TMT SSRS Report Directory

The TMT SSRS Report Library is a web-based report directory of SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS) reports available to Trimble customers. The reports and report templates listed in this directory allow you to view and generate reports tailored to your company’s business needs.

The reports listed in the Report Directory are designed to be viewed in a web browser. Trimble recommends using Internet Explorer 6 or later.

This illustration shows a sample SSRS report.



Report Name Description

Account Analysis

This report provides a listing of the debits and credits for orders exported to Accounting.

Account Disbursement Analysis

This report will give you a list of all disbursement rules and sub-rules.

Accounting Export Batch Detail

The report is designed to be run for a specific exported date range and Microsoft Dynamics GP batch number and provides a listing of the debits and credits for orders that have been exported to an accounting package.

Current Book Value By Inventory Account

This report is designed to be run at the end of the month to give the book value of inventory.


Report Name Description

Customer Cost Summary

The Customer Cost Summary Report provides Unit repair information by customer.

Customer Gross Profit

This report will show the Gross Sales and Gross Profit for each customer.

Customer Invoices Listing

This report displays a list of customer invoices.

Customer Listing

This report displays a list of all of your customers.

Customer Master

This report displays an individual customer and their customer contact info, number of units, life to date profit, average invoice amount, average invoice per unit, number of invoices in last 6 months, repair cost for last 6 months, invoice sales for last 6 months, profit for last 6 months, component costs, and the last 10 invoices for the customer.

Customer Unit Component Cost

The Customer Unit Component Cost Report provides an analysis of Customer Unit costs based on Component code.

Customer Unit Component Cost Summary

The Customer Unit Component Cost Summary Report provides an analysis of Customer Unit costs by Cost Center.

Customer Unit Cost of Ownership

The Customer Unit Cost of Ownership Report provides a breakdown of Customer Unit costs based on years of service for the Unit.

Customer Unit Life Cycle Cost

This report displays a summary of units for each customer.

Customer Unit Reason for Repair Analysis

The Customer Unit Reason for Repair Analysis provides a breakdown of Customer Unit costs based on reason for repair for each unit.

Customer Units Listing

This report displays all units assigned to a customer.

Invoice Billing

This report displays an invoice listing.

Parts Gross Profit Summary

This report breaks down each part each customer buys by shop.

Sales Cost and Gross Profit

This report will show the sales, cost and gross profit for each customer.

Trend Monthly Sales

This report gives the Repair Invoice Sales totals by Shop, Customer, and Unit Type.


Report Name Description

Approved Time Cards

This report shows the regular hours, overtime hours and total hours for employees with approved time cards for week ending date you enter.

Driver Cost Detail

The Driver Cost Detail Report is very similar to the Unit Cost Summary Report except the primary grouping is by Driver ID instead of Unit ID. The report will provide the Cost, Utilization and Cost Per Mile (CPM) for each unit assigned to a driver with the cost and CPM reflecting the date range the unit was assigned to the driver.

Driver Cost Summary

The Driver Cost Summary Report is the summary version of the Driver Cost Detail Report.

Driver Listing

This report displays a list of all drivers, along with their contact information, shop, shift and driver’s license information.

Employee Indirect Labor Log

List each employee’s indirect labor charges by indirect labor code based on the selection criteria and date range. Both Open and Closed indirect charges will be returned when this report is run.

Employee Labor Log

Lists each employee’s direct labor and indirect labor charges based on the selection criteria and date range.

Employee Labor Time Log

This report displays a list of the employees and shows how their time breaks down by direct and indirect categories.

Employee Listing

This report displays a list of all employees, along with their contact information, shop, shift and status.

Employee Master

This report displays an individual employee and information.

Employee Time Analysis

The Employee Time Analysis Report provides a detailed analysis for the labor time entered through the Interactive Works Station.

Employee Time Card

This report displays an employee’s time card.

Estimated Time Vs. Actual Time

The Estimated Time Vs. Actual Time Report lists each employee’s actual time and compares it to the estimated time, SRT Time or Flat Rate Time for the Jobcode assigned to the employee section assignment on the repair order.

Mechanic Time Vs. Billed Hours

The Mechanic Time Vs. Billed Hours Report lists each employee’s actual time and compares it to the time billed on invoices.

