CONBILL.EXE - Contract Billing
Add Odometer To R&M
Default is set at 'False'. This setting works in conjunction with the Contract Billing program. Setting this option to 'True' will allow odometer calculations to be made upon saving information in this program. Specifically, on the 'Entry' tab, if you enter a starting and ending Odometer reading, pressing the 'checkmark' (Save) button will cause the program to automatically calculate the Odometer totals
Copy Acc Ch
Allows you to set if Account Charges will be copied directly onto the Invoice. Default is set at 'False'.
Copy Details
Allows you to set if Bill details will be copied directly onto the Invoice. Default is set at 'False'.
CONDEPOTBILL.EXE - Container Depot Billing
Require Bill Days
When set to 'True', the program will require chargeable days to exist before it can proceed to billing. Default is set at 'True'.
CONINV.EXE - Container Inventory Control
Adv Dispatch Tie
When set to 'True', allows the use of Advanced Dispatch Ties. Default is set at 'False'.
Default Bill To
When set to 'A' the Default 'Bill To' client will be determined Automatically using the following criteria: if 'Chassis' information is present, the 'Chassis' Owner will be used as the 'Bill To' code, if not, the 'Container Owner' will become the 'Bill To' code.
When set to 'M' the 'Bill To' client must be selected by the User while using the CONINV.EXE program.
Note: You can always change this setting from within the CONINV.EXE program, no matter what the Application Configurator option is set to.
No-Charge Always False
This setting, when set to 'True', will effectively disable the use of the 'No Charge' flag in the Container Inventory Control program > InGate Tab. In this case, no Freight Bill created by this program could be set as a 'No Charge' Freight Bill. When set to 'False' (default) Users will have access to the 'No Charge' flag, depending on their user access privileges as designated in the Security Setup program > Security > Business Events > Misc Tab, under the 'Container Inventory' section.
User Field 1 - 10
In the Container Inventory Control program, you can access ten free format fields by using the <CTRL> - <U> key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form in the Container Inventory Control program.
CONTAINER IQ (Windows Service)
Refer to stand alone Container IQ User Guide.
The following Application Configurator options are listed under Configuration Options > CONTAINER IQ
Indicates this option is unique to the Profit Tools Track & Trace integration and the legacy TruckMate Container Seek application.
Option | Definition |
Check Current Zone on Rail Match |
If enabled, TruckMate will ensure that the freight bill’s current zone matches the pickup client’s default zone. This resolves the scenario where two freight bills are using (and tracking) a single container expected at two different rail ports using the same rail-site tracking website.
For example:
When the container becomes available at a given port (pickup client default zone), only the corresponding freight bill with the applicable current zone will be matched. |
Login Password / User |
These are used to store the Profit Tools Track & Trace program’s username and password value. Note: For Profit Tools, the default value corresponds to the default Track & Trace application install ODBC database username. |
Profit Tools Release |
Indicates which version (3 or 4) of the Profit Tools Track & Trace program you are using.
Remove Containers on Zone Change |
If the current container location, (i.e., zone), is not the same as the pickup client default zone, then it is assumed the container has since moved and should no longer be tracked. This setting can be user to automatically remove the container from the ContainerSeek integration queue.
Remove Inactive Containers |
When the system requests to stop tracing a given container (based on the release actions and status updates), the container number will be removed from the ContainerSeek integration queue.
Remove Trace on UnMatched Orders |
Stops the container trace when the trace value cannot be matched to a freight bill.
Remove Trace when UnMatched |
Removes the container trace when the trace value cannot be matched to a freight bill.
Trace Frequency (minutes) |
Determines how often the Status Changer service will check for Trace updates. Must be a whole number greater than zero. |
Track & Trace Database |
ODBC connection to the Track & Trace database. The default value corresponds to the default Track & Trace application install ODBC database name. |
Update Bill Notes with Trace Details |
Update the freight bill Notes with information from the trace results. |
Update Current Status |
Updates the container Status from the trace results. |
Update Export Order Cutoff Date Using Vessel Schedule |
Controls how the container export order’s cutoff date is updated. * True * False (default) The cutoff date update will be based on the Client/Vendor Profile program > Intermodal tab > Track Vessel Schedules and Use Inland Date checkbox settings. |
Update Import Order ETA Date Using Vessel Schedule |
Determines whether to update the ETA Date for the bills which match the Port, Vessel and Voyage. * True * False (default) |
Update Last Free Date |
Updates the container Last Free date from the trace results. |
Update Notify Date |
Updates the container Notify date from the trace results. |
Update status with Notify Date |
When enabled, this option will set the freight bill status to
CONTAINERS.EXE - Container Profiles
RM User Field 1 - 10
In the 'R&M' tab of the Container Profiles program, you can access ten free format fields by using the <CTRL> - <U> key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form in the R&M tab.
User Date 1 - 4
In the Container Profiles program, you can access four free format date fields by using the <CTRL> - <U> key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form in the Container Profiles program.
User Field 1 - 10
In the Container Profiles program, you can access ten free format fields by using the <CTRL> - <U> key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form in the Container Profiles program.
These values are used for the trip costs report, which are available in report pack 3, and also from the Trip Grid in the Dispatch program.
Average MPG
Average fleet miles per gallon. Default setting is 'False'. Enter a numeric value here to specify the average fuel consumption of your Tractors and Trucks. This value will be used in report calculations.
This setting is for Trimble Transportation Support user only. Do not change this setting.
Dispatch Cost Per FB
Cost per freight bill for dispatch labor. Default setting is 'False'. Each user will determine this. A suggestion could be to add up your total payment to dispatchers on a monthly basis, and divide that by how many freight bills are dispatched per month. This would give you a rough estimate of the costs associated with dispatch each freight bill. Then, enter this numeric value here.
Empties Go To
This option allows you to charge MT costs back ('LAST TRIP') or forward ('NEXT TRIP'). Default is set at 'NEXT TRIP'.
Fuel Price/ Gallon
Average cost of fuel per gallon. Default setting is 'False'. This is the current price of fuel. If you purchase your fuel in Liters, then you will have to convert how much you are paying per liter to a per gallon rate. Multiply the per liter value by 3.7854 to get the per gallon value.
GL Acct for Standby
This option allows you to specify the G/L Account for Power Units and Trailers that are in 'Standby' status. Enter a GL Account number.
If FB wgt is Zero
If a Freight Bill’s 'weight' field is empty, the value set in this option will populate instead of a zero value. Enter a whole integer value. Default is set at '40000'.
RP3 Revision
This field shows your RP3 Revision number, and is for informative purposes only; it does not affect the functionality of the program.
As of TruckMate 2022.4, CrossDock is no longer available. |
Ask Dock Area
Default is set at 'True', which means that a dialog box will pop up asking the Dock Area (this is a field that can be used at the User’s discretion, indicating by an 'area' (which would be either a letter or number) where the freight will be placed on the dock.
Barcode Item Automatic Roll Up to Bill
If 'True' (the default value), updates to Barcode Item records will automatically roll up into TLDTL and TLORDER. If 'False', the Barcode Item Screen (Cserve/Detail/Barcode Item Details) will have 'Update Freight Bill Details' button to apply updates to TLDTL.
Complete Trip When Finished Unloading
This option, if selected (set to 'True'), will have TruckMate complete the trip when its marked as Finished Unloading. The default value for this option is 'False'.
This setting controls the background color of the 'Door' grid item (specified by the # value included in the setting name) in the Trips/Doors Grid of the CrossDock program. This setting can be modified here, but is much easier to modify using the right click Context Menu option 'Set Door/Font Color' on the actual Trips/Doors Grid.
This setting controls the color of the Text in a 'Door' grid item (specified by the # value included in the setting name) in the Trips/Doors Grid of the CrossDock program. This setting can be modified here, but is much easier to modify using the right click Context Menu option 'Set Door/Font Color' on the actual Trips/Doors Grid.
Hostler Queue Refresh Interval
This setting specifies the amount of time between each 'Refresh' of the Hostler Queue Maintenance window in the CrossDock program. Default is set at '5000' (milliseconds).
Ignore Repos Manif
This setting, when set to 'True', will tell the CrossDock application to ignore any 'Manifest = Y' messages produced by the Repositioning of equipment. Default is set at 'False'.
This option will include (if set to 'True') or exclude (if set to 'False') resources that are in terminal subzones.
Prompt for Hostler Move
If this option is set to 'True', in CrossDock, when dragging a Trailer from the 'Yard' section to a 'Door' in the Trips/Doors Grid, the user will be prompted to add it to the Hostler Queue window. Default is set at 'True'.
Show Cube Totals
Default is set to 'True'. Setting this option to 'True' will show cube totals in your CrossDock program. If you don’t ordinarily use or require that cube totals be shown or calculated, set this option to 'False'.
Show Length Totals
Default is set to 'True'. Setting this option to 'True' will show length totals in your CrossDock program. If you don’t ordinarily use or require that length totals be shown or calculated, set this option to 'False'.
