Creating a primary user account

Each person must have a user account, which can be assigned to one or more roles. These roles are defined by the administrator and authorize the user account to access specific pages, features and settings of the application.

Only users who are assigned the Administrators role can create primary user accounts. Administrators can also create sub users and can authorize primary users to create sub users. Sub users cannot create users.

To create a primary user account:

  1. Go to Menu > Security > Work with Users > Create User.

    The Create User page opens.

  2. In each section, enter or select the appropriate information for the user.

    1. Create User section

      Required field: *

      Field Definition

      User Name *

      User’s login ID

      Password *

      User’s password

      Enter a secret code that the person must enter when they sign in. By default, a password must be at least seven (7) letters or numbers, including at least one non-alphanumeric character (such as @ or $). You can change these defaults in Settings Manager.

      The user will use this password for their initial login. During their initial login, each user will be prompted to change their password, according to how the administrator has set up the system.


      1. The password is case-sensitive: each letter that is uppercase or lowercase must always be entered that way when a user enters their password.

      2. For security reasons, when you enter a password, it appears as a series of dots. Passwords are not displayed. If a user forgets their password, they can reset it.

      Confirm Password *

      Re-enter the user’s password. The entry you type must match exactly what you entered in the Password field.

      Make a note of the password. It is not stored with your user profile information.

    2. Optional: Profile Details section

      Users can complete or change the optional profile fields after they have logged in successfully.

      You can change the information in these fields whenever you want by selecting My Profile from your user menu.

      Field Definition

      First Name

      User’s first name

      Last Name

      User’s last name

      Email Address

      User’s email address

      Culture Override

      This field is available if you turn on format localization enabled format localization in Settings Manager. It allows you to determine the format in which dates, times, numbers, and currency symbols appear. The default value in this field is the global culture option defined for all users of the site.

      Landing Page Override

      A landing page is the page a user sees immediately after logging in or selecting Landing from the user menu. If no option is selected, the system uses the default-landing page. To select a landing page, choose a page from the list of options provided and click Update Pages. You can also choose a role-specific landing page after you assign one or more roles to the user. For instructions, go to Step 3.

    3. Role Assignments section

      In this section, you can assign one or more roles to each user that you create, change an assigned role, or remove an assigned role. Each role is authorized and set up to access specific features. When assigning a role to a user, you are authorizing that user to access those features. Because each role provides access only to limited features, you may need to assign multiple roles to a user. For more information about assigning pages to roles, see Setting up role and page security.

      This section contains two lists:

      Field Definition

      Available Roles

      Lists the roles for which you have authorization to assign, but that have not been assigned to the user

      Assigned Roles

      Lists the roles that have been assigned to the user

      1. In the Available Roles list, hold CTRL and click on each role that you want to assign.

      2. Click image1 Add.

        The selected roles move to the Assigned Roles list.

        To remove a role from a user, select the role or roles and click image2 Remove to move the role to the Available Roles section.

    4. If you want, after assigning a role or roles, select a role-specific landing page.

      1. In the Optional - Profile Details section, select a landing page from the Landing Page Override field.

        Note: If no option is selected, the system displays the default landing page.

    5. Click Update Pages.

  3. Click the AMS Options tab.

  4. In the User Options section, select a user type.

    Required field: *

    Field Definition

    User Type *

    The user type field grants access to specific areas of the application.

    Options include:

    • Users
      Default user type. Grants access to all application features.

    • Employee
      Grants access to the Employee features.

    • IWS (for V.2022.2.2 and earlier)
      Grants access to the Interactive Workstation (IWS).

    • KIOSK (for V.2022.3 and later)
      Grants access to Trimble Technician Portal (TTP) in kiosk mode.

      Note: The IWS and KIOSK options require that you assign the user to a default shop.

    Language File

    Field not used

  5. Click Create User.

    A message indicates that the new user account was created successfully.

    If not saved correctly, a message regarding incomplete or missing field information appears. Correct the error and click Create User again.