Payroll Time Exported

The report is designed to return approved time cards for a week from Sunday through Saturday based on the date provided.

TINA Employee Time Card

The TINA Employee Time Card Report returns for each day in a date range the clock in/out time before lunch, the clock in/out time after lunch, the paid hours for the day and a total running hours paid for the date range entered.


Report Name Description

Invalid Order Numbers

This report will give you a list of all the orders that are in the Invalid Order Number table of TMW AMS.

Job Codes

This report will return a list of job codes setup in TMT Fleet Maintenance.

Job Codes by Component

The Job Codes by Component report reports job codes by component code.

Job Codes by Shop

This report displays, by shop, the job code number, description, component, complaint, fleet, unit, unit type, if it is user changeable, if it was reviewed, the estimated time and the standard repair time.

Order Inquiries_Campaign

The Order Inquiries for Campaigns report allows you to review campaigns.

Order Inquiries_Fuel Ticket

The Order Inquiries for Fuel Tickets report allows you to review Fuel Tickets.

Order Inquiries_Indirects

The Order Inquiries for Indirect Charges report allows you to review indirect orders.

Order Inquiries_Invoice Orders

The Order Inquiries for Invoice Orders allows you to review Invoices.

Order Inquiries_Purchase Orders

The Order Inquiries for Purchase Orders allows you to review Purchase Orders.

Order Inquiries_Repair Orders

The Order Inquiries for Repair Order allows you to review Repair Orders.

Order Inquiries_Transfers

This report displays an employee’s time card.

Order Inquiries_Warranty Claims

The Order Inquiries for Warranty Claims report allows you to review warranty claims.

Part Inventory

Report Name Description

Historical Part Inventory Listing

This report returns all the parts by shop with their quantity on hand, cost, and total inventory value for a specified date.

Inventory Adjustment Listing

This report is designed to return inventory adjustments for each shop by inventory type.

Inventory Replenishment

This report is designed to return your inventory replenishment levels based on part number.

Inventory Month-End Balances

The report is designed to return inventory levels for each shop by inventory type.

Part Inventory Kit Listing

This report displays, by shop, all the kits available to that shop.

Part Inventory Listing

This report displays, by shop, a list of all of your parts.

Part Inventory Listing by Bin

This report displays all of your parts by bin assignment.

Part Inventory Listing by Cost

This report displays, by shop, the parts in the shop inventory. For each part, the information from the Cost tab in TMW AMS is shown.

Part Inventory Summary by Cost

This report will show the part, manufacturer, component, on order, on hand, item cost and value for each part in every shop.

Part Inventory Summary by Part Type

This report displays, by shop, all part types. Each part type includes total quantity of on-hand parts and the total dollar amount for each part type.

Part Inventory Summary by Shop

This report displays the on hand quantity of parts and the value of the parts for each shop.

Part Reorder Point Analysis

This report displays the on-hand, on order, trigger point, safety point, target point and last 3 month usage of each part under each shop.

Parts Catalog Kits Listing

This report displays a list of all the part kits listed in the Parts Catalog.

Parts Catalog Listing

This report displays a listing of all parts in the Parts Catalog master file.

Parts Catalog Substitute Part List

This report displays a list of parts that have substitute parts set up for them in shop inventory.

Parts Catalog Superseded Parts List

This report displays all the parts in the Part Catalog that have superseded parts.

Parts on Pending Orders

Allows you to report on all pending Repair Orders that contain parts.

Parts Usage

This report displays all parts with usage, without usage, or both, based on the entered number of days before the current day.

Physical Inventory Adjustment Log

This report displays all the physical inventory adjustments.

Period Close

Report Name Description

Period Close Account Analysis

The report is designed to return a detailed or summary analysis of all part transactions by account type for a period.

Period Close Fixed Cost

The report is designed to return fixed cost amounts for each unit for each fixed cost incurred during a period.

Period Close Invoice Analysis

The report is designed to return the cost amounts, sale amounts, and gross profit for invoices during a period.

Period Close Non-Inventory Analysis

The report is designed to return following non-inventory transactions: Direct Costs - Fees/Services/Labor, Indirect Costs - Services/Labor/Fees and Vendor charges - Fuel/Labor/Parts/Services.

