report historically based on the part component code.

  • YES (default)
    Parts will report historically based on the section PM component code.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: PMs
Set PM Last Done To Section Completed when RO is Completed

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If set to YES, updates the Last Done date for a PM on a repair order to the completed date of the repair order section when the repair order header status has been completed. When the repair order header status is closed, the Last Done date for that PM retains the completed date of when the repair order section was completed.

Warning: This option should only be enabled when you are using TMT Web. Do not turn this option on if you are using the Client Server application or a mixed Web and Client Server instance.


  • NO
    PM Last Done date is updated when the repair order is closed.

  • YES (default)
    When a RO is set to complete, a PM on the RO will set the last done date to the completed date of the PM Section.

Repairs: PMs
Use PM Due Calculation Job

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When you set this option to YES, the program uses the scheduled job for calculating PM due dates rather than calculating the dates on the fly. This can significantly improve performance for large PM Due reports.


  • NO (default)
    The program calculates PM due dates on the fly.

  • YES
    The program calculates PM due dates on a scheduled basis.

Repairs: PMs
Validate Component Code Against PMs For That Unit

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When tabbing out of the Component Code field on the RO Section dialog box, the Repair Reason combo-box will be loaded as follows:

  • If the component code is set up for the unit as a PM code, then the list will be loaded with reason codes that are valid PM codes.

  • If the component code is not set up as a PM code in the Unit Master then all repair reasons except the PM repair reasons will be loaded.


  • NO
    PM codes do not validate against the unit’s PM schedule.

  • YES (default)
    PM codes validate against the unit’s PM schedule.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Repairs: PMs
Enable Fixed PM Schedule

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option sets how the program decides when PM events are due.


  • NO (default)
    PM events are set on a sliding schedule.

  • Yes
    PM events are set on a fixed schedule.

Additional notes

Users can override this setting at the Shop Options level.

The program looks for this setting at the Shop Options level first. It then looks at the Application Options level.

If a user sets the Shop Option differently from the Application Option, the setting becomes independent. That is, changing the Application Option setting does not sync with the Shop Option setting.

Repairs: Signoff

This setting is located in the Repairs: Signoff section on the Application Options page.

Repairs: Signoff
Require RO Signoff

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


A checkbox will appear on all ROs on the Header tab under the Order Status Time with the Sign Off checkbox text.


  • NO (default)
    No checkbox on order.

  • YES
    A checkbox appears on all ROs on the Header tab.

Repairs: Signoff
Require RO Signoff Comment

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


A comment will be required on the Sign Off Required form to close the RO if the Sign Off Prompt checkbox was checked on the RO Header.


  • NO (default)
    No comment field on order.

  • YES
    A comment will be required on the Sign Off Required form to close the RO if the Sign Off Prompt checkbox was checked on the RO Header.

Repairs: Signoff
Signoff Close Prompt

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Up to 256 characters can be entered here and that text will appear on a Sign Off Required form that will appear when an RO is closed if the Sign Off Prompt checkbox was checked on the RO Header tab. The RO cannot be closed until Yes is selected on the Sign Off Required form.


  • NO (default)
    No checkbox on order.

  • YES
    A Sign Off Required form appears when closing a repair order.

Repairs: Signoff
Signoff Open Prompt

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Up to 45 characters can be entered here and that text will appear beside the Sign Off Prompt checkbox below the Order Status Time on the RO Header tab.


  • NO (default)
    No prompt on order.

  • YES
    A Sign Off Prompt field appears when opening a repair order.

Repairs: Tires

This setting is located in the Repairs: Tires section on the Application Options page.

Repairs: Tires
Allow Spare Tire

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will add the ability to designate the presence of a Spare Tire on the Tire Configuration setup.

A Spare Tire icon appears on the Tire Data screen in Interactive Workstation.

A right-click option will be available within TMT Fleet Maintenance allowing the user to use the Spare Tire to replace an existing tire on the unit. The user can also use the Spare Tire from another unit if the unit with the tire replacement does not have a Spare Tire indicated. This action will automatically create a Repair Order to credit the unit with the Spare Tire and charge that Spare Tire to the unit with the tire replacement.

Note: The right-click option is not available in Enterprise.


  • NO (default)
    The Spare Tire feature is disabled.

  • YES
    The Spare Tire feature is enabled.

Repairs: Tires
Default Tire Destination

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Sets the default tire destination when charging out tires on a Repair Order using the Tire Module. If a value is not selected, the user has to manually select the tire destination. If a value is set, that value is automatically default when the reason code is entered.


The following destinations can be selected as a default: Inventory, Recap, Repair, Review, Scrap.

Additional Notes

This option is only available if the Tire Module is enabled.

Repairs: Tires
Enforce Axle Type For Tires

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If Yes is set, a tire position can only be used if the position selected is valid for the axle selected. If the tire position is not valid then an error message will be displayed.


  • NO
    Any position can be selected on the Tire Rotation screen.

  • YES (default)
    Tire positions are validated against the axle type

Additional notes

Adds a control on part lines when a part type of tire is selected.

Repairs: Tires
Require DOT Numbers For Tires

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If Yes is set, users are required to enter DOT Numbers when a Tire is added to an order.


  • NO (default)
    DOT Numbers are not required.

  • YES
    DOT Numbers are required.

Additional notes

Adds a control on Part lines when a part type of Tire is selected.

Repairs: Warranty

This setting is located in the Repairs: Warranty section on the Application Options page.

Repairs: Warranty
Allow Warranty Claims For Vendor ROs With A Completed Status

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option enables potential warranty records to be created when the status of a Vender RO is set to Complete or Closed.


  • NO (default)
    Potential warranty records for Vendor ROs are created only when the Vendor RO is closed.

  • YES
    When a Vendor RO is set to Complete or Closed, the potential warranty records is created.

Note: This option has no effect on Standard ROs.

Repairs: Warranty
Enable Warranty Processing

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The Warranty Indicator lights will function to indicate Warranty condition during Repair Order entry. The Warranty Type will be selected on the repair order section based on the warranty status of the unit or component charged on the section, and potential warranty records will be created.


  • NO
    The system will not create warranty records.

  • YES (default)
    The system will create warranty records.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options

Repairs: Warranty
Require Cause & Correction If Under Warranty

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When a labor line is entered on a section that is under warranty, at least one cause and correction is required before the labor line can be created.

Warranty sections do not require cause and correction if the warranty status is:



  • NULL


  • NO
    A Cause and Correction code will not be required on a Labor line on the repair order.

  • YES (default)
    At least one Cause and Correction is required before the labor line can be created.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.