Show Weight Totals
Default is set to 'True'. Setting this option to 'True' will show weight totals in your CrossDock program. If you don’t ordinarily use or require that weight totals be shown or calculated, set this option to 'False'.
SQL FB Filter Excluded Statuses
This option allows the user to define which freight bill status behaviors will be excluded from a SQL FB filter when run from Cross Dock. This option allows the user to select all the freight bill status behaviors to be excluded from the SQL filter by selecting all the relevant checkboxes. The default selection is: 'Cancel', 'Completion', 'Depart Consignee (Delivery)' and 'Other'.
Use Load plan Options for Expected Date
The default for this option is 'False', if set to 'True' the system will try to find a matching load plan option (number of days) to calculate the legs expected date and subsequent legs will have their 'Planned Departure' recalculated.
Default is set at 'False'. Setting this option to 'True' will generate a text log that will detail the changes that occur while using the CrossDock program.
Default is set at 'Null'. Entering one of the 'User' fields into this option ('USER1', 'USER2', etc.) will populate that field with the Door number that is selected for a Freight drop.
CSERV.EXE - Customer Service
1 - A
1st Field on Insert |
Allows you to choose where your cursor placement will default to upon selecting the '+' button on the TruckMate Navigation bar. The entered value must be one of the TLORDER Table fields. This is the global variable for the 1st new field. For this option to work, the '1st field on new FB' field on the Codes Maintenance program > Site Setup Tab must be blank for the Site you are working with. Note: There is a special case for Intermodal operations as well: Intermodal Clients can enter 'IM Tab' as this option’s value to have the Customer Service program always default to the Intermodal Tab when creating new Freight Bills. Ensure that the 'Default Details Tab' option (below) is set to 'False' for this to work. |
Acc Ch Min |
When set to 'True', the Customer Service > Acc Charge Tab will show the actual Accessorial quantity in the 'Quantity' field when the 'Min/Max' field has been set to 'True'. Default is set at 'False' (when 'Min/Max' charge is applied, the quantity changes to '0'). |
Add Leg With From=To |
This option will only work when the 'Add Xstops as Legs' option is set to 'True'. When set to 'True', Trip legs will be added with the same value in the 'From' and 'To' fields. Default is set at 'False'. |
Add Units in Details |
When you are in the Detail section of the Customer Service program, and you select the '+' button to insert a new record, your units of measurement will be automatically populated, provided you add an amount in the unit field prior to the unit measurement. For example, if you’re adding 500 lbs: you would enter 500 in the 'weight' column, and the weight measurement of pounds would automatically be populated in the next column. This information is taken from the Codes Maintenance Program > Unit Tab. Default is set to 'False'. To enable set to 'True'. |
Add XStops as Legs |
When creating Orders and Trips from quotes that contain XStops, this option allows two procedures. If set to 'True', a quote that contains XStops will be assigned a new Leg, for each XStop. If set to 'False', the XStop data of the quote will be ignored, and separate Trips will be created for each XStop. Default is set at 'False'. |
Addr Zone Validation |
This option, when set to 'True' will use the Mileage Server program’s address validation functionality as normal. When set at 'False' the address validation is not invoked if the address' Zone is changed and when it is invoked it does not update the Zone. |
Adjust Bill Dates |
This allows a user to copy a Freight Bill using the pick-up information, which defaults to today’s date. Default is set at 'True'. If set at 'False', will copy original dates. |
Adjust Quote Dates |
This allows a user to copy a Freight Bill using the pick-up information, which defaults to today’s date. Default is set at 'True'. If set at 'False', will copy original dates. |
Allow A/R and I/P GL to different GL periods |
The normal acceptable procedure from an accounting stand point is to have all I/P records' approval dates and the FB approval date fall in the same accounting (GL) period. This option can be used to allow the posting of A/R or I/P transactions to different accounting periods. This option will only make sense if the 'CSERV.EXE' - 'Auto Approve IP on FB Approval' configuration option is set to 'False' (if set to 'True', when the FB is approved, all related IP records will be approved, and if any has approval date, the approval date will be overwritten with the FB’s new approval date). The default value for this option is set to 'Warn', in which case the user will be warned when trying to post a transaction to a different GL period, but will not be prevented. The second value is 'False', in which case the user will be prevented from performing such a transaction, an error message will be issued. The third value is 'True', in which case the user will be allowed to post A/R and I/P transactions regardless of the approval dates of the transactions and the FB (neither error nor warning will be issued). Note: If the approved items on the FB haven’t been run through the register yet, you could unapprove them all and then set the approval date on all items to whatever GL period you like (as long as you apply a date from the new period to all the items). |
Allow Approve of Locked Bill |
The default value of this option is 'False', if set to 'True' the user can approve bills of locked or split status. Note: If this option is set to 'True' and split bills are to be approved you must not change the current status of the bills on 'Approve, Invoice and Billing Reg'. In other words the configuration option 'Approve Updt Status' must be 'False'. |
Allow Batch Overlaps |
When set to 'True', will allow multiple overlaps when creating orders from quotes with date ranges. Default is set to 'True'. |
Setting this option to 'True' will allow you to copy Detail information from one Freight Bill to another. For example, once in the Customer Service program, and viewing a Freight Bill with detail information completed, you should be able to copy the Detail information from the current Freight Bill into another existing Freight Bill, or into a manually entered new Bill number. Default is set at 'False'. |
Allow Copy of Unapproved Quotes |
This option, when set to 'True', will allow Users to copy Quotes that have not been 'Approved' on the Customer Service program > Billing Tab. When this option is set to 'False', all Quotes must be 'Approved' before they can be copied into Freight Bills. Note: A User must also have the appropriate Security Privileges set before they may copy Quotes. See the Security Setup program > Security > Business Events > Misc Tab for more information. |
Allow Edit of Locked bill |
The default value of this option is 'False'. If the value is set to 'True', the user will be allowed to edit bills that are Locked or has Split status. |
Allow Editing Child Bill If Parent Is Consolidated |
If you set this option to 'True', TruckMate will allow you to edit a Child Bill even if the Parent Bill is already consolidated. The default value of this option is 'False', in which case, TruckMate will NOT allow you to update a Child Bill if the Parent Bill is consolidated. |
Allow Inactive Res |
This option, when set to 'True', will allow you to assign Dispatch resources (Power Units, Trailers, Drivers, Misc. Equipment, etc.) to Freight Bills even if they are set to Inactive ('Active' flag unchecked in their respective Profiles Module application). When set to 'False' (default) the User will not be allowed to assign Inactive resources to a Freight Bill. |
Allows users to manually add Freight Bill numbers. Instead of a computer generated Freight Bill number, the user can enter the <Ctrl><M> hot key combination and then type in a Freight Bill number. Set this to 'True' to enable this feature and to 'False' to disable. This function works only in conjunction with hot key previously mentioned. |
Approve Quotes |
This option, when set to 'True', will force Quotes to 'APPRVD' (Approved) status automatically at the time of creation. When set to 'False', the User will have to approve the Quote manually. Default is set at 'True'. |
Approve Updt Status |
Default is set at 'True'. Previously, upon approval of a Freight Bill, the status in the Customer Service program reflected that approval. However, sometimes a customer wants to send out a bill before the invoice has been dispatched, and updating the current status would remove it from current status. Now, a new Application Configuration option from the Customer Service (CSERV.EXE) program is available allowing you to 'Approve Updated Status'. The default is set at 'True' but if you set this option to 'False', you can approve the Freight Bill, move it through the billing process but the current status will remain 'Active' as opposed to 'No Longer Active'. |
Appt Required Flag |
This option is used to interface Veltion Webservices software with the Customer Service program. In order to successfully interface with Veltion, this option must be set to 'True'. |
Attach Freight Bill to Trip on Post |
This option, when set to 'True', will allow the User to automatically attach a Freight Bill to a Dispatch Trip when the User clicks the 'Post' button in the Customer Service program. When 'Post' is selected, a small window will appear, prompting the User to enter a Dispatch 'Trip #' to attach the Freight Bill to. Default is set to 'False' (do not automatically attach Freight Bill to Trip on Post). |
Auditing Credit Limit |
When set to 'True', Customer Service will log bill information into the TRANS_AUDIT table for pop-up credit warning notes. Default is set at 'False'. |
Auto Approve IP on FB Approval |
The default value of this option is 'True', in which case the IP records assigned to the freight bill will be approved (their status will be changed from 'N' to 'S') when the freight bill is approved. If on the other hand, this option is set to 'False', the user would have to use the IP Audit program in order to approve the IP GL record, after the freight bill has been approved. |
Auto Determine I/P |
When set to 'True', automatically determines Interliners upon the save of a Freight Bill. Default is set at 'False'. |
Auto Driver Notes |
When set to 'True', Caller, Shipper and consignee pop up notes will appear in the driver notes when a freight bill is saved in the Customer Service program. Any existing note following a '===' marker will be kept. Any note preceding that marker will be deleted and replaced with the Caller, Shipper and Consignee info. Default set at 'False'. |
Auto Post on Copy |
In the Customer Service program, the Copy function has the option to automatically post the copied Freight Bill. If this option is set to 'True', the checkbox for automatic posting will be checked by default. If this option is set to 'False', the box will not be checked. |
Auto Post When Saving Bill |
If this value is set to 'True', a Freight Bill will automatically be posted when the user clicks the topmost 'checkmark' button to save the Freight Bill (SAVE_TLORDER procedure). This effectively disallows the system from creating 'NA' Freight Bills when enabled. Default is set at 'False'. |
If this value is set to 'True', new zone codes can be created 'on the fly' in the Customer Service program (in the Start Zone and End Zone fields). If this value is set to 'False', new zone codes will not be created. |
