Security Configuration



The Security Configuration program is used to configure users, user groups, and access rights. Security can be applied at various levels. You can assign the right to run specific programs to specific user groups on the Group tab. Alternatively, you can set rights for all programs on the Group tab. You can apply rights to user groups at the level of the database also. On the DB Rights tab, you can configure rights for specific database tables. On the Security tab, you can set filter defaults, grid customization rights, and access rights for tabs in the Customer Service application.

To access Security Configuration:

From this location Go to

TruckMate Menu and TruckMate Task List

  • In TruckMate 2023.x and later:
    Settings & Configuration > Security Configuration

  • In TruckMate 2022.x and earlier:
    Utilities > Security Configuration

Windows Start Menu

TruckMate 20xx > Security Configuration

Windows Explorer

C:\Program Files (x86) > TruckMate 20xx > Security.exe

How Do I?

How to Use the Security Configuration application

The Security Configuration application is used to configure users, user groups, and access rights. Security can be applied at various levels. You can assign the right to run specific programs to specific user groups on the Group tab. Alternatively, you can set rights for all programs on the Group tab. You can apply rights to user groups at the level of the database also. On the DB Rights tab, you can configure rights for specific tables in the database. On the Security tab , you can set filter defaults, grid customization rights, and access rights for tabs in the Customer Service application, as well as others.

  1. Open Security Configuration.

  2. The General tab displays a summary of users and user groups, and shows the rights applicable to the selected user. This tab is a "display-only" tab that summarizes the information entered on the Group and User tabs.

  3. A Group is a set of Users that have the same access rights. You need to create the group before you can create individual users. However, you can set the access rights for a group after users have been assigned to it. When you add a new Group, you will be asked if you want to copy User rights from another Group. If you do, select that Group from the drop down list box that will display after clicking the Okay button.

    Note: You must have supervisor rights in order to be able to create Groups.

  4. The User tab is used to create User IDs and passwords. Users are required to enter their User ID and password each time they start a TruckMate session. After users have entered their User ID and password for the first TruckMate program they open, they will not be required to enter it again when subsequent programs are opened. However, if all TruckMate programs are closed, users will be required to enter their User ID and password when they next open a TruckMate program. If your company uses multiple databases, and you want to have the same user names on each database, make sure that the user names have the same password on each database. For example, if the User name BOB has the password 123456 on database A, the user name BOB must have the password 123456 on database B.

  5. The DB Rights tab is used to assign rights to specific database tables. By using this function, you can restrict access to certain aspects of a program, rather than restricting access to the entire program. For example, you might have a group of users who need to use the Codes Maintenance application to add zone codes. However, you do not want them to be able to add or edit Accessorial Charge codes. By applying Read Only rights to all the ACHARGE tables, users in this group would be able to view Accessorial Charge codes, but not add, edit or delete them.

  6. The Security (Business Events) tab is used to configure miscellaneous defaults and restrictions for specific Users or for User Groups.

  7. The various other settings tabs (tab Settings) are used to configure miscellaneous defaults and restrictions for specific Users or for User Groups.

How to Apply Business Events to a New User

When you use the Security Configuration program to create a new user, Business Events are not automatically applied to that user, even if that user is part of a user group that contains associated Business Events.

  1. Create a new user and select its user group on the User tab using the Security Configuration application.

  2. During the creation of the new user, the Choose User Settings window will appear, allowing you to either default all Business Events and tab Settings options to selected/un-selected (enabled/disabled) or to copy the settings of an existing user.


    This window allows you to easy ways to set the new user’s access rights:

Create From Existing User

If you would like to assign the new user the access rights of a previously configured TruckMate user, click the Database Search button icon to specify the user you would like to copy from and click the Copy button.

The new user will have all their default access criteria set to those of the existing user.

Create With Default Settings

If you would like to quickly default all of the settings on the Security > Business Events tab and Security > tab Settings tab to selected (enabled), select the Yes button. You can then go through and disable the specific options you do not want the user to have access to.

If you would rather have all the options in these two sections default to un-selected (disabled), select the No button. You can then go through and enable those specific options you wish the user to have access to.

  1. Alternatively, you can open the Security tab of the Security Configuration program and choose a user that has had their Business Events previously setup and which is also part of the user group you added your new user into.

  2. Click the Apply to Group button to add the Business Events to all users within the user group, including the new user you created.

If you do not want to propagate the Business Events selections to all the usernames in a specific user group, you must setup the Business Events manually for your new user by going through the menu bar sections and checking the appropriate checkboxes on each page.

Menu and toolbar options

There are no unique menu and toolbar options and functionality specific to the Security Configuration window.

For information about common menu and toolbar options (i.e. File menu, Refresh, Multi-Company, etc.), see General menu and toolbar options in TruckMate basics.

General tab

The General tab displays a summary of users and user groups, and shows the rights applicable to the selected user. This tab is a 'display-only' tab that summarizes the information entered on the Group and User tabs. The Configured Users grid (top grid) displays the User ID and User Name, and the group to which the user is assigned. These values are configured on the User tab.


The Effective Rights grid displays the rights for the group to which the user (selected in the Configured Users grid) is assigned. Rights are assigned to user groups on the Group tab.


Group tab

A Group is a set of users that have the same access rights. You need to create the Group before you can create individual users. However, you can set the access rights for a group after users have been assigned to it. When you add a new group, you will be asked if you want to copy rights from another group. If you do, select that group from the drop down list box that will display after clicking the 'OK' button.

Note: You must have supervisor rights in order to be able to create users.

When installing or converting to DB2 and setting up your users, please consider the following steps:

  1. Make sure your users on the NT domain or Active Directory are identical to those in TruckMate. The TruckMate user will use his domain password to Login.

  2. Ensure that your Active Directory user group is setup exactly like your TruckMate user group. For example: create a goup called TMWIN in the Active Directory (or NT domain) and attach all the TruckMate users to it. In TruckMate, create a user Group with the same name (TMWIN) and all of the same users. If you have sub-Groups for your TruckMate users (such as a Dispatch group,) then you must have the same sub-groups setup in the Active Directory.

  3. Proceed with your group creation assignment as usual in the Security Configuration program.

Note: When logging in with DB2, the password used is the NT password.

Group Setup


Group ID

Enter a code for the group. This can up to 10 characters in length. When you configure users, you will assign users to a group according to this code.

Group Name

Is used for information and reporting purposes. Enter a description for the Group ID.

Basic Rights

Are the overall rights for all programs. 'Supervisor' gives users who belong to the group all rights to all programs, regardless of the specific program rights configured in the Installed Features grid. 'Execute' gives users who belong to the group the right to execute any program (except Security Maintenance) if no programs in the Installed Features grid are disallowed. You can qualify the rights of a group with Execute Rights by adding (or removing) rights to specific programs using the Installed Features grid. If you do not designate the group as either 'Supervisor' or 'Execute', members of the group will only have access to the programs defined (but not disallowed) in the Installed Features grid.

Note: Certain keywords are reserved for special circumstances and not to be used. If you attempt to use one of the 'reserved' words, you’ll receive an error message. For further assistance, contact your TMW Support representative.

The group SCHEMAOWNER now only has 3 features to assign to it: Database Switcher, SQL Execute and Security Configuration. It’s also no longer able to grant basic execute rights- the 'Execute' checkbox is disabled.

Available Features / Installed Features

The 'Features' available in the Available Features grid largely correspond to programs within TruckMate. However, the 'Checks for Account Payable', 'Checks for Payroll', 'Checks for Driver Pay' and 'Checks for COD' features refer to the ability of users belonging to the selected group to view or print checks of specific types in the Check Printing and Instant Checks applications. For example, if you disallow rights to the 'Checks for Payroll' feature, users belonging to the group will be able to run the check printing applications and print checks of all types except for checks generated by the Payroll Register application.

It is only necessary to configure specific applications rights for user groups whose Basic Rights are neither 'Execute' nor 'Supervisor'. Note that users with Basic Rights set to 'Execute' can be disallowed from certain programs using the Installed Features grid. To add a 'Feature' (ie, a program) to the Installed Features grid, click and drag the feature from the Available Features grid to the Installed Features grid. Alternatively, select an item in the Available Features grid, and click the button labeled with the single arrow that points to the right. To move all items from the Available Features grid to the Installed Features grid, click the button labeled with the double arrow that points to the right.


After moving features from the Available Features grid to the Installed Features grid, you can specify rights for individual programs by clicking in the Rights field in the grid. A form with three Execute Access options will be displayed. The Disallow option will cause a '-X' symbol to display in the Rights field. The Allow option will cause a '+X' symbol to display in the Rights field. The No Change option will leave the Rights field blank. Remember to post your changes using the button labeled with a check mark symbol in the bottom right corner of the screen.


Will prevent users who belong to this Group from running this program (unless they have been assigned the Basic Right of 'Supervisor' in the Group Setup).

No Change

Will use the Basic Rights configured in the Group Setup. Thus, if the Basic Rights are set to 'Execute', the execute right will apply to this program. If neither the 'Supervisor' nor the 'Execute' Basic Right was assigned in the Group Setup, users who belong to this Group will not be able to run this program. If the Basic Right was set to 'Supervisor', rights in the Installed Features grid are ignored.


Will grant users assigned to the Group the right to run the program.

User tab

The User tab is used to create User IDs and passwords. Users are required to enter their User ID and password each time they start a TruckMate session. After users have entered their User ID and password for the first TruckMate program, they will not be required to enter it again when subsequent programs are opened. However, if all TruckMate programs are closed, users will be required to enter their User ID and password when they next open a TruckMate program. If your company uses multiple databases, and you want to have the same user names on each database, make sure that the user names have the same password on each database. For example, if the user name 'BOB' has the password '123456' on database A, the user name 'BOB' must have the password '123456' on database B.

For a new user to be able to work with TruckMate, several requirements must be met. See Group tab for some important details.

Note: Make your 'user' part of a Group that has Supervisor rights, in order for the grid propagation to work correctly.

User ID

Enter a code for the user. Note that all characters in the User ID must be in upper case. The system will automatically convert any lower case letters to upper case. You cannot include spaces or special characters (ie, asterisks or slashes) in User IDs.

New users will by default have several Tabs disabled in the Customer Service program (and other important applications). Make sure that you use the Security tab to grant and/or disallow access to the areas of TruckMate that this user will need to work with.

