TMT Fleet Maintenance 2019 Release Notes

Here you will find high-level summaries of product updates and resolved issues.

A PDF version of these release notes, including resolved issues, is available here.


This section contains the resolved issues (application improvements) for the latest version.

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.

Resolved issues

Setup > Options > Application Options > Inventory > Trimble Parts Network

  • TMT-313088

    The Parts Catalog and Shop Inventory checks the TPN when you add a new part to the local database. This happens only when the Enable Trimble Parts Network option is set to YES.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.



Road Calls (AM-257923)

A new menu has been added to the Activities menu. The new Road Calls menu has two sub menus: Road Call and Road Calls Listing.

  • Road Call: Opens the Road Call form so that you can create a new Road Call.

  • Road Call Listing: Lists all the current road calls allowing you to edit or review existing Road Calls and to create new Road Calls. The Road Call listing uses color-coding to indicate how long a road call has been open. From a Road Call, you can create and link a Plan, RO, Work Pending, Vendor RO, and/or Purchase Order to the Road Call.


Parts Catalog (AM-308030)

When you are creating a new part, the system now checks for a matching part number/manufacturer in the Master Data Management (MDM) system as you enter that information in the associated fields. If the system finds one or more matches, it displays those parts so that you can select the one you want. Once confirmed, the VMRS, Part Description, and other values populate automatically on the new part record.

If the system does not find a matching part in the MDM, you can continue to fill in the required information on the new part record and add the part to the local parts catalog. This new part is added to the MDM Part Queue (STAGING) for review to be added to the Parts MDM. This enhancement requires the Trimble Parts Network license.

Resolved Issues


Interactive Workstation (AM-308494)

In Tire Data, replacing a Vendor tire part causes the tire configuration position to have duplicate parts and creates a mismatch between inventory quantity and serial numbers.


Shop Inventory (AM-308375)

Total value of the repair order lines doubles in some cases when being validating against the customer estimate total. This issue prevents parts from displaying in the cost history tab because an error message states that the repair order exceeds the customer estimate limit.


Invoices (AM-308515)

Serial numbers go out of sync when a user regenerates an invoice with a tire replacement in it.


Repair Order Setup (AM-308666)

Users cannot save changes when updating a component code on an existing Job Code.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.



Interactive Workstation (AM-305976)

Added the Upload Image button to the Images screen. By clicking Upload Image, users can image files from the PC. Renamed the Add New button to Capture Image. Users can capture images using a web camera with Capture Image. The image file types that are supported are .bmp, .jpg, and .jpeg.

Asset Inspection App (AM-307640)

Changed the login process so that multiple users can now connect to the app with one username and then log in with their individual employee credentials. This enhancement reduces the number of User IDs that need to be created and maintained.

ATA/VMRS Codes (AM-307758)

The ATA/VMRS codes are now available with the 2019.4 update. If you would like to update your ATA/VMRS codes please download the AMS - ATA Codes file located with the 2019.4 files available for download on the Client Center. (Client Center, Build Delivery, Downloads, TMW Asset Maintenance, TMT Fleet Maintenance - Windows, , 19.40, View Details, AMS - ATA Codes

Installer (AM-307610)

Created a formal installer for the Contract Maintenance Billing Generator to be concurrent with the installation process of other AMS modules.


Requisition List (AM-307758)

Enhanced the Requisition List feature to allow the purchasing of items to be restricted to specific quantities. If the total quantity of a part being added to an order does not meet the conditions specified under Shop Inventory:Vendors, the amount will either be rounded up or down according to the setup.

Manufacturer/Make Search (AM-304755)

In the Unit Masters, the Manufacturer search will return the Vehicle manufacturer and Both. Parts manufacturer will not be listed out.

In the Parts Catalog, Shop Inventory and Vendor Parts page, the Manufacturer search will return the Parts manufacturer and Both. Vehicle manufacturer will not be listed out.


Customers (AM-256458)

Added Save and Add New button to Add Assignment pop up window. On clicking it, the assignment is added and the pop-up would be open where Unit field is cleared and user can add another assignment.

Parts Catalog (AM-306815)

On the Part Vendor form, added the option Enforce Shipping Quantity UOM and changed the Quantity UOM label to Shipping Quantity UOM. If the option is set to Yes, a round-up quantity field is displayed and default to half of the To Factor for the Shipping Quantity UOM. This information is used on the purchase order to determine if the quantity entered for the part for that vendor needs to be rounded up or down to the Shipping Quantity UOM. For example, if the parts UOM is EACH and the Shipping Quantity is CASE-12 where the To Factor is 12, the round-up quantity is set to 6.

When the part is added to a PO, and the PO Vendor is configured to use the Shipping Unit of measure, the quantity ordered is evaluated to determine if the quantity to order equals case quantities.

