RMWO.EXE - R&M Work Orders


Allow Inactive Resources

This option allows you to select whether you want to show inactive resources in the Work Orders program or not. The default value is set at 'False', which will hide inactive resources. Setting this option to 'True' will show inactive resources in the Work Orders program.

Check Duplicate Part

Default is set at 'True', and valid values are 'True' and 'False'. Setting this option to 'True' means that if you mistakenly enter a part twice, you’ll receive an error message. Setting this option to 'False' means that no error message will appear.

Default Customer Type

Sets the default Customer Type. Available values are: Company, Owner/Operator, and Customer. Default is set at 'Company'.

Default Outside Work

When set to 'True', this option will default all incoming Work Orders to 'Outside' status. Default is set at 'False'.

Default Tx Type

Sets the default Transaction Type. Available values are all TruckMate transaction codes. Default is set at 'INVOICE'.

Force Refresh

When set to 'True', will refresh Work Order data when a Work Order is activated. Default is set at 'True'.

Partial GL Warning

When set to 'True', RMWO.EXE will warn the User when the General Ledger may be missing entries. Default is set at 'True'.

Show date and time

When set to 'True', displays the Date/Time stamp of all Start/End dates. Default is set at 'False'.

Show Totals

When set to 'True', displays the 'Totals' grid. Default is set at 'True'.


This option controls how the 'Transaction Date' is automatically set. Valid values are:

  • Start - Work Order’s Start date.

  • End - Work Order’s End date.

  • Now - Current Date/Time (default).

User Field 1 - User Field 10

In the R&M Work Orders program, you can access ten free format fields by using the '<Ctrl> <U>' key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form in the R&M Work Orders program.

RMWOREG.EXE - R&M Work Orders Register


Allow Inactive GL

This config option can enable error-checking for inactive GL accounts by any of the TruckMate 'register' applications. By default, this option is set to 'True', meaning that the register will behave as in past versions of TruckMate (i.e. no error-checking is done on the GL Accounts that have transactions processed against them).

If this value is changed to 'False' or 'Warn', then when a user clicks the 'Print Report' button, if any of the GL Accounts selected for the report are inactive, a pop-up warning will display, listing the inactive accounts. The reports will still print and the user can check the 2nd (GL) report to see which transactions contain the inactive GL Accounts. When the user clicks the 'Post' button, however, some functionality will be disabled (depending on if 'False' or 'Warn' is chosen):

  • If 'False', you will get an error message and you will not be able to post. (The error message will suggest possible solutions to allow posting).

  • If 'Warn', you will be asked whether you wish to post anyway (you may click 'No' to abort the post).

Note: This config option has no effect on a Reprint, as there is no point in error-checking transactions that have already been posted.

Allow Post Negative

Default is set at 'True'. If 'False' and there is not enough stocks for orders, the register will pop up a warning message.

Subtotal GLTRANS Postings

If set to True (the default), then when GLTRANS records are created, all the GL transactions in the audit/register run are grouped/summed together by GL account and date (one lump figure per combination). If set to False, then the figures are grouped/lumped by GL account, date, and source transaction ID.



Allow Final Trip, Partial Trip or Both

This option controls which kind of Trips can be created from the Routes Management program. Valid values are:

  • Final: Users can create Final Trips

  • Partial: Users can create Partial Trips

  • Both: Users can create either Final or Partial Trips (default)

Auto-reorder Seq

This option, when set to 'True', will make the Routes Management program automatically re-order the Routes Sequence after any edits are made. Default is set at 'True'. When using the Routes Management program, this can be toggled on/off by using the 'Auto-Reorder Sequence Number' on the Routes Settings window.

Cancellation Status Code

This option controls the 'Status Code' that a Partial Trip will be assigned to indicate it was cancelled. Valid values are any available Status Codes. Default is set at 'CANCL'.

Day Filter Checked

This option defaults the 'Day of the Week' Filter options on the Routes Management program > Routes Tab. Enter the days that you wish to maintain the filter settings by entering numerical values separated by a comma, for example: '1,2,3,4,5' will flag the respective Filter options for Monday through Friday.

Days Avail for Route

This option allows the Routes Management program to specify on which days Routes can be validated. Enter the days that you wish have validation enabled by entering numerical values separated by a comma, for example: '1,2,3,4,5' will allow validation of Routes on Monday through Friday.

Default Import Prog

This setting controls the Import Program that will be the default on the Routes Management program > Import Tab. Enter the system code of one of the Import programs you have configured in the Routes Management program.

Driver Term = Term

If the Driver’s Terminal Zone must match the Line Haul or LTL Terminal for the Route, set this option to 'True'.

Final Status Code

This is the default status that will be applied to the Trip by the Routes Management program. Enter a valid status code. This will become the default value for the 'Update Trip Status' option on the Routes Management program > Create Trip window.