Auto-Set CSA Flag |
Default value is set at 'False'. Valid values are 'True', 'False', and 'Ask'. This option works in conjunction with the CSA checkbox located in the Customer Service program, Summary tab. Setting this option to 'True' means that if either the Consignee or the Bill-to Customers are CSA approved, then the CSA checkbox on the Freight Bill will always be checked. Setting this option to 'False' means that the system will never automatically set the CSA option, it must be checked manually. Setting this option to 'Ask' means that if either the Consignee or the Bill-to Customers are CSA approved, the Customer Service program will ask if you would like the Freight Bill set as CSA. |
B - C
Allows you to determine what the Default Bill Date will be on Freight Bills when 'Approved' on the Billing Tab. Available billing date options are: Now (current date), Pick (pickup-by date), Delv (delivery date), ActPick (actual pickup date), ActDelv (actual delivery date), Stmt (statement date), and Custom (function CUST_GET_DEF_BILL_DATE will be used to get default bill date). Default is set at 'Now'. When set at 'Now', the Customer Service program will use the Date entered into the 'Process Date' field on the Billing Tab as its global Billing Date for that Customer Service session. |
Bill Date Default - Credit |
This config has the same functionality and value as the 'Bill Date Default', but allows you to set the default Billing Date of 'Credit' Freight Bills (created via the 'Credit / Rebill' button on the Customer Service program > Billing Tab). |
Bill Date Default - Rebill |
This config has the same functionality and value as the 'Bill Date Default', but allows you to set the default Billing Date of 'Rebill' Freight Bills (created via the 'Credit / Rebill' button on the Customer Service program > Billing Tab). |
Bill To Recalculate |
Once the 'Bill To' is assigned, should the system recalculate 'Bill To' from Bill_To flag? This option if set to true (Default Value) will lead the system to do just that, if on the other hand this option is set to 'False'; assigning a 'Bill To' will not lead to any re-calculation. |
Calc Manual Discount |
When set to 'True', calculates discount amount for manually rated detail lines. Default is set at 'False'. |
Calc Net BILLGL |
When set to 'True' and the Freight Bill’s 'Debits' and 'Credit’s are entering the same GL Account, only calculates the 'Net' difference. Default is set at 'True'. |
Calc Net IP_GL |
When set to 'True' and the Freight Bill’s 'Debits' and 'Credit’s are entering the same IP-GL Account, only calculates the 'Net' difference. Default is set at 'True'. This option is very similar to the 'Calc Net BILLGL' option describer before, except this one handles Interline Payable (IP) GL records. |
Calc Taxes Per XStop |
When set to 'True', the 'Parent' charges of a Freight Bill will be taxable only if and only if the Freight Bill’s 'Extra Stops' are taxable. Default is set at 'True'. |
Calculate Mileage Instantly |
When this option is set to 'True', distances will calculate instantly on insert and/or update of the Freight Bill 'Start Zone' and 'End Zone', bypassing the MILESERVER_JOB Table entirely. Default is set at 'False'. |
Call SAVE_TLORDER for user |
This string config (blank by default) can be set to any user name. After processing an UPDATEDLD job (generated when entering Freight Bills to update DISTANCE field), the TLORDER.CREATED_BY field will be checked to see if it’s equal to the value entered for this config option. If the user names are the same, the SAVE_TLORDER stored procedure will be called. If the config option is blank this functionality is turned off. Note: This functionality is provided for better automation between Mileage Server and automated Freight Bill creation. It is not intended for use with normal users. For example, use with EDI, which automatically creates Freight Bills with a user name of 'EDICOMMGR'. This is provided so a user doesn’t have to go into Customer Service to edit and save the Freight Bill. |
Change Description |
This option, when set to 'True' will change the 'Description' field to match the Commodity whenever the Commodity is changed/updated on an existing record in the Customer Service program > Details Tab. When set to 'False', the 'Description' field will not update from the description of the previous commodity. Default is set at 'True'. |
Check PO |
If this value is set to 'True', you will not be allowed to enter a Purchase Order number (on the Trace tab of the Customer Service program) that has been previously entered for the Freight Bill’s Bill To customer. Also, if you copy a Freight Bill that has a Purchase Order number, you will be prompted to enter a new Purchase Order number as the new bill is created. |
If this option is set to 'True', the customer code field indicated by the Bill To radio button must contain a valid customer code before you can Post the Freight Bill (using the 'Post' button) and assign a Freight Bill number. If the option is set to 'False', the Freight Bill can be posted without a valid Bill To customer code. |
If this option is set to 'True', the Caller customer code field must contain a valid customer code before you can Post the Freight Bill (using the Post button) and assign a Freight Bill number. If the option is set to 'False', the Freight Bill can be posted without a valid Caller customer code. |
If this option is set to 'True', the Pick Up By and Delivery By date fields must contain a valid date before you can Post the Freight Bill (using the Post button) and assign a Freight Bill number. If the option is set to 'False', the Freight Bill can be posted without a valid Pick Up By or Delivery date. |
Check Valid Dest |
If this option is set to 'True', the Consignee customer code field must contain a valid customer code before you can Post the Freight Bill (using the Post button) and assign a Freight Bill number. If the option is set to 'False', the Freight Bill can be posted without a valid Consignee customer code. |
Check Valid Origin |
If this option is set to 'True', the Shipper customer code field must contain a valid customer code before you can Post the Freight Bill (using the Post button) and assign a Freight Bill number. If the option is set to 'False', the Freight Bill can be posted without a valid Shipper customer code. |
Check Valid Zones |
If this option is set to 'True', the Start Zone and End Zone fields must contain a valid zone code before you can Post the Freight Bill (using the Post button) and assign a Freight Bill number. If the option is set to 'False', the Freight Bill can be posted without a valid Start Zone or End Zone. |
CheckList AutoApprvd |
This option works in conjunction with a flag in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Customer Profiles > Freight Bill Checklist tab ('Allow checklist items involving this client to be auto-approved'). If this flag is selected (checkbox checked) for 'Bill-To' client’s profile, setting this option to 'True', will automatically approve the Freight Bill when all of the required Check List items have been set to complete in Customer Service program > Check List Tab. |
Clear Client Focus |
This option has two possible values, and controls where cursor focus will end up after the user performs the <Ctrl><O> hot key combination in order to clear the Caller, Shipper or Consignee details from the Customer Service program > Header section. Valid values are 'ID' (cursor focus in the Caller/Shipper/Consignee ID selection field), or 'Name' (cursor focus on the first line of the Caller/Shipper/Consignee header details section). |
This option sets up a default Commodity Matching behavior for all Freight Bills in the Customer Service program. If a Freight Bill is being entered for a Client that has no 'Commodity Matching' information (as setup in the Codes Maintenance program > Commodity Matching Tab) and this option is set to 'True', the Commodities of the SHIPPER attached to the Freight Bill will be used for both the 'Caller' and 'Consignee' clients. When this option is set to 'False' and no Commodity Matching information is specified for the Bill-To Client of a freight bill, all the commodities in the system will be available (i.e. no Commodity Matching logic). |
When using the 'CMODTY_MATCHING: All' setting, this option allows you to mark a commodity as 'available for use' even though specific Clients in your system may not have access to it (i.e. not have the commodity added to the Customer Profiles program > Commodity Tab). The setup of this option is as follows:
COD Check Type Default |
This option will default the 'Check Type' drop-down field on the Customer Service program > COD Tab > General Tab. Choose one of the three available options. See the pervious link for more information on these options. |
Collect only at Dest |
When this option is set to 'True', the 'Collect' option on the Customer Service program > Billing Tab is flagged only when the Freight Bill 'Bill-To’option is Consignee and the Customer Profile 'Collect' flag is 'True'. When this option is set to 'False', the Freight Bill 'Collect' flag is set based on the profile of the Freight Bill 'Bill-To' party. |
Commit Each Approval |
When set to 'True', commits one approval at a time. Default is set at 'False'. |
Commit Each Resave |
When set to 'True', commits one re-save at a time. Default is set at 'False'. |
Contacts Displayed inside the Customer Service Contact List |
This config option allows the user to limit which Freight Bill Client IDs will be listed in the Customer Service Contact List when the user selects to 'Email' a Customer Service report on the report selection screen. Valid values are: 'C' ('Caller'), 'O' ('Shipper'), 'D' ('Consignee'), 'V' ('Care Of Delivery), 'P' ('Pickup At'), 'A' ('Other') or 'I' ('Interliner'). |
Contact List Visible |
When set to 'True', will display the Freight Bill Contact List on the Contacts Tab. Default set at 'False'. |
Container Status |
Sets the Default 'Status' option for Containers. Available values are all status codes of 'Availability' status behavior. |
Copy Appt Made Cons |
If this option is set to 'True', the checkbox for 'Appt Made Consignee' in the Copy form will be checked by default. If this option is set to 'False', the box will not be checked. |
Copy Appt Made Ship |
If this option is set to 'True', the checkbox for 'Appt Made Shipper' in the Copy form will be checked by default. If this option is set to 'False', the box will not be checked. |
Copy Consignee |
If this option is set to 'True', the checkbox for 'Copy Consignee' in the Copy form will be checked by default. If this option is set to 'False', the box will not be checked. If this option is set to 'Disabled', the 'Copy Consignee' checkbox will be checked and unavailable for editing by the user. Default is set at 'True'. Note: If the 'Bill-To' Client of the Freight Bill is the Consignee and the 'Copy Consignee' flag is not checked on the copy window, the Freight Bill copy will fail. |
If this option is set to True, then the Copy Contacts flag will be checked when selecting the Copy button in CSERV.EXE. If set to False, then the Copy Contacts will be unchecked (the user still has the option to check it manually). If set to Disabled, then the Copy Contacts flag is unchecked and the user cannot manually check it; that is, the Copy Contacts option cannot be used at all. (The Copy Contact List option is set to Disabled by default.) |
If this option is set to 'True', it allows users to copy the container number when copying intermodal information during FB Copy. |
