ARRFC.EXE - AR Finance Charges


User Field 1 to 5

Label for User Defined Fields 1 through 5 on the New Bill tab.

ARRA.EXE - A/R Inquiry


Calc Avg Days

On each calculation of a Client’s 'Average Days to Pay', how many days back do you want TruckMate to look when considering the average? If you are an LTL carrier, with 500-50,000 Freight Bills per day, then you should consider setting this number to a lower value (such as 30, 45, or 60). If you do fewer Freight Bills per Customer, but mainly steady with most Customers, then increasing this number to 90, 120 or 180 should be considered. If you have a small number of Invoices (100 or less per day), you may consider using a higher number, such as 365 (the default value).

The larger the number, the smoother the average days to pay calculation will be. The smaller the number, the more wildly the numbers could fluctuate. Changing this number after you first start will have the effect from that point forward (as each new Cash Receipts Register is completed), and will NOT affect any previous calculations. Recommendation: Start the initial calculations at '365', then adjust as desired.

Days to Pay Average Type

This option allows you to select whether to calculate Average Days to Pay normally or as a weighted average with revenue. The default value for this option is set to Normal. If set to Weighted, Average Days to Pay will be calculated as a weighted average with revenue. Average Days to Pay is calculated by a stored procedure and displayed in the Suggested Days to Pay field in Accounts Receivable Inquiry > Invoice Details Grid.

Default Days to Pay

(Default: 60 days). If no Payment History is available for a Client, when a new Invoice is being updated through the Billing Register, then this 'Default Days' here will be used. Recommendation: Most companies will set this closer to a number between '35' and '45'.

Disputed Invoices

(Default: 10 days). When calculating the amount of cash incoming to your Company in the next 7 days, TruckMate will include Invoices expected in the next 7 days, AND invoices overdue this value (in 'number' of days). If an Invoice was expected to be paid more than this number of days ago, then the Invoice and the potential payment amount are put into a 'Disputed' status- thereby not affecting the cash calculations.

Do Not Copy IP

When creating a credit/rebill Freight Bill, this option will tell the system to leave IP charges 'as is' on the new Bill. This will prevent issuing a new invoice/payment (because of recalculation of charges) to the Vendor if it has already been audited and finalized. During the credit/rebill process, check to see if the IP record has been audited and/or posted. If so, do not create the ORDER_INTERLINER records for the credit and rebill. Default is set at 'False'.

Set Aging Date to Stmt Date

When this option is set to 'True', any Freight Bill that is assigned to a statement will have its 'Aging Date' automatically set to the 'Statement Date'.

Skip Pmts Older

When calculating a Client’s 'Average Days to Pay', an Invoice older than this value (in 'number of days') may be considered not typical of a Client’s payment trends, and therefore ignored when calculating the average.

Statement User 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

`Under Statement User 1, enter an appropriate descriptor in the 'Value' field. For example, if you routinely send statements out on Wednesdays, enter 'Wednesdays'. For Statement User 2, enter '10th of the Month' in the Value field. Upon refreshing both the Customer Service Profiles program, Billing tab, and the AR Inquiry program, Assign Statements option (right click from the top grid), you will see additional statement frequencies, as per your entries, in the Statement Frequency area of the screen.

Statements By Job ID

When this option is set to 'True', the AR Inquiry program will assign Freight Bills to Statements grouped by the 'Job ID' (Job Quotes). Each Job will be assigned to a different Statement. Default is set at 'False'.

ARRAE.EXE - A/R Adjustments


Allow Bal Forward

Default is set at 'False'. This setting works in conjunction with the AR Adjustments program. Setting this option to 'True' will allow the user to edit Client Name, Currency Type, and Control Account Information in the AR Adjustments program.

ARRCE.EXE - A/R Cash Receipts Entry


Currency Warning

Default is set to 'True'. If you set this option to 'True', then when the check entered is one currency (Canadian dollars) and the bill that the payment is being applied to is another (US dollars), then you will receive a warning that the two currencies are not the same. If 'False', you will not receive the warning.

Multi Partial Pay

When entering payments ('Enter Payment Amount' field) there is a check to see if a payment has already been made. This option, when set to 'True', will allow for another payment on a bill that has already had a partial payment applied to it. The default is 'False' because if the balance has not been updated yet, the balance and write-off calculations will not be correct. A warning message will display whenever the user attempts to do a multi-payment.