Flush Import Log

The value entered into this option will tell the Routes Management program when it should delete it’s own log file. The value entered represents a file size (in bytes), that when surpassed, will force the log file’s deletion from the system.

Max LTL per Driver

The integer value entered in this option will define the default maximum number of LTL Routes that can be assigned to any one Driver. This value can be changed while using the Routes Management program > Create Trip window.

Max LTL per PUnit

The integer value entered in this option will define the default maximum number of LTL Routes that can be assigned to any one Power Unit. This value can be changed while using the Routes Management program > Create Trip window.

Max Route per Driver

The integer value entered in this option will define the default maximum number of Routes that can be assigned to any one Driver. This value can be changed while using the Routes Management program > Create Trip window.

Max Route per PUnit

The integer value entered in this option will define the default maximum number of Routes that can be assigned to any one Power Unit. This value can be changed while using the Routes Management program > Create Trip window.

Merge Status Code

When a Merged Trip is created, it will be set to the Status Code entered for this option. Valid values are any available Status Codes. Default is set to 'LTGF'.

One Driver per LTL

This option, when set to 'True' will enable the 'One Driver per - LTL Terminal' flag on the Routes Management program > Create Trip window by default.

One Driver per Route

This option, when set to 'True' will enable the 'One Driver per - Route ID' flag on the Routes Management program > Create Trip window by default.

One LH Term/Route

This option, when set to 'True' will enable the 'One Line Haul per - Route ID' flag on the Routes Management program > Create Trip window by default.

One LTL Term/Route

This option, when set to 'True' will enable the 'One LTL Terminal per - Route ID' flag on the Routes Management program > Create Trip window by default.

One PUnit per LTL

This option, when set to 'True' will enable the 'One PUnit per - LTL Terminal' flag on the Routes Management program > Create Trip window by default.

One PUnit per Route

This option, when set to 'True' will enable the 'One PUnit per - Route ID' flag on the Routes Management program > Create Trip window by default.

Partial Status Code

When a Partial Trip is created, it will be set to the Status Code entered for this option. Valid values are any available Status Codes. Default is set to 'ASSGNP'.

PUnit Fleet = Term

This option, when set to 'True' will enable the 'PUnit Fleet must match Terminal' flag on the Routes Management program > Create Trip window by default.

Return LH

This option, when set to 'True' will enable the 'Generate Return Line Haul Trip' flag on the Routes Management program > Create Trip window by default.

Route ID Unique Per

This option toggles the 'Route ID Properties' option on the Routes Management program > Create Trip window. If you enter the text 'Week' in this filed, the 'Unique per week' option will be the default; if you enter 'Day' in this field, the 'Unique per Day' radio option will be defaulted.

Route Program

Enter the name of the Route program you would like to use as default when working with the Routes Management program. Route programs are entered on the Import Settings window (accessible from the Settings Menu) and stored in the ROUTES_IMPORT_PROGRAM TruckMate Table.

Same Driver LH - LTL

This option, when set to 'True', will enable by default the 'Allow Line Haul Driver and LTL Driver to be the same' option in the Validation Rules section of the Routes Management program > Create Trip window

Same PUnit LH - LTL

This option, when set to 'True', will enable by default the 'Allow Line Haul PUnit and LTL PUnit to be the same' option in the Validation Rules section of the Routes Management program > Create Trip window

Starting Seq Number

The integer entered for this option controls the starting value of the Sequence numbers generated by the Routes Management program. Default is set at '1'.

Status Codes for Merge Display

This option controls the list of Status Codes that will appear in the Merge form. Valid values are any appropriate status codes (separated by a comma), such as 'ASSGNP','PLANP','LTGP' (default).

Status Codes for Merge Selection

This option controls the Status Codes available for Merge selection. Valid values are one or more appropriate Status Codes (separated by a comma), such as 'LTGP' (default).

Status Codes for Return LineHaul/LTL Trip

This option controls the Status Codes available for Return LineHaul/LTL Trips. Valid values are one or more appropriate Status Codes (separated by a comma). Default is blank.

Validate All Route

This option, when set to 'True', will enable by default the 'All Routes' option in the Select Route section of the Routes Management program > Create Trip window.

Warn Duplicate Seq

This option, when set to 'True', will enable the 'Warning - If Sequence is duplicate in one route' option on the Routes Settings window. This option will return a warning message if any duplicate sequence values are found in a Route.

SAFETY.EXE - Safety and Compliance


Allow Multiple Records for the Same Power Unit in Power Tab

When set to 'True', the user will be able to enter multiple incident records for the same Power Unit on the Safety & Compliance program > Incident Tracking > Power Tab. Default is set at 'False'.

Allow Multiple Records for the Same Trailer in Trailer Tab

When set to 'True', the user will be able to enter multiple incident records for the same Trailer on the Safety & Compliance program > Incident Tracking > Trailers Tab. Default is set at 'False'.