Copy Custom Defs |
When this option is set to 'True', the 'Copy Custom Defs' flag on the Customer Service program > Copy window will be selected by default, meaning that any Freight Bills that are copied will have their Custom Defined field data copied into the new Freight Bill. The user still has the option to uncheck the flag before copying, however. Default is set at 'False'. |
Copy Details |
If this option is set to 'True', the checkbox for Copy Details in the Copy form will be checked by default. If this option is set to 'False', the box will not be checked. |
Copy G/L Override |
Default is set at 'False'. This option works in conjunction with the 'Copy' button feature in the Customer Service program where you can select the 'Copy G/L Override info' on a manual basis or use this Application Configurator option by setting this option to 'True'. Upon doing so, whenever you use the 'Copy' function in the Customer Service program, there will be a pre-set checkmark in the 'Copy G/L Override info' checkbox. |
Copy IM Other |
You can set the Application Configurator to one of the following when copying Intermodal Freight Bills:
Copy Interliners |
If this option is set to 'True', the checkbox for 'Copy Interliners' in the Copy form will be checked by default. If this option is set to 'False', the box will not be checked. |
Copy Intermodal |
The default is set at 'False'. Setting this option to 'True' will cause the checkbox for 'Copy Intermodal' in the Customer Service Copy form to be checked by default. |
Copy Manual G/L |
When copying Freight Bills or Quotes in the Customer Service program, this flag (if set to 'True') will copy the G/L Distribution of a Freight Bill even if it has been manually configured. Manual G/L Distributions are normally not included in copied Freight Bills. |
Copy Multi Consig |
When copying Freight Bills or Quotes in the Customer Service program, this flag (if set to 'True') will automatically check the 'Multi Consignee' flag in the Copy window. The user must only then select the ellipsis button and choose which Consignees to copy Freight Bills to. When the Multiple Consignee option is active, the following flags will also be selected on the Copy Window:
Copy No Charge Flag |
This option allows the user to select whether or not to copy the 'No Charge' flag in the Summary tab during the freight bill copy process. |
Copy Notes |
If this option is set to 'True', the checkbox for 'Copy Notes' in the Copy form will be checked by default. If this option is set to 'False', the box will not be checked. |
Copy OS&D/POD in FB Copy |
If set to True, this option will copy info on OS&D/POD tab during freight bill copy. (Note that OS&D/POD info will be copied in Credit/Rebill regardless of this option.) |
Copy Pickup Info |
If this option is set to 'True', the checkbox for 'Pickup Info' in the Copy form will be checked by default. If this option is set to 'False', the box will not be checked. |
Copy Quote Date |
The default is set at '0'. Your selections are 0, 1, 2, where 0=use quote date, 1=enter date/time, and 2=enter date. |
This option sets the default for the Copy Related Files option (in the Copy window) to True or False, or Disables it. |
Copy Return Bill Num |
The default is set at 'False'. This option works in conjunction with the 'Copy' button feature in the Customer Service program where you can select the 'Use Return Bill Numbers', and 'Return Consignee⇒Shipper' checkboxes, as well as enter a manual bill number in the field entitled 'Manual Bill Number' all on a manual basis, or use this Application Configurator option. Upon setting this option to 'True', whenever you use the 'Copy' function in the Customer Service program, there will be a pre-set checkmark in the fields marked 'Use Return Bill Numbers', 'Return Consignee⇒Shipper' checkboxes, and a manual number with a '-R' added to the ending will be automatically entered in the 'Manual Bill Number' field. |
Copy Trace Numbers |
If this option is set to 'True', the checkbox for 'Copy Trace Numbers' in the Copy form will be checked by default. If this option is set to 'False', the box will not be checked. |
Copy User Fields |
If this option is set to 'True', the checkbox for 'User Fields' in the Copy form will be checked by default. If this option is set to 'False', the box will not be checked. |
Create IM Accessorial Charge Bill Based on IM Loaded Bill |
This config option is only intended to be used with IMC Intermodal Freight Bills, and will configure how extra charge bills are assigned. When creating IMC Intermodal movements, you will end up with a main freight bill (i.e. A002450) and several IMC-specific AP freight bills for the interliners scheduled to move the freight for each leg of the trip (i.e. A002450-1, -2, -3, and so on). The setting you choose for this config will tell the system to apply extra charge freight bills (created via the 'Extra Ch' button on the Intermodal Tab) to either the main freight bill or the leg-specific AP bills. For example:
Note: If using 'False' and the user requires a second extra charge bill, it will have the same number (i.e. two A002450-1X freight bills). This is because it cannot be named A002450-2X, as there is already a freight bill with that number (with possibly a different interliner attached). Also, on these -1X, -2X extra charges bills, the ORDER_INTERLINER data from the main freight bill is copied but the costs are zero. |
Create IM Trip |
When set to 'True', enables the 'Create IM Trip' button. Default is set to 'False'. |
Create IP Credit |
When set to 'True', creates an Interline Payables Credit for paid IP accounts. Default is set to 'False'. |
Create Zones from PC |
If this option is set to 'True', when zone codes are created 'on the fly' in the Customer Service program (in the Start Zone and End Zone fields), the postal or zip code entered for the Shipper or Consignee will be used as the Zone Code, and will be processed through the PCMiler Postal / Zip software to determine zone details. To use this function, you must also set the 'PC Option Purchased' value for MILESERV.EXE to 'True'. If this option is set to 'False', the City and State / Province values will be used to create the zone code. |
Credit Limit Excl NA |
When this option is set to 'True', a credit limit check on the 'Bill-To' party will exclude all Freight Bills that have an 'NA' status (haven’t been posted yet). If for example, your customer has a credit limit of $100, and you enter a bill for $99 but do not post it, so that it is still an 'NA' bill. You then enter another bill for $2 for the same customer. If this option is set to 'False' (default), Customer Service will throw a credit limit error message. If this option is set to 'True' the credit limit error will not appear, because 'NA' Freight Bills (and Quotes) will not count toward the credit limit calculation. |
Credit Limit-Calc |
The value entered for this config option will determine how TruckMate will conduct the credit limit check on the 'Bill To' party of a Freight Bill when a Freight Bill (with charges) is credited against the Client record. Select one of the following calculation methods:
Credit Limit-Hold |
When set to True, this config disallows approval of Freight Bills if the Bill-To party is over their current credit limit, but does not prevent changes to detail line values such that an order exceeds said limit. When set to False (default option), users are warned of credit limit overage, but are still able to approve Freight Bills. |
Credit Status UNAPPRVD |
This option, when set to 'True', will automatically set the Status of a Credit Freight Bill to 'UNAPPRVD' when it is created. If this option is set to 'False', the Credit Bill will automatically be given the Status of 'APPROVED'. |
Cube dimensional unit |
This allows the user to select the length type unit for the base cube unit. Select from F, IN, or M. |
Cube to Weight Conv Factor Used |
This option is to control which cube to weight conversion factor to use in Dim Weight calculation, the one defined for each client, or the one defined for each operation code? The default value for this option is 'Client', in which case the value entered in the Cube to Wgt Conv field in Customer Profiles > Rating Tab > Profile Data Sub-Tab will be used for calculating the Dim Weight when saving the freight bill detail line. Where as, if the value of this option is set to 'OP Code', the value of the Cube to Wgt Conv field in Codes Maintenance > Operation Codes Tab will be used instead. |
CustField Auto Edit |
When set to 'True', will set your database into 'Edit' mode whenever you enter data into a Custom Field. Default is set at 'False'. |
Custom PullTime |
When set to 'True', enables 'PullTime' status in Customer Service. Default is set at 'False'. |
Customs CBSA Bonded Carrier Code |
This config is used to set the 4-character CBSA Bonded Carrier Code for customs movements. This value will be used as a prefix on the Cargo Control Number when bonded. |
Customs CCN Type for CA Bound |
This config controls the default 'CCN Type' to be used when a shipment is bound for Canada. Valid values are 'PARS', 'CCN' or empty. |
Customs CCN Type for US Bound |
This config controls the default 'CCN Type' to be used when a shipment is bound for the United States. Valid values are 'PARS', or empty. |
Customs Trace Number for Cargo Control No. |
This config will define the Trace Type that is used for the Cargo Control No. Choose one of the available Trace Types in the system. |
Customs Trace Number for Inbond Control No. |
This config will define the Trace Type that is used for the Inbond Control No. Choose one of the available Trace Types in the system. |
Customs User Field 1 - Customs User Field 10 |
These ten config options control the text label of the 10 available user fields on the Customs Tab. Enter any text you wish to use for the selected Customs User Field label. |
Customer Service Report Output Path |
This option is used to specify the system path into which the Customer Service report file that is generated for the purposes of emailing will be saved. Enter a valid hard drive location. |
Data from Profiles |
Default is set at 'False'. This option works in conjunction with the 'Copy' button feature in the Customer Service program where you can select the 'Use Data from Customer Profiles' on a manual basis or use this Application Configurator option. Upon setting this option to 'True', whenever you use the 'Copy' function in the Customer Service program, there will be a pre-set checkme Customer Service program. If it is set to 'False', the box will not be checked, and you will have to manually check it in order to enter manual rating information. |
Default Bill To |
If you enter a customer code (as configured in the Customer and Vendor Profiles program) in the Value field, every time you enter a Freight Bill in the Customer Service program, this customer will default as the Bill To. |
Default Caller |
If you enter a customer code (as configured in the Customer and Vendor Profiles program) in the Value field, every time you enter a Freight Bill in the Customer Service program, this customer will default as the Caller. |
Default Commodity |
Sets the default value of the Detail Line’s 'Source' field to the inputted value. Available values are: Shipper and Consignee. |
Default Commodity Values |
If you wish to enter alternate commodity property defaults in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Customer Profiles > Commodity Codes Tab, but don’t want them (or some of them) to be used as defaults, then use this option to select what values to be used as defaults in Customer Service program > Details Tab. A list of checkbox fields are available to allow you to make your selection. Only the selected fields will be defaulted. |
