Vendor Parts master records

You use the Vendor Parts page to create and maintain vendor-supplied parts. A vendor-supplied part is provided and installed by a third-party vendor during a repair process. These parts do not affect a shop’s inventory. You can associate the part with a vendor alone, or with both a shop and a vendor combined.

On this page, you can:

  • Create, update, or remove vendor parts records

  • Specify a part manufacturer

  • Provide warranty information

  • Identify requirements for charging a part on a repair order

Go to Menu > Masters > Vendor Parts to open the Vendor Parts page.

Layout of the Vendor Parts page

This illustration shows the Vendor Parts page.


Pages are designed so that menus and functionality areas appear the same way throughout the application. While some elements are not part of every page, the basic layout of the page is consistent.

The Vendor Parts page provides access to the:

  • Menu that lists application menu items

  • User menu that lists user-specific menu items

  • Command buttons that allow you to delete, add, reset, and save vendor part records

  • Data Navigator used to page through part records
    For details, see Searching and navigating the application.

  • Functionality area where you enter information into the system

  • Navigation pane that includes the Shop, Vendor, Part lookup fields and the image2 Search icons


All fields are required.

Field Definition


User defined shop identification number

Identifies the shop assigned to the vendor part.


User defined vendor identification number for the vendor providing the part

You can enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters.


User defined part identification number

You can enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters.


  1. To enable this field, you must enter a vendor ID in the Vendor field.

  2. This can be the manufacturer’s part number or a number used by your company for the part.

  3. The part number cannot start with blanks. The system removes any blanks entered on a part automatically.

Definition tab

The Definition tab has five sections: Part Classification, Inventory Method, Manufacturer, Warranty Information, and RO Requirements. It shows:

  • The full name of the shop (if applicable) instead of the shop ID

  • The full name of the vendor instead of the vendor ID

  • The full name of the part instead of the part ID
    Trimble recommends using the OEM part number.

This illustration shows the Definition tab sections.


Part Classification

You use the Part Classification section to enter specifics about the part, including its description, component code, and whether the part is taxable.

Required field: *

Field Definition

Description *

Part’s description

Component Code *

Component codes are based on the ATA standard component codes for Systems, Assemblies, and Parts on a unit. The codes are developed in three sets of three digits. The sets are separated by dashes:

  • XXX
    Three digits represent a system on a unit. This is the highest level of a component. For example, 013 is the component code for Brakes.

    The second set of three digits represents an assembly on a unit. For example, 013-001 is the component code for the Front Brakes and Drums.

    The third set of three digits represents a part on a unit. For example, 013-001-014 is a Front Brake Shoe.

Part Type *

Part type classifies the part. The following are valid part types:

  • Accessory
    A major component on equipment

    It is commonly a serialized part. Examples of an accessory include an engine, transmission, and GPS system.

  • Casing
    A tire that needs to be re-capped

    This part type is commonly used when the Tire Module has been purchased.

  • Fluids
    You use fluids on fuel tickets and repair orders. When setting up a fluid, the fluid type field appears. An entry in the field is required.

  • Kit
    Contains multiple parts

    When you charge a kit part ID on an order, the parts that make up the kit are charged on the order automatically.

  • Spare
    A spare tire on a unit

    It is commonly used when the Tire Module has been purchased.

  • Standard
    This option covers all parts that do not fit into the special categories above.

  • Supplies
    Items that you do not normally charge on a repair order, such as shop towels

  • Tire
    Special designation for tires tracked in inventory


Shop that purchased the part


Determines if the part is taxable.

Options are:

  • YES (default)
    Calculate the tax.

  • NO
    Do not calculate the tax.

Note: To change the value, toggle to the needed option.

Inventory Method

The Inventory Method section shows the UOM (Unit of Measure), Default Cost, and Default Quantity fields.

Required field: *

Field Definition


Part’s unit of measure (such as Each, Dozen, Gross)

Default Cost

Vendor’s price for the part

Default Quantity

Quantity of part purchased


The Manufacturer section contains information on the part’s manufacturer.

Required field: *

Field Definition

Manufacturer *

Part manufacturer’s ID

Note: The system uses the standard ATA codes for the manufacturer’s ID.

Manufacturer’s Part Number

Manufacturer’s specified number for this part

Typically, this is the OEM part number.

Warranty Information

This section allows you to identify the part as having a warranty.

If the part does not have a warranty, click the Expendable Item button. The fields used to record warranty information are disabled.


If the part does have a warranty, you can record the type and length of the warranty.

Field Definition

Meter Type 1, 2, or 3

Meter type used to measure warranty information (such as ECM, Odometer, Days, Hour Meter).

Meter 1, 2, or 3 Lifetime

Warranty’s duration based on the selected meter type (such as 45,000 miles or 365 days)

Meter 1, 2, or 3 Part Life

Number that represents the complete life of a part

RO Requirements

You use the RO Requirements section to specify requirements for the part when it is charged on a repair order.

Field Definition


Determines whether a position is required to charge a part on a repair order

Options are:

  • NO (default)
    Does not require a position

  • YES
    Requires a position

Note: To change the value, toggle to the needed option.

Component Match

Determines whether the part’s component code and the component code shown in the repair order section must match to charge that part out to the repair order

For example, if the part component code is 034-001-001, the section component code must be 034 or 034-001, before the part can be charged on that section.

Options are:

  • NO (default)
    The components' codes do not have to match

  • YES
    The components' codes must match

Note: To change the value, toggle to the needed option

Serialized Part

Determines whether a serial number is required when charging a part to a repair order

Options are:

  • NO (default)
    A serial number is not required

  • YES
    A serial number is required


  1. To change the value, toggle to the needed option.

  2. If a serial number is required, the New Serial Number and Old Serial Number are shown.