You can delete a user by selecting the '-' button on the TruckMate Navigation Bar. When deleting user records, you will be asked to delete all Business Events and tab settings associated with the user. Select 'Yes' to delete these settings (recommended) or 'No' to keep them in the Database.

When creating a new User ID (via the '+' button on the TruckMate Navigation bar) the Choose User Settings window will appear, allowing you to quickly set some options before the user is created.


This window allows you to easy ways to set the new user’s access rights:

  • Create From Existing User

    If you would like to assign the new user the access rights of a previously configured TruckMate user, select the Database Search button to specify the user you would like to copy from. Then, simply select the 'Copy' button.

    The new user will have all their default access criteria set to those of the existing user.

  • Create With Default Settings

    If you would like to quickly default all of the settings on the Security > Business Events tab and Security > tab Settings tab to selected (enabled), select the 'Yes' button. You can then go through and disable the specific options you do not want the user to have access to.

    If you would rather have all the options in these two sections default to un-selected (disabled), select the 'No' option. You can then go through and enable those specific options you wish the user to have access to.


Enter the name associated with the User ID. This can be up to 40 characters in length, and is usually the user’s full name.

Title/Job Description

Enter the name title or job description associated with the User ID. This can be up to 40 characters in length.

User Group

Select a user group (as configured on the Group tab) from the drop down list box.

Terminal ID

Use the Database Search button to add a default Terminal ID code for the new user. This will set the default Terminal when opening the City Dispatch program and CrossDock program so that user cannot select an incorrect Terminal.

Terminal ID records are configured in the Terminal Setup form, accessed via the Menu Bar in both the CrossDock and City Dispatch programs. For more information on the Terminal Setup form, click here.

System User

Any user that is expected to use system-wide applications, such as the Mileage Server program, EDI Communications Manger program or Communications Manager program (or any other program that processes jobs across an entire Company installation) will need to have this flag enabled.

Note: This flag SHOULD NOT BE SELECTED for normal users. Only Administrators that need complete database access (or use the above system-wide applications) should have this option flagged.


Selecting the Search button causes a dialog box to open. You are able to search by User ID, or Username.

Set Email Address

Selecting this button will invoke the Set e-mail Address window to store e-mail addresses for the selected user. Those e-mail addresses will then be available in the 'From' drop down in Compose e-mail form within TruckMate applications.


DB Rights tab

The DB Rights tab is used to assign rights to specific database tables. For information about database tables, refer to the System tables Index. By using this function, you can restrict access to certain aspects of a program, rather than restricting access to the entire program. For example, you might have a Group of users who need to use the Codes Maintenance program to add zone codes. However, you do not want them to be able to add or edit Accessorial Charge codes. By applying 'Read Only' rights to all the ACHARGE tables, users in this Group would be able to view Accessorial Charges codes, but not add, edit or delete them.


User Group

Select the user group for which you want to configure table Access rights from the drop down list box. Groups are configured on the Group tab.

table Access

Click on the table for which you want to configure rights. The current access rights are displayed in the Access field of the grid.

Full Access

Gives users in the selected user group full access to the selected table. They can add, edit or delete records from the selected table.

Read Only

Gives users in the selected user group 'read-only' access rights to the selected table. They will be able to view records that are stored in the table, but will be unable to add, edit, or delete them.

No Access

Denies users in the selected user group all rights to the selected table. When users of this Group load a program that uses the table to which access has been denied, or switch to a tab in a program that uses the table, a message will be displayed informing the user that they have no permission for the table.

Grant All

Will grant 'Full Access' rights to all tables for the selected user group.

Revoke All

Will grant 'No Access' rights to all tables for the selected user group.

Security tab - General Information


Select a User ID from the drop down list box. User IDs are configured on the User tab.

User Group

The Group to which the user belongs will display in this field.

Apply to User

Click this button to apply the settings on the Security tab to the user selected in the user field.

Apply to Group

Click this button to apply the settings on the Security tab to the user group displayed in the user group field.

Note: This button can be disabled via an Application Configurator program option.

Security tab - Business Events Section

The Security Business Events section is used to configure miscellaneous defaults and restrictions for specific users or for groups. It is broken down into seven Tabs: 'Filters', 'grids', 'Communications', 'Approving / Printing', 'Allow Changes', 'Misc' and 'Special Events'. The tab you are currently viewing will have it’s name highlighted with blue text.

Note: When you create a new user, Business Events are not automatically applied to that user, even if that user is part of a user group that contains associated Business Events. For more information on adding Business Events to a new user, see the Need to know How? documentation.

Click on the green links below for more details on a specific Business Events Section tab:

Allow Changes tab


Using the Allow Changes tab you can restrict access to specific options in the following programs by un-checking the corresponding box.

The following sections list options in alphabetical order.

AMAN (Manifest Maintenance)

Option Description

AMAN - Allow Terminal Change

Enables the Terminal Setup button on the tool bar of the Manifest Manifest (Aman.exe) program used to create and edit terminal definitions.


Option Description

Allow changes to a closed batch in Pay Bills

Permits editing a closed batch in the Pay Bills function.

Allow Edit of A/P Discount Date

Enables the 'Change Invoice Discount Date' option in the A/P Inquiry program > Invoice menu.

Allow Edit of A/P Due Date

Enables the 'Change Invoice Due Date' option in the in the A/P Inquiry program > Invoice menu.

Allow Edit of A/P Aging Date

Enables the 'Change Invoice Aging Date' option in the in the A/P Inquiry program > Invoice menu.

Allow Edit of A/P Payment Hold Status

Placing a checkmark in this box enables the user to change the Status of Clients who are set to 'Payment Hold' in the A/P Inquiry program.

Allow Void of A/P Chks

Now you can specify which users are allowed to void checks. In previous versions, anyone could do it, but it’s recommended that those in authority have this enabled. Checks can be voided from the Employee Profile program, the A/P Inquiry program, the Bank Reconciliation program, and the Driver Pay Audit program.


Option Description

APNCR - Allow Service Configuration Button

Enables the Check Register program > Windows Service tab > Service Configuration button used to configure a Windows service.


Option Description

Allow Edit of A/R Aging Date

Placing a checkmark in this box enables a right-mouse menu option in the AR Inquiry program.

Allow Edit of A/R Credit Hold Status

Placing a checkmark in this box enables the user to change the Status of Clients who are set to 'Credit Hold' in the AR Inquiry program.

Allow Edit of A/R Credit Limit

Allows a user or user group to change the 'Credit Limit' field (on the Customer Profiles program > Credit Info tab).

Allow Edit of Client-is-Bill-to

Placing a checkmark in this box enables the user to change the 'Bill To' status of a Client attached to an invoice in the AR Inquiry program.

Allow Edit of Customer Collection Information

Allows the selected user to add Notes to the Customer Collection Information window in the AR Inquiry program. If this option is unchecked, the user will be able to access the window using the Customer Collection Information button on the toolbar, but will not be able to enter/modify the contents of the window.

Allow Edit of Statement Numbers

Allows the selected user access to the 'Add to Statement' and 'Remove from Statement' options in the AR Inquiry program’s 'Invoice' menu as well as the two program grids.

Allow Void of A/R Cash Receipts

Allows a user or user group the ability to use the 'Void/Reverse Cash Receipt (NSF)' option on the AR Inquiry > Payment History window.


Option Description

Allow Commit - One Group

Allows the selected user the permission to use the 'Commit - All Groups' Context Menu option in the New tab of the Billing Consolidation program.

Allow Setup Filters

Allows the selected user the permission to access the Filter Setup window in the Billing Consolidation program.

Allow Setup Processing Options

Allows the selected user the permission to access the Processing Options Setup window in the Billing Consolidation program.

Allow Undo Void (Regroup)

Allows the selected user the permission to use the 'Undo Void (Regroup)' Context Menu option in the Committed tab of the Billing Consolidation program (available when the 'View' is set to 'Voided Groups').

Allow Void - All Groups

Allows the selected user the permission to use the 'Void/Ungroup - All Groups' Context Menu option in the Committed tab of the Billing Consolidation program.

Allow Void - One Group

Allows the selected user the permission to use the 'Void/Ungroup - One Group' Context Menu option in the Committed tab of the Billing Consolidation program.


Option Description

Allow Cancel of E-Checks

This setting enables / disables the ability to cancel created E-Checks in the Card Management program > E-Checks tab for the selected user.

Allow Edit of Auto-Approve Flag in E-Checks

This setting enables / disables the use of the 'Approve' flag in the Card Management program > E-Checks tab for the selected user.

Allow Edit of Deduction Code in E-Checks

This setting enables / disables the ability of users to change the Deduction Code attached to an E-Check on the Card Management program > E-Checks tab.

Allow Edit of Post Flag in E-Checks

This setting enables / disables the use of the 'Post' flag in the Card Management program > E-Checks tab for the selected user.

Allow Issue of E-Checks

This setting enables / disables the ability to issue E-Checks in the Card Management program > E-Checks tab for the selected user.

Allow Log Purge

This setting enables / disables the ability to purge the Logs in the Card Management program > Log tab for the selected user.

Allow POS Purge

This setting enables / disables the ability to purge the Point of Sale records in the Card Management program > POS tab for the selected user.


Option Description

Allow View of Direct Deposits

This setting enables / disables the ability to drill down direct deposit records in the Bank Reconciliation Program.




Allow Create/Edit Trip Schedules

This setting enables / disables the Tools Menu > 'Edit Trip Schedules' option in the City Dispatch program.

Allow Generate Trips from Trip Schedules

This setting enables / disables a specific user from being able to create Trips based on Trip Schedule information in the City Dispatch program.

Allow Terminal Change

This setting enables / disables the ability of a User to change Terminals (via the 'Terminal Select' Toolbar option) in the City Dispatch program. With this option disabled, the user will be restricted to working within their default Terminal (as configured on the User tab > 'Terminal ID' field).




Allow Setup of Claim Types

This setting enables / disables the ability of a user to setup Claim Types in the Claims program.

Allow Setup of Status Codes

This setting enables / disables the ability of a user to setup Claim Status Codes in the Claims program.