Default Destination |
If you enter a customer code (as configured in the Customer and Vendor Profiles program) in the Value field, every time you enter a Freight Bill in the Customer Service program, this customer will default as the Consignee. |
Default Details Tab |
When set to 'True', the cursor will default onto the Details Tab whenever a new Freight Bill record is created. Default is set at 'True'. |
Default IM Empty |
When set to 'True', populates the default 'IM Emtpy Client' field with data from the 'Container Owner' field. Default is set to 'False'. |
Default IM Movement |
Sets the default value of the InterModal 'Movement Type' field on a new record. Available values are: Import, Export, Dom IB, Dom OB. |
Default Leg Date to be used when user manually creates pay records in Driver Pay tab |
The name of this option describes its purpose. When you manually create a pay record in 'Driver Pay' tab, the value selected for this option will be used as a default value for 'Leg Date' field. Available values for this option are 'Current Date' which is the default value, and 'Pick Up By'. |
Default Ops Code |
This option has three possible options. Setting the value to 'Site' will populate the 'Operations Code' field on the Customer Service program > Summary Tab with the default Operations Code for the currently selected Site ID. Setting the option to 'Parent' will set the Operations Code on any Extra-Stop Bills to the Operations Code entered for the Parent (original) Bill. Setting the value to 'Child as Posted' will carry over the operations code from parent freight bill, even if it is different from the site’s default operation code. |
Default Origin |
If you enter a customer code (as configured in the Customer and Vendor Profiles program) in the Value field, every time you enter a Freight Bill in the Customer Service program, this customer will default as the Shipper. |
Default Quote Period |
This option is used to set the default date range for new quotes (as specified in the 'Effective Date' and 'Expiry Date' fields on the Quote window). The available values define the effective range as follows:
Default Quote Uses |
This option controls the default value for the '# of Uses' field on the Create/Edit Quotes form in Customer Service. Any integer value can be entered. Default is set at '1' (one-time Quote use). |
Default Search By |
Sets the default search value that will immediately filter the records in your system. You may enter any letter or integer value here. |
Default Search Focus |
Sets the focus of the search / filter menus within Customer Service. Radio moves the default focus to the right side radio buttons, while Input moves the default focus to the cursor in the filter entry text field. |
Default Site |
This option controls the default Site ID for Web Services. Valid values are any of the configured Site IDs setup on the Codes Maintenance program > Site Tab. |
Default Time of the Deliver By End Date Field |
The default value is False. This option if set to True will direct the system to set the time portion of the Deliver By End Date field to end of day. ('23:59:59' instead of '00:00;00') if no hours of operation defined for client. This configuration option is only effective when Set Delivery Time from Hours of Operations is True. |
Default Time of the Pickup By End Date Field |
The default value is False. This option if set to True will direct the system to set the time portion of the Pickup By End Date field to end of day. ('23:59:59' instead of '00:00;00') if no hours of operation defined for client. This configuration option is only effective when Set Pickup Time from Hours of Operations is True. |
Default Tab |
This option allows you to choose the Customer Service program Tab that will be opened by default when a new freight bill is created. The drop-down field for this option contains all of the available tabs in the Customer Service program. Note: If the Codes Maintenance program > Site Tab > '1st Field on new FB' field is set to 'IM Tab' or if the 'Go to Details Tab on New FB' flag is checked, this config will be overridden. |
Default Trace Type |
When you enter a trace number on the Trace Tab in the Customer Service program, the Trace Type will default to the code specified by this option. Your choices are any of the 'enabled' Trace Number Types setup on the Codes Maintenance program > Trace Number Types Tab. |
Details User 1 - Details User 3 |
In the Trip Tracer program, you can display field labels for the three User Defined Trace Types (configurable using Field_1 to Field_3 from the Customer Service Details grid). Enter the field label that you wish to display in the Trip Tracer program in these fields. |
Determine IP To Zone |
This option allows you to chose what value to assign to the 'To Zone' field when an IP record is auto-created. Available values for this option are 'END-ZONE' and 'CARE-OF-ZONE'. You can assign either value to be the 'To Zone' of the created IP. The default value of this option is 'END-ZONE'. |
Sets the default value for the 'Requested Equipment' field on the Customer Service program > Details Tab (when a record is inserted). Available options are any of the Equipment Class Code values that exist in your database (as defined in the Codes Maintenance program > Equipment Class Tab). Default is left blank. |
Sets which of the available Notes Window Tabs will be the default when the Notes window is opened. Available values are: Tab1 to Tab9. Default is left blank, in which case no default note tab will be selected, rather default it to the tab you were viewing the last time you closed the notes form. |
Default_User8 |
Sets the default value for the eighth 'User Defined' field in Customer Service. You may enter any text string you wish to default. Default is left blank. |
Sets the default 'Weight Unit' that will be used in the Customer Service program. Enter a weight that exists in your database (as defined in the Codes Maintenance program > Units Tab). Default is left blank. |
Delete Driver Pay - No Contract |
This option gives an additional control over automatic deletion of driver pay transactions for cancelled Freight Bills (controlled by the 'Delete Driver Pay - Pmt.State' configuration option described in a later section). Possible values are 'True' and 'False' - default value. If set to 'True' driver pay amounts will be automatically deleted even if there is no contract assigned. |
Delete Driver Pay - Overridden |
This option gives an additional control over automatic deletion of driver pay transactions for cancelled Freight Bills (controlled by the 'Delete Driver Pay - Pmt.State' configuration option described in a later section). Possible values are 'True' and 'False' - default value. If set to 'True' driver pay amounts will be automatically deleted even if they are manually overridden. |
Delete Driver Pay - Pmt.State |
This option allows the Customer Service program to delete Driver Pay amounts automatically when an FB is cancelled. The user has the choice of the following program behaviors:
Details User 1 - Details User 3 |
These three options correspond to three similar user defined fields. The purpose of these options is to allow the user to set the suitable field title for each of these three user defined fields. The user can enter any value to be used as the field title. (Repeated) |
Details User Field 21 - Details User Field 25 |
These five options are to set the type of five user defined 'Date' fields. The fields 'User 21' - 'User 25' are of type 'Date'. These options can be used to define if any of those fields is 'Date and Time' or just a 'Date' field. the default value is 'Date (D)', which indicates that the field can only hold a date value. The other available value is 'Date Time (T)', which if used will indicate that the field can be used to store date with time, in which case, the field can be used as a time stamp field. |
Disable Mileage Button |
This option, when set to 'True', will disable the 'Mileage' button in the Customer Service program header, as well as the right-click Context Menu options available from clicking the Mileage button. |
Display on Driver Ded Tab |
In past versions of TruckMate, the Driver Deductions Tab only displayed or allowed addition of records for Drivers that had received pay on the Driver Pay Tab of a Freight Bill. This config option allows you to control whether it will be Drivers that have pay, or Drivers that are assigned to a trip that are available for use. If set to 'Pay', the old functionality applies (i.e. Drivers that have records on the Driver Pay Tab can be added to the Deduction Tab); if set to 'Trip', then any Driver attached to the Trip that the Freight Bill is on may have Deduction records assigned to them. Note: Trailers and Power Units that are paid as Drivers will be included in the list of Drivers that display. |
Division Validated Against |
This option sets how Division validation will be handled on Freight Bills, specifically how Division 'Names' (in the Customer Profiles program > Divisions Tab) are associated to Clients at detail line entry and creation time. The Divisions configuration variable will have 3 possible values:
Docked Terminal Zone |
This option controls how the Docked Terminal Zone is chosen when a Freight Bill is posted. Available options are 'Site' (the working Customer Service 'Site ID') or 'Zone' (Freight Bill’s 'End Zone'). Default is set at 'Zone'. |
Drv FB Ded DriverID |
When set to 'True', Freight Bill Driver Deductions will be recorded using Driver IDs. Default is set at 'False'. |
Duplicate FB Number |
This option controls the duplicate FB Number warning message, the default value is set to 'False' in which case no warning message will be generated for duplicate FB entries. Setting the value to true will lead the system to generate a warning message every time there is an attempt to enter a FB number that already exists. |
E - H
EDI Status Updates |
Default is set at 'False'. When this option is set to 'True', by using the ellipse button besides the 'Current Status' field, the user will be able to change the status of a freight bill in Customer Service program, Status tab. This option will allow the user to insert a status record to the ODRSTAT table without interfering with the current status of the order. Also, if this option is set at 'True', a new option on the Status Change form (status tab), 'EDI Status Only' will be enabled. If checked, the selected information will show all possible Freight Bill status codes and will be added to the status history only, depending on the EDI Communication Manager configuration, this may cause a 214 status update to the customers to occur. |
Edit After Exit Users |
This option, when set to 'True', will force the Customer Service program to set the currently displayed Freight Bill into 'edit' mode when the User exits the User Defined fields window (accessed via <Ctrl><U> hotkey combination). Default is set at 'False'. |
Enforce Ops Code |
If this option is set to 'True', the 'Operations Code' field on the Summary Tab cannot be empty when saving Freight Bill. If the field is empty the program will return an error and the Freight Bill will not be saved. Default is set to 'False'. |
Force Edit/Save Before Post FB |
(Added in TM 20.1) Determines whether to force the Customer Service program into edit mode to ensure the order can be saved without errors before allowing it to be posted.
