Repair Order Template page overview

You use the Repair Order Template page to define common repair events. These events normally happens outside of preventive maintenance (PM) or inspections. You can use the page to create repair orders (ROs) for one or many units that share RO information.

The Repair Order Template page is similar to the Repair Order page. However, the template requires that you enter specific template information, such as the template’s name, group, and number.

A repair order template lets you capture details about a repair including:

  • Unit specific information.

  • Audit information recording who created or changed the order and when.

  • The parts, labor, and services required for the repair.

The top of the Repair Order Template page includes the:

  • Menu
    Lists application menu items

  • Page title

  • Help
    Provides reference information on user-assistance topics

  • User menu
    Lists user-specific menu items

  • Template commands

    • Create RO
      Creates an RO from the template

    • Clone
      Create a copy of the repair order template

Like the Repair Order page, the Repair Order Template page includes two panes: the Repair Order Template and Sections/Lines.

Repair Order Template pane

You use the Repair Order Template pane to specify the:

  • Shop and unit on the repair order header.

  • Details regarding the template’s audit information and section comments.

Repair order template header

The repair order template header allows you to record information related to the ROs.


The repair order template header has these fields:

Required field: *

Field Definition

Template Name *

User defined name for the template

Template Group *

Group to which this template is assigned


Determines if this repair order is used as a template

To identify the template as active, set the option to YES.

Shop *

User defined shop identification number

The repair shop field may have Shop Restrictions.

Enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters.

Order Number *

Number assigned to the repair order template


ID of the unit being repaired

Note: Trimble does not recommend entering a value in this field for a Repair Order Template.


Customer assigned to the unit

The system uses this field value with the invoicing module to determine whom to bill for a unit’s repairs.

Description *

Template’s description

Repair Type

Repair type categorizes the repair

Valid repair types include:

  • Standard

  • Vendor RO

Repair Class

The options in this field identify the standard Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) choices for repair class, which include:

  • Emergency

  • Scheduled

  • Non-scheduled

Repair Site

Physical location where the repair takes place

The standard Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) choices for repair site are:

  • Customer

  • Facility

  • Field

  • On the Road

  • Outside Comp (outside company)


User defined priority level for the repair order


Status of the repair order

Status codes include the following:

  • Open
    You can create sections and line items for the repair order.

  • Complete
    The order is complete, but not closed. You can add sections and line items to the repair order.

  • Closed
    The repair order is read-only. You cannot modify the order.

  • Pending
    The repair order has sections that are pending in nature. For example, the unit still requires a break repair.

You can create sections, but not assign line items to the sections.

  • Canceled
    The repair order was canceled and no sections were created. To mark a repair order as canceled, the repair order must not include any line items.

Repair order template tabs

The tabs allow you to view and enter information pertaining to the template’s audit information and section comments.

  • Audit tab
    The Audit tab identifies the user who created or modified the template along with the dates those activities were performed.


  • Section Comments tab
    This tab allows you to view and add comments for each section listed in the Sections/Lines pane of the template. The tab is inactive until you add a section to the template.


Sections/Lines pane

The Sections/Line pane is blank when you create a template. The pane has three parts:

  1. Sections

  2. Lines

  3. The Order Total grid



You add a section to identify the repair needed for a unit. A section includes the component code that categorizes the repair, the complaint that prompted the repair and the reason for the repair.

+ image18


You add a Line to a Section to identify the specific parts, labor, comments, services, or fees related to the repair.


Trimble recommends not adding charge lines to RO Templates.

Order Totals grid

The grid shows the order’s total costs for the parts, labor, and services related to the repair.


Find a Repair Order template

  1. Go to Menu > Orders > Repair Orders Listing.

  2. Select image4 Search.
    The Repair Order Search pane opens.

  3. Select an option from the Order Type drop-down list:




  4. Make sure all other fields are blank to avoid restricting the search.

  5. Select Search.
    The page refreshes to show the templates that match your selected order type.

The page looks similar to a list of ROs, but the Template columns confirm that you are looking at templates.


  • To see template details, select the Template Order link.

  • To create an RO from a template, select Create RO on the left side of the template row.