Same IC Accts for Negatives

This config only applies when you enter a negative amount on a cash receipt in an inter-company transaction. If the config is set to 'False' (the default), then the opposite due from/to account pair will be used (i.e. the ones used for positive AP amounts). If the config is set to 'True', then the "normal" IC account pair used for positive cash receipt amounts is still used, just the debit and credit are reversed (since the amount is negative).

ART.EXE (used by various REST API Services)


Contains app configs related to the RESTful services running on the ART Server (e.g., Freight Search)


BILDIST.EXE - GL Distribution Setup


Calculate GL Based On

This option controls how the system determines which 'GL Distribution Code' to use when processing GL transactions for Freight Bills. This option affects functions in both the Customer Service program and the A/R Adjustments program. This mainly pertains to the determination of the GL accounts for any tax adjustments (as the A/R and revenue accounts are already set on the original freight bill). There are three possible values:

  • Client: uses the 'GL Distribution Code' attached to the Bill-To Client of the Freight Bill. 'GL Distribution Codes' are assigned to Client records on the Customer & Vendor Profiles program > Customer > Billing Tab.

  • Site: Uses the 'GL Distribution Code' that is attached to the Site that the Freight Bill is created in. 'GL Distribution Codes' are added to 'Site IDs' on the Codes Maintenance program > Site Tab.

  • Op Code: Uses the 'GL Distribution Code' that is attached to the 'Operation Code' added to a Freight Bill on the Customer Service program > Summary Tab. 'GL Distribution Codes' are added to 'Operation Codes' on the Codes Maintenance program > Operation Codes Tab.

Note: The option 'Client' is not recommended for multi-company databases, as you can only assign one dist. code per client. If you use that client as the bill-to on a freight bill in another company, then the freight bill will get GL accounts from the wrong company.

GL Reset

This option, when set to 'True', will use GL Reset functionality when calculating a Freight Bill’s GL information. Default is set at 'False'. This option affects functions in both the Customer Service program and the A/R Adjustments program. This mainly pertains to the determination of the GL accounts for any tax adjustments (as the A/R and revenue accounts are already set on the original freight bill). For more information on GL Reset, click here.

GL Reset Invalid Account

In the event that an Invalid GL Account is created by the GL Reset process, this option will allow you to define an alternative account to use. There are three possible options: * Original: will use the GL Account that was originally assigned to the Freight Bill. * Invalid: will use the Invalid GL Account created by the GL Reset process for Billing purposes. The Freight Bill will stay out of balance until manually fixed. * Account #: specify an existing GL Account number for the charges to be entered for in the event of an Invalid Account being created by the GL Reset process.

GL Reset Split

The GL Reset Split option is used to indicate that your GL Distribution requires pro-rating based on loaded leg miles according to the resource utilized. For example: when this option is set to 'True', the Freight Bill revenue and Accessorial Charge revenue will be split by leg miles for all Trip legs that a particular Freight Bill is on. The split logic does not apply for split revenue codes (for both Freight and Accessorials); it only applies to the following: Freight Revenue, Client Accessorial Charges and Protected Charges. Default is set at 'False'.

Natural Account

Whatever value is entered for this option must match to the label entered as the natural account’s GL Account Segment under GL Chart Of Accounts program > Segments Tab. This is so the GL distribution can identify the position of the natural account in the Accessorial GL Account when applying the segment substitution from the GL Distribution Code’s Freight Revenue or Interline Expense GL Account as applicable

BILL.EXE - Invoice Printing


Auto Approve

Default is 'False'. Valid options are True/False. Setting this option to 'True' will automatically approve Freight Bills. For high volume users, the Freight Bills are not individually approved one by one. This option has been created to update the bills to approved='True' when they are set to FB Printed. This will allow the bills to update via the billing register.

Lock Bills

Allows you to set wether or not Freight Bills can be edited during printing. Default is set at 'False'.

Printed OK Prompt

If this option is set to 'True', the program will prompt for confirmation that the Freight Bills printed correctly before updating the Freight Bill status. If set to 'False', the Freight Bill status will be updated regardless of whether or not the invoices were printed correctly, or the printing was cancelled.

