Company master records

The company master record includes general information about your company, such as:

  • Company name

  • Current address

  • General contact information (phone numbers and email address)

  • Company’s accounting (fiscal) year(s)

The information you add to the company master record appears on any SSRS report that displays the company name, contact information, or address. You use the Company page to view or make changes to your company master record.

Go to Menu > Masters > Company to load the Company page.

Layout of the Company page

This illustration shows the layout of the Company page.


Pages are designed so that menus and functionality areas appear the same way throughout the application. While some elements are not part of every page, the basic layout of the page is consistent.

Definition tab

The Definition tab displays the Company Information, Contact, and Address sections.


Company Information

The Company Information section shows your company’s name and your default currency.

Required field: *

Field Definition

Company Name *

Your company’s name

By default, this name appears at the top of all SSRS reports.

Currency *

Your company’s default currency (such as US$ or CN$)


The Contact section displays your company’s phone, fax, and email address.

Field Definition

Office Phone

Your company’s phone number


Your company’s phone extension number, if there is one


Your company’s fax number


Your company’s email address


The Address section displays details about your company’s physical location.

Required field: *

Field Definition


Your company’s primary address (for example, street address or P.O. Box)

This address appears at the top of purchase orders.

Address Line 2

Your company’s secondary address (for example, Suite 101)


Your company’s city location

State *

Your company’s state location

Zip Code

Your company’s ZIP Code

Accounting Year tab

The Accounting Year tab displays your company’s fiscal year information.

You use this tab to do the following:

  • Set up your company’s initial accounting year

  • Update accounting periods

  • Create new accounting years

  • Close accounting periods


Field Definition


Numeric character representing your accounting period


Identifies which periods are closed

Options are:

  • Y

  • N

Note: You must enable the Period Close feature to see this column.


Period start date


Period end date

If you expand a period, the system displays additional fields.


Field Definition


Shop ID associated with the period


User defined account ID

Account Description

Description of the account category


Total cost (quantity times cost each)


Total quantity