Road Scholar Rate Tariff Import

  1. As of TruckMate 2023.1, Road Scholar Rate Tariff Import is no longer available. Currently, there is no direct replacement for the functionality in this application.

  2. If your version of TruckMate is 2022.x or earlier, you can access Road Scholar Rate Tariff Import by going to

    C:\Program Files (x86) > TruckMate 20xx > RS_RATE_IMPORT.exe



The Road Scholar Rate Tariff Import application is used to import Road Scholar rate tariff information into your TruckMate system. It converts third party information into a useable format for your TruckMate tables.

Layout of the Road Scholar Rate Tariff Import window

Menu Bar / Toolbar

File Menu


image9Selecting this option will close the MMFB Tariff Import program.


For more information on the Multi-Company options available from the Menu Bar, see the Multi-Company documentation.

Tools Menu

TruckMate Monitor

image10Click the down arrow next to this button to access the various functions of the new TruckMate Monitor.

Remember Position / Size

Selecting this option will maintain the program window position and size upon close. When the program is re-opened, it will appear the same.

Help Menu

TruckMate Help

image11Selecting this button will open the MMFB Tariff Import topic in the TruckMate Online Help file (the page you are currently viewing).

Service Portal

image12Selecting this button will open an instance of your default Internet browsing software, with the login page displayed.


image13Selecting this button will open the standard TruckMate About window, which contains important information about the application you are currently using, including the version number (important for support calls).

Main Window

Tariff Rates tab


Displays the current set of tariff rates installed into TruckMate.

Use the functions on the Tariff Import tab to update this information.

Tariff Rates tab


Use the functions on this tab to update and import text files containing your current tariff rates.

How Do I?

How Do I Setup and Use the Road Scholar Rate Tariff Import program?

  1. Install RS_RATE_IMPORT.EXE on the client machine that will perform the import. The program can be placed anywhere accessible, but recommended in the standard TruckMate program directory.

  2. Run the program and Use the Update and Import functions on this tab to update and import the text files containing the updated tariff rates into your existing (or new) TruckMate Tariffs.