User Options

This section contains user options. To open the User Options page, go to Menu > Setup > Options > User Options.

  1. User Options overwrite option values in the Shop Options section. Shop Options overwrite option values in the Application Options section.

  2. User Options overwrite option values in the Application Options section.

Options tab

These settings are on the Options tab of the User Options page. For settings on the Setup tab, see Setup tab.


This setting is located in the Access section on the User Options page.

Vendor Master Read-only

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option prevents the user from editing the Vendor master record.


  • NO (default)
    Vendor Master can be edited.

  • YES
    Vendor master is read-only.

Additional Notes

This option is a User Option only.


This setting is located in the Accounting: IES section on the User Options page.

Accounting: IES

Accounting: IES
User Accounting Company

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This is the name of the IES Accounting database used in the interface.


  • BLANK (default)
    Enter the IES database name.

Additional notes

  1. The entry here must match IES.

  2. This is a User Option only.

Client Server

As of V.2022.1, Client Server options have been removed from the User Options page.

These settings are located in the Client Server: Client Server section on the User Options page and the Application Options page.

Client Server: Client Server
Mechanic Workstation

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance, TMT Client Server


The user can access Mechanic Workstation in the TMT Client Server application.


  • NO (default)
    Program is turned off.

  • YES
    Program is turned on.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Client Server: Client Server
Parts Workstation

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance, TMT Client Server


User can access Parts Workstation in the TMT Client Server application.


  • NO (default)
    Program is turned off.

  • YES
    Program is turned on.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Client Server: Client Server
Road Calls

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance, TMT Client Server


User can access Road Calls in the TMT Client Server application.


  • NO (default)
    Program is turned off.

  • YES
    Program is turned on.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Client Server: Client Server
Shop Planner

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance, TMT Client Server


User can access Shop Planner in the TMT Client Server application.


  • NO (default)
    Program is turned off.

  • YES
    Program is turned on.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Client Server: Client Server
Show All Plans Tab

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option adds a new tab view to the Planner that shows all plans for all shops in one view.


  • NO (default)
    ALL tab view is turned off.

  • YES
    ALL tab view is turned on.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Client Server: Client Server
Tina Edit

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance, TMT Client Server


User can access Tina Edit (Time Card Editor) in the TMT Client Server application.


  • NO (default)
    Program is turned off.

  • YES
    Program is turned on.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Client Server: Client Server
TMT Fleet Maintenance / TMT Service Center

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance, TMT Client Server


User can access TMT Fleet Maintenance / TMT Service Center in the TMT Client Server application.


  • NO (default)
    Program is turned off.

  • YES
    Program is turned on.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.


These settings are located in the Inspections section on the User Options page.

Allow User To Add Plan/RO To An Inspection Ticket

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Use this option to determine if a user can create a Quick RO or add/plan an RO on the Inspection Ticket Listing page.


  • NO
    The +Add Plan/RO button is turned off.

  • YES (default)
    The +Add Plan/RO button is turned on.


These settings are located in the Inventory section on the User Options page.

Default Shop

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The shop entered here will auto-populate the Shop ID on all orders created in the program by this user.


  • BLANK (default)

Additional notes

  1. Unless Shop Restrictions are assigned to the user, the user can edit the shop when creating orders.

  2. This is a User Option only.

  3. If you set a default shop, your User option overrides any default shop set at the Application option level. When you open the Shop Inventory page, it shows your selected shop.

Only Allow Transfers Out Of Default Shop

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option restricts the source shop on part transfers to the default shop for the user.


  • NO (default)
    The user can create part transfers for any shop.

  • YES
    The user can only transfer parts out of the default shop

Additional notes

  1. The setting for a Default Shop must be populated for this option to be available.

  2. This is a User Option only.


This setting is located in the Invoicing section on the User Options page.

Allow User To Override Customer Credit Limit

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option lets the user override the customer limit on an RO. If set to YES, a button will appear on open ROs with customers that will prompt for a user, PIN, and reason for the override. After an override is set, the invoice limit and customer credit limit will not be checked for that RO.


  • NO (default)
    The customer limit is enforced and no override is available.

  • YES
    A button is displayed on open ROs that prompts for a user, PIN, and reason for the override.


This setting is located in the IWS section on the User Options page.

These settings apply only to V.2022.2.2 and earlier versions. As of V.2022.3, the settings have been moved to TTP or been removed.

Do Not Allow User To Add Customers On The Fly

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the user can create new Customer master records in Mechanic Workstation.


  • NO (default)
    The user can create new customers in Mechanic Workstation.

