Employee master records

An employee master record is a repository of information for an individual employee. You must create employee records before your employees can log into the Interactive Workstation and record time against repair orders.

You use the Employees page to:

  • Create employee records

  • Update employee information

  • Remove employee records

Go to Menu > Masters > Employees to open the Employees page.

Layout of the Employees page

This illustration shows the Employees page.


Pages are designed so that menus and functionality areas appear the same way throughout the application. While some elements are not part of every page, the basic layout of the page is consistent.
  • The Employees page provides easy access to the:

  • Menu that lists application menu items

  • User menu that lists user-specific menu items

  • Command buttons that allow you to delete, add, reset, and save employee records

  • Functionality area that you use to enter information into the system

  • Navigation pane that includes the Employee lookup field and the image2 Search icon


    The identification number used to look up an employee is user defined. You can enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters in this field.

Definition tab

The Definition tab includes six sections: Employee Information, Contact, Address, Emergency Contact, Employment Information, and Licensing.

The Employee, Driver, and Both buttons appear in this section. The button with blue highlighting indicates the employee’s Employee Type (Employee, Driver, or Employee/Driver).

This illustration shows the Definition tab sections.


Employee Information

This section contains the employee’s name, shop, primary shift, and username.

Required field: *

Field Definition

First Name *

Employee’s first name

Last Name *

Employee’s last name

Shop *

Primary shop where the employee works

Primary Shift *

Employee’s main work shift

User Name

Employee’s computer username


This section contains the phone numbers and email addresses.

Field Definition

Office Phone

Employee’s business phone number


Employee’s phone extension number, if there is one

Mobile Phone

Employee’s business or personal mobile number

Home Phone

Employee’s home or personal phone number


Employee’s email address


This section contains the address information.

Required field: *

Field Definition

Address *

Employee’s residential street address

Address Line 2

Employee’s secondary address, such as a suite number

City *

Employee’s city location

State *

Employee’s state location

Zip Code *

Employee’s ZIP/Postal code

Emergency Contact

This section contains the employee’s emergency contact information.

Field Definition


Person to contact about an emergency involving the employee


Emergency contact’s phone number

Employment Information

This section shows most of the work related information for the employee, such as the employee’s status, hire date, classification, and pay grade.

Required field: *

Field Definition

Status *

Employee’s current work status

The default is Active.

Hired *

Employee’s hire date


Employee’s termination date


Company division in which the employee works


Company department in which the employee works


Name of the employee’s manager

Classification *

Employee’s classification within your company

Options for this field are set up by your company.

Examples may include:

  • Parts Clerk

  • Data Entry Clerk

  • Shop Maintenance

  • Manager

Paygrade *

Hourly rate for the employee

This field displays the employee’s hourly rate that appears on repair orders or indirect charge activities.

Note: If you specify a different rate on a shop master record, the system uses the shop’s rate instead of the rate listed in this field.


This section identifies the employee’s driver license class.

Field Definition


Driver’s License Class for this employee or driver


  • CDL-A

  • CDL-B

  • CDL-C

  • OPER

Driver’s License

Driver’s License number

Note: The Employee Type must be Employee or Driver for this field to display.

Skills tab

The Skills tab includes the Skill Information section. This tab displays sections and fields used to record information about the employee’s skill set. Employee may be certified for certain skills in their field.


The Skill Information section allows you to Delete, Edit, or Add a skill.

Field Definition


A skill or skill set including those for which the employee is certified

Values display for user defined options set up by your company.


Description of the skill or skill set


Date the certification for the skill set became effective


Date the certification for the skill set expires


Date the employee originally received certification for the skill

Shifts tab

This tab includes the Shift Assignments section, which displays the current and historic shift assignments for an employee. This is a read-only section.

You select an employee’s shift in the Employee Information section on the Definition tab.


Work History tab

This tab includes two sections: Date Range and Work History. These sections allow you to view an employee’s detailed work history for a specified date range.

To display the work history, enter values in the Starting Date and Ending Date fields. Then click Search.


Date Range

Use this section to search for work records, based on a date range.

Field Definition

Starting Date

Beginning date range

Ending Date

Ending date range

Work History

This section displays orders for which an employee performed labor during the date range specified.

Field Definition


Order number


Unit number


Component code

Labor Hrs

Number of hours the employee worked on the component or the total indirect charge time

Chg Category

Charge Category for the job assigned to the employee

The default charge type is Standard.