Period Close Purchase Orders

The report is designed to return Vendor, Fees, Misc Charges, Freight Charges and Taxes on purchase orders for a period.


Report Name Description

Comdata Transaction

The Comdata Transaction Report will provide a list of Comdata transactions.

Division Transaction Summary

The report is designed to return a summary analysis of all Purchase Orders grouped by Division and PO Type.

Part Purchase History

The report is designed to be run for a component code or part number to get the purchase history for that part or component code for a specific date range.

PO Accrual Summary

This report displays all purchase orders that are received, but not closed for a specified time period.

Purchase Order Accrual

The Purchase Order Accrual report is designed to return received Purchase Order that has not been invoiced in the accrual date range.


Report Name Description

Bill Rate by Shop and Unit Type

The report displays the bill rate you are charging each one for each type of equipment at each shop.

Daily Closed Invoice

The Daily Closed Invoice Report returns a listing of closed invoices.

Margin Report by Charge Category and Customer Type

The Margin Report by Charge Category and Customer Type Report lists the margins of sales broken down by Charge Category and then by Customer Type.

Shop Component Cost Analysis

The Shop Component Cost Analysis details the labor, parts and services repair cost for a shop broken down by component code.

Shop Cost Analysis

This report will break down your shop costs by labor, parts, services, tires and other cost.

Shop Foreign Repair Analysis

This report displays a list of all repair orders where a unit was worked on in a shop, other than the domicile shop listed on the unit master for that unit.

Shop Labor Log

This report displays all orders during the specified time period and lists them with the total time spent on each order.

Shop Listing

This report displays a complete list of shops with their city, state, shop type, cost center, department, division, phone and fax numbers.

Shop Master

This report displays basic information about your shop.

Shop Reason for Repair Analysis

The Shop Reason for Repair Analysis Report details the shop parts, labor and services cost and vendor parts, labor and services cost by repair shop and reason for repair.

Shop Scheduled Maintenance Performance

The Shop Scheduled Maintenance Performance Report displays the number of scheduled maintenance orders and their associated costs.


Report Name Description

Audit Scheduler

The Audit Scheduler Report displays items from the Scheduler and who modified them.


The report is designed to return all Codekeys and can be printed in Normal or Barcode format.

Diagnostics Definitions

The Diagnostics Definitions Report lists the assignments for each diagnostic definition.


The report is designed to return all the system settings.

Integration Error Messages

The Integration Error Messages Report lists the error messages generated integration functions.

Master Tools List

The report is designed to return all the tools types listed in the system.


Report Name Description

This report totals the number of tires added to unit types during a selected period. It calculates the percentage by unit type from the total tires added by all unit types.

The report gives a list of all Tires setup in the Parts Catalog and gives the total number of tires in inventory, tires in use, Avg Miles, Avg Miles per 32, Avg Cost, Number of Tires above warning, number of tires below warning, and number of tires needing replacement.

The report is designed to return detailed analysis of Repair Orders that have part charges with a component code in the 017 range.

This report shows:

  • Units with spare position

  • Units with spare tire mounted

  • Units with a casing mounted

  • Units with no spare position


Report Name Description

Age of Units

This report displays the age of your units (in years).

PM Costs

This report displays bar graphs showing the PM labor hours, PM labor cost, PM parts cost and the PM total cost.

PMs Due

The report displays a list of all units that are due for a PM.

Unit Chronic Repairs

This report will give you a list of all the units that have had chronic repairs done on them in a given time period.

Unit Component Cost

This report displays the cost per unit utilization, labor hours, labor cost, part cost, services cost, total cost and percent of total cost for each component code.

Unit Component Cost Summary

This report shows the utilization, cost per unit utilization, labor hours, labor cost, part cost, services cost, fees, and total cost.

Unit Cost By Utilization

The Unit Cost By Utilization Report provides a cost per utilization for up to two utilizations for the maintenance cost, tire cost and fuel cost.

Unit Cost Detail

This report takes the maintenance costs and the operational costs (tracked in TMT Fleet Maintenance) and combines them to show the total unit cost.

Unit Cost Of Ownership

The Unit Cost of Ownership Report is based on years in service rather than calendar years.

Unit Cost Summary

This report displays, by unit, the utilization type, cost per unit, maintenance repair, management decision, outside influence and total cost.

