PAYAUDIT.EXE - Driver Pay Audit
Allow Start Date in Bonus Calculation
This setting, when set to 'True', will allow entry of a 'Start Date' value when the 'All 'Posted' Records' option is selected on the Calculate Driver Bonus window. This will let the user specify a Date Range for the payments that will be used to calculate the Driver Bonus (previously only a 'Cut Off Date' was used as a variable. Default is set at 'False'.
Copy Leg Date in Driver Pay Tab
This option controls whether or not to copy the 'Leg Date' in the selected driver record on Driver Pay Tab when entering a new driver pay record. Available values are 'False' (default value) and 'True' which if selected, instructs the system to copy Leg Date to driver pay tab when a new driver pay record is entered.
Copy User Fields in Driver Pay Tab
This option controls whether or not to copy the 'User Fields' into Driver Pay Tab when entering a new driver pay record. You can select what user fields to be copied to the new driver pay record. Check all relevant user fields to be copied according to your business needs.
Create Pay Entries for Contracts with Pay Code Only
When set to 'True', the bonus calculation will only create pay entries for those contracts which have that pay code. Default is set at 'False'.
Default Value for Zero Mileage Legs
Enter a number to override a zero distance value for LTL Mileage. Valid values are any Float/Integer value. Default is set at '0'.
Delay Pay on Trips
Default is set at 'False'. If this option is set to 'True', users will be prevented from approving driver pay (in the Driver Pay Audit program) until all freight bills on the associated trip have been updated by the Billing Register program, regardless of whether the pay was freight bill or trip based (according to the setup in the Driver Pay Contracts program).
Driver Pay Uses Rule Desc.
When this option is set to 'True', when creating driver pays from rules, the rule description will appear in the 'Pay Description' field. Default is set at 'False'.
Import sch Files Directory
This is the directory location for import map files 'ImportDriverPay.sch' and 'ImportDriverDed.sch'. When importing Driver Pay records, TruckMate will look in the directory defined in this option for map files. If non was defined (left blank), TruckMate will look in the same directory as where 'PAYAUDIT.EXE' is located (usually TruckMate directory).
Show Loaded Miles on P/D
Default is set at 'False'. When set to 'True', a 'Loaded Miles' field will be displayed, where applicable, in the Driver Pay Audit program.
Show Loaded Miles
Default is set at 'False'. When set to 'True', 'Loaded Miles' will display in the Driver Pay Audit program.
Summary Pmt States
This setting controls the available options for the 'Pmt State' summary field of the Driver Pay Audit program > Payments Tab Grid. Available options are:
U: Unapproved
H: Hold
A: Approved (default)
P: Posted (default when using Driver Pay Register and Driver Deduction Register applications)
W: Wait (occurs when user double-clicks 'P' state. 'Wait' values won’t appear in Driver Pay Statements)
C: Check created (but not yet registered)
X: Paid (i.e. check registered)
E: Exported to Third Party Payroll (applicable to Drivers setup as Employees only; used by PREXPORTTOADP.EXE)
O: Owed.
Use Driver Profile Assigned Punit Eqclass
This option, when set to 'False', will use the actual Power Unit assigned to the Trip to determine the equipment class (and the associated 'Miles Per Gallon' value). If set to 'True' the Power Unit Equipment Class value will be determined by the Driver who is attached to the Trip.
PPDACCOUNTS.EXE - Pre-Paid Accounts
Filter For All
When set to 'True', the same Filters will be used for all Users. When set to 'False', each User will have their own unique Filter setup. Default is set at 'False'.
Subtotal GLTRANS Postings
If set to True (the default), then when GLTRANS records are created, all the GL transactions in the audit/register run are grouped/summed together by GL account and date (one lump figure per combination). If set to False, then the figures are grouped/lumped by GL account, date, and source transaction ID.
PRGLREG.EXE - Payroll GL Register
Allow Inactive GL
This config option can enable error-checking for inactive GL accounts by any of the TruckMate 'register' applications. By default, this option is set to 'True', meaning that the register will behave as in past versions of TruckMate (i.e. no error-checking is done on the GL Accounts that have transactions processed against them).