Allow Edit of Acc.Codes Header

This setting if checked allows the user to edit the 'Accessorial Codes' header information in Codes Maintenance > Accessorial Charges tab. If unchecked the user would still be able to find and view accessorial codes but will get an error if he tries to insert, delete or edit an accessorial code; this restriction applies only to the header section, the restricted user can still edit the details section of an accessorial code.

Allow Modify/Delete of OP Codes

This setting enables / disables the ability of a user to modify and/or delete Operations Codes while working on the Codes Maintenance program > OP Codes tab.


Option Description

Allow Yard Management Edit

This setting enables/disables the ability of a user to edit the equipment information once they are In-Gated in the yard (Container Depot) in Container Inventory control Program.


Option Description

Allow Create/Edit Trip Schedules

This setting enables / disables the Tools Menu > 'Edit Trip Schedules' option in the Crossdock program.

Allow Generate Trips from Trip Schedules

This setting enables / disables a specific user from being able to create Trips based on Trip Schedule information in the Crossdock program.

Allow Terminal Change

This setting enables / disables the ability of a user to change Terminals (via the 'Terminal Select' Toolbar option) in the Crossdock program. With this option disabled, the user will be restricted to working within their default Terminal (as configured on the User tab > 'Terminal ID' field).


Option Description

Allow Addition of Client Profile

Allows the addition of a new client profile via the Customer Service program.

Allow Cancellation of Freight Bills

Allows the selected user to Cancel a Freight Bill in the Customer Service program. Because this was previously allowed to all users by default, this option will default to 'checked' for all new users.

Allow Changes / Approving of Freight Bills on Credit Hold

Allows the edit and/or approval of Freight Bills where Customer involved is under 'Credit Hold' status. If this option is unchecked, such Freight Bills will be unavailable for editing, and cannot be approved. When selected, a warning message is displayed instead of an error message and in the CSERV/ORDERPREPRO programs you are given the option to continue or cancel. (This security option affects all programs which perform credit limit checks, not just the Customer Service program, i.e., Cserv, OrderPrePro, Dispatch and MMDisp.)

Allow Changes / Approving of Freight Bills over Credit Limit

Allows the edit and/or approval of Freight Bills where Customer involved is over their credit limit. If this option is unchecked, such Freight Bills will be unavailable for editing, and cannot be approved. When selected, a warning message is displayed instead of an error message and in the CSERV/ORDERPREPRO programs you are given the option to continue or cancel. (This security option affects all programs which perform credit limit checks, not just the Customer Service program, i.e., Cserv, OrderPrePro, Dispatch and MMDisp.)

Allow Credit / Rebill

Allows the selected user to create Credit and Rebill Freight Bills within the Customer Service program.

Allow Edit of Address Information

Controls whether or not users allowed to edit address fields on the freight bill from CSERV

Allow Edit of Bill To Radio Box for Editing "Bill To" Radio Box

If this option is unchecked, the selected user will not be able to edit the Bill To radio box.

Allow Edit of Client Profile

Allows the editing of Client Profiles via the Customer Service program.

Allow Edit of COD Fields

Allows the selected user access to the information on the Customer Service program > COD tab. If this flag is not checked for a user, the COD tab will be effectively read-only.

Allow Edit of COD Fields After the Freight Bill is Posted to A/R

Allows the selected user to edit COD information on the Customer Service program > COD tab following the posting of a Freight Bill via the Billing Register.

Allow Edit of Credit / Rebill

Allows the selected user to edit the details of Credit and Rebill Freight Bills within the Customer Service program.

Allow Edit of Custom Defined Fields after the Freight Bill is Posted to A/R

Allows the selected user to edit Custom Defined field values within the Customer Service program > Custom Definitions tab after the Freight Bill has been interfaced with Billing.

Allow Edit of Driver Pay after the Freight Bill is Posted

Allows the selected user to amend Driver Pay totals on the Customer Service program > Driver Pay tab after a Freight Bill has been interfaced with Billing.

Allow Edit of Freight Bill Status (Administrative)

Placing a checkmark in this box enables a user to change the administrative status of a Freight Bill (CODE_BEHAVIOR = "R") but not operational type codes.

Allow Edit of Freight Bill Status (Operations)

Placing a checkmark in this box enables a user to change the status of a Freight Bill by selecting the search button on the Status tab in the Customer Service program. Refer to the Customer Service program > Status tab for more details.

Allow Edit of Freight Bill Status History after the Freight Bill is Posted to A/R

Allows the selected user to change freight bill status in the Customer Service and Trip Envelope programs.

Allow Edit of IMC plan

Allows the selected user / group to edit IMC pla in Customer Service Program > IMC tab.

Allow Edit of Job Code Fields After the Freight Bill is Posted to A/R

Allows the selected user to edit Job Code information within the Customer Service program after the Freight Bill has been interfaced with Billing.

Allow Edit of Load Detail User Fields After Post

Allows the selected user to Edit Load Details on the Details tab of the Customer Service program even when the Freight Bill has already been posted.

Allow Edit of Maximum IP Amount

Allows the selected user to edit the 'Max' field in the Customer Service program > Billing tab > Brokerage section.

Allow Edit of OS&D/POD Fields

Allows the selected user access to the information on the Customer Service program > OS&D/POD tab. If this flag is not checked for a user, the OS&D/POD Tabs will be effectively read-only.

Allow Edit of OS&D/POD Fields After the Freight Bill is Approved

Allows the selected user to edit OS&D/POD information on the Customer Service program > OS&D/POD tab following the approval of a Freight Bill.

Allow Edit of OS&D/POD Fields After the Freight Bill is Posted to A/R

Allows the selected user to edit OS&D/POD information on the Customer Service program > OS&D/POD tab following the posting of a Freight Bill via the Billing Register.

Allow Override of Maximum IP Amount

Allows the selected user to override a set 'Max' IP amount when adding an Interliner to a Freight Bill. See the Customer Service program > Billing tab > Brokerage section for more information.


Option Description

Allow add/edit/delete of agents on appointments for which the user is not the organizer

Selecting this option will allow the selected group/user to (add/edit/delete) agents on appointments even if the selected user is not the 'Organizer' of an 'Appointment' in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Appointments Window > Details/Attendees section > Agents tab

Allow add/edit/delete of contacts on appointments for which the user is not the organizer

Selecting this option will allow the selected group/user to (add/edit/delete) 'Contacts' on 'Appointments' even if the selected user is not the 'Organizer' of an 'Appointment' in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Appointments Window > Details/Attendees section > Contacts tab

Allow deleting of appointments for which the user is not the organizer

Selecting this option will allow the selected group/user to delete appointments even if the selected user is not the 'Organizer' of an 'Appointment' in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Appointments Window.

Allow edit of basic appointment info for which the user is not the organizer

Selecting this option will allow the selected group/user to edit basic appointment information even if the selected user is not the 'Organizer' of an 'Appointment' in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Appointments Window.

Allow edit of 'For' filter to view other appointments

Selecting this option allows the user to change the appointment selecting filter, to be able to view appointments set for different parties ('Agent', 'Client', 'Agent fora client/vendor', 'Contact of a client/vendor' or 'All') in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Appointments Window.

Allow viewing of appointments for which the user is neither the organizer nor an agent

Selecting this option allows the selected group/user to view appointments event if the selected user is neither the organizer of the appointment nor the agent in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Appointments Window.

Allow viewing of detail info (subject/location) on conflict appointments

This option if selected, will allow the user to view detail information like the 'Subject' and the 'Location' of conflicted appointments, in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Appointments Window > Details/Attendees section > Agent Conflicts/Contact Conflicts Tabs.


Option Description

Allow Cancellation of Active Trip

If this option is selected for you, you will be allowed to cancel an active trip. If this option is not selected for you, and you try to cancel an active trip you will be stopped. Even though this option is setup for dispatch, the same concept is enforced on any cancellation attempts from Multi Modal dispatch, City Dispatch or IMC plan in Customer Service.

Allow Carrier Assignment when Safety Rating Red Limit Exceeded

If this option is checked, this particular user will be able to override a Carrier411 rejection notice when attempting to assign a Carrier with a safety rating that exceeds the Red Limit in Dispatch program > Carrier Assign window.

Allow Carrier Assignment when Safety Rating Yellow Limit Exceeded

If this option is checked, this particular user will be able to override a Carrier411 rejection notice when attempting to assign a Carrier with a safety rating that exceeds the Yellow Limit in Dispatch program > Carrier Assign window.

Allow Create/Edit Trip Templates

This setting enables / disables the use of the 'Trip Templates' form (accessible from the Dispatch program > Tools Menu) for the selected user.

Allow Create Trips from Trip Templates

This setting enables / disables a specific user from being able to create Trips based on Trip Template information in the Dispatch program > Trips grid.

Allow Dispatch Resource Repositions

Allows the selected user the permission to Reposition Dispatch Resources.

Allow Load Offer All Trips

This setting enables / disables the ability to create Load Offers for all Trips available on the Dispatch program > Trips grid (using the 'Load Offer for All Trips in this Filter' option).

Allow Resource Reposition / Status Change - Driver/Chassis/Container/Misc. Equipment/Power Unit/Trailer

These six options serve the same purpose but for different resources. Selecting any of these options will allow the selected group/user to Reposition and/or Change Status of the corresponding resource, using the right-mouse click in Dispatch > Resources tab.

Allow Trip Status Change Without Chassis

Allows the selected user to change Trip Status values without having a Chassis assigned to the Trip.

Allow Trip Status Change Without Container

Allows the selected user to change Trip Status values without having a Container assigned to the Trip.

Allow Trip Status Change Without Driver

Allows the selected user to change Trip Status values without having a Driver assigned to the Trip.

Allow Trip Status Change Without Miscellaneous Equipment

Allows the selected user to change Trip Status values without having any Miscellaneous Equipment assigned to the Trip.

Allow Trip Status Change Without Power Unit

Allows the selected user to change Trip Status values without having a Power Unit assigned to the Trip.

Allow Trip Status Change Without Trailer

Allows the selected user to change Trip Status values without having a Trailer assigned to the Trip. If this option is not selected for you, you can’t change the status of a trip that has no trailer assigned to it. The update button in the status change window will be disabled. However, there is one exception to this, if the next leg has no freight bill assigned to it, TruckMate will assume it’s a Bobtail, and will allow the status change regardless of the value of this option.

