CARDMGMT.EXE - Fuel Card Management


First available in: TruckMate 20.1

CDCDMR.EXE - COD Payable Register


Allow Inactive GL

This config option can enable error-checking for inactive GL accounts by any of the TruckMate 'register' applications. By default, this option is set to 'True', meaning that the register will behave as in past versions of TruckMate (i.e. no error-checking is done on the GL Accounts that have transactions processed against them). If this value is changed to 'False' or 'Warn', then when a user clicks the 'Print Report' button, if any of the GL Accounts selected for the report are inactive, a pop-up warning will display, listing the inactive accounts. The reports will still print and the user can check the 2nd (GL) report to see which transactions contain the inactive GL Accounts. When the user clicks the 'Post' button, however, some functionality will be disabled (depending on if 'False' or 'Warn' is chosen): * If 'False', you will get an error message and you will not be able to post. (The error message will suggest possible solutions to allow posting). * If 'Warn', you will be asked whether you wish to post anyway (you may click 'No' to abort the post).

Note: This config option has no effect on a Reprint, as there is no point in error-checking transactions that have already been posted.

Subtotal GLTRANS Postings

If set to True (the default), then when GLTRANS records are created, all the GL transactions in the audit/register run are grouped/summed together by GL account and date (one lump figure per combination). If set to False, then the figures are grouped/lumped by GL account, date, and source transaction ID.

CFGCOMM.EXE - Mobile Device Maintenance

CHASSISAP.EXE – Chassis Invoice Reconciliation (Chassis AP)


CHEQUE.EXE - Instant Check / Check Maintenance


Allow AP Invoice Over-Pmt

This option, when set to 'True', will allow payments to be entered that have a greater balance than that owing on the Invoice. If set to 'False', over-payments will not be allowed by the system (the User will get an error in Instant Check and AP Inquiry (Pay Bills) when attempting to over-pay an Invoice).

Allow Duplicate Check Numbers

This option, when set to 'True', will allow a User to enter duplicate check numbers in the same bank account. If the option is set at 'False', Users are not allowed to have duplicate check numbers for a bank account, though the application will still allow duplicate checks 'To Be Printed' because this function is used for voided checks. Default is set at 'True'.

Default Allow Delete

The value selected for this option will set the default 'Allow' option for the deletion of Checks in the Security Setup program, which will in turn define the type of checks that a User will be able to delete from the Instant Checks program. Choose between 'Any Checks' (User can delete any check in system), 'My Checks' (user can delete only those checks that he/she creates), or 'Disallow' (no check deletion capability).

IP Advance Bank

For this option, select the GL account for the default bank for IP Advance Checks.

IP Advance Change Bank

This option allows users to pick the bank for IP Advance Cheques if set to True. If set to False, they are limited to the default IP Advance Bank (configured above).

IP Advance Full Amount

This option, if set to True, will default the check amount to the full amount of the charges. If set to False, it will go to 0.

Remember Last Bank

This option, when set to 'True', will automatically use the Bank Account that was selected for the previous GL posting. Default is set at 'False'.

Vendor Required

When this config is set to 'True', the user will not be able to create an instant check if a Vendor code is not specified for the check. Default set at 'False'.

CHKREC.EXE - Bank Reconciliation


Allow Details on Direct Deposit

The default value of this option is set to 'True' in which case the system will allow to send details on a direct deposit to bank reconciliation . If this option is set to false on the other hand instead of the details, only summary information will be sent to bank reconciliation.

Allow Open Balance Edit

If this option is set to 'True' the 'Open Balance' field becomes editable, if set to false the 'Open Balance' field is read only and cant be edited by the user.

Cleared Checks Void This option, when set to 'True', allows 'Cleared' checks to be voided by the User. Default is set to 'False'.

CITYDISP.EXE - City Dispatch


Add User Fields to Pickup Form

The available values for this option are 'True' and 'False'. The default value is 'False'. Setting this option to 'True' will set the User Fields 1 through 10 in City Dispatch > Pickup Form as visible (those fields are hidden by default).

