Vendors master records

A vendor master record is required if your company:

  • Uses the Automatic Parts Requisition feature

  • Creates new purchase orders

You use the Vendors page to:

  • Create vendor records

  • Update vendor information

  • Remove vendor records

Go to Menu > Masters > Vendors to open the Vendors page.

Layout of the Vendors page

This illustration shows the Vendors page.


Pages are designed so that menus and functionality areas appear the same way throughout the application. While some elements are not part of every page, the basic layout of the page is consistent.

The Vendors page provides easy access to the:

  • Menu that lists application menu items

  • User menu that lists user-specific menu items

  • Command buttons used to Delete, Add, Reset, and Save vendor records

  • Functionality area where you enter information into the system

  • Navigation pane that includes the Vendor lookup field and the image2 Search icon


    The identification number used to look up a vendor is user defined. You can enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters in this field.

Definition tab

The Definition tab includes four sections: Address, Contact, Vendor Details, and Location.

This illustration shows the Definition tab sections.



The Address section shows details about the vendor’s physical location.

Field Definition


Vendor’s physical address

Address Line 2

Vendor’s secondary address (for example, Suite 300)


Vendor’s city location


Vendor’s state location

Zip Code

Vendor’s ZIP/postal code


Vendor’s county location


Vendor’s country location


The Contact section shows the vendor’s phone, fax, and email information. You use this section to record the contact information for the vendor’s primary contact.

Field Definition


Vendor’s main phone number


Vendor’s phone extension, if there is one


Vendor’s fax number


Vendor’s email address

Note: A vendor’s email address is necessary to email purchase orders either manually or by using the eCommerce feature.

Vendor Details

The Vendor Details section allows you to record items such as a national account number, terms of sale, tax ID, etc.

The Vendor Information System (VIS) module fills some fields. If you are your company does not use this module, these fields will remain empty. Contact your TMT representative for details about this module.

Required field: *

Field Definition

Vendor Name

Vendor’s name

Vendor Type *

Vendor type (such as Fuel vendor, Repair services, Vender supplies services)

Note: Your company determines the options available in this field.

Vendor Rating

Vendor’s rating

You can enter a value between 1 and 10, where one (1) is the best vendor and ten (10) is the worst vendor.

Note: You can search for this field in the Vendor Search window.

Currency *

Vendor’s default currency (such as US$, CN$)

Note: This field is required if you enable the Multi-Currency feature.

National Account

Vendor’s National Account number


Vendor’s terms (such as, Internet 10 days, Internet 20 days, or Internet 30 days.)

Tax ID

Vendor’s Federal Tax ID (read-only)

Ship Via

Vendor’s primary shipping method (such, UPS, FedEx, or the US Postal Service)

VIS Default Shop

Default shop when creating vendor repair orders with the Vendor Information System (VIS) module

Note: Vendor Information System (VIS) is an add-on module.

Payment Method

Vendor’s default payment method (cash, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover)

Warranty Markup

Vendor’s warranty price structure

Pay Grade

Default pay grade when adding labor lines to vendor repair orders with the Vendor Information System (VIS) module


The Location section allows you to enter Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates and landmark information for the vendor.

Field Definition


North-south position of a point on the Earth’s surface


East-west position of a point on the Earth’s surface

Contacts tab

The Contacts tab includes the Contact Information section. This section displays contact information for the vendor, such as phone numbers and email addresses.

This illustration shows the Contact Information tab section.


The Contact Information section shows the vendor’s contact information.

Required field: *

Field Definition

Contact *

Name of contact

Note: The system displays the contact’s name as you entered it into the system. Trimble recommends using the same format for all contacts (for example, Smith, James).


Contact’s phone number


Contact’s phone extension, if there is one


Contact’s email address

Taxes tab

The Taxes tab includes the Tax Information section. Use this section to set up or change a vendor’s tax method and/or tax rates for purchase orders.

This illustration shows the Tax Information tab section.


The system supports two tax methods:

  • Standard
    Taxes are calculated separately and then added together for a total.

  • Tax On Tax
    Taxes are calculated in a sequential method based on the value in the Sequence field. The tax rate with a one (1) in the Sequence field is calculated first and then that tax is added to any rate with a two (2) in the Sequence field. The system continues adding tax rates together for all sequences.

    Required field: *

    Field Definition

    Tax Code *

    Tax Code ID


    Tax Code ID description

    Note: The system fills this field automatically based on the value in the Tax Code field.

    Sequence *

    Order in which taxes are calculated when using the Tax On Tax method

    Tax %

    Tax rate as a percentage

    Note: This field is blank if the tax code uses the Flat Tax option.

    Flat Tax

    Tax rate as a flat rate

    Note: This field is blank if the tax code uses the Tax % option.

Services tab

The Services tab includes the Services Information section. A vendor may provide specific services at set prices.

This illustration shows the Services Information tab section.


Required field: *

Field Definition

Service Type *

Code for the vendor’s service (such as Wrecker or Road Service)


Complete description of the service type (read-only field)

Amount *

Amount the vendor charges for the service


Determines if the vendor’s part or service is taxable

Remit tab

The Remit tab includes two sections: Remit Vendor Information and Contact. You can use this tab to specify an address, other than the vendor’s physical location, for sending payments. For example, a company may want to use the address of their corporate headquarters, a local or regional office, or a corporate account office. The address prints on purchase orders generated for the vendor.

This illustration shows the Remit tab sections.


Remit Vendor Information

The Remit Vendor Information section shows details about the vendor’s remit information.

Field Definition

Remit Vendor

Vendor’s remit ID

Note: Based on your selection in this field, the system enters the AP Remit Code, Address, and Contact field values available for this vendor.

AP Remit Code

Vendor’s remit code

This field supports an entry of up to 24 alphanumeric characters. The field value is used with Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Note: TMT Fleet Maintenance does not use this field. It is used with Microsoft Dynamics GP only.


Remit vendor’s primary address

Note: This address prints on vendor purchase orders.

Address Line 2

Remit vendor’s secondary address (such as Suite 101)

Note: This address prints on vendor purchase orders.


Remit vendor’s city location


Remit vendor’s state location

Zip Code

Remit vendor’s ZIP Code/Postal code


Use this section to record information for the primary contact at the remit vendor site.

Field Definition

Office Phone

Remit vendor’s phone number for the primary contact


Remit vendor’s phone extension for the primary contact

Fax Phone

Remit vendor’s fax number for the primary contact


Remit vendor’s email address for the primary contact

Skills tab

The Skills tab includes the Vendor Skills section.

This illustration shows the Skills tab section.


Required field: *

Field Definition

Skill *

Vendor’s skill or skill set

Note: Your company determines the options available in this field.


Description of the vendor’s skill

Effective *

Date the certification for the skill set became effective


Date the certification for the skill set expires


Date the vendor originally received certification for the skill

Accounts tab

The Accounts tab includes the Accounts Information section. Use this tab to track all the accounts established with a vendor.

This illustration shows the Accounts Information tab section.


Required field: *

Field Definition

Shop *

Shop ID

Identifies the shop that has an account with the vendor

Account *

Account number between the shop and the vendor

Note: Each shop has a unique account number. You cannot enter the same account number for multiple shops.

Limit *

Shop’s maximum spending limit with this vendor

Purchase Type

Currently not functional


Currently not functional


Identifies whether E-Commerce capabilities are activated for the vendor

Note: If YES, the E-Commerce Name field is editable.

E-Commerce Name

Account name used to conduct commercial transactions online

Note: Trimble recommends that you add the vendor’s email address to the vendor master record.