This information is pushed down to the vendor information for the part when the part is created in the Shop Inventory if the option to Update Vendor is turned on. See AM-306947 also.

Shop Inventory

  • AM-256458

    Added Save and Add New button to Add Assignment pop up window. On clicking it, the assignment is added, and the pop-up would be open where Unit field is cleared. You can add another assignment.

  • AM-306815

    On the Part Vendor form, added the option Enforce Shipping Quantity UOM and changed the Quantity UOM label to Shipping Quantity UOM. If the option is set to Yes, a round-up quantity field is displayed and default to half of the To Factor for the Shipping Quantity UOM. This information is used on the purchase order to determine if the quantity entered for the part for that vendor needs to be rounded-up or rounded-down to the Shipping Quantity UOM. For example, if the parts UOM is EACH and the Shipping Quantity is CASE-12 where the To Factor is 12, the round-up quantity is set to 6. When you enter a quantity for the part on a PO for that vendor, it determines what case quantity of 12 needs to be ordered.

    When the part is added to a PO, and the PO Vendor is configured to use the Shipping Unit of measure, the quantity ordered is evaluated to determine if the quantity to order equals case quantities. See AM-306947 also.

Vendors (AM-307031)

Added a new tab called Part Defaults. This tab stores default warranty information for Vendor Parts.

Mobile Mechanic App (AM-306970)

Changes have been made to the mobile mechanic application to prevent it from crashing while synchronizing data for offline use.



  • AM-304128

    Corrected an issue where the approval user and comments is accessible from both the estimate screen and the RO Page.

  • AM-304557

    Added an indicator to Notes to show data has been entered. If notes exist then the Notes icon would be highlighted in green.

Fuel Tickets Listing

  • AM-305272

    Added a column Promise by Date in RO Listing page. User is able to add or remove this column.

  • AM-306300

    Implemented creation of Fuel Tickets with negative quantity by which users would be able to create Credit Fuel Tickets.


  • AM-306074

    Corrected an issue where the Customer PO field could not be changed if the invoice was in COMPLETE status.

  • AM-304557

    Added an indicator to Notes to show data has been entered. If notes exist then the Notes icon would be highlighted in green.

Invoice > Reports > Invoice Detail Report (AM-307537)

Changed the Invoice Detail Report to display a single line when multiple lines for the same part exist on the Repair Order Section. Changed the charge field calculation to display average value of the multiple lines.

Purchase Order

  • AM-254654

    Added a new button, Show Other Shops, in the Create New Line window. This button is only visible when a catalog part entered is associated with other shops that have parts on hand. When Show Other Shops is clicked, the Part Inventory Details screen displays showing each shop that has the part on hand, the quantity on hand, on order, and last cost. Clicking Show Part Line returns you to the line dialog.

  • AM-255224

    Added the ability to expand serialized part lines after they have been received. This new window shows all the serial numbers for that part on each receipt.

  • AM-304328

    Created a new user option called Allow User To Receive POs under Purchasing > Receiving. Default is set to Yes for all users. This makes the Receive PO button visible on the PO Detail and the PO Listing pages. If the option is set to No for a user, the Receive PO button is not visible on those pages.

  • AM-304601

    Added Unit and Customer with hyperlink on PO Repair Orders tab.

  • AM-306947

    Enhanced the purchase order create screen to enforce shipping quantities when a vendor is set up to do so. For example, if a vendor sells a part by the dozen, it can now be enforced when creating a part line to buy only quantities of that part in multiples of a dozen.

Repair Order

  • AM-304407

    Corrected the field Component Type to display the default value in the Advanced Component Search window based on the option set up in the Max Component Level For Repair Order Section. If the Max Component Level For Repair Order Section is set up as System, Assembly, and Part, then the default value for the field Component Type is System, assembly and Any Type respectively.

  • AM-304557

    Added an indicator to Notes to show data has been entered. If notes exist, the Notes icon would be highlighted in green.

  • AM-306301

    Added the Repair Request button on the Vendor Repair header page that launches a form that allows a User to submit a Repair Request to a Vendor for outsourced repairs.

    The Repair Request button is only displayed if you have a required module that can connect to Outside Vendors using the interface like TMT ServiceConnect.

  • AM-306969

    Implemented an ability for Vendor Repair Order to automatically populate the hourly rate in the vendor line based on the paygrade associated with the vendor in Master > Vendors.

  • AM-306985

    Implemented the ability to edit the part number, quantity, and charge category fields on a vendor part line for a Vendor part that does not have an existing Vendor Parts record.

  • AM-307905

    Added new user options Allow User To Edit Shop Parts From RO and Allow User To Edit Vendor Parts From RO.