CSA Thresholds Options

The options listed in this section are to define threshold values for the factor scores on the driver CSA (Compliance Safety & Accountability). Each factor on the CSA inspection report is represented by a set of two of the options listed below, the first one is for error or denial which ends with the word 'Deny' and the other one is for warning and ends with the word 'Warn'. And thus, for each factor you can define two threshold values, one for Deny and one for Warn (enter a numeric value that represents the desired threshold for each option). When assigning a driver to a trip, the system will compare the driver’s CSA scores for each factor against the threshold values defined for the same factor.

  • If driver score is lower than the 'Deny' threshold and the 'Warn' threshold, the driver will be assigned to the trip with no additional action.

  • If the driver score is higher than or equal the 'Deny' threshold, the system will generate an error and deny the driver assignment.

  • If driver score is higher than or equal the 'Warn' threshold but lower than the 'Deny' threshold, a warning will be issued but the driver assignment will be allowed.

The CSA threshold options include:

  • Driver CSA Cargo Related Factor Deny

  • Driver CSA Cargo Related Factor Warn

  • Driver CSA Cargo Related Rank Deny

  • Driver CSA Cargo Related Rank Warn

  • Driver CSA Controlled Substance Factor Deny

  • Driver CSA Controlled Substance Factor Warn

  • Driver CSA Controlled Substance Rank Deny

  • Driver CSA Controlled Substance Rank Warn

  • Driver CSA Crash Factor Deny

  • Driver CSA Crash Factor Warn

  • Driver CSA Crash Rank Deny

  • Driver CSA Crash Rank Warn

  • Driver CSA Driver Fitness Factor Deny

  • Driver CSA Driver Fitness Factor Warn

  • Driver CSA Driver Fitness Rank Deny

  • Driver CSA Driver Fitness Rank Warn

  • Driver CSA Fatality Count Deny

  • Driver CSA Fatality Count Warn

  • Driver CSA Fatigued Driving Factor Deny

  • Driver CSA Fatigued Driving Factor Warn

  • Driver CSA Fatigued Driving Rank Deny

  • Driver CSA Fatigued Driving Rank Warn

  • Driver CSA Hazmat Release Count Deny

  • Driver CSA Hazmat Release Count Warn

  • Driver CSA Injury Count Deny

  • Driver CSA Injury Count Warn

  • Driver CSA Tow-Away Count Deny

  • Driver CSA Tow-Away Count Warn

  • Driver CSA Unsafe Driving Factor Deny

  • Driver CSA Unsafe Driving Factor Warn

  • Driver CSA Unsafe Driving Rank Deny

  • Driver CSA Unsafe Driving Rank Warn

  • Driver CSA Vehicle Maintenance Factor Deny

  • Driver CSA Vehicle Maintenance Factor Warn

  • Driver CSA Vehicle Maintenance Rank Deny

  • Driver CSA Vehicle Maintenance Rank Warn

Incident User Field 1 - Incident User Field 20

These options control the field labels for the 20 available user fields on the Safety & Compliance program > Incident Tracking > User Fields Tab.




If 'True' (default value), after a file has been imported, Barcode Item Details (TLORDER_ILT table) are rebuilt for the Freight Bill, based on rules selected in 'AutoUpate BatchSelection'. All Barcode Items will be associated with the first detail line.

AutoUpdate BatchSelection

If option 'FirstBatch' (default value) is selected, the system will only update Freight Bill’s Barcode Item Details from the first batch; if a Freight Bill already has entries for Barcode Items, they are not updated. If option 'LastBatch' is selected then the system will update Freight Bill’s Barcode Items in the most recent batch; if a Freight Bill already has entries for Barcode Items, they will be deleted.

Verify Pallet Count

If set to 'True', when processing a batch, the total pallet count of the Freight Bill’s detail lines must match the total pallet count of the imported records. Default value is 'False'.

Weight Threshold

This option specifies a minimum weight threshold before rolling up updates from the barcode items to the detail line. If set to a value (other than the default value of '0'), the sum of the scale weight from the barcode items must exceed the weight on the corresponding detail line by more than the amount specified as the threshold before the detail line is updated.

SCHEDULER.EXE - TruckMate Scheduler


Acordex Cross Reference Output Path

This option specifies the path into which Acordex cross reference files will be written. A valid value will be any directory path accessible from the machine running SCHEDULER.EXE. Default is set at '.' (directory that SCHEDULER.EXE is run from).




This setting contains an integer value that tells the Scheduler program to Delete Mileage Server records older that XX days old.

SECURITY.EXE - Security Setup


Apply to Group

When set to 'True', the 'Apply to Group' button (which propagates the selected security preferences to an entire User Group) will be available for selection on the Security Setup program > Security Tab. When set to 'False', the button will be disabled. Default is set at 'True'.