Allow Trip Status Change for Freight Without Trailer

Allows the selected user to change Trip Status value when there is Freight on a Trip without a Trailer.

Allow Trip Status Change for Freight Without Container

Allows the selected user to change Trip Status value when there is Freight on a Trip without a Container. For example, a truck can proceed through empty legs of a trip to pick up a resource ( a container for instance) before moving on to pick up freight.

Driver Pay on MT Legs

Allows the selected user to apply Driver Pay to a Driver who is performing Empty Trip Legs (reposition legs).


Option Description

Driver Pay (Approval N/A)

Allows the selected user to approve Driver Pay records within a variety of TruckMate applications. By unchecking this item for a user, that user will still be able to view and approve Driver Pay and Driver Deductions, but not add, delete or update them.


Option Description

Allow Status Change to ACCEPTED

Allows the selected user the permission to set prospective Employee Statuses to 'Accepted' when the Company has decided to hire them.


Option Description

Allow Import of Unposted IP Records

Allows the selected user to access 'N' status records (i.e. IP charges from freight bills that have not yet been passed through the Billing Rester) in the IP Audit program. If this flag is unchecked, the selected user will not see the 'Unposted IP' flag in the lower grid of the IP Audit program.

Allow Reversal and Recreate of IP Register

If this option is checked the user will have the ability to credit and rebill IP records. If this option is not checked, the user will not have the ability to credit and rebill IP records and the option will be grayed out on the Interliner Details grid right click menu.

Booking # Processing - Allow Mark as Processed

Allows the selected user to use the Booking # form and mark Booking Numbers as 'Processed'.

Allow Write Off in Bulk

Allows the selected user to write off several entries simultaneously.

Allow Selection of New/Unapproved Status Without Trip Number Specified

If this option is selected for a user, the user will be allowed to select and view 'New/Unapproved' IP records even if there is no trip number specified in the 'Filter By Trip' field. If not selected for a user, a trip number must be provided in the 'Filter By Trip' field in order for 'New/Unapproved' IP records to be fetched and displayed.


Option Description

IPIIPR - Allow Service Configuration Button

Enables the Interline Payable Audit Register program > Windows Service tab > Service Configuration button used to configure a Windows service.


Option Description

Allow Edit of Job Quote

Allows the selected user to edit Job Quote information within the Job Quote application.

Allow Edit of Job Quote Details

Allows the selected user to edit Job Quote details within the Job Quote application.

Allow Edit of Job Quote DriverPay

Allows the selected user to edit Job Quote Driver Pay information within the Job Quote application.

Allow Edit of Job Quote Preferences

Allows the selected user access to the Preferences options within the Job Quote application.

Allow Edit of Job Quote Setup

Allows the selected user access to the Setup options within the Job Quote application.


Option Description

Allow Delivery of Split Bill

Allows the selected user to assign a split freight bill (prior to merger) to a delivery trip.


Option Description

Allow Import to Driver Deductions

Selecting this option for a user will allow the user to use the Import Driver Deductions feature to import driver deductions from a text file.

Allow Import to Driver Pay

Selecting this option for a user will allow the user to use the Import Driver Payments feature to import driver payments from a text file.

Apply Terminal Filter Security

If this option is checked, it will grey out the Driver Pay Audit program’s 'Terminal' Filter and check it off.


Option Description

A/R Credit Hold Status

Allows the selected user the ability to set a Client to 'Credit Hold' status on the Customer Profiles program > Credit Info tab.

Client is Bill-To

Allows the selected user the ability to default a Client record to always be the Bill-To party of a Freight Bill, using the Customer Profiles program > Notes tab.


Option Description

Allow Create Trip

Allows the user to create Dispatch Trips whle using the Routes Management program.

Allow Edit Routes

Allows the user to edit imported routes while using the Routes Management program.

Allow Import

Allows the user to complete a Routes import using the Routes Management program.


Option Description

Allow Change of Completed Incident Record

This setting allows/disables the ability for a user to update an Incident record in the Safety & Compliance program after it has been completed.

Allow Delete of Incident Record

This setting allows/disables the ability to delete Incident records in the Safety & Compliance program for the selected user.


Option Description

Allow Viewing Restricted Batches

This setting enables / disables the ability to view Restricted Payroll Batches while browsing records in the Payroll Time Sheets program for the selected user.

  • When selected, the "Time Sheets / Earnings" tab will display if the Pay Group in the header is restricted for the user.

  • When not selected, the "Time Sheets / Earnings" tab is not displayed if the Pay Group in the header is restricted for the user. (The time sheet tab does not display but the other two tabs (deductions and quick entry still do. The entries will still show up in the quick entry tab but the rates are not displayed there.)


Option Description

Allow Change of Search Limit

This setting allows / disables the selected user from changing the integer value of the 'Limit Search Results to First' field in the Trip Tracer program.

Approving/Printing tab

Notice that there’s now an Approving/Printing section in the Invoice Printing program where you can specify further user options. Place a checkmark in the spaces provided if you wish a user to have Freight Bill approval authority, edit any approved Freight Bills, unapprove a Freight Bill, create a status update on invoice printing, create a status update on statement printing (a new program), and create a status update on the billing register. No checkmark in these options will result in a grayed out (disabled) area appearing in the appropriate program.

Allow Approve FB

Placing a checkmark in this box determines who has Freight Bill approval.

Allow Edit of Approved FB - Main

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing the header section of approved Freight Bills.

Allow Edit of Approved FB - Trace No’s

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing of approved Freight Bill’s Trace Numbers.

Allow Edit of Approved FB - user Fields

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing of approved freight bill’s user fields.

Allow Edit of Approved FB - IM tab

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing of Intermodal tab details on previously approved Freight Bills.

Allow Edit of Approved FB - IP tab

Selecting this checkbox allows the selected user/group to edit the Interline Payable tab in Customer Service program even if the freight bill has been already approved.

Allow Edit of Approved FB - Driver Pay tab

Placing a checkmark in this box allows the user to edit Driver Pay after a freight bill has been approved. Otherwise, the user cannot edit driver pay on an approved bill.

Allow Edit of Approved FB - Checklist tab

Placing a checkmark in this box allows the user to edit Checklist Items after a freight bill has been approved. Otherwise, the user cannot edit checklist items on an approved bill.

Allow Edit of Docked FB - Main

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing the header section of freight bills that are in a DOCKED status.

Allow Edit of Docked FB - Trace No’s

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing the Trace Numbers of freight bills that are in a DOCKED status.

Allow Edit of Docked FB - User Fields

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing the user fields of freight bills that are in a DOCKED status.

Allow Edit of Docked FB - IM tab

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing of Intermodal tab details on freight bills that are in a DOCKED status.

Allow Edit of Docked FB - Driver Pay tab

Placing a checkmark in this box allows the user to edit Driver Pay on a freight bill that is in a DOCKED status.

Allow Unapprove FB

Placing a checkmark in this box determines who has the veto (un-approval) authority for previously approved Freight Bills. In other words, once a Freight Bill has been approved, the user who has a checkmark in this box has the authority to veto (unapprove) a Freight Bill.

Allow Status Update on Invoice Printing

Placing a checkmark in this box allows for status updates to be selected to occur during invoice printing.

Allow Status Update on Statement Printing

Placing a checkmark in this box allows for status updates to be selected during statement printing.

Allow Status Update on Billing Register

Placing a checkmark in this box allows for status updates to be selected during the Billing Register printing.

Allow Edit of Posted (Bill Reg) FB - Trace No’s

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing of posted Freight Bill’s Trace Numbers in the Customer Service program.

Allow Edit of Posted (Bill Reg) FB - User Fields

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing of posted Freight Bill’s user fields in the Customer Service program.

Allow Edit of Posted (Bill Reg) FB - IM tab

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing of posted Freight Bill’s Intermodal tab details in the Customer Service program.

Allow Edit of Consolidated FB - IM tab

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing of Intermodal Details for individual Freight Bills on a the IM tab of a Master Freight Bill in the Customer Service program.

Allow Edit of Posted (Bill Reg) FB -IP tab

Selecting this option allows editing of posted (run through the Bill Register) Freight Bill’s Interline Payable tab in Customer Service program.

Allow Edit of Posted (Bill Reg) FB - Pickup Details

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing of posted Freight Bill’s Pickup Details in the Customer Service program (via a pop-up window accessed by double-clicking the 'Date' field.)

Allow Edit of Posted (Bill Reg) FB - Delivery Details

Placing a checkmark in this box allows editing of posted Freight Bill’s Delivery Details in the Customer Service program (via a pop-up window accessed by double-clicking the 'Date' field.)

Allow Edit of Posted (Bill Reg) FB - Status Changes

Placing a checkmark in this box allows Status Changes on a posted Freight Bill’s in the Customer Service program.

Allow Printing of Freight Bills (Invoice Print)

This flag allows / disallows printing from within the Invoice Print program for the selected user. If un-checked ('False'), only 2 options will be shown in Invoice Print:

'Delivery Receipt (Unprinted)' and 'Delivery Receipt (Printed or Unprinted)'.

Allow Posting of Payments & Deductions (Driver Statements)

This flag allows/disallows the user from posting Driver Pay and/or Driver Deductions while working with the Driver Pay Statements program.

Allow Adding / Editing Reports (Report Selection Dialogue)

This flag allows/disallows the user from Adding (or Editing existing) Crystal Reports on the Report Selection window.

Allow Deleting Reports (Report Selection Dialogue)

This flag allows/disallows the user to Delete existing) Crystal Reports from the Report Selection window.

Allow Report Access Management (Report Selection Dialogue)

This flag allows/disallows the user from accessing the Report Access Management window from the Report Selection window.

Communications tab


We have a mobile communications module where you can determine how often they want users (and each one can be different) to check for messages either every hour or every 10 minutes. You can select one for each user, or the entire Group. As well, you can show a dialog box explaining that there is new mail, if you so desire.

Check for Messages

Select the drop-down menu and view all options available.

Check Return Messages

Select this option if you want to enable the selected group/user to be able to check the return messages sent back from different resources.

Show Dialog Box

Select if you would like to view a new mail dialog box when new mail arrives.

Check Reefer Alert Messages

Selecting this option will allow the selected group/user to check alert messages generated by reefer monitoring systems.