Note: Helps to ensure the CODES.EXE > Country - Validate Phone and Zip Formats app. config. setting has a chance to be applied to the orders before they are posted. |
Force Edit/Save Before Status Change from ENTRY |
Added in TM 20.1 Determines whether to include the parts on order for uncompleted R&M purchase orders when calculating the minimum stock for R&M parts.
Note: Helps to ensure the 'Country - Validate Phone and Zip Formats' app. config. setting has a chance to be applied to the orders before they are posted. |
Finalized Status |
Option used to interface Customer Service with Veltion Warehousing software. Creates a 'Finalized Status' tag with one of two available values: DOCKED or AVAIL. To function properly, Veltion must read one of these two values from within Customer Service. Default is left blank. |
Force Prt Check Min |
Sets a value that is used to determine how often Customer Service checks for 'Print' commands. Enter an integer (minutes) value between '1' and '59'. Default is set at '5'. |
Force Prt End Cserv |
When set to 'True', will release a Freight Bill after clicking the 'Print' button. Default is set to 'True'. |
Force Part Snooze Min |
Sets the number of minutes between 'Snoozes' of a Force Print. Enter a number between '1' and '10'. Default is set at '5'. |
Force Part Snoozes |
Sets the number of times a user may ignore a Force Print. Enter a number between '0' and '9'. Default is set at '0'. |
Force Prt Status Beg |
Sets a 'Status' value that, when encountered by Customer Service, forces the user print the Freight Bill as soon as possible. Enter any valid 'Status' code, or leave blank to disable. Default is left blank. |
Force Prt Status End |
Sets the 'Status' value that is applied to a Freight Bill after it is printed. Enter any valid 'Status' code, or leave blank to disable. Default is left blank. |
Force SiteID Popup |
When set to 'True', displays a 'SiteID' popup upon the posting of a Freight Bill. Default is set at 'False'. |
Get Delv Time On Save |
When set to 'True', will recalculate the Delivery Time of a Freight Bill (using Service Levels data) when it is saved. If the route specified by the 'Start / End Zone' of the Freight Bill is not found in the selected Service Level’s Zone Tree, the Service Level Warning Notice window will appear. Default is set at 'False'. |
GL Override Apply To |
Default is set at 'N'. N=None, F=Frt (Freight Revenue), A=Accessorial Charges, B=Both. To use the 'GL Override Apply To' option, you must first set the 'GL Override Split' option to 'True'. Then, select your splitting options as noted above. |
GL Override Split |
Default is set at 'False'. If you use the split revenue option on a regular basis, then change this option to 'True'. Note: To use the 'GL Override Apply To' option, you must first set the 'GL Override Split' option to 'True'. |
This option allows the user to set the maximum number of freight bills that can be displayed when the 'Recent Items' option is selected in Customer Service program > File Menu. The number must be a whole integer between 1 and 20, inclusive. The default value for this option is set at 10. |
IM Avail Status |
Sets the status code that will be displayed when a Container is ready/available. Enter any 'Available' status code, as defined in the Codes Maintenance program > Status Tab. Default is left blank. |
IM Client Hints |
If this config is set to 'True', then, as the user hovers the mouse over the various Client ID fields in the upper right section of the Intermodal Tab (Pickup, Delivery, Chassis Pick/Term, etc.), then the client’s name (from Customer & Vendor Profiles) will show in the hover hint (yellow balloon pop-up). Of course, whether the config is set or not, you can always get the client’s name (and address etc.) by clicking the edit-pick button; this just saves you an extra click (i.e. when you don’t know what client is attached to the code). |
IM Empty Status |
Sets the status code that will be displayed when a Container is empty. Enter any status code, as defined in the Codes Maintenance program > Status Tab. Default is left blank. |
IM Loaded Status |
Sets the status code that will be displayed when a Container is loaded to go. Enter any status code, as defined in the Codes Maintenance program > Status Tab. Default is left blank. |
IM User Date 1 - 5 |
These five options change the labels for the 'Date' options on the InterModal User Defined Fields window (accessible from the Customer Service program > Intermodal Tab). Enter a text string to label the fields. These options will only appear on the InterModal User Defined Fields window when you have entered a text label here (allowing for the control of what the User sees when accessing the window). |
IM User Double 1 - 5 |
These five options change the labels for the 'Double' (large integer) options on the InterModal User Defined Fields window (accessible from the Customer Service program > Intermodal Tab). Enter a text string to label the fields. These options will only appear on the InterModal User Defined Fields window when you have entered a text label here (allowing for the control of what the User sees when accessing the window). |
IM User Integer 1 - 5 |
These five options change the labels for the 'Integer' (small integer) options on the InterModal User Defined Fields window (accessible from the Customer Service program > Intermodal Tab). Enter a text string to label the fields. These options will only appear on the InterModal User Defined Fields window when you have entered a text label here (allowing for the control of what the User sees when accessing the window). |
IM User String 1 - 10 |
These ten options change the labels for the 'String' (text string) options on the InterModal User Defined Fields window (accessible from the Customer Service program > Intermodal Tab). Enter a text string to label the fields. These options will only appear on the InterModal User Defined Fields window when you have entered a text label here (allowing for the control of what the User sees when accessing the window). |
IM User Trace 1 - 2 |
These two options change the labels for the 'Trace' options on the InterModal User Defined Fields window (accessible from the Customer Service program > Intermodal Tab). Enter a text string to label the fields. These options will only appear on the InterModal User Defined Fields window when you have entered a text label here (allowing for the control of what the User sees when accessing the window). |
IMC Details Propagation |
This option controls the propagation of a master IMC freight bill to child freight bills. It has three possible values, 'None' which is the default value, in which case no propagation is done, 'Automatic', in which case, the propagation will take place whenever there is a post or a delete transaction, and finally the last possible value for this option is 'Manual' in which case propagation will be done via a right mouse click option. |
IMC Offer Status |
This config option controls the default status for IMC Carrier Load Offers. Select one of the available status codes. |
IMC Relax Pickup/Delivery Customer Validation |
This option allows you to partially relax the restriction on client selection, when the movement type selected in Customer Service program > Detail Tabs > Intermodal Tab is 'IMC'. For a 'Pickup' client field, setting this option to 'True', allows you to select clients that have only CLIENT_IS_SHIPPER selected in Customer Profiles program > Address Tab. Otherwise, an error will be generated on saving the transaction. For a delivery client field, if this option is set to 'True', you can select clients that only have CLIENT_IS_CONSIGNEE selected in Customer Profiles program > Address Tab. Otherwise, an error will be generated on saving the transaction. If this option is set to 'False', the system will require both CLIENT_IS_SHIPPER and CLIENT_IS_CONSIGNEE be selected for a client assigned to either 'Pickup' or 'Delivery' client fields. For details on the normal behavior of the application when this option is set to 'False', refer to IMC Movement Type in Customer Service program > Detail Tabs > Intermodal Tab. |
IMC Routing - Add Empty Legs |
When this config option is set to 'True', legs will be automatically added to the routing for 'Empty Origin' and 'Empty Disposition' legs, if entered (and different from the 'Pickup' and 'Delivery' locations). When set to 'False', no additional legs will be automatically added when building the IMC trip. |