Detention Billing: Posted Edits Security

Default is set at 'False'. If set to 'True', this option will allow the 'Allow Posted Edits' option on the Security Setup program > Security > Business Events > Misc Tab to be accessed.

STATCHNG.EXE - Web Services Status Changer


Restrict Status Codes When FB Active on Trip

This option allows the user to define a list of restricted statuses for freight bills. The values for this option can be selected from a list of status checkboxes. This option works only on freightbill-specific status changes (Trip = 0), and only applies to freight bills already assigned to trips. When the status changer attempts to change the status of a freight bill which is already on a trip, the system checks the restricted list, if the new status of this attempted status change is in the list, the status change record will be updated with an error message and no status change will take place. If the status change process is performed in any other scenario, the change will be performed as intended.

WebServices Enabled

When set to 'True', enables the Web Services. Default is set to 'False'.

SUPCON.EXE - Supplier Contracts


User Field 1 - User Field 15

These options are used to configure the label of the various 'User Fields' on the User Fields Tab on the Edit Contract Window of the Supplier Contracts program. Double-click these option and enter any text label your Company requires.

SUPNR.EXE - Supplier Payables Register


Allow Inactive GL

This config option can enable error-checking for inactive GL accounts by any of the TruckMate 'register' applications. By default, this option is set to 'True', meaning that the register will behave as in past versions of TruckMate (i.e. no error-checking is done on the GL Accounts that have transactions processed against them).

If this value is changed to 'False' or 'Warn', then when a user clicks the 'Print Report' button, if any of the GL Accounts selected for the report are inactive, a pop-up warning will display, listing the inactive accounts. The reports will still print and the user can check the 2nd (GL) report to see which transactions contain the inactive GL Accounts. When the user clicks the 'Post' button, however, some functionality will be disabled (depending on if 'False' or 'Warn' is chosen):

  • If 'False', you will get an error message and you will not be able to post. (The error message will suggest possible solutions to allow posting).

  • If 'Warn', you will be asked whether you wish to post anyway (you may click 'No' to abort the post).

Note: This config option has no effect on a Reprint, as there is no point in error-checking transactions that have already been posted.

Subtotal GLTRANS Postings

If set to True (the default), then when GLTRANS records are created, all the GL transactions in the audit/register run are grouped/summed together by GL account and date (one lump figure per combination). If set to False, then the figures are grouped/lumped by GL account, date, and source transaction ID.

Use Bill Number

Default is set at 'False', meaning that when reports are generated, they will be ordered by their 'Order Number' value. When this value is set to 'True', reports from the Supplier Payables Register will be ordered by their 'Bill Number' value.

Use Vendor Name

Default is set at 'False', meaning that when reports are generated, they will be ordered by their 'Vendor ID' value. When this value is set to 'True', reports from the Supplier Payables Register will be ordered by their 'Vendor Name' value.

SVCLEVEL.EXE - Service Level Matrix Maintenance


Check for Late Pickup Cutoff

This item has two options, the default is 'True' in which case the system will validate the pickup time against the defined Pickup Cutoff Time for the selected pickup terminal. If the cutoff time is missed and the system uses Service Level Matrix calculations to determine the Delivery date, the system adds one day to the delivery calculations. If this item is set to 'False', no check will be made.

Check Zone Range Maps

The default value of this option is 'True'. Setting this option to 'False' will disable zone range map lookups in SLM.

No Delv On Holidays

When set to 'True', no deliveries can occur on holidays or weekends. Default is set at 'True'.

No Transit Holidays

When set to 'True', transit movement stops on holidays and weekends. Default is set at 'False'.

Zone-based svc Levels

Service level delivery times vary by zone. Default is set at 'False'.




This setting controls the rate at which the minutes in the date/time fields of the calendar menu increment. Valid values are '1' (regular time), '5' (increase every 5 minutes) and '10' (increase every 10 minutes).

Check All Watchdawg Alerts When Creating Call To Custom Procedures

If this option is set to 'True', when a Custom Procedure is called from the Tools Menu, TruckMate will check all Watchdawg alerts created for Custom Procedures in all companies, not only the active company. If the default value 'False' is left unchanged, only Watchdawg alerts in the active company will be checked.

Confirm Close

This setting controls how the classic 'Close Confirmation' dialog window behaves. Setting this option to 'True' will display the confirmation window; setting this option to 'False' will disable it, closing the application immediately following the use of a 'Close' command.


If set to True, outputs debug info to MADD_DEBUG.


This setting, when set to 'True', will allow the user to check/un-check the 'Case Sensitive' flag on the standard Edit Pick Lookup window used throughout TruckMate. If set to 'False', the user will be forced to use whatever setting has been determined prior (based on a Registry setting). Default is set at 'True'.