Show Reefer Alert Dialog

This option if selected will shoe the reefer alert dialog for the selected group/user.

Login Profile

Use the pull-down arrow to view Login choices.

Maintain AirIQ Security Preferences

Selecting this button opens the AirIQ Setup dialog box where you can specify your profile name, Username, and password, as well as other specific requirements. See below for more information on Maintaining AirIQ Security Preferences.

Enable editing of pool definitions

Checking this box allows the Editing of Pool Definitions.

Enable Message FWD DIST Groups

Selecting this option enables the Manage Forward Message Distribution Groups window in the Driver Call-In program.

Enable QHOS Setup button

Selecting this option allows the user to access the 'QHOS Setup' button in the Driver Profiles program and Power Unit Profiles program, allowing you to manage the QHOS Depots.

View Macro Password Fields

Certain Macros used by the Mobile Communications module may contain Password information (the 'Request Payroll' macro, for example). With this flag selected, you will be able to see these passwords as they are entered in these Macros, which is a possible security risk.

If you wish to have the password data replaced by asterisks (*) ensure that this flag is NOT selected.

Filters tab


Allow Filter Setup

In the Customer Service program (on the Filters tab), in the Dispatch program (on each right mouse grid menu) and in the Local Dispatch program, users can create filters that limit the data that displays in the grid. If the 'Allow Filter Setup' box is checked, users have access to the Filter functions mentioned above, and can select from all available saved filters. If the box is not checked, the Filter functions will not be available, and users cannot select filters.

Note: Users can only access the CServ’s Filter tab options when this flag is checked.

Default Filters

This group of drop down list fields, allows the administrator to set a default filter for a selection of grids (based on each drop down list). The grids are from different TruckMate applications. A different setup can be used for each user or group. When the user accesses one of the grids, the selected default filter for that grid will be available and accessible by the user. The following is a list of available grids from different TruckMate applications that can have a default filter set for them:

AP Purchase Order Entry

You can select a default filter for the Purchase Order Entry program. Select a filter from the drop down list.

Customer Service

You can specify a default filter that will apply to the Customer Service program > Filters tab. If the 'Allow Filter Setup' box is not checked, users will not be able to select a different filter, or configure their own. Select a pre-defined filter from the drop down list box.


In the Dispatch program, filters can be configured for each grid by selecting the grid Name (blue text). grid Filters can be Grouped together to form Filter Templates, which are applied using the drop-down menu at the bottom of the Dispatch program window. You can specify a default filter template for this user (or user group) by selecting a filter template title from the drop down list box. If the 'Allow Filter Setup' box is not checked, users will not be able to select a different filter template, or configure their own.

Local Dispatch

In the Local Dispatch program, users can configure filters for the Freight Bill grid. If the 'Allow Filter Setup' box is not checked, users will not be able to select a different filter, or configure their own. Select a pre-defined filter from the drop down list box.

City Dispatch Deliveries

In the City Dispatch program, users can configure Filters for Deliveries. The Administrator can select one of these Delivery Filters to be the default for users that log into the City Dispatch program.

City Dispatch Pickups

In the City Dispatch program, users can configure Filters for Pickups. The Administrator can select one of these Pickup Filters to be the default for users that log into the City Dispatch program.


This allows users to control access to filters in the CROSSDCK.EXE program.


For the Multimode Dispatch program you can set default filters in multiple different grids. Each grid has a separate drop down list for default filter selection. Select a default filter from the desired drop down list(s). The following drop down lists are available for Multi Mode Dispatch:

  • MMDisp Doors

  • MMDisp Inbound

  • MMDisp Outbound

  • MMDisp P&D

  • MMDisp Planning

  • MMDisp Trips

Allow Change

Checking the 'Allow Change' flag for any of the default Filters attached to an application will enable users to change filter from that set as the default while working in the respective TruckMate program.

CServ’s Filter tab


With this option checked, the user will be able to use the 'INSERT' command in any custom SQL Filters on the Customer Service program > Filter tab.


With this option checked, the user will be able to use the 'EDIT' and 'DELETE' commands in any custom SQL Filters on the Customer Service program > Filter tab.

AR Inquiry Filters

Allow Clear/Edit Filter - Collector

If this flag is unchecked, then when the user launches the AR Inquiry program, the 'Filter on Collector' filter will be checked, the drop-down will be set to their login User ID, and both the checkbox and drop-down will be disabled. In other words, they will only be allowed to access clients for whom they are the collector.

When checked, the user will have full control on enabling/disabling this filter as well as choosing from any User ID in the system when filtering on collector.

Allow Clear/Edit Filter - Sales Agent

If this flag is unchecked, then when the user launches the AR Inquiry program, the 'Filter on Sales Rep/Agent' filter will be checked, the drop-down will be set to their login User ID, and both the checkbox and drop-down will be disabled. In other words, they will only be allowed to access clients for whom they are the sales agent.

In order for this functionality to fully operate, you need to either:

  • Set the Application Configurator program > CSERV.EXE > 'Sales Agent' config option to 'V' (vendor/user), or

  • If the config is set to 'E' (Employees) or 'D' (Drivers), make sure to include all your login User ID’s in either the Employee Profiles program or Driver Profiles program.

Either way, the 'Sales Rep/Agent' field on the Customer & Vendor Profiles program > Customer > Misc tab must also be populated for all clients.

When checked, the user will have full control on enabling/disabling this filter as well as choosing from any User ID in the system when filtering on sales rep/agent.

Allow Clear/Edit Filter - Active

If this flag is unchecked, then when the user launches the AR Inquiry program, the filter will be disabled and set to 'Active Only'; in other words, the user will not be able to access inactive/terminated clients.

If this flag is checked, then, as usual, the user may chose among 'Active', 'Terminated Only' or 'All' customers and their choice is "remembered" to registry when they close AR Inquiry and reset to the remembered choice the next time they run AR Inquiry on that machine.

grids tab


These settings enable / disable several options available via the right-click Context Menu in all TruckMate programs.

Allow grid Customization

If this box is checked, the Customize grid context menu option will be available, and the user (or user group) will be able to change the grid layout. If this box is not checked, the menu option will be displayed in grey text, and will not be available for selection.

Allow grid Propagation

In the Customize grid form, there is a button labeled 'Propagate to All users'. This button is used to distribute the changes made to the grid to all users. If the Allow grid Propagation box is checked, users will be able to use this button. If the box is not checked, the 'Propagate to All users' button will not be available.

Allow Show SQL

This setting enables / disables the 'Show grid’s SQL' option, available for all the grids in TruckMate applications (via the right-click Context Menu). This option allows a user to see the SQL language 'SELECT' statement that is used to populate the selected grid. Disabling this option can prevent users from modifying a SELECT statement to access sensitive information.

Allow Save to File

This setting enables / disables the 'Save grid Contents to File' option, available for all the grids in TruckMate applications (via the right-click Context Menu). This option allows a user to save the contents of a program grid to an external file (.TXT or .CSV).

Miscellaneous tab

The Miscellaneous Business Events have been divided into separate Tabs, to ease organization and use.

The following tab buttons work within whatever tab is currently displayed.

  • Check All

Select this button to quickly check all options available in the Business Events - Miscellaneous window.

  • Drilling Down

Clicking this button opens a new window where you may select which accounts to allow the current user 'Drill Down' functionality. Check the accounts within the GL Chart of Accounts program you would like to grant 'Drill Down' access to, and click 'OK'.

  • UnCheck All

Select this button to quickly un-check all options available in the Business Events - Miscellaneous window.

AR Cash Receipts tab

Underpayment Threshold

This field designates the 'Underpayment Threshold' for the A/R Cash Receipts program. If you have a value of '600' (dollars) in this field, when you have a bill for $4000 and payment is $3600, there are $400 outstanding which will be compared to the Underpayment Threshold value. So if underpayment of $400 is less than $600 (threshold), a Write Off is automatically created for the remaining $400.

Overpayment Threshold

This field designates the 'Overpayment Threshold' for the A/R Cash Receipts program. If you have a value of '500' (dollars) in this field, when you have a bill for $4000 and payment is $4200, there is extra $200 that will be compared to the Overpayment Threshold value. So if overpayment of $200 is less than $500 (threshold) a Write Off is automatically created for the remaining $200.

Card Management tab


This tab can be used to impose restrictions on users when setup TCH cards. In other words, the restrictions defined in this tab, will apply to the selected user / group when setting up TCH cards to be used by card holders.

Money Codes

Money Code Limit Per Trans $ / Money Code Limit Per Day $

These fields can be used to restrict the amount of money code limit that the selected user / group is allowed to set on a card. The restriction can be imposed per transaction or per day. Enter the desired dollar value limit in the appropriate field.

Card Overrides

Allow to do card limit overrides / Allow to do location overrides

These fields control the ability of a user to allow over rides on a TCH card. The selected user / group can be allowed / disallowed to grant override rights on a card. Both card limit overrides and location overrides can be controlled. Select the checkbox of the override type you want the user to be able to allow on a TCH card.

One Time Cash Limits

One Time Cash Limit Per Trans $ / One Time Cash Limit Per Day $

These options limit the ability of the selected user / group to set cash limits on cards. Cash limit per transaction and cash limit per day can both be limited. Insert the amount you want the user to be able to allow as cash limit on a TCH card. Insert the amount in the type of cash limit you want to restrict (transaction / day).

Card Status

Allow to Change Card Status

Selecting this checkbox will allow the selected user / group to change the TCH card status. Don’t select if you want the selected user / group to be disallowed from changing TCH card status.

Cash Advance

Cash Advance Limit Per Trans $ / Cash Advance Limit Per Day $

These fields can be used to restrict the amount of cash advance limit that the selected user / group is allowed to set on a card. The restriction can be imposed per transaction or per day. Enter the desired dollar value limit in the appropriate field.

Container Inventory tab

No Disp Checkbox visible

Check this option to disallow the option of using the Dispatch checkbox within the Container Inventory Control program.

Allow Setting No Charge Checkbox

This flag will allow / disallow access to the 'No Charge' flag within the Container Inventory Control program > InGate section.

