Storage Billing


Released in TruckMate 2020.3, Storage Billing allows you to create storage charge invoices for those storage charges created with a 'Billing Option' of 'Invoice'.

  1. Use the fields to filter and restrict the items to be included in the invoice and click Preview Posting to verify the results.

  2. Go to the Storage Charges in section to select single or multiple invoices and click Create Invoices.

  3. Select Audit Storage Charges from the Tools menu on the Storage Billing window to open the Audit Storage Charges window.


You can select a freight bill from the grid and use the shortcut menu > Audit option to show the Storage Charges Detail window.


An application configuration setting is used to enable/disable the calculation of storage charges in the system based on the calculation logic setup in the Rates Maintenance program > Storage tab.

Utilities > Application Configurator > RATES.EXE

Option Description

Use Storage Charges

Determines whether the system will calculate storage charges.

  • True
    The system will calculate storage charges based on the calculation logic setup in the Rates Maintenance program > Storage tab.

  • False (default)

To access Storage Billing:

From this location Go to

Rates Maintenance application

storage Storage icon in toolbar or Go menu > Storage

TruckMate Menu and TruckMate Task List

Rating > Storage Billing

Windows Start Menu

TruckMate 20xx > Storage Billing

Windows Explorer

C:\Program Files (x86) > TruckMate 20xx > StorageBilling.exe