Auto Load-Offer

When this option is set to 'True' and a User drags & drops a Freight Bill into the City Dispatch program > Trips List section, a Load Offer with the Freight Bill details will be created automatically and entered into the MESSAGE_FORWARD Table. However, the message along with the schedule will only be sent if the user selects the 'Load Offer' button. Default is set at 'False', in which case a load offer will not be created but a driver notification of the pickup matching will be sent to the driver.

Auto-Sequence Picks

When this option is set to 'True', and Pickup type Freight Bills that are dragged & dropped onto a Trip in the City Dispatch program > Trips List section will have their 'Route Sequence' value (for Freight Terminal Planning) set to one greater than the highest currently existing 'Route Sequence' value, in effect, automatically appending the new Pickup Bill to the end of the Trip sequence.

When this value is set to 'False' (default,) the 'Route Sequence' value is left at '0' (zero) which means that the added Freight Bill will appear as the first entry in the Freight Bill Terminal Plan’s Route Sequence.

Default Pickup End Zone

This option, when set to 'True', the 'End Zone' value on the Create Pickup window of the City Dispatch program will default to 'Terminal Zone' code of the Site ID that is being used (as configured in the Codes Maintenance program > Site Codes Tab).

Duplicate Seq

This setting, when set to 'True', will allow the User to enter duplicate 'Route Sequence' values while working on the City Dispatch program > Trip Grid. When set to 'False', and the User attempts to enter a duplicate value into the 'Route Sequence' field, the program will throw an error. The sequence must be unique based on this query.





AND TX_TYPE = P for Picks and D for Drops



AND DETAIL_LINE_ID <> This detail line id.

GET Procedure run time limit

This option allows the user to set a limit on the time it takes 'CITY_GET_Pickups/Deleveries' or 'MMDISP_GET_Pickups/Deleveries' procedures to finish executing. The default value is '0', which means there is no limit on how long the procedures can run. A value (in decimal seconds) will allow the procedures to run for the specified time value only, after which the system will display as many records as the procedure could retrieve during the time limit assigned. If time expires before finishing the process, a warning will be generated to inform the user of a truncate of the data retrieved due to a time limit constraint.

Pickup Entry Date Mode

This options controls the date/time to be recorded on the pickup form. The default value is 'Last', in which case the system will use the last freight-bill’s time on the pickup form. When this option is set to 'Now' the system will use the current system time. 'Last' and 'Now' are the only available values for this option.

SQL FB Filter Excluded Statuses

This option allows the user to define which freight bill status behaviors will be excluded from a SQL FB filter when run from City Dispatch. This option allows the user to select all the freight bill status behaviors to be excluded from the SQL filter by selecting all the relevant checkboxes. The default selection is: 'Cancel', 'Completion', 'Depart Consignee (Delivery)' and 'Other'.

Update Appt on Child Bills

When this option is set to 'True' and the 'Appointment Time' value changes for an Extra Stop Freight Bill, all other related Freight Bills will have their 'Appointment Time' value updated to reflect the change. Default is set at 'True'.

Use Multi Terminals

Default is set at 'False'. When set to 'True', allows TruckMate the use of multiple Terminals for every Terminal Zone (as setup in the Codes Maintenance program > Zone Codes Tab). When this option is set to 'True', your Terminal Zones must be setup as having multiple Terminals or they will not be available for selection on the Customer Service program > LTL Tab, which may prevent users from posting Freight Bills, TruckaMate disables the 'Terminal' editpick field and makes the 'Multi Terminal' button in Codes Maintenance Program > Zone Codes Tab visible. If this option is left at the default value of 'False' the 'Multi Terminal' button in Codes Maintenance Program > Zone Codes Tab will be invisible and the 'Terminal' editpick field will be enabled.

CLAIM.EXE - Claims


Auto-Approve Driver Deductions

If you Post a Claim amount against a Driver (via the Billing Tab), then the driver deduction will appear in the Driver Pay Audit program as 'Approved'. If you instead want the deduction to appear as Unapproved, set this configuration option to 'False'.