Customer Profiles tab

Filter by Status Sub-tab

This sub-tab can be used to control group/user access to client records based on client status. All available Client statuses are listed with a drop down list button for each. Select the type of access you want to grant to the selected group/user for each client status. Available access types are 'No' in which case the user/group access is denied, 'Yes - Full Access' in which case full access rights will granted to the selected group/user and 'Read Only' in which case a read only access right will be granted to the selected group/user for the selected client status.


If you want to grant the same access rights collectively on all statuses to the selected group/user you can select one of these buttons. 'All' will grant full access on all statuses, 'None' will deny access on all statuses and finally, 'Read-Only' will grant read-only access rights on all statuses to the selected group/user.

Auditing Sub-tab

Allow Customer Changes (Vet = Changes Must be Reviewed and Approved by a Different User)

This section is for granting basic 'Auditing and Vetting Options' on 'Client Profiles' through three sub groups ('Adds', 'Edits' and 'Deletes'), each consisting of three radio buttons ('No', 'Yes' and 'Vet') and an additional checkbox on each sub group ('Allow Approval of Adds', 'Allow Approval of Edits' and 'Allow Approval of Deletes').

A user or group can be granted or denied the right to 'Add' a new client, 'Edit' an existing client or 'Delete' a client based on the 'Yes' or 'No' radio button selected, If the 'Vet' radio button is selected then the action that is done by the user must be reviewed and approved by another user. The three 'Allow Approval of < action >' checkboxes will allow or deny the user or group to approve other users' actions.

Note: For this entire group to be visible and accessible, the 'Audit/Vet Client Changes' APPS Config option must be set to 'True' in Application Configurator program > PROFILE.EXE.

Misc Sub-tab

Enable Mileage

Check this option to enable user access to the Mileage Button within the Customer Profiles program.

Enable Sales Info Button

Check this option to enable user access to the Sales Info Button within the Customer Profiles program.

Allow Enter Client ID in Client Info Mode

This flag controls the ability of the user to manually override an auto-generated Customer Code when working with the Application Configurator program > PROFILE.EXE > 'Auto Gen Client Key' option set to 'Client Info' (see link for more information on the config).

When the user has this flag checked, upon selecting the 'P' button (in CSERV.EXE, LTLBE.EXE or PROFILES.EXE) they will be asked to manually type in the Custom Code required. If this flag is not checked, the system will simply present them with an auto-generated Customer Code and give the user two options: 'Yes' or 'No'.

Allow Access To Clients For Which User is Not an Agent

This option, if selected, will allow the selected group/user access to client profiles even if the selected user is not the assigned Agent for the client.

Allow Edits to Agents grid

Selecting this option will grant the user edit rights on the Reps/Agents grid in Customer and Vendor Profiles.

Allow Removal of Main Account Links

Select this option if you want the selected user / group to be allowed to remove records from Customer and Vendor Profiles > Customer Profiles > Sub-Accounts tab.

Allow Quick Client Profile Creation

If you select this option, the selected user / group will be able to use the image21button to quickly create a client profile via a simplified form for that purpose in Customer and Vendor Profiles > Customer Profiles > Sub-Accounts tab.

Customer Service tab

Allow Copy of Freight Bill

Check this option to allow a user the ability to Copy Freight Bills.

Allow Manual Rate

Check this option to allow a user the option of using Manual Rating.

Allow Access to Quote Button

Check this option to allow the user to click the 'Quote' button to create a new Quote. By default this check-box will be set for all users (which is the current situation) which means that any user can convert an 'NA' bill to a Quote bill. Removing the check from the box indicates that the currently selected user (or group) will not be allowed to click on the Quote button and covert an 'NA' bill to a Quote bill.

Allow Approving of Quotes

Check this option to allow the user to 'Approve' a displayed Quote. By default this check-box will not be set for all users, which means that no user can by default approve a quote for use. Removing the check from the box indicates that the specified user and/or user group will not be allowed to mark a quote as approved.

Allow Copying of Quotes

Check this option to allow the user to 'Copy' an existing Quote. By default this check-box will be set for all users (which is the current situation) which means that any user can copy a Quote bill to an 'NA' or auto-posted freight bill bill. Removing the check from the box indicates that the currently selected user (or group) will not be allowed to click on the Quote button and covert an 'NA' bill to a Quote bill.

Enable Image Audit Mode

This setting enables / disables the Image Audit Mode toolbar option in the Customer Service program.

Allow Driver Pay Advances

This setting enables / disables the user’s ability to issue Driver Pay advances from the Customer Service program > Driver Pay tab. If you want to allow the user to issue advances to Drivers, select this flag. You can specify the maximum allowable Driver Pay advance using the 'Max DP Advance Allowed' field (below). If there is no value in this field, or a zero value (i.e. $0.00) there will be no limit to the amount that can be advanced to the Driver.

Allow Approval of Driver Pay Records / Allow Approval of Driver Deduction Records

These options allow users the ability to approve Driver Pay/Deduction records from within the Customer Service program > Driver Pay tab. Set these as they apply to your users. This will prevent the status change to Approval and Hold only, all other changes (i.e. to 'Wait' status) will be allowed.

Allow Posting of Driver Pay Register / Allow Posting of Driver Deduction Register

These options allow users the ability to post Driver Pay/Deduction records from within the Customer Service program > Driver Pay tab (i.e. no need to open the Driver Pay/Deduction Register applications).

Allow Run Pay Statements

This option allows a user the ability to run the Driver Pay Statements from within the Customer Service program > Driver Pay tab (i.e. no need to open the Driver Pay Statements program).

Pickup / Delivery

This setting enables / disables the ability of a user to edit the 'Pickup Date' or 'Delivery Date' of a processed Freight Bill, and applies to the Customer Service program as well as the Dispatch program. You may select one of three options from the drop-down menu:

  • Disallow Editing:* no editing of Pickup / Delivery dates is allowed.

  • Audit Edits:* editing of the Pickup / Delivery dates is allowed, but the user ID and time of edit is recorded.

  • Edit Without Audit:* editing the Pickup / Delivery dates is allowed, and no audit information is captured (same as in previous versions of TruckMate).

Display in Status Bar

Select the information you wish to have displayed on the Status Bar of the Customer Service program, which is at the very bottom of the program window. Simply check the flag of the details you wish to appear for the selected user or user gGroup.

Detention Billing tab

Purge Cancelled Events

Check this option to allow the user to purge all 'Cancelled' events in the Detention Billing program.

Allow Posted Edits

Check this option to allow the user to edit 'Posted' events in the Detention Billing program.

Note: This option will only be available to the user if the Application Configurator program > SECSETUP.EXE option 'Detention Billing: Posted Edits Security' is set to 'True'.

Driver Profile tab

Enable Mileage Button

Check this option to enable user access to the Mileage Button within the Driver Profiles program.

Enable Password Service Setup Button

Check this option to enable user access to the 'Setup' button within the Driver Profiles program > Passwords tab.

Can View Driver Licenses

Check this option to allow users to view the information contained in the 'CDL #/State/Expiry' fields of the Driver Profiles program > Details tab.

If this flag is unchecked for a user, that user will see asterisks ('*') in the fields, instead of the actual information.

Can View SSN/SIN

Check this option to allow users to view the information contained in the 'SIN/SSN' field of the Driver Profiles program > Details tab.

If this flag is unchecked for a user, that user will see asterisks ('*') in the field, instead of the actual information.

Allow Changes of Pay Audit Filter Group

If checked, this flag will allow the selected user to change and edit the 'Pay Audit Filter Group'. The user can add new Grouping Codes, edit existing ones and delete unwanted Grouping Codes.

Intermodal tab

Multi Container Processing

These fields control access to the Intermodal Multi-Container Entry functionality in the Customer Service program. Check those flags corresponding to the functionality you wish to grant to the selected User ID, and leave those flags unchecked that you wish to restrict.

Intermodal Trace

Enable Change History Button

Check this option to enable user access to the Change History Button in the Intermodal Trace program.

AP Purchase Orders tab

Approve PO

Check this option to allow a user the ability to approve Purchase Orders.

Maximum Amount

Check this option to allow a user the ability to approve up to a maximum amount.

Include Own PO

This checkbox if checked enables the user to approve a Payment Order that was created by the user himself. If you DON’T want the user to approve his own payment orders then keep this option un-checked.

Quotes tab

Write Access

Check this option to allow a user the ability to modify quote information.

Reason Code tab

CServ Status Changes

Check this option to enable user access to Status Change Reason Code (Service Failure Codes) entry within the Customer Service program. When checked, whenever a user attempts a Status Change in Customer Service, they will be prompted to select a Reason Code for the change.

Local Dispatch Status Changes

Check this option to enable user access to Status Change Reason Codes (Service Failure Codes) entry within the Local Dispatch program. When checked, whenever a user attempts a Status Change in Local Dispatch, they will be prompted to select a Reason Code for the change.

Dispatch Status Changes

You have one of three options to choose from regarding when the user will be asked for a Reason Code (Service Failure Code) during Status Changes in the Dispatch program:

  • None:* The Reason Code prompt will never appear when doing Status Changes, regardless of date.

  • All:* The Reason Code prompt will always appear if certain criteria are met (Pick / Delivery after expected Date/Time, etc.).

  • Picks:* The Reason Code prompt will only appear when a Pick occurs and meets the criteria (is late, etc.).

  • Drops:* The Reason Code prompt will only appear when a Drop occurs and meets the criteria (is late, etc.).

Instant Checks tab

Allow Delete Instant Checks

This option sets the level of control a specific uer has over the deletion of checks in the Instant Checks program. The various settings apply as follows:

  • Disallow:* The user will not be able to delete any checks from the system, regardless of who created them.

  • My Checks:* The user will be able to delete only those checks which he/she created originally.

  • Any Checks:* The user will be able to delete any checks that exist in the system.

Note: The default setting for this field can be configured using the Application Configurator program > CHEQUE.EXE > 'Default Allow Delete' option.

Trip Tracer tab


Restricted Clients

This section allows the administrator to limit the ability of a user while using the Trip Tracer program. If any of the four flags in the 'Restricted Clients' section is checked, then the selected user will only be able to Trace by those Client IDs added to the grid in that respective Trace-By field. The user may be able to select different Client IDs, but when they use the 'Run Trace' button, nothing will happen.

Bill To / Caller / Shipper / Consignee

These flags are used to specify which Trace-By fields the selected Client Code (in the below grid) will be available for when Tracing.