IMC Routing - Cancel IMC Trip |
The default value for this option is 'False'. Setting this option to 'True' will allow you to cancel IMC trips that were previously created from an IMC plan. |
IMC Routing - Create IMC Trip |
The default value for this option is 'False'. Setting this option to 'True' will allow you to create IMC trips from an IMC plan. |
IMC Routing - Delete IMC leg after IMC trip creation |
The default value for this option is set to 'False'. If you set it to 'True', users will be allowed to delete legs from an IMC plan even after creating the IMC trip. |
IMC Routing - Split IMC leg after IMC trip creation |
The default value for this option is set to 'False'. If you set it to 'True', users will be allowed to split legs on an IMC plan even after creating the IMC trip. |
Interliner Currency |
This option sets the default Interliner currency code. Depending on the option selected, the Interliner Currency will be determined by the currency default of either the 'Freight Bill (FB)' or of the selected Interliner 'Vendor'. You may also set this option to one of the TruckMate global currency codes, 'CAD' or 'USD'. |
Interm Freight |
Sets the Interm Freight 'Code Behavior (A)' value. Enter a Status code. |
IP Auto-Remarks |
When set to 'True', the 'Vendor Name', 'Contact Name, and 'Contact Telephone' will appear in the 'IP Remarks' field. Default is set at 'False'. |
IP Credit Code |
Sets the default Accessorial Charge credit code for Interline Payable transactions. This value must be a valid Accessorial Charge account code. |
IP Manual Acc Ch |
This option, when set to 'True' (default), will set the value the 'Manual' column value to 'True' on Accessorial Charges that are manually entered into the Customer Service program > I/P Tab and the Dispatch program > Carrier Assignment > Acc Ch Tab. When Accessorial Charge records for I/P are set to 'Manual = True', they will not be re-created/re-calculated by for a Freight Bill when the SAVE_TLORDER procedure is run (when updating a Freight Bill’s details in Customer Service, for example). |
IP Miles on Save |
This option, when set to 'True', will override any 'manual' mileage entered on the Dispatch program > Carrier Information window > Payments Tab > Mileage Tab and/or the Customer Service program > I/P Tab > Mileage Tab with the milage value calculated for the Freight Bill by the Mileage Server program. When set to 'False', the user may override the Mileage Server calculated miles with a custom value in these two areas, when required. Default is set at 'True'. |
IP Probill to CSERV |
When this option is set to 'True', the Probill Trace number will be displayed in Customer Service program > Status Tab > 'Trace #' field. This option is defaulted to 'False'. |
IP Probill to Trace |
When set to 'True', the Interline Payables Probill Number will be copied to the TRACE table in the database. Default is set at 'True'. |
IP Probill Warning |
This option allows the system to test for duplicate Probill numbers when they are entered on the Customer Service program > I/P Tab:
IP Recalc % |
When set to 'True', sets the Interline Payables 'ReCalc' to a percentage based calculation. Default is set at 'False'. |
K - O
Keep a copy of the FB in the original company |
When set to 'True', the 'Keep a copy of the FB in the original company' option on the Set as Owner > New Owner Setting window will be flagged by default. Default set at 'False'. |
Keep Quote Mileage |
After a Quote is created in the Customer Service Program, a Q number is assigned. Quotes can be turned into an order by copying and posting the quote information. If you have mileage set out in the Quote and would rather use that estimated number than the calculated number provided by MileServer (or other mileage program), then you can use this function to do so. The default setting is 'False'. To enable this function set it to 'True'. |
Load Detail User Fields |
These options allow the user to set the label for load detail user defined field numbers. |
LTL / Routing Tab Mode |
This option allows you to select between two modees for the LTL / Routing tab. If you set this option to 'Legacy', the old mode where you have LTL and IMC functionality in the same LTL / Routing tab will be invoked. If you set this option to 'Default' (which is the default value) you will have a LTL tab without IMC functionality and a separate IMC tab with IMC functionality, provided that you have the TruckMate IMC license (IMC_LICENSE = 40010) required to use IMC functionality. |
Mandatory Commodity |
When set to 'True', forces 'Commodity' entries into the 'TLDTL.COMMODITY' field. Default is set at 'False'. |
Mandatory Equip |
When set to 'True', forces 'Equipment' entries into the 'TLDTL.REQUESTED_EQUIPMENT' field. Default is set at 'False'. |
Mandatory Pieces |
When set to 'True', forces 'Pieces' entries into the 'TLDTL.PIECES' field. Default is set at 'False'. |
Mandatory Pieces U |
When set to 'True', forces 'Pieces Units' entries into the 'TLDTL.PIECES_UNITS' field. Default is set at 'False'. |
Mandatory Weight |
When set to 'True', forces 'Weight' entries into the 'TLDTL.WEIGHT' field. Default is set at 'False'. |
Mandatory Weight U |
When set to 'True', forces 'Weight Units' entries into the 'TLDTL.WEIGHT_UNITS' field. Default is set at 'False'. |
Manual Mileage Disables Edit |
This option disables the ability to edit mileage once the Man (manual mileage) flag is checked. The user must first uncheck that flag in order to make changes to the mileage. |
Manual Rate Checked |
If this value is set to 'True', the Manually Rated checkbox will be checked every time you enter Detail lines for a Freight Bill in the Customer Service program. If it is set to 'False', the box will not be checked, and you will have to manually check it in order to enter manual rating information. |
Mark FB DP Finished |
Allows you to control when Freight Bill 'Driver Pay' records are changed to 'Finished' status. Available options are: On Create of DP, On FB Approve, and On FB Billing Reg. Default is set at 'On FB Approve'. |
Mileage Lookup xstop |
When this option is set at 'False' (default setting), the Interactive Mileage behaves as normal. If set to 'True', however, any Freight Bill that has linked X-stops (parent or child bills) will have its mileage calculated with all of the bills' stop points included. Duplicate start zones are ignored. |
Mileage Mode |
Sets how Mileage will be calculated. Available values are:
Note: To calculate 'Trip' and 'TripNoMT' the user must click the 'Mileage' button on the Customer Service main window for the selected Freight Bill. Also, miles will only be calculated on Extra Stop Freight Bills. If this config is set to anything but 'Bill' (i.e. 'Trip', 'TripNoMT' or 'LegSum') then the 'Interactive Mileage…' right-click option on the Mileage button will be hidden in the Customer Service program (as it does not make sense to call the Mileage Server and then ignore its results and sum the mileage from the LEGSUM table). If the Freight Bill is a Credit or Rebill, the mileage will be summed from the original bill. The calculation will be done even if the FB is not an extra stop parent bill. If no mileage is found, an error will display. |
Modify all Rate Customers |
When "Rate Client ID" is manually changed in CSERv.EXE > Details Tab > View Rate CLients window,this option determines if all the client-related fields are to change according to the new 'Rate Client ID' or not? the default value is 'False'. |
This option, when set to 'True', will default the 'Multi Consignee' flag on the Customer Service program > Copy window. If this is enabled, and the user does not select the ellipsis button next to the 'Multi Consignee' flag when copying, the Freight Bill will not be copied. The user has the option of un-checking this flag when copying, however. Default is set at 'False'. |
Multiple Credit / Rebill Freight Bills |
This option allows you to control whether to allow multiple Credit/Rebill freight bills against the same freight bill or not. Credit/Rebill is created by selecting Billing > Customer Service > Billing tab > Credit/Rebill button. You can select one of three available values listed below.