Default Claimant

The Claims program generally pulls information from the caller of the bill. TruckMate now offers you the choice for where you wish the information to be pulled from. Simply select which client you would like the information to pre-populate based on the following choices: C=Caller, O=Shipper, D=Consignee, B=Bill-to, N=None.

Include Sales Taxes

The default setting is set at "True" which means that postings will be added to tax accounts based on the checkboxes setup in the Client’s profile.

Setting this option to "False" will result in no sale taxes being included in the AR adjustment entries created when you post the claim.

Must Post to Close

Default is set at "True" which means in order to close a claim you must post the information. Setting this option to "False" will allow you to close a claim without posting it.

User Field 1 - 10

In the Claims program, you can access ten free format fields by using the <CTRL> - <U> key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form in the Claims program.

CODES.EXE - Codes Maintenance


Accessorial Charge User Field 1 - 10

In the Accessorial Charge Tab of the Codes Maintenance program, you can access ten free format fields by using the <Ctrl><U> hot key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form in the Acc Charges Tab.

Cmdty User Field 1 - 10

In the 'Commodity' tab of the Codes Maintenance program you can access ten free format fields by using the <Ctrl><U> hot key combination. You can change the field labels for those fields here. In the Value field, enter the field label you wish to appear on the User Defined Fields form in the 'Commodity' tab.

Allow Billcons View Original FB

This option will enable a checkbox (for all Imaging Vendors) that, when checked, will allow the user to view the original Freight Bill document images included on a Consolidated Master Freight Bill. Default is set to 'True' (field enabled).

Auto Find Zone Code

If this option is set to 'True', when using the Codes Maintenance program > Zone Codes Tab and the user types in a partial Zone Code value into the 'Zone Code' field, the application will automatically look up the closest matching Zone Code in the Zone Tree. Default is set at 'True'.

Country - Validate Phone and Zip Formats - Added in TM 20.1



Country - Validate Phone and Zip Formats

Determines whether to validate the phone number and postal/zip code formats to ensure they conform to their country’s format when freight bills are created. (Does not apply to freight bills created using Quick Bill Entry - LTLBe.exe.)

  • True:
    Perform the validation in the Customer Service, Customer & Vendor Profiles, Driver Profiles, Order Preprocessor programs. (Does not apply to freight bills created using Quick Bill Entry.)

  • False: (default)
    No validation is performed.

Note: This app. config. is also supported by two others:
- CSERV.EXE > Force Edit/Save Before Post FB
- CSERV.EXE > Force Edit/Save Before Status Change from ENTRY

Disable Range Check

Default value is set at 'False'. When entering Accessorial Charges, some have ranges such as 0-500 where you charge 10%, 501-1000 where you charge 11%, and any time there was an overlap in the ranges, for example 0-600, the system would warn you that an error had occurred and that the ranges are overlapping. With this Application Configurator option you can enter zone codes where it is possible to have the following 0-500 if between BCVAN and BCPEN will be 15%, and/or 0-500 if between ABCAL and ADEDM will be 20%. The ranges would overlap in this case so if you set the Application Configurator option to 'True', you won’t see the error message for each entry.

Microdea Index Conversion

Normally, when in Image Indexing mode, the Indexing value is pulled from the 'In_DocTypeID' value. When this option is set to 'True', the Indexing value will be pulled from 'In_DocTypeName' instead. Default is set at 'False'.

COMMGR.EXE - Communications Manager


AAAD Auto Notify

This setting will, when set to 'True', automatically notify your Dispatchers of any Auto-Arrivals and Auto-Departures that occur in the system. Default is set at 'True'. If there is an Automatic Arrival or Automatic Departure, the program will check this setting to determine whether a message would be sent to the dispatcher. This message will be a simple message notifying the Dispatcher that the system has performed an Automatic Arrival or Automatic Departure on the Trip. The message will not go out to the Driver. It will only be generated for the Dispatcher and stored in the MESSAGE_RETURN TruckMate Table. By default the message will be a hard coded message.