Remember Settings

Offered because there are so many configuration items for each individual option that this setting can save you a tremendous amount of time. Setting the default setting to 'True' allows the Invoice Printing program settings to be saved to a Windows registry per user, including all of the options on the screen. If you prefer to change your settings for this program each time, set this option to 'False', which means that none of your previous settings will appear upon opening the Invoice Printing program.

Reprint Freight Bill Insert System Status Code

This option allows you to choose whether to insert System Status code into status history or not when reprinting freight bills while the 'Update Bills Status to Reprints' field is unchecked. Setting this option to 'False' will prevent TruckMate from inserting System Status code (ie FB Printed) into status history when reprinting freight bills.

Same Filters For All

Allows you to specify either 'True' (all users have same search Filters), or 'False' (each user must create their own specific Filters). Default is set at 'True'.

Status Codes K&A

In the bottom-left hand corner of the Invoice Printing program, where it says 'Bill Status', you’ll see a selection where you can use the edit pick button to display a window and select Bills by 'Status'. You can update the current status of the bill to either: 'Complete', 'Docked', and/or 'Assigned'. (K = docked; A = assigned).

BILLBR.EXE - Billing Register


Allow Inactive GL

This config option can enable error-checking for inactive GL accounts by any of the TruckMate 'register' applications. By default, this option is set to 'True', meaning that the register will behave as in past versions of TruckMate (i.e. no error-checking is done on the GL Accounts that have transactions processed against them).

If this value is changed to 'False' or 'Warn', then when a user clicks the 'Print Report' button, if any of the GL Accounts selected for the report are inactive, a pop-up warning will display, listing the inactive accounts. The reports will still print and the user can check the 2nd (GL) report to see which transactions contain the inactive GL Accounts. When the user clicks the 'Post' button, however, some functionality will be disabled (depending on if 'False' or 'Warn' is chosen):

  • If 'False', you will get an error message and you will not be able to post. (The error message will suggest possible solutions to allow posting).

  • If 'Warn', you will be asked whether you wish to post anyway (you may click 'No' to abort the post).

Note: This config option has no effect on a Reprint, as there is no point in error-checking transactions that have already been posted.

Approve Driver Pay

If this option is set to 'True', the status of driver payments associated with the Freight Bill will be updated to 'Approved' when the Freight Bill is processed by the Billing Register program. This only applies to driver payments that are not 'Trip Based' (according to the rule configuration in the Driver Pay Contracts program). Driver payments can be viewed in the Driver Pay Audit program.

If this option is set to 'False', driver pay status will not be updated by the Billing Register program.

Auto-call IP Accrual Reg

If this option is set to 'True', and if there are any (approved) I/P records associated with a just posted batch of freight bills in the Billing Register, you will be prompted to run the IP Accrual Register. Clicking Yes launches the register and all the filters will be cleared except for Specific Billing Audit, which will be set to the billing register batch / audit number. You will only be prompted to run the IP Accrual Register provided that Auto Approve IP on FB Approval is set to True.

Commit Each Trans

In previous versions of TruckMate, when you used the 'Update' button in the Billing Register program, your postings were all posted unless there was an error in one of the items, and then none were posted. Now, if you set the flag to commit each transaction, then each posting will be done one-at-a-time. If an error is reached, a dialog box will appear for that posting only. This same option is available with the Cash Receipts Register Program.

Post Drv Pay Now

Allows you to automatically post Driver Pay information within the Billing Register, eliminating further steps in the Driver Pay Register program. Default is set to 'False'.

Rebill Aging Date

This option allows you to specify the aging date (for AR) of a rebill. Choose the 'ORIGINAL' option to have the aging date of the rebill remain the same as the original freight bill, which is usually determined by the 'Set Aging Date' option below. Choose the 'REBILL' option to have the aging date of the rebill set to the rebill’s billing date.

Remember Settings

Offered because there are so many configuration items for each individual option that this setting can save you a tremendous amount of time. Setting the default setting to 'True' allows the Billing Register program settings to be saved to a Windows registry per user, all of the options on the screen. If you prefer to change your settings for this program each time, set the configurator setting to 'False' which means that none of your previous settings will appear upon opening the Billing Register program.