  • YES
    The user cannot create new customers in Mechanic Workstation.

Additional notes

  1. The option Create Units And Customers On the Fly must be set to YES. This option is located in Setup > Options > Application Options > Invoicing > Retail.

  2. The option Allow Creation Of Units On The Fly must be set to YES. This option is located in Setup > Options > Application Options > IWS > Repairs.

  3. This option is a User Option only.

Allow Employee to enter Service Lines
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2020.3


This setting is located in the Payroll section on the User Options page.

Allow User To Approve Payroll Time Cards

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option allows the user to create new Customer master records in Mechanic Workstation.


  • NO (default)
    The user cannot approve time cards.

  • YES
    The user can approve time cards.

Additional notes

This option is a User Option only.


These settings are located in the Purchasing section on the User Options page.

Allow User To Approve Pending Purchase Requests
This option applies to V.2022.1.3 and earlier. As of V.2022.2, this option was removed.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option lets the user approve purchase requests.


  • NO (default)
    The user cannot approve purchase requests.

  • YES
    The user can approve purchase requests.

Additional notes

  1. This is a User Option only.

  2. As of V.2020.3, if you set this option to YES, Allow User To Only Create Pending Purchase Requests becomes read-only.

Allow User To Only Create Pending Purchase Requests
This option applies to V.2022.1.3 and earlier. As of V.2022.2, this option was removed.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option lets the user create only PENDING Standard Purchase Orders. This user can only add, edit, and update lines in the PENDING Purchase Order.

This option does not let the user edit OPEN or RECEIVED orders, as it does not let the user RECEIVE or CLOSE an order.


  • NO (default)
    The user can create purchase requests.

  • YES
    The user can only create pending purchase requests.

Additional notes

  1. This is a User Option only.

  2. As of V.2020.3, if you set this option to YES, then both Allow User To Approve Pending Purchase Requests and If PO Approval Amount Is Exceeded, Create Pending PO become read-only.

Do Not Allow Editing Price On Received PO
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2021.3
Only Allow User To Edit Non-Part Line Prices On PO
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2021.3
PO Limit: ($0.00 = NO Limit)
As of V.2020.3, this option was removed.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option limits the PO the user can create.


  • $0.00 (default)

Additional notes

  1. This option is read only if the user is assigned to an approval level in the Assign Approval Levels section of the Approval Levels page.

  2. This is a User Option only.

If PO Approval Amount Is Exceeded, Create Pending PO
Before V.2020.3, this section was named If PO Limit is Exceeded, Create Pending PO.
This option applies to V.2022.1.3 and earlier. As of V.2022.2, this option was removed.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option checks the user’s PO approval amount when the user creates a PO or edits an approved PO. If the PO amount exceeds the user’s PO approval amount, the system puts the PO in PENDING status. Someone with a greater PO approval amount must then approve the PO.


  • NO (default)
    PO status does not change if the user’s PO approval amount is exceeded.

  • YES
    PO status changes to PENDING if the user’s PO approval amount is exceeded.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Purchasing: Receiving

These settings are located in the Purchasing: Receiving section on the User Options page.

Cannot Exceed Order Quantity Or Change Price At Receive

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option prevents the user from increasing the quantity ordered or change the price of items from the original PO.


  • NO (default)
    User can receive more that the quantity ordered and edit the original POs pricing when receiving the PO.

  • YES
    User cannot receive more than the ordered quantity or change the pricing from the original PO.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Directly Receive to Inventory

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


After you accept a PO, you must add the parts from the PO to your inventory. You use the Create PO/Receive Parts feature to add these parts to your inventory. This setting tells the system to ignore the Create PO/Receive Parts feature and add the parts to your inventory automatically.


  • NO (default)
    You add parts from the PO to your inventory.

  • YES
    The system adds parts from the PO to your inventory.


These settings are located in the Repairs section on the User Options page.

Allow Closing RO In Open Status From Repair Listing

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option lets the user close an open repair order directly from the Repair Orders Listing page. Instead of a Complete button, a Closed button is displayed.


  • NO
    The user cannot close an open repair order (RO) directly from the Repairs Orders Listing page.

  • YES (default)
    The user can close an open RO from the Repairs Orders Listing page using the Closed button.

Allow User to Approve Vendor Repair Order Requests
This option added for V.2021.1.
This option applies to V.2022.1.3 and earlier. As of V.2022.2, this option was removed.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option lets the user approve pending VROs.


  • NO
    The user cannot approve pending VROs.

  • YES (default)
    The user can approve pending VROs.