Note: This setting will only work correctly if the 'Use AAAD Auto Arrv' and 'Use AAAD Auto Depart' settings described below are set to 'True'.


This setting controls the maximum size of a free-format message (in 'characters/bytes') that will be allowed to be sent over the Xata network. Default (recommended) value is set at '1400' bytes, but you may increase this value if you need to enter longer messages.


This setting controls the maximum number of 'characters' that can be included on a single line when sending a Macro over the Xata network. Default (recommended) value is set at '58' characters.


This setting controls the maximum size of a free-format message (in 'lines') that will be allowed to be sent over the Xata network. Default (recommended) value is set at '1400' lines, but you may increase this value if you need to enter longer messages.

Allow Unauth FB Dir

This setting, if set to 'True', will allow Drivers not assigned to a specific Freight Bill to view the 'Highway' and 'Local' directions associated with that Freight Bill. This option is set at 'False' as a default.

Auto Complete Resource Repos

This setting, if set to 'True', will automatically complete a Trip when its resources are repositioned. Default is set at 'False'.

Combine Messages

Combines Forward Messages in PeopleNet. Default is set at 'True'.

Debug DB Objects

When the Communications Manager is operated in DEBUG mode, a lot of debugging information is displayed and also logged to the log files. If a customer has a high volume mobile communications network, this can cause some messages that need to go out to be delayed. The reason for this is that with all that debugging information be displayed and logged it takes longer to process the messages. Most of that debugging information has to do with which database objects are being executed. This information is helpful in debugging the application but may not be necessary in troubleshooting a particular problem.

To include Database Object information while working in DEBUG mode, set this option to 'True'. To remove Database Object information from the DEBUG information set this option to 'False'

Default Odometer Symb

Changes the default odometer reading to either 'KM' (Kilometers) or 'MI' (Miles). Default is set at 'MI'.


When this setting is set to true it will delete the QIEXPORT.DBF, QIEXPORT.FPT, and QIEXPORT.TXT Qtracs files. The deletion will be performed after the messages have been imported into TruckMate.

Do Not Auto Dispatch Pool Code

This option can disable pool loads from being auto dispatched when the current trip ends. Instead, the pool loads will be dispatched when the driver sends in a macro asking for a load. If set to "All Pool Codes", then all pool codes will not be autodispatched.


This setting, when set to 'True', will allow only a Driver that is assigned to the same Trip as the Freight Bill to update that Freight Bill’s 'Status'. Default is set at 'True'.


Default False. When set to True the Mobile Comm application will find the client Zone based on lat/long from the position. When set to False the standard zone is retrieved based on the lat/long from the position.

Fix FB Typo

When this option is set to 'True', any mistakes a Driver makes while entering a Freight Bill number will be automatically resolved to the nearest match that the Communications Manager program can find. Default is set to 'True'.

Fwd Msg Btch Limit

This will limit the amount of outbound messages to be sent my commgr.exe in one cycle. This helps when sending out a lot of group messages. Where there would be maybe 500 forward messages to be sent. The default is 10 forward messages. After commgr.exe has finished sending out the 10 messages it will import any return messages. Then continue to send out anymore forward messages with a group of 10 forward messages.

Include Directions Separator Line

Default True. When set to True the Directions Separator line is put in the directions message. Set to False the separator line is not put into the message.


This setting is used to configure the words that- if detected in an incoming message- will signal an 'Error' to the Dispatch program. You may enter any number of words (in UPPERCASE), followed by a 'comma' to separate them (no spaces). Default words are 'ERROR' and 'EXCEPTION'.

Load Offer - Require Route Seq

The default value for this option is 'False', if set to 'True' TruckMate will not allow a load offer without a route sequence, it will generate an error message if a load offer without a route sequence is entered.