Unit Cost Summary by Month

The Unit Cost Summary by Month Report provides a summary of cost by reason groups for a month range or a closed period range.

Unit Down Time Analysis

The Unit Down Time Analysis Report provides a way to capture a unit’s downtime and time out of service.

Unit Down Time Analysis Detail

The Unit Down Time Analysis Detail Report provides a way to capture a unit’s downtime and time out of service by Component Code.

Unit Fuel Ticket History

This report will show you the past fuel ticket for all units. At the end of the report the cost will be broken down for each fuel type and by company or road.

Unit Fuel Utilization

This report will display the Unit, Utilization, Total Amount, Company Amount, Road Amount, Company Cost, Road Cost, % of Road Amount, % of Road Cost, Use Per Unit Fuel, and Cost Per Unit Usage.

Unit Inventory

This report displays an inventory of all the units.

Unit Licenses Due

This report will show you all licenses that are due within a given time period.

Unit Life Cycle Cost

This report displays the summary of the units cost and utilization.

Unit Master

This report contains the basic unit information as well as PMs due, last 10 repair orders for the unit, unit cost, cost by component, cost per mile, miles per gallon, warranty credits and lifetime miles.

Unit Master History

This report is designed to show you what is on the Masters > Units > History tab of TMT Fleet Maintenance.

Unit Parts Usage Listing

This report allows you to identify every part charged on a unit on a repair order.

Unit PM Master Listing

This report shows every PM for each unit.

Unit Reason for Repair Analysis

The Unit Reason for Repair Analysis Report provides a breakdown of Shop costs and Vendor costs by reason for repair.

Unit Repair Cost by Repair Shop

This report shows all repair orders for a unit.

Unit Repair Inquiry

The Unit Repair Inquiry Report displays a list of repair orders.

Unit User Defined Fields

The Unit User Defined Fields report displays all units that have had Unit User Defined Fields attached.

Value Engineering

Report Name Description

Maintenance System Cost

The Maintenance System Cost report returns costs by component codes for a defined unit type.

Tire Maintenance Costs

The Tire Maintenance Cost report returns tire costs for a defined unit type.


Report Name Description

Back Order Purchase

The Back Order Purchase report will give the detail of all purchase orders that have back orders by vendor.

PO Accrual

The PO Accrual report lists purchase orders that have been received but not closed.

Vendor Listing

The Vendor Listing report provides a way to review a list of vendors within the system.

Vendor Master

The Vendor Master report displays an individual vendor and basic information.

Vendor Part Listing

The Vendor Part Listing report will list all the vendor parts grouped by shop and vendor.

Vendor Part Supplier

The Vendor Part Supplier report is a list of all vendors from whom parts are purchased and the prices charged by those vendors.

Vendor Purchases

The Vendor Purchases report provides a way to view all vendor purchases and vendor repair orders entered in the system.

Vendor Repair Cost Detail

The Vendor Repair Cost Detail report lists units with all vendor repairs associated by vendor.

Vendor Repair Cost Summary

The Vendor Repair Cost Summary report lists the units with all vendor repairs associated to with that unit listed.

Vendor RO Accrual

The Vendor Ro Accrual shows each repair order and all the charges that were paid to the vendor for that repair order.


Report Name Description

After Market Potential Warranty Claim

The After Market Potential Warranty Claim report lists repairs made that have after-market warranty.

OEM/Extended Potential Warranty

The OEM/Extended Potential Warranty report is distinguished from the After-Market Part Warranty report in the layout and is just as critical in the analysis of units that have had repairs that allow the user to identify by RO number each repair that falls under the OEM or Component Extended warranty.

Unit Components Warranty Status

The Unit Components Warranty Status report will aid in the analysis of units which have warranty by specific component that have been established in the unit master file on the extended warranty tab.

Unit Warranty Claims

The Unit Warranty Claims report displays a list of warranty claims.

Unit Warranty Status

The Unit Warranty Status report is different from the Component Warranty status report in the sense that it only examines the unit’s bumper-to-bumper or glove box warranty status and reports the current OEM Warranty status.

Units with After-Market Part Warranty

The Units with After-Market Part Warranty report is key in the analysis of units which have repairs that allow the user to identify the aftermarket part warranty by part number.