If, for example, 'CLIENT1' is chosen in the 'ID' field (and 'Customer' is selected in the 'Type' field), and the 'Bill To' flag is selected, the currently displayed user will only be allowed to successfully Trace against the 'CLIENT1' Client in the 'Bill To' Trace-By field.

You can assign a single Customer / Group to multiple flags.

Type / ID

In the 'Type' field you can select either 'Customer' (single Customer ID) or 'Group' (Customer Group), and then use the 'ID' field to select which customer/group is available for the user to Trace-By.

Performance Restrictions

This section allows the administrator to limit the Pickup and Delivery Date Ranges for Freight Bill / Trip tracing, as well as limit the number of records returned by a trace. These restrictions have been put in place so that administrators can be certain that their users will not attempt to run traces that will tax the database.

Allow Unchecked / Max Days

For each of the 'Pickup By Date Range', 'Deliver By Date Range' and 'First N Records Only' Filters, selecting this flag will allow your users to circumvent the 'Max Days' restriction you configure on this tab (i.e. allow them to configure their own date ranges).

If you are setting up specific date ranges that you do not want your users to deviate from, ensure that this flag is unchecked (i.e. users are locked into using traces that do not exceed the 'Max Days' value). This is the recommended configuration style.

Note: If the 'Max Days' value is left at zero (default), the user may enter any range or limit they wish

Allow bold/underline FB # of FB’s with notes

When this flag is selected, Freight Bills that have had notes entered against them (via the 'Notes' button on the Customer Service program > Summary tab) will have their Freight Bill number bold/underlined. The extra logic used to determine if a Freight Bill has notes can lead to performance hits when doing traces, however, so the option to disable this functionality has been provided.

Multi Mode / Dispatch tab

Refresh Interval

This field accepts an integer value which will then be used as the time interval (in seconds) between automatic refreshes of the Dispatch program when it is open on a workstation.

Allow Carrier Assign Without Meeting CarrierBuy Margin

If set to No or Warn, and the existing Dispatch CarrierBuy Margin is set to a number greater than zero, then a margin calculation is done in carrier assign. The total revenue for the trip, less the total carrier costs for the trip (gross margin), is checked to see whether it meets the percentage (of revenue) specified in the Margin Calculation configuration. If the total revenue for the trip does not meet meets the percentage (of revenue) specified in the configuration, you will either be prompted with a warning or be disallowed from completing the carrier assign. The default is set to 'Yes'.

TimeSheets tab

Settings in this tab allow you to select which options are available in the Quick Entry Earnings tab PopUp menu.

Vendor Profiles tab

Filter by Status Sub-tab

This sub-tab can be used to control group/user access to vendor records based on vendor status. All available Vendor statuses are listed with a drop down list button for each. Select the type of access you want to grant to the selected group/user for each vendor status. Available access types are 'No' in which case the user/group access is denied, 'Yes - Full Access' in which case full access rights will granted to the selected group/user and 'Read Only' in which case a read only access right will be granted to the selected group/user in vendor records of the selected vendor status.


If you want to grant the same access rights collectively on all statuses to the selected group/user you can select one of these buttons. 'All' will grant full access on all statuses, 'None' will deny access on all statuses and finally, 'Read-Only' will grant read-only access rights on all statuses to the selected group/user.

Filter By Type Sub-tab

This Sub-tab can be used to grant access rights to groups/users based on their types.

Allow Access To Vendors of Type

All vendor types are listed with checkboxes. Select all the vendor types you want to grant access rights on to the selected group/user by selecting (checking) the adjacent checkbox.


If you want to grant access on all types at once you can use the 'All' button. Or on the other hand, if you want to deny access on all vendor types at once, you can select the 'None' button.

Misc Sub-tab

Allow Access To Vendors For Which User is Not an Agent

This option, if selected, will allow the selected group/user access to vendor profiles even if the selected user is not the assigned Agent for the vendor.

Allow Edits to Agents grid

Selecting this option will grant the user edit rights on the Reps/Agents grid in Customer and Vendor Profiles.

Pay Audit tab

Viewable Driver Grouping Code

Grouping Code

This value determines which drivers can be viewed by the selected user in 'Pay Audit' program. The user can only view drives belonging to the 'Grouping Codes' set in this field when using the Pay Audit program. However, if no Grouping Codes are set for the user then this user is able to view all drivers. The Grouping Codes are defined in Driver Profile > Details tab

Pay Register tab

Allow Run Independently

If you want the selected user / group to be allowed to run the Pay Register by itself without being called by another application like Customer Service then select this option.

Pay Statement tab

Allow Run Independently

If you want the selected user / group to be allowed to run the Pay Statement by itself without being called by another application like Customer Service then select this option.

All Applications tab

TruckMate Monitor Access

Select the checkbox if you want to allow the user / access group to use the TruckMate monitor.

Deduction Register tab

Allow Run Independently

If you want the selected user / group to be allowed to run the Deduction Register by itself without being called by another application like Customer Service then select this option.

Trip Envelope tab

Allow Inserting Pickup / Delivery Status History

This option allows the selected user / group to be able to insert Pickup / Delivery status history.

Allow Adjusting Paid Driver Pay

Assigning this option to a user / group will allow them to make adjustments to driver pay records after they are already paid.

Allow Approving Driver Pay

This option allows the selected user / group to be able to approve driver pay records.

Claims tab

Allow Check-List Edit

Selecting this checkbox grants the selected user / group the right to edit check-lists.

Allow Check-List Add

Selecting this checkbox grants the selected user / group the right to add new check-lists.

Allow Check-List Delete

Selecting this checkbox grants the selected user / group the right to delete check-lists.

Screen Design tab


Selecting the 'Screen Design' option under Business Events will display a screen with two sections listing all applications into which Screen Design and tab Undocking features have been integrated, as well as a third column, which lets you specify a Default Screen Design Layout (by applicable TruckMate program).

If a user has been allowed into screen design for a specific application, but has been disallowed from viewing one or more Tabs (within the allowed application), then all controls on the disallowed tab(s) will not show up in the drop-down control selector in the screen design property editor. This is to prevent a security loophole where the user could check the 'Visible' tag and then see the tab (and all its contents), even though they had been disallowed.

By default, these features are enabled (where integrated), but you can disable either or both for a user or group by selecting the 'None' button.

Note: These two lists are loaded dynamically from the BEVENT_PAS table, so if either list is shorter than expected (or even empty), then you are missing a patch.

Allow Screen Design Changes in

For both the Customer Service program and Dispatch program, the administrator can select one of four security levels in regard to Screen Design by using the drop-down menu:

  • No*: selected user has no access to Screen Design functionality for the application.

  • Yes:* - Full Access: selected user has full access to all Screen Design features for the application.

  • Load/Clear Only*: selected user can Load (apply) and/or Clear any available Screen Design onto/from the application.

  • Load/Clear/Import/Export*: selected user can Load, Clear, Import and Export Screen Designs in the application (no editing).

Allow Custom Buttons

This option will allow or disallow a user from creating custom buttons while in Screen Design mode. Uncheck this flag to disallow a user from adding custom buttons (of course, only applicable if user is allowed into Screen Design for at least one application).

Allow Custom DBEdit’s

This option, when selected, allows the selected user to access Screen Design functionality (depending on the other options on this tab) but disallows them from creating Custom DBEdit boxes. This has its own security because Custom DBEdit boxes can be created that can access sensitive information, like Driver SSN, SINs, passwords, salary information, etc.

Allow Custom grids

This option controls the users ability to create Custom grids (read only copies of existing grids), to allow a user to create read-only grids in screen design check this option.

Default Screen Layout

The Default Design Layout can be assigned on a per-user or per-group basis. The administrator can assign any Screen Design Layout to a user regardless of whether the design is flagged as 'Public' or 'Private'. The fact that the screen design was flagged as private only restricts the ability of other users from editing and changing the design, it does not restrict the administrator from assigning the design to other users. The default layout set for a user in this option, will auto-load in the application at startup. The "remembered" layout (saved to registry last time user ran an application) is ignored.

Note: This option works whether or not user is given rights to make screen design changes (separate Security Setup option). For more information on Screen Design, click here.

Special Events tab


The Special Events tab allows you to set which applications will allow access to the 'Special Events' button. Simply check the Profiles module program you wish to have access to the 'Special Events' functionality.

Security tab - Tabs Setting Section

The Tabs Setting Section is used to configure which Tabs the selected user will be able to access in certain TruckMate applications. Simply select the flags to allow/disallow which Tabs you would like the user to be able to access. Depending on the active tab (for example, Customer Service or Trip Envelope), several of the check-boxes are expandable. Clicking the expandable entry displays subentries for the sub-tabs of the given tab. For example, if your company doesn’t use D83; you can check the I/P tab, but you can clear the D83 sub-tab under it. Clicking the Dispatch icon now displays a third check-box list, enabling you to control which sub-tabs are visible in the Payments tab of the Assign Carrier form.

Note: All 3 apps (Customer Service, Trip Envelope, and Payments tab in Carrier Assign) have their own set of business events for sub-tabs of the I/P tab. For example, if you want to hide the D83 tab everywhere, you must clear the D83 option in all 3 places. This also means that you can show the D83 tab in one app, but hide it in the other 2 (or any other desired combination).

For extended flexibility, a feature has been added to TruckMate that allows administrators to set a default tab for different applications. The default tab will be the active one when the application is accessed. This feature is available for most applications. To set the default tab for an application you have to select the tab from the drop down menu 'Default tab' which is only visible in 'Tabs Settings' section of the 'Security' tab for those applications that support this feature.

Note: Codes Maintenance can be accessed from other TruckMate applications. However, if you do not have security access to the tab being opened, Codes Maintenance will open but you will receive an error message and be unable to access that tab.

Check All / Uncheck All

These four buttons, divided into two sections, allow for easier manipulation of the records for each program, or for the entire TruckMate system at one time. The right-most 'Check All' and 'Uncheck All' buttons are constant, and allow you to Check every option for every TruckMate program (full access) or to uncheck every TruckMate program option (no access).

The left-most buttons change depending on the program selected on the left side menu, and allow you to Check or uncheck all options for that specific program.