Load Offer GMT offset

Default False. When set to True commgr.exe will use the GMT offset of the Load Offer message to apply the date/time load offer status change on the trip. When set to False the commgr.exe will use the commgr.exe server date/time to apply the load offer status change. This appconfig when turned on is useful for remote locations where the dispatcher may be in a different timezone than the timezone the commgr.exe is running. So the Load Offer date/time status change must be around the same time when the dispatcher load offered the message from his/her location.

Log Debug Only To File

Default False. When set to True and the Log Level is Debug. The debugging information is only logged to the log file. The debugging information won’t be displayed in the commgr.exe listview. This is helpful so that the Support agents can still get the debugging information needed to do troubleshooting. While at the same time the customers commgr.exe program doesn’t lag behind when writing the debugging information.

Log Level

This setting controls how detailed the Communications Manager program’s Log files will be. Available options are as follows:

  • None: no logs.

  • Error: only 'error' messages are logged.

  • Warning: only 'warning' messages are logged.

  • Standard: both 'error', 'warning' and 'standard' messages are logged.

  • Debug: same as the 'Standard' setting, but with added 'Debug' information pertaining to the Database Objects being used by the application. If you have a lot of mobile communication traffic over your network, it is probably best to not use the 'Debug' option.

LTL Mass Stat

Default is set to 'False'. Currently, within the LTL STYLE, status changes can be applied to specific freight bills. Often a shipper or driver wants to apply a 'picked' status to more than one freight bill. Setting the LTL Mass Stat configuration option to 'True' allows a driver to reply to one order, and any other subsequent orders that are 'picking' on the same leg as the one he is replying to. Basically, any freight bill that starts on the same leg (pick record in LEGDTL table) will get the same status applied to it. Deliveries now have the same option. Basically, any freight bill that ends on the same leg (drop record in LEGDTL table) will get the same status applied to it. When delivering one freight bill, all other freight bills that are 'dropping' on the same leg, use the 'Arrive Consignee Macro', then use the 'Other' Behavior, and apply the status to all freight bills delivering on that leg.


This setting allows you to configure the standard date format for messages passed through the Communications Manager program. As a default, this option is left blank, but if you would like the messages to be date-stamped, we recommend that you enter the format 'MM/DD/YYYY', as this is the standard TruckMate Date Format.

Multi-Line Address

The default is set at 'False'. Valid values are True or False. Setting this option to 'True' will allow the user to support two-line addresses in load offers.


This setting controls the maximum size of a free-format message (in 'characters/bytes') that will be allowed to be sent over the Omnitracs network. Default (recommended) value is set at '1700' bytes, but you may increase this value if you need to enter longer messages.


This setting controls the maximum number of 'characters' that can be included on a single line when sending a Macro over the Omnitracs network. Default (recommended) value is set at '38' characters.


This setting controls the maximum size of a free-format message (in 'lines') that will be allowed to be sent over the Omnitracs network. Default (recommended) value is set at '45' lines, but you may increase this value if you need to enter longer messages.

Omnitracs Company ID

This option specifies which 'Company ID' to send the outgoing messages to Qtracs. Default is set at '1'.


This setting controls the maximum size of a free-format message (in 'characters/bytes') that will be allowed to be sent over the PeopleNet network. Default (recommended) value is set at '1850' bytes, but you may increase this value if you need to enter longer messages.


This setting controls the maximum number of 'characters' that can be included on a single line when sending a Macro over the PeopleNet network. Default (recommended) value is set at '19' characters.


This setting controls the maximum size of a free-format message (in 'lines') that will be allowed to be sent over the PeopleNet network. Default (recommended) value is set at '1850' lines, but you may increase this value if you need to enter longer messages.

Prev Mul Pos Res Upd

With this option set to 'True' it will only update the particular resource zone, position, etc. So if you only want the Trailer zone, lat/long, etc updated and not the Driver and Power Unit updated, then set this to 'True'. By default it is set to 'False' so that every Resource on the Trip can have their zone, lat/long updated.


Default is set to 'False'. This refers to the 'Reference' field in semantics in Qtracs. Selecting this option will allow Qtracs to support the reference # information. Setting this option to 'False' means using Qtracs 3.2.x, and setting this option to 'True' means using Qtracs 3.3.