Allow User to Change VRO from Complete Status to Open Status
This option added for V.2021.1.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option lets the user set a completed VRO back to Open status.


  • NO
    The user cannot change the status of a completed VRO.

  • YES (default)
    The user can change a VRO from COMPLETE status back to OPEN status.

Allow User To Approve Pending Purchase Requests
This option applies to V.2022.1.3 and earlier. As of V.2022.2, this option was removed.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will allow the user to approve PENDING Standard Purchase Orders.


  • NO (default)
    User cannot approve purchase requests.

  • YES
    User can approve purchase requests.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Allow User To Close Vendor Repair Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option lets the user only save the Vendor Repair Order header status with CLOSED. They can also close Vendor Repair Orders from the search grid. The user will be allowed to add, edit, and delete lines and sections on OPEN and COMPLETE Vendor Repair Orders.


  • NO
    User cannot close VROs.

  • YES (default)
    User can close VROs.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Allow User To Complete Vendor Repair Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will allow the user to save only the Vendor Repair Order header status with COMPLETE. The user will be allowed to add, edit, and delete lines and sections on OPEN and COMPLETE Vendor Repair Orders.


  • NO
    User cannot complete VROs.

  • YES (default)
    User can complete VROs.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Allow User To Create Pending Vendor Repair Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will allow the user to create only PENDING Vendor Repair Orders. This user can only add, edit, or delete Sections on PENDING Vendor Repair Orders. Lines cannot be added to PENDING Vendor Repair Orders.

When this option is turned on, the user will be allowed to add, edit, and delete lines and sections on OPEN and COMPLETE Vendor Repair Orders, but the user cannot save order status changes except PENDING.


  • NO
    User cannot create pending VROs.

  • YES (default)
    User can create pending VROs.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Allow User To Only Close Purchase Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will allow the user to only CLOSE all Purchase Order types and add a PO Invoice. The user cannot add, edit, or delete lines. They also cannot RECEIVE a Purchase Order.


  • NO (default)
    The user has no restrictions with POs.

  • YES
    The user can only close POs.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Allow User To Only Receive Purchase Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will allow the user to only RECEIVE Standard or Blanket Purchase Orders and add the PO Invoice. The user cannot add, edit, or delete lines. They also cannot CLOSE a Purchase Order.


  • NO (default)
    The user has no restrictions with Purchase Orders.

  • YES
    The user can only receive POs.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

Do Not Allow User To Close Vendor ROs

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will prevent the user from CLOSING a Vendor RO.


  • NO (default)
    The user can close Vendor ROs.

  • YES
    The user cannot close Vendor ROs.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

User Can Change Cost Center On RO

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option lets the user change the Cost Center on Repair Order form.


  • NO (default)
    The user level cannot change the Cost Center field.

  • YES
    The user can change the Cost Center field.

Additional notes

The option Display Cost Center On Repair Order Form must be set to YES. This option is available in Setup > Options > Application Options > Repairs.

This is a User Option only.

User Cannot Close Vendor ROs
This option added for V. 2020.3.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option determines whether the user can close a VRO.


  • NO (default)
    The user can close VROs.

  • YES
    The user cannot close VROs.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.

This option applies to both the Repair Order and Repair Orders Listing pages.


This setting is located in the Scheduler section on the User Options page.

Shop Scheduler View Only

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option makes the Shop Scheduler view only for the user.


  • NO (default)
    User has full rights to the Shop Scheduler.

  • YES
    User has view only rights to the Shop Scheduler.

Additional notes

This is a User Option only.


This setting is located in the TTP: Repairs section on the User Options page.

TTP: Repairs

  • TTP stands for Trimble Technician Portal.

  • In V.2022.3, TTP replaced Interactive Workstation (IWS). If you want the IWS User Options, see IWS.

TTP: Repairs
Allow Employee to enter Service Lines

Setup tab

These settings are on the Setup tab of the User Options page. For settings on the Options tab, see Options tab.

User Setup
User Type

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This field grants access to specific areas of the application.


  • Users
    Default user type. Grants access to all application features.

  • Employee
    Grants access to the Employee features.

  • IWS (for V.2022.2.2 and earlier)
    Grants access to the Interactive Workstation (IWS).

  • KIOSK (for V.2022.3 and later)
    Grants access to Trimble Technician Portal (TTP) in kiosk mode.

    Note: The IWS and KIOSK options require that you assign the user to a default shop.

User Setup
Language File

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This field sets which language the program uses.


  • TFWENGLISH.DLL (default)



User Setup

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This field sets which shop the user is assigned to.


All shops in your system