Trace Number Types


The Trace Number Types screen allows you to configure some details regarding the 35 Trace Types that have been hard-coded into your system. The Trace Types that display here