Note: Version 3.3 of QTracs changed the way that the #REFERENCE tag works. Basically, TruckMate didn’t know what the original message number was for a given reply, thus the 'reply message chain' was broken. When this option is set to 'True', it will not rely on the #REFERENCE tag, but instead accesses the QTracs database to determine the information. It is only appropriate to set this to 'True' when using QTracs 3.3. Read more about the setup and linking option of Qtracs.

QTracs SQL Login

Default is left blank. Enter the Login name TruckMate will use when interfacing with the QTracs MSDE/SQL Server.

QTracs SQL Pwd

Default is left blank. Enter the Password associated with the Login you are using to interface TruckMate with the QTracs MSDE/SQL Server.

QTracs Use ASCII

Default False. When set to True the commgr.exe will use the QIIMPORT.TXT and QIEXPORT.TXT files to process the Qtracs messages. When set to False the commgr.exe will use the QIIMPORT.DBF and QIEXPORT.DBF files.

QTracs Version

Default is set at '32' (for 3.2.x). and other valid values are: 33 (3.3.x), 40 (4.0.x). Set this option based on your Qtracs version information.

Relax Val Rules

Default is set at 'False'. In 5.0 we introduced validation of the trip number and freight bill number, so that drivers could not update a freight bill (status or details) without that trip or bill being assigned to him (active, planned, etc.). This change made it imperative that macros that update status or freight details required both a trip number and freight bill number. When you set this Application Configurator option to 'True', the COMMGR won’t bother to verify the trip number or freight bill number if not supplied in the macro. This allows current 4.0 users on an upgrade path to 5.0, to use their existing macros, should they not contain the minimum functionality for 5.0. New customers should set this to 'False', and use the validation features.

Remove Schedule on Arrive at Dock

If set to 'True', when driver sends 'Arrive At Dock' macro, this option will remove trip schedule from device and driver will be notified . Default is set at 'False'.

Reposition Trailer Before Match

Default is set at 'False'. If set to 'True', when a 'Match Trailer' macro is sent, this option will automatically create a new reposition trip for the trailer then matches the trailer to the trip without creating an empty leg for the trailer (as long as the trailers current zone matches the leg start zone). If the default value 'False' is kept, the service will still match the trailer to the trip but it will also create an empty leg for the trailer.

Resend After Hours

This option is used in concert with the 'Resend Sent Msgs' option, and designates how many hours should elapse before the unacknowledged Forward Messages are automatically re-sent by the Communications Manager program. The default value is '0', in which case no messages will be re re-sent regardless of the value of the 'Resend Sent Msgs' option. If set to more than zero, the communication Manger Program will wait number of hours equal to the value of this option to re-send unacknowledged Forward Messages.

Resend Sent Msgs

This option, when set to 'True', will re-send any Forward Messages that have gone unacknowledged by the intended recipient Mobile Communications device. When this functionality is operating, it will depend on the 'Resend After Hours' option value to determine how many hours must elapse before the Forward Messages are re-sent. Default is set at 'False' (no automatic re-sending of Forward Messages).


Default False. When set to True, technologies like AA&D, PACOS, Xata can generate a freeform message which has the list of stops on the trip. Each stop will have a location for the driver to go to. This logic only works on PACOS, AA&D, Xata trips which generate the stop list. That way this new functionality can populate a freeform message with the stop list information.

Sensor Tracs Msg Read

This option, when set to 'True', will mark Sensor Tracs field messages as 'Read' upon reception. Default is set at 'True'.


Setting this option to 'True' will enable the use of the 'Simulate' button on the Communications Manager program’s toolbar, allowing access to the 'Simulation' mode in the program.

Simulate File

This value is the filename of the text file that will record the Communications Manager program’s log data during 'Simulation' mode operation. Enter a filename without a file path. File names should be in the format 'somefile.txt'.