Set Aging Date

This option allows companies the choice of determining aging by the billing date, pick-up date, delivery date, printing date, date billed or statement date. The aging date is the date used for the AR Aging Reports. Some companies have requested the option of modifying the aging date and this option allows them to do so. The default is set to 'BILLING'. Other possible values are: 'PICK_UP DATE', 'DELIVERY DATE', 'BILLING DATE', 'PRINTING DATE', 'BILLD DATE' and 'STATEMENT DATE'.

Set Aging Date to Day of Next Month

This option allows you to set a specific day of the following month to be your bill Aging Date. You can set this option to an integer. The value you use will represent the day number of next month and will be set to be the aging date of your AR bills. If you set this value to a number larger than the number of days of the following month, your aging date will span over more than one month.

Show Progress

Default is set at 'False'. If you are posting many invoices, then the actual posting step (after the Crystal report is closed) can take some time. Novice users might think the program has 'frozen' and will shut down the program. For this reason, we’ve created this config option where, if you set the option to 'True' a progress bar (showing '1.. of xxx' for example) will display so that the user knows that the program is processing the task.

Subtotal GLTRANS Postings

If set to True (the default), then when GLTRANS records are created, all the GL transactions in the audit/register run are grouped/summed together by GL account and date (one lump figure per combination). If set to False, then the figures are grouped/lumped by GL account, date, and source transaction ID.

Trace Number

The Trace number displayed on reports generated from the Billing Register is dependant on the value entered for this configuration option. If no value is selected, a default of 'B' (Bill of Lading) will be used. The available options are any of the 'enabled' Trace Number Types setup on the Codes Maintenance program > Trace Number Types Tab.

Update Leg Date

When set to 'True', TruckMate will update the LEG_DATE (driverpay) on 'child' Freight Biills from the master consolidated bill. When set to 'False' this will not occur.

BILLCONS.EXE - Billing Consolidation


Allow Consolidation of single bill

This option is defaulted at 'True', in which case the system will allow the consolidation of single bills, but if this might cause a problem like the creation of master consolidated bills that only include one bill then this option can be set to 'False' in which case the system will prevent a bill consolidation if bill consolidation is requested when only a single freight bill is available.

Keep Zero Charge Accessorial Charge

This option controls whether to allow Zero Charge Accessorial Charges to be copied to the Master Consolidated Bill or not. Available values are 'False', which is the default value, in which case NO zero charge accessorial charges will be copied to the Master Bill. The other value is 'True', in which case zero charge accessorial charges will be copied to the Consolidated Master Bill.

Remember Settings

Default is set at 'False'. This option is offered because there are so many configuration items for each individual option that this setting can save you a tremendous amount of time. Setting the default setting to 'True' allows the Billing Consolidation program settings to be saved to a Windows registry per user, all of the options on the screen. If you prefer to change your settings for this program each time, set the configurator setting to 'False' which means that none of your previous settings will appear upon opening the Billing Consolidation program.

Same Filters For All

Default is set at 'True'. This is similar to the 'propagate to all users' on the settings on a grid. In BILLCONS.EXE, there are many filters available for selecting bills. Most companies and users only use a few of these (e.g., a company may always search by billing date only), so, in the right-click filters setup, specify which filters you actually wish to see on the screen (and reduce the clutter of seeing those you don’t use). For those that wish to use the same filter(s), set the Application Configurator option to 'True'. If you wish to allow each user to individually set preferred filters, then set the Application Configurator option to 'False'.

Note: Upon setting the Application Configurator option to 'False', the list of filters to show will be 'remembered' for each user.

BILLLTL.EXE - Statement Printing


Pause Between Statements and Invoices

This option is only applicable if:

  • The user has set the Statement Printing program to check/print both Statements and Invoices (in one step,) and

  • The user has un-checked the 'Collate' flag.

If you then set this config option to 'True,' after all the Statements have been sent to the printer, the Statement Printing program will then ask you if you wish to go ahead and print the Invoices. This allows you to pause the process (e.g. until printer actually finishes printing) in cases where you need to switch forms in the printer or check Microdea’s queue (or any other imaging software’s queue) to make sure it has processed all the statements. Of course, it also allows you to cancel the printing of the Invoices if you for some reason changed your mind (e.g. wrong statements printed). Default is set at 'False'.

Statement Date Grouping

When this option is set to 'True', Statements will be grouped by a unique combination of the 'Statement Number' and 'Statement Date' (paper and Microdea Imaging only). When set to 'False' (default), Statements are grouped by 'Statement Number' only.