Vendor Popup Tabs

Using the Vendor Popup section, you can restrict access to context menu options in a variety of applications that allow you to access Vendor information.


The settings control the 'Vendor Information' Context Menu options in a variety of applications, as determined by the available flags. Selecting a flag in this window allows right-click access to the Vendor information from that respective field.

For example: choosing 'Address' in this tab will allow you to right-click any 'Address' field in any of the applicable TruckMate programs and select 'Vendor Information'. Doing this will open a pop-up window with the Vendor’s full address and other information.

Security tab - Security Section

Administration tab

The Administration tab allows you to modify what the selected user may view within the Security Configuration application itself.


Allow Security Officer Access

Check this option to allow Security Officer Access for the selected user.

Visible Security Configuration Tabs


Uncheck this option to disallow access to the Group tab of the Security Configuration program.


Uncheck this option to disallow access to the User tab of the Security Configuration program.

DB Rights

Uncheck this option to disallow access to the DB Rights tab of the Security Configuration program.


Uncheck this option to disallow access to the Security tab of the Security Configuration program.

User Modification Privileges

Allow Creation of Users

Uncheck this option to disallow Creation of users for the selected user.

Allow Updating of Users

Uncheck this option to disallow Updating of user information for the selected user.

Allow Deletion of Users

Uncheck this option to disallow Deletion of users for the selected user.

Clearance tab

The Clearance tab allows the user to set the Security Clearance level of the selected Uuser for the 'Safety & Compliance', 'Diary' and 'Employee Program' modules of TruckMate.


Security Clearance is applied on a user-specific basis. The 'Clearance Level' of a logged in user will determine the access they have to records in the TruckMate applications listed on the left-side menu. Each new entry in the affected systems will be assigned a security level of 0 by default and available to everyone to view and edit. You must manually change the entry’s security level to a higher level to restrict access.


For example: if a user with a Security Clearance Level of 3 opens the Safety & Compliance program and creates some new incident records, the records will be assigned a security level of 0. If the user uses the shortcut menu and changes the security level for the entry to 3, a user with a lower clearance level (2 or below) will not be able to view or edit the records that the first user created.

Select Security Clearance

Clicking this button will open the Safety & Compliance Security Clearance window, where you may choose a new Security Clearance.


Choose the new Security Level by clicking it and then click the 'OK' button to change the Security Level. You can also right-click any of the descriptions on this grid to edit their description, which is then recorded to the DROPDOWN table.

Payroll tab

The Payroll tab allows the user to restrict certain Tabs and applications from the Payroll module, so that not everyone can view his/her payroll information.


On the left hand menu, select the PayGroup you want to apply restrictions to, either 'Admin', 'Driver' or 'Shop' PayGroups. Then, on the right hand side of the screen, check the Tabs you wish to restrict. You can use the 'Check All' checkbox to quickly highlight all of the tab options available for restriction.

Notes tab

The Notes tab allows the user to restrict 'Write' access to the Note windows in the Customer Service program and Customer & Vendor Profiles program.

The Notes tab allows the administrator to set some permissions for the notes sections of various applications. There are three sections on this tab, which correspond as follows:

  • Customer Service Notes tab: the options listed in this section apply to the Customer Service program > Notes Window.

  • Client Notes tab: the options listed in this section apply to the Client Notes (accessed via the Customer & Vendor Profiles > Customer > Tools Menu > 'Notes' option).

  • Vendor Notes tab: the options listed in this section apply to the Vendor Notes (accessed via the Customer & Vendor Profiles > Vendor > Tools Menu > 'Notes' option).

There are two flags that can be used to control how the selected user will have access to the various notes sections above:

  • Editable

Checking the 'Editable' option will allow the selected user to edit notes available in the associated program area. If the 'Editable' flag is not checked, the user cannot edit the notes.

  • Visible

If the 'Visible' flag is checked, the selected user will be able to view the notes entered in the associated program area. If this flag is not checked, the corresponding notes tab will be completely hidden from the selected user.

The 'All' and 'None' buttons can be used to quickly populate all the flags on this tab.

Mobile Dock Users tab

The Mobile Users tab is used to configure the users that will be allowed to access the Crossdock Handheld application.


User ID

Enter a text value that will be used as this user’s 'User ID'.

First Name / Last Name

Enter the user’s first and last names in the fields provided.

PIN / Confirm

Enter the user’s PIN number, used to verify their identity when the log into the Crossdock Handheld application. In the 'Confirm' field, enter the same PIN number.

Note: The PIN number must be no larger than 4 digits. When you save the record, the values in these two fields will disappear, but don’t worry- they have been saved.

Home Terminal ID

Click the 'database' button within this field to select a 'Home Terminal ID' for the currently displayed user. These 'Terminal' values are maintained in the Codes Maintenance program.

Invalid Logins

The 'Invalid Logins' field controls the number of times a user may mistake his login information before the Crossdock Handheld application refuses he/she access. Enter a numeric value in this field.


The 'Disabled' field, when checked, tells the Crossdock Handheld application that the displayed User ID is set to 'Disabled' status, and should not be allowed access.

Last Login

This is a read-only field that displays the date stamp of the last successful login by the currently displayed user.

User Class

Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate User Class for the currently displayed user. The user will have access to more or less functionality depending on the User Class selected. Available options are: 'Dock Worker', 'Dock Supervisor', 'Hostler Driver' and 'Yard Gate'.

Dock User Rights

This group of checkboxes lists all the functions a dock user can potentially perform. Selecting any of the available functions for a specific user, will allow the user to perform that function without a supervisor’s approval. If on the other hand a function is not selected for a user, that user can only perform that function with a supervisor’s approval.


These two buttons are to make it easier to assign all the available functions at once or deny them all at once with one click of the mouse.

Mobile API Users tab

The Mobile API Users tab is used to configure your generic Mobile Users' passwords.


Insert Only

If this box is checked, user records will not be browsed in the data entry fields. If unchecked, browsing data in the grid results in the data entry fields being populated with data from the record displayed in the grid below.

Password Service Type

Currently there are 4 password services that TMW provides services for: 'TMAPI' (TruckMate API), 'OnRoute', 'QHOS' (Omnitracs Hours of Service), and 'TChek'. Double click this filed to indicate which service will be used by this user.

Setup Services button

Selecting this button will launch the Setup Password Services window, where the user can enter additional password service linkages.


Click the '+' button to begin creating a new Service Password Code, or use the 'Find' button to browse your Database for existing Password Codes to modify.

Field Definition

Service ID

This field is automatically generated when you click the '+' button to generate a new record.


Use the drop-down menu to choose which 'Service' this Password will apply to.

  • OnRoute:* applies to TMW OnRoute Service (for Driver 'SignOn' Validation).

  • QHOS:* applies to the QHOS Service.

  • TChek:* applies to the TChek Service.

  • TMAPI*: applies to the TruckMate API Service.


Enter a descriptive name for this Password Service Code.

Length Min

The integer value entered here will control the Minimum Length that the Password for this Password Service Code must be.

Length Max

The integer value entered here will control the Maximum Length that the Password for this Password Service Code can be.

Allowed Chars.

Enter any 'special' characters that you wish to allow as valid Password character values. These could be, but are not limited to, values such as the following: '#', '$', '%', etc.

Allow Numeric

Check this flag if you wish to allow Numerical values as Password Characters.

Allow Lower Case

Check this flag if you wish to allow Lower Case text values as Password characters.

Allow Upper Case

Check this flag if you wish to allow Upper Case text values as Password characters.

Resource Type

Presently, Mobile Users will be categorized as: 'Driver', 'Machine Operator' or 'User'. If 'Driver' is chosen, the Mobile User will be linked to a DRIVER record. If 'Machine Operator' or 'User' is chosen, the user will be linked to a TruckMate USER. Use the drop down menu to select which type of Resource this user will belong to.

Resource ID

Based on the resource type selected, the resource list will display either drivers, or uers.

User ID

Enter a User ID that will be used when entering the login information (this should usually be the same as the 'Resource ID'.

Password / Confirm

Enter a Password in both of these fields to set the Password for the currently selected uer.

Send Credentials

This will Insert, Update, or Delete a Mobile API user record to/in/from the database. If a user record doesn’t exist, one will be inserted. If the update sent encounters an existing record, it will be update. If User ID and Password are left blank, the selected Resources user record will be deleted.

AirIQ Security Preferences Maintenance


The Air IQ Setup window allows you to configure a number of settings for use with the Air IQ communications system.

Login Data

Profile Name

Enter an alpha-numeric profile name of up to 10 characters in length.

Profile Enabled

Place a checkmark in the box provided to enable this profile.

AirIQ Username

Enter your chosen username. You can enter a username up to 20 characters in length.

AirIQ Password

Enter your chosen password. You can enter a password up to 20 characters in length.


Enter any relevant comments in the space provided.

Alert / Action Handling

Select either 'Aler’t or 'Action Handling' for the messages. Either method produces different selection options.

Alert Options

Automated Inventory Alerting

Select one the notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup'.

Automated Maintenance Reminder Alert

Select one the notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup'.

Boundary Crossing Alert

Select one the notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup'.

Excessive Speed Alert

Select one the notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup'.

Power Management Alert (Low Battery):

select one the notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup'.

Reefer Fault Alert

Select one the notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup'.

Stationary Status Alert

Not available.

Usage Status Alert

Not available.

All Others

Select one of the notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup'.

Action Handling Options

Call Office Light

Select one the default notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup' or the availability in program where your choices are Dispatch, or Repairs and Maintenance.

Maintenance Reminder Reset = 0

Select one the default notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup' or the availability in program where your choices are Dispatch, or Repairs and Maintenance.

Remote Vehicle Disable

Select one the default notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup' or the availability in program where your choices are Dispatch, or Repairs and Maintenance.

Remote Vehicle Enable

Select one the default notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup' or the availability in program where your choices are Dispatch, or Repairs and Maintenance.

Vehicle Location

Select one the default notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup' or the availability in program where your choices are Dispatch, or Repairs and Maintenance.

Remote Door Unlock

Select one the default notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup' or the availability in program where your choices are Dispatch, or Repairs and Maintenance.

All Others

Select one the default notification methods as shown: 'Log Only', 'Send Message' or 'Popup' or the availability in program where your choices are Dispatch, or Repairs and Maintenance.