If this value is changed to 'False' or 'Warn', then when a user clicks the 'Print Report' button, if any of the GL Accounts selected for the report are inactive, a pop-up warning will display, listing the inactive accounts. The reports will still print and the user can check the 2nd (GL) report to see which transactions contain the inactive GL Accounts. When the user clicks the 'Post' button, however, some functionality will be disabled (depending on if 'False' or 'Warn' is chosen):
If 'False', you will get an error message and you will not be able to post. (The error message will suggest possible solutions to allow posting).
If 'Warn', you will be asked whether you wish to post anyway (you may click 'No' to abort the post).
Note: This config option has no effect on a Reprint, as there is no point in error-checking transactions that have already been posted.
Subtotal GLTRANS Postings
If set to True (the default), then when GLTRANS records are created, all the GL transactions in the audit/register run are grouped/summed together by GL account and date (one lump figure per combination). If set to False, then the figures are grouped/lumped by GL account, date, and source transaction ID.
PROFILE.EXE - Customer & Vendor Profiles
Addr Zone Validation
This option, when set to 'True' will use the Mileage Server program’s address validation functionality as normal. When set at 'False' the address validation is not invoked if the address' Zone is changed and when it is invoked it does not update the Zone.
Allow Addition of Non-Existent Commodities
This option allows the User to add non-existent commodities to a Customer’s profile. If this config option is set to 'True' and a Client’s commodity is inserted with no corresponding master commodity record, a stored procedure ('INSERT_CLIENT_COMMODITY') is called to insert the master record.
Allow Approvers to Change Status on Client Change Requests Assigned to Others
This option has 3 choices: 'None', 'All' and 'Direct', default is 'None'. When a request is submitted (set to pending status), the submitter chooses the user, user group, or job title to indicate who should approve the request. These approvers will get warnings when they go to exit the app and have pending requests assigned to them. One TruckMate carrier may decide to only allow the specified user or group to approve/reject/re-assign the request, in such case this option must be set to 'None'. Another TruckMate carrier may decide that the assigned approver is only a guideline and any approver (with security rights) may approve/reject/re-assign the request in this case this option must be set to 'All'. Yet another TruckMate carrier may decide that the assigned approver must approve/reject/re-assign the request in most cases - with an exception that an approver who has security rights to by-pass the vetting process (apply a direct change) may also approve/reject/re-assign the request, in which case this option must be set to 'Direct'.
Allow Approver to Change Status on Others' Entry Type Client Change Requests
The available values for this option are 'False', which is the default value, and 'True'. If this option is set to 'True', a user that has 'Approver' privileges (as set in Security Setup program > Security > Business Events > Misc) will be allowed to change the status of Client Change requests that are still in 'Entry' status. The approver can either submit the change request or cancel it.
Allow Approvers to Change Status on Their Own Client Change Requests
The value of this option is either 'True' or 'False', default is 'False'. It usually does not make sense for a user to create and submit a request, then approve it him/herself. However, in some business cases, when several people/departments are required to "Approve" a request, the 'Submitter' maybe need to be among those who can "Approve" it.
Allow Approvers to Edit Other Users' Client Change Requests
Available values are 'True' and 'False', the default value is 'False'. If set to 'True'; users that are set to be approvers in Security Setup program will be able to edit change requests submitted by other users. If you want only submitters of change requests to edit their own requests you should set this option to 'False'. This option is only applicable if the 'Audit / Vet Client Changes' configuration item is set to 'Both' (B).
Audit / Vet Client Changes
This option has three possible values: 'Auditing Only', 'Both Auditing and Vetting' and the default value 'Neither'. If the default value is kept 'Neither' the system will disable all auditing and vetting features on changes of client profiles and all fields and tabs related to auditing and vetting on changes of client profiles will be invisible to users. If set at 'Auditing Only' the system will enable auditing features only so the changes are recorded and tracked. If set at 'Both Auditing and Vetting' the system will enable the auditing features and the vetting features, in other words the system will record every change attempt to client profiles and provide the capability of an authorised user to review and approve other users changes.
Audit / Vet Client Changes - Acc.Cod Subst
This option extends the client auditing and vetting features to include accessorial code substitution. This option can only be 'False' which is the default value or 'True'.
Audit / Vet Client Changes - Detentions
This option extends the client auditing and vetting features to include detentions. This option can only be 'False' which is the default value or 'True'.
Audit / Vet Client Changes - Discounts/Minimums
This option extends the client auditing and vetting features to include discounts / minimums. This option can only be 'False' which is the default value or 'True'.