Status Change Radius

Default is set at '10'. Driver must be within this number of miles of the pickup or delivery zone to effect a 'pickup' or 'delivery' status change through the Communications Manager program.

Sum TLDTL Records

This option, when set to 'True', will sum up the TLDTL records when a Driver sends in an 'Update Weight' or 'Update Pieces' Macro. This enables customers to choose whether they want the Driver’s weight/piece information to update on a separate detail line or combine the update into the appropriate field, but having some way to be able to tell that a driver updated that detail line id without adding characters into the comments field.

Track On Trip

When set to 'True', all resources are repositioned for the available trip. Default is set at 'True'.

As of TruckMate 2023.1, the Track on Trip functionality now exists in Mobile Device Maintenance. For more information, see the 2023.1 New Features Guide.

Trailer Zone Check

Trailer Zone Check is used for additional checking when matching a Trailer to the Trip. Basically when this option is set to 'True' it will check the Trailer’s current zone and the current zone of the leg. If they do not match, then COMMGR.EXE will produce an information message and won’t match the Trailer. If this option is set to 'False', then COMMGR.EXE won’t perform this check, and will match the Trailer anyway. The default value for this option is 'False'.

Update Dev Pos Only

When set to 'True', will update the 'lochist' table only for resources with a device attached to them. Default is set at 'False'.

Use AAAD Auto Arrv

This setting toggles on/off the use of AAAD Automatic Arrival. Default is set at 'True' ('On').

Use AAAD Auto Depart

This setting toggles on/off the use of AAAD Automatic Departure. Default is set at 'True' ('On').

Use AAAD Watch Arr

This setting toggels on/off the use of AAAD Watch Arrivals. Default is set at 'True' (enabled).

Use Auto Dispatch 2.0

This setting toggles access to the Dispatch program > Auto Dispatch Tab. When 'True' and the user double-clicks either the Dispatch program > Driver Tab > 'Next Trip' field or the Dispatch program > Trip Grid > 'Load Offer Status' field, the Auto Dispatch Tab will display. If set to 'False' (default) the Auto Dispatch Tab will remain hidden.

Use Container Owner

When this setting is set at 'True', when a Container record is 'Created' or 'Matched', the default 'Zone' Code will be automatically populated by the Container Owner’s default 'Zone'. Default is set at 'False' (manual entry of Container Zone).

Use Custom Schema Name

Default False. When set to True the COMMGR.EXE will call the custom stored procedure CUSTOM_MOB_COMM_GET_SCHEMA to grab a specific database schema name. Then Commgr.exe will use that schema to process the positions and macro messages with that schema. When the config is set to False then the logged in user’s schema name will be used.

Note: This is only used by TCSI where they share the same FB number for different schemas and need to switch between schemas to process the macro messages.

Use Qtracs Flg File

This setting specifies if the Qtracs 'QIEXPORT.FLG' file will be checked when sending a Qtracs message. Default is set at 'False'. Most customers using the Omnitracs don’t need to have the 'QIEXPORT.FLG' file locked or unlocked, but this option will allow you to see if you need to lock or unlock the file.

Use Zone Time

Converts message and position times to zone times based on the zone code’s time zone. This option defaults to 'False' and all zones should have their time zone configured prior to setting this to 'True'. Use Codes Maintenance to configure the time zones for zone codes. When set to 'True' all position and message times will be converted to the zone’s timezone. This may fail if the driver is in the middle of nowhere and no zone code is defined. In this case the reported time would be the server’s time. This may produce a 'jumping' effect with the times if a driver drives through a combination of zones and non-zones. This is why this option defaults to 'False'.


This setting will enable/disable IMessage Support in your Mobile Communications. Default is set at 'False' ('Disabled').


Default False. When set to False the One FB Per Stop stop list won’t be sent. However if the value is True then the One FB Per Stop will be sent.

Validate Container Check Digit

Default True. When set to True the new container’s check digit is validated. When set to False the new container won’t need to have the check digit validated.

Validate Driver Logs

Ensures that driver logs total up to 24 hours. Default is set at 'False'.