    If Allow User To Edit Vendor Parts From RO is set to Yes, the part number field on an existing vendor part line will have a pencil icon. If you click the icon, it opens the Vendor Part Master for that part in a new tab. If no, the pencil icon is not visible.

    If Allow User To Edit Shop Parts From RO is set to Yes, the part number field on an existing shop inventory part line will have a pencil icon. If you click the icon, it opens the Shop Inventory Master for that part in a new tab. If no, the pencil icon is not visible. Note that if a user does not have rights to either page, it takes them to the landing page.

  • AM-308154

    When a new vendor part is created on the fly, these changes have been made:

    1. The Shop field no longer defaults to the repair shop, allowing the part to be created without a shop.

    2. If the vendor has part warranty setup, the warranty information automatically default in the parts on the fly dialog.

Repair Order > Reports > Repair Order Detail (AM-257950)

Added Customer PO# field in Repair Order Detail report. If the corresponding repair order has a value in Customer PO field, then the report displays the same. If the corresponding repair order does not have a value in Customer PO field, then the report only displays the Customer PO# label.

Repair Order Template (AM-306427)

Added ability to Repair Order Templates to list sections by job code when the global Create Sections By Job Code Instead Of Component Code is enabled.

Repair Orders Listing (AM-305272)

Added a column Promise by Date in RO Listing page. User is able to add or remove this column using the Columns Options. Sort and Filter are implemented as same as other grid columns.

Warranty Claims Listing (AM-306469)

Implemented a new option Delete Order option in the Warranty Claims Listing page. The user can delete open Warranty Claims using this option and is applicable for all Warranty Claim types. This option is disabled if the Claim is in any other status than Open.


Reports – SSRS > SSRS Report Viewer > Standard Reports > AMS SSRS Report Library > Orders > Order Inquiries_Repair Orders (AM-305956)

Enhanced the Order Inquiries Repair Orders report by adding the option to use Multi-Select on the Model selection field.

In previous versions, you could select All Models list or one Model. Now, you can select All, One, or multiple Models.

Reports – SSRS > SSRS Report Viewer > Standard Reports > AMS SSRS Report Library > Units > Unit Parts Listing (AM-305956)

Created a new Unit Parts Listing report to display all the parts that are listed in the Unit Master page Parts tabs for the selected Unit.


Options > Application Options > Repairs

Options > Shop Options > Repairs (AM-257969)

Updated Overtime label to Pay Grade and added a new global option Auto Selection Of Overtime Pay Grade, which defaults to Yes. When this option is set to No along with Auto Selection Of Weekend Pay Grade, it provides the ability to force the system to always default to the standard pay grade type on labor lines. This allows the shop supervisor to update to a different pay grade as required by the work scenario for the mechanic (weekend or overtime).

Along with Repairs, this option is applicable for IWS, Time Card Editor, and Indirect Charge.

Options > Integration Options > TMW.Suite

  • AM-305097

    Added the option to set Department cross-references into the TMW.Suite Integration Options in the event it is named differently in the two systems. Department Names that exist in AMS and do not exist in TMW.Suite can also be disabled in the interface.

  • AM-305718

    Implemented the option to map the unit UDF1 to the tractor or trailer terminal in Suite. The UDF is set in the unit master definition page. If the terminal does not exist in TMW.Suite, UDF1 is not transferred to the unit terminal.

Options > User Options

  • AM-304328

    Created a new user option called Allow User To Receive POs under Purchasing >Receiving. Default is set to Yes for all users. If the option is set to Yes, the Receive PO button is visible on the PO Detail and the PO Listing. If the option is set to No for a user, the Receive PO button is not visible on the PO Detail or the PO Listing.

  • AM-307905

    Added new user options Allow User To Edit Shop Parts From RO and Allow User To Edit Vendor Parts From RO.

    If Allow User To Edit Vendor Parts From RO is set to Yes, the part number field on an existing vendor part line has a pencil icon. Clicking it opens the Vendor Part Master for that part in a new tab. If a user does not have rights to the page, it takes them to the landing page. If the option is set to No, the icon is not visible.

    If Allow User To Edit Shop Parts From RO is set to Yes, the part number field on an existing shop inventory part line has a pencil icon. Clicking it opens the Shop Inventory Master for that part in a new tab. Note that if a user does not have rights to the page, it takes them to the landing page. If no, the pencil icon is not visible.

System Setup (AM-304328)

Implemented the Vendor Type drop-down in the Vehicle Manufacturer/Make Codes. The types of values can be selected for the Vendor Type are Parts, Vehicle, or Both. The default value is Both. If Vehicle is selected, the manufacturer is only available for units. If Parts is selected, the manufacturer is only available for parts.