Order Type

Order type

Options are:

  • Repair for a repair order

  • Indirect for an indirect charge


Invoice number

Click the invoice number to view the SSRS invoice detail report.

Chg Date

Last date the order changed

Order Details

Opens the order’s Repair Order Detail page

Tools tab

The Tools tab includes two sections: Filters and Tool Inventory. Use the fields in these sections to search for the technician’s tools, and show a list of tools assigned to the technician



Use this section to search for the technician’s tools. You can enter filter criteria to narrow your search results.

Field Definition


Enter a keyword from the tool’s description in this field to search for parts in the tools catalog. Click Search to view a list of records that match your criteria.

Note: The key to searching from the Description field is to use consistent terminology when naming parts. For example, you can search for a hammer using the keyword hammer, or the keywords, hammer type sledge, ball peen or claw. Include the keywords you want to search by in the part’s description.


Use this field to search for a tool based on its assigned category.

The system shows over 25 category options such as, Screwdriver, Hammers, Wrench, and 1/2 Drive.

Include Standard, Metric, and Miscellaneous Groups

All tools must belong to one of these three groups.

To remove a group as a search filter, toggle its field option to NO.

Tool Inventory

This section shows a list of all the tools assigned to the technician. The Add, Edit, and Delete commands allow you to alter the tools list.

Field Definition


Tool’s description


Tool’s manufacturer


Quantity of a particular tool assigned to the employee


Tool’s price

Serial Number

Tool’s serial number


Date you purchased the tool

Units tab

The Units tab displays the Unit Information section. It displays all the units currently assigned to the selected employee.


The Unit Information section allows you to Assign, Reassign, or Unassign units to an employee.

Field Definition


Unit’s ID


Unit’s description


Customer assigned to the unit


Date the unit assignment went into effect


Date the unit assignment ends

Misc tab

The Misc tab includes three sections: Misc Information, Workstation, and Employee Permissions. Sections and fields display on this tab depending on whether you install specific options or modules in your system.

Misc Information

The Misc Information section shows these fields:

Field Definition

Workstation Default Mode

For V.2022.2.2 and earlier. This option was removed in V.2023.1.

This option sets the default mode for the Interactive Workstation (IWS)

Valid options are:






Payroll Type

Specifies the employee’s payroll type, such as Hourly


Employee’s pager number, if there is one


The Workstation section contains the employee’s password.

  • For V.2022.3 and later, the password field is labeled Workstation Password.

  • For V.2022.2.2 and earlier, the password field is labeled Interactive Workstation Password.

Employee Permissions

The Employee Permissions section allows you to set certain permissions for the employee.

Field Definition

RO Enabled?

When set to YES, you can select the employee’s ID to create a labor line on a repair order

Mechanic Can Go Remote?

For V.2022.3.4 and earlier. This option was removed in V.2023.1.

When set to YES, the mechanic can sync a mobile device to upload the mechanic’s remote activity

Note: To use this feature, you must:

  • Install the Advanced Barcode module

  • Use Mechanic Workstation (for versions 2022.2.2 and earlier) or Trimble Technician Portal (for V.2022.3 and later)

Workstation Only?

Determines which application the employee can use on a handheld device.

  • If set to YES, the handheld device allows the employee to use the application only.

  • If set to NO, the handheld device allows the employee to use any application.

Allow Charging of Parts from Workstation?

When set to YES, the employee can charge parts in Mechanic Workstation (for V.2022.2.2 and earlier) or Trimble Technician Portal (for V.2022.3 and later).

If this option is set to NO, the system disables the Parts Charge button.

Allow Creating of Units 'On the Fly' in Workstation?

When set to YES, the mechanic can enter a new Unit on the fly. When this occurs, the system puts the customer ID first when creating a new RO.

Notes: To use this process:

  1. The customer must currently exist

  2. Enable options for Create Retail Units and Customers on the Fly.

  3. Enable the Mechanic Workstation or TTP option for Create Retail Units on the Fly.

Understanding employee types

When you create a new employee master record, you must identify the employee by a specific Employee Type.

  • Driver
    These employees move assets. Depending on the unit type, a CDL license may be required for this type of employee.

  • Employee
    These employees record their time against repair orders or indirect charge activities (such as shop maintenance).

  • Driver/Employee
    These employees perform both functions.

  • Based on your Employee Type selection, the system displays different tabs on the employee master record. Each tab contains sections and fields in which you can record additional information about the employee.

    This illustration shows the tabs available on the Employees page based on the Employee Type.
