Working with images in Customer Service

If your system is set up for it, you can view an image of the current freight bill by right-clicking on any gray area in the Customer Service window and selecting View Images Via <Vendor>, where <Vendor> is the name of your imaging vendor.

Select one of the image types available to see the image in the vendor’s software.

If you are working with a consolidated master freight bill, you can view the images attached to the original freight bill(s) as well. Separate lists of image types for the master and original bill(s) are available.

Using Image Audit Mode

If your system allows, you can use Image Audit Mode when working in Customer Service. The image17 Image Audit Mode toolbar icon toggles this mode.

If enabled, each time you load a freight bill, the system finds and displays the bill of lading (BOL) image associated with the bill. If BOL images have been attached to multiple freight bils, this feature can make the verification process easier.

Working with TMW Synergize in Customer Service

synergize This option is the second step in Image Indexing available for users of TMW-Synergize™ Imaging software. The behavior of the application depends on the selected mode.

If the selected mode is 'View Single Document', when selecting this button, the user will have to select a specific Synergize 'Workflow' (as defined in the Codes Maintenance program > Imaging Tab > Microdea > Workflow Tab). Once the 'Workflow' has been determined, the Image Indexing window will appear with one image in the Synergize image viewer window.

For an explanation of how the Image Indexer behaves while in the 'View Single Document' mode, see this User Case Example.

  1. Upon selection of a 'Workflow ID' from the Select Workflow window, TruckMate automatically requests the first available imaged document in the Workflow queue.

  2. TruckMate automatically causes the document to display in the Synergize viewer window, and returns a 'Document ID' to TruckMate:

    1. A document may not be 'available' if it has already been requested by another user, as Synergize will lock documents once they have been retrieved from the Workflow queue. In this case, TruckMate will move to the next available document.

    2. If there are no more documents available in the Workflow queue, a non-error notification will be shown to the user, indicating that processing has been completed.

  3. TruckMate will attempt to look up the 'Document ID' from step 1 in Customer Service:

    1. If none is found, a new, empty bill will be inserted automatically and left in edit-mode. The 'Document ID' from step 1 will be added as a Trace number.

    2. If one is found, it will be displayed in the Customer Service window and left in edit-mode.

  4. The user will then Post the Freight Bill (to obtain a TruckMate bill number), and the Indexer will complete the following:

    1. TruckMate automatically sends this bill number, the customer ID, and any other trace numbers on the bill to Synergize, which causes the document to be indexed with these values.

    2. Depending on the Workflow settings in Synergize, this will cause the bill to be removed from the Workflow queue.

  5. Finally, TruckMate automatically requests the next available imaged document in the Workflow queue, and returns to step 2.

If the selected mode is 'View List of Documents', when selecting this button, a grid will popup with a list of available documents. The grid will display columns containing information about each listed document. Filters are available to help the user locate the desired documents easily and quickly. This feature is only available if 'Display Columns' checkbox is selected from Codes Maintenance > Imaging > Imaging Vendor Configuration > TMW-Synergize Imaging > Workflow Tab. The user can select the document to be indexed individually via manual selection.

In both described Indexing modes, when a user opens an image for indexing, a lock for this image will be enforced. As a result, other users cannot open this image for indexing purpose. The lock will be released once the user posts TruckMate information to Synergize, skips the image or exits indexing mode. To monitor image locks and release locks that cannot be auto-released (in case unexpected shutdown or users terminate TruckMate abnormally), users can open the Codes Maintenance program > Imaging > Microdea > Workflow Tab > Locks Tab. Erroneous locks can be removed from the list. If a document is locked by a user, that user can still open the document without requesting removing locks but other users would have to have locks removed.

This functionality is only available for Users with TMW - Synergize software installed and correctly configured, and that have checked the 'Workflow Enabled' flag on the Workflow Tab in Codes Maintenance (see above link).