Note: The Credit/Rebill button will be disabled even if the selected freight bill is linked to only Credit (not Rebill) freight bills. This is to prevent the user from creating another set of Credit or Rebill freight bills. |
Multi-Service Level Quotes |
The default value for this option is set at 'False', setting the value at 'True' will direct TruckMate to create an entry per service level to be included within created quotes. However, for a specific service level to be included in Multi-Service Level Quotes it must be set to be that way in the Service Levels Maintenance > Service Levels Tab. |
Multiple Pick Status |
This option, when 'True', allows a Freight Bill to be set to 'PICKD' status more than once while attached to a Trip in the Dispatch program. This is handy in the case that a Bill is picked, but then has to stop-off during a Trip and must be picked again. Default is set at 'True'. |
NextTermZone_Term |
Default is set at 'False'. If set to 'True', will only allow Posting of a Freight Bill if the Freight Bill’s 'Next Terminal Zone' field value is a Terminal value. |
No Validate ChkDigit |
Setting this option to 'False' will set the default value of 'Do not validate' checkbox on the 'Quick Container Entry' form on the Intermodal > Container Tab to 'False' (not checked). If on the other hand this option is set to 'True', the default value for the 'Do not validate' checkbox will be set to 'True' (checked). The value of the 'Do not validate' checkbox controls whether to apply the check digit validation or not. If checked, no validation will take place. |
Note Entry Style |
Allows you to set the Note Entry style. Available values are: '0' (Normal Style) and '1' (Journal Style). 'Normal Style' is the default for TruckMate 'Notes' tabs and fields, allowing you to simply enter text after clicking the 'Notes' button. 'Journal Style' divides the 'Notes' window into two sections. Type your notes into the bottom section, and upon typing your 'Enter' key, your entry will be User / Date / Time stamped and added into the upper 'Notes' window section. Default is set at '0'. |
Open a new Dialog to select email address for Customer Service email |
This setting, when set to 'True', will open a new window listing contact information for those parties attached to the Freight Bill record when the User selects the 'Print' option and then selects the 'Email' button from the Crystal Report selection window. If set to 'False', this window will not open, and the User must enter the email address manually. Default is set at 'False'. |
P - S
T - X
Trace Numbers on Post |
This option, when set to 'True', will display a window that lists the Trace Number Types that must exist before a Freight Bill will be allowed to Post in the Customer Service program. Default is set at 'False'. |
Temperature Lookup Field |
This option controls the source column for populating the 'Temp' field in Customer Service > Summary tab. The default value for this option is 'Temperature', in which case the system will link the 'Temp' field in the summary tab to 'TLORDER.TEMPERATURE'. If this option is set to the 'Rollup_Temperature' value instead, the system will link the 'Temp' field in the Customer Service > Summary tab to 'TLORDER.ROLLUP_TEMPERATURE'. |
Trace Number Validation Override |
When this option is set to 'True', TruckMate Users will be able to override the validation required for Trace Numbers (as setup on the Codes Maintenance program > Trace Number Validation Rules Tab). Default is set at 'False' (Users cannot override the Trace Validation rules, and must enter Trace Numbers according to those rules). |
Trace Types Unique |
This option controls how the Customer Service program responds to a user’s attempt to add a duplicate Trace Number of the same type for the same customer onto a Freight Bill. If you don’t want a trace number to be duplicated for the same customer when it’s of a specific type, enter that type’s ID for this option, for example, if you want to enforce uniqueness on trace numbers for 'Bill of Lading' ('B') and 'Container No' ('N') trace types, then you should set the value of this field at ('BN'). When a new trace record is being inserted in Customer Service, here is how the system will work:
Track Quote Changes |
When set to 'True', the User and Date information will be recorded upon editing of a quote. Default is set at 'False'. |
Update Trip Change |
When set to 'True', Trip legs in Dispatch will be updated when the 'Start' or 'End' zones in Customer service are changed. Default is set at 'False'. |
Use Client Contact Info |
When this option is set to 'True', the 'Phone #', 'Email', 'Fax' and 'Mobile' values in the Customer Service program header section will be updated as well as the Contact Name when the User selects a different Contact via the 'C' button. The contact must have these values entered in the Contacts & Phone program > Contacts Tab. If not defined for the Contact, then there will be no change in the Customer Service program. |
Use Default Customs Broker |
When set to 'True', the Customer Service program will automatically populate the 'Customs Broker' from the 'Shipper' information. |
Use Equipment from Equipment Class |
In Customer Service > Details Tab, there is a column on the grid next to the Requested Equipment column called Equipment Id. If this option is set to 'True', the Equipment ID field becomes editable, and the field’s edit pick will filter the displayed equipment for selection based on the Equipment Class selected for the Requested Equipment field. The default value for this option is set to 'False'. |
Use Old Skid Dimension Calculator |
The available values for this option are 'False' (the default value), and 'True'. When this option is set to 'true' the system will display the old skid calculator form instead of the new one that was introduced in TruckMate 12 when skid calculation is requested. |
Use Pickup/Delivery Terminals Distance |
When this option is set to 'True', TruckMate will calculate Freight Bill mileage based on the distance between the Pickup and Delivery terminals attached to the Freight Bill. If there are no Pickup/Delivery terminals, the original Start/Care Of/End Zones will be used for mileage purposes. |
Use Skid Dimensions |
When set to 'True', will display the 'Skid Dimensions' form. Default is set at 'False'. |
Use TLDTL User Fields |
This option, when set to 'True' allows the use of TLDTL User fields. Default is set at 'False'. By default (option set to 'False') when the user types the <Ctrl><U> hotkey combination, the User Fields window will populate with data from the TLORDER Table’s User Defined fields. If set to 'True', the User Defined fields will be pulled from the TLDTL Table’s Details grid. |
User Field 1 - 10 |
In the Customer Service and Quick Bill Entry programs, you can invoke a form with ten free format fields by using the <Ctrl><U> hot key combination. The labels for each of these fields can be configured here. Enter the new labels in the Value field. |
User Field Required 1 - 10 |
If any of these config values is changed to 'True', then users will not be allowed to save a FB in Customer Service unless/until they enter a value in the given user field (and a blank space does not count). Default is set at 'False'. |
User Trace 1 - 3 |
You can configure three custom trace types for use in the Customer Service program. Enter the description of the Trace Type in the Value field. These values will display on the Trace and Dispatch tabs in the Customer Service program. |
Use_Def_Equip |
When set to 'True', Customer Service will use the DEFAULT_EQUIPMENT value set in Application Configurator. Default is set at 'False'. |
Use_Def_Weight_U |
When set to 'True', Customer Service will use the DEFAULT_WEIGHT_UNITS value set in Application Configurator. Default is set at 'False'. |
Use_Def_User8 |
When set to 'True', Customer Service will use the DEFAULT_USER8 value set in Application Configurator. Default is set at 'False'. |
Validate DTL Fields |
When set to 'True', this option will force TruckMate to validate all data entered onto the Customer Service program > Details Tab before a record can be saved. If any fields contain data of different type (alphabetic input where numeric is expected, etc.) a warning message will display regarding the invalid data, and will move the cursor to the offending field. When set to 'False', the Detail Tab will accept all that is entered into its fields, regardless of whether it conforms to expected input or not. Default is set at 'True'. |
Validate Pickup Date |
The default value for this option is False. If set to 'True'; when the user leaves the 'Shipper' area in 'Cserv.EXE' or when saving the order the system will validate the Pickup Date/Time against the shippers Service Calendar and Hours of Operation. If the Pickup Date can not be serviced, an alternate date will be presented. |
If this option is set to 'True', only zone code that have been Validated in the Codes Maintenance program will be allowed in the Start Zone and End Zone fields of the Customer Service program. If this value is set to 'False', any zone code configured in the Codes Maintenance program can be used. |
Veltion Trace Type |
Allows the system to store the unique 'ID' name from the Veltion System into any 'Trace Number'. This gives the system the flexibility of utilizing the strengths of 'Trace Number' functionality in TruckMate. Enter an integer value. Default is set at '1'. |
Warn Bill Date Not Equal to IP Date |
If set to 'True' then when you try to approve a freight bill and there are posted IP records against that freight bill that have a Bill Date that is not the same as the Bill Date of the freight bill being approved you will receive a warning. Your options will allow you to accept the differences or to change the freight bill’s date to equal the IP date or to cancel the mismatched bills to allow you to manually make any changes required. |
Warn Non-CSA Driver |
Default is set at 'False'. Setting this option to 'True' will result in a warning message being displayed on your screen when attempting to match a non CSA Driver to a CSA trip (a trip containing one or more CSA Freight Bills). |
Warn on Check List |
If this option is set to 'True' and the User attempts to switch the Bill-To party of a Freight Bill, Customer Service will display a pop-up message regarding the Check List items attached to the Freight Bill. Default is set at 'False' (no warning). |
XStop Details |
When set to 'True', copies Detail Lines upon the creation of an Extra Stop. Default is set at 'True'. |
XStop Interliners |
When set to 'True', copies Interliner Details upon the creation of an Extra Stop. Default is set at 'False'. |
XStop PickUp Info |
When set to 'True', copies Pickup Info upon the creation of an Extra Stop. Default is set at 'False'. |
Default is set at 'False'. Setting this option to 'True' will result in an Extra Stops Maintenance and Sequencing dialog popup box appearing which is the same information showing in Customer Service Extra Stops online help topic. |
XStop Time Interval |
This value sets the default time (in minutes) between stops that are entered on the XStop pop-up window in the Customer Service program. Enter an integer value that represents the minutes between stops. Default is set at '0'. |
XStop Trace Numbers |
When set to 'True', copies Trace Numbers upon the creation of an Extra Stop. Default is set at 'True'. |
XStop Use Fields |
When set to 'True', copies User Fields upon the creation of an Extra Stop. Default is set at 'False'. |