Audit / Vet Client Changes - Rate Sheets
This option extends the client auditing and vetting features to include rate sheets. This option can only be 'False' which is the default value or 'True'.
Audit / Vet Client Changes - Routing
This option extends the client auditing and vetting features to include routing. This option can only be 'False' which is the default value or 'True'.
Audit / Vet Client Changes - Tariff Classes
This option extends the client auditing and vetting features to include tariff classes. This option can only be 'False' which is the default value or 'True'.
Allows you to automatically generate numerical Customer Codes when you enter a new profile in the Customer and Vendor Profiles program, rather than entering your own codes. Use this option in conjunction with the 'Auto key pad Width' option. The available values for this option are:
True: Generates a clientId (Customer Code) based on an integer sequence.
False: Returns a "clientId is required" error.
Client Info: Generates a clientId using the name, province and city from the request.
The auto-generated code is created from the first 4 characters of the 'Name' field, the first 2 characters in the 'State/Province' field, the first 3 characters of the 'City' field (as entered in either the Customer Service program > Header or Contacts tab, or the Customer Profiles program > Address tab), followed by 1 randomly generated alphabetic or numeric character (to handle any cases where the auto-generated code produces a duplicate).
If any of the name, province and city values are missing in the Request body, an error is returned.
Auto Gen Vendor Key
Allows you to automatically generate numerical Vendor Codes when you enter a new profile in the Customer and Vendor Profiles program, rather than entering your own codes. Use this option in conjunction with the 'Auto key pad Width' option. The available values for this option are:
True: Generates a vendorId (Vendor Code) based on an integer sequence.
False: Returns a "vendorId is required" error.
Vendor Info: Generates a vendorId using the name, province and city from the request.
The auto-generated code is created from the first 4 characters of the 'Name' field, the first 2 characters in the 'State/Province' field, the first 3 characters of the 'City' field (as entered in either the Customer Service program > Header or Contacts tab, or the Vendor Profiles program > Address tab), followed by 1 randomly generated alphabetic or numeric character (to handle any cases where the auto-generated code produces a duplicate).
If any of the name, province and city values are missing in the Request body, an error is returned.
Auto key Pad Width
Defines the number of digits that should be used to create the numerical customer or vendor code. This option must be used in conjunction with the 'Auto Gen Client/Vendor Key' options.
Bill-To By Default
If set to 'True', when a new client is added, their status is immediately set to 'Bill-to'. Default is set at 'True'.
Calc Flip Charges
The default is set at 'False'. Setting this option to 'True' will allow the Flip/Intermodal charges set out on the Intermodal tab of the Customer Profile program, to be calculated.
Caller By Default
If set to 'True', when a new client is added, their status is immediately set to 'Caller'. Default is set at 'True'.
Client Billing Tax
Default tax setting for new Clients being setup in Profiles. Values: 1, 2, B, N. B=Both. N=Neither.
Client User Field 1 - 10
In the Customer and Vendor Profiles program, on the Customer tab, you can access ten free format fields for each customer by using the <CTRL> - <U> key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form.
Client Vetting Approver Type
This option has four possible values, the default is 'None' which means any user with 'Approver' rights can approve /reject customer profile change requests, but if this option is set to any of the other three values (Job Title, User Group or User) then the request submitter will be forced to select an approver of the type set by this option at the time of submission.
Consignee By Default
If set to 'True', when a new client is added, their status is immediately set to 'Consignee'. Default is set at 'True'.
Credit Status
Sets the default customer credit status option. Available values are: NOCREDIT, CREDIT, HOLD, DECLINED, COLLECTION. Default is set at 'CREDIT'.
Cube to Wgt Conv
Cube to Weight conversion is used by the rating system (see rating for details). This value is Client and Vendor specific. This is the default number used when a new client or vendor is setup.
Customer Search By
This option Changes the default value in the 'Search By' field. Available values are: '0 - Code', '1 - Name', '2 - City', '3 - Province / State', '4 - Phone', '5 - Address1', '6 - Address2'.
Default Assign Stmts
Auto-assigns statements to new clients by default. Default is set at 'False'.
Default Customer rating Effective Date
This option allows the user to specify a specific date to be used as a default date for Customer Rating Effective Date.
Default Customer rating Effective Date Logic
If you don’t wish to specify a specific date to be used as a default for customer rating effective date you can use a specific logic instead, which provides more flexibility and greater time interval to maintain a default date. Available values for this option are: (Now, Week Start, Month Start, Year Start and Cpmfog). The values are self explanatory except maybe for the 'Config', which if selected will tell the system to use whatever date defined in the config item 'Default Customer rating Effective Date' described above.
Default Customer rating Expiry Date
This option allows the user to specify a specific date to be used as a default date for Customer Rating Expiry Date.
Default Customer rating Expiry Date Logic
If you don’t wish to specify a specific date to be used as a default for 'Customer Rating Expiry Date' you can use a specific logic instead, which provides more flexibility and greater time interval to maintain a default date. Available values for this option are: (Week End, Month End, Year End and Cpmfog). The values are self explanatory except maybe for the 'Config', which if selected will tell the system to use whatever date defined in the config item 'Default Customer rating Effective Date' described above.
Default Remind Minutes Before
This option requires the TruckMate CRM license. The default value of this option is '0'. This option can be set to any number. The umber entered for this option will be used as a default value for the 'Remind Minutes Before At' field when adding a new agent (attendee) in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Appointments Window > Details/Attendees section > Agents Tab to an appointment. The value of the ' Remind Minutes Before At' field is used as the number of minutes before the appointment at which a reminder e-mail is sent to the Agent (attendee). This option only sets a default value that can be overridden in the application. Leaving the value at the default value of zero means that there will be no reminder e-mail to be sent N minutes before the appointment.
Default Remind Night Before
This option requires the TruckMate CRM license. This option sets the default value of the 'Remind Night Before AT' field. The available values for this option are 'True' and 'False' which is the default value. This option is only to set a default value for the field, when adding a new attendee in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Appointments Window > Details/Attendees section > Agents Tab, it can be overridden in the application by the user. If the actual field 'Remind Night Before At' is set to 'True', a reminder e-mail will be sent to the selected agent (attendee) a night before the appointment date. If on the other hand the field is set to 'False', an e-mail reminder will NOT be sent to the selected agent (attendee).
Default Stmt Freq
Sets the default statement frequency for new clients.
D = Daily
W = Weekly
B = Bi-Weekly
S = Semi-Monthly
M = Monthly
1 = Once Per Year
2 = Twice Per Year
3 = Three Times Per Year
4 = Four Times Per Year
5 = Five Times Per Year
6 = Six Times Per Year
If you select 'S' you must provide a date within Customer and Vendor Profiles for the statement to occur. Default is set at 'M'.
Default is set at 'False'. Valid values are 'True' and 'False'. Setting this function to 'True' will allow the user to associate interchange points with areas of service. Setting this option to 'False' disables this functionality.
Restricted Delete
This option, when set to 'True', will prevent TruckMate Users from deleting a Client (or Vendor) record that has ever been added to any of the following TLORDER table fields: 'BILL_TO_CODE', 'ORIGIN', 'CUSTOMER' and 'DESTINATION'. Default is set at 'False' (allow delete).
RM Vendor User 1 - 10
On the Vendor side of the Customer and Vendor Profiles program, you can access ten free format fields dedicated to the R&M module by using the <Ctrl><R> key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the 'Value' field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the R&M Vendor User Defined Fields form.
Shipper By Default
If set to 'True', all new added clients will have their status immediately populate as 'Shipper'. Default is set at 'True'.
Show Unit Fields
Displays / Hides the 'Unit' field. Default is set at 'False'.
Vendor is Visible to All Companies
This option only concern’s Truckmate applications that are set to run in multi-company environments. It has three possible values 'Ask' (which is the default), 'True' and 'False'. If set at 'True' a vendor that is created in one company will be visible for all other companies in the group by default, if set at 'False' the created vendor will only be visible by the creating company, finally, if left at 'Ask' the system will popup a visibility option for the user to set regarding the newly created vendor.
Vendor Search By
This option Changes the default value in the 'Search By' field. Available values are: '0 - Code', '1 - Name', '2 - City', '3 - Province / State', '4 - Phone', '5 - Address1', '6 - Address2'.
Vendor User Field 1 - 10
In the Customer and Vendor Profiles program, on the Vendor tab, you can access ten free format fields for each vendor by using the <CTRL> - <U> key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form.
Weight to Cube
This option sets the default 'Cube to Wgt Conv' value for new clients added into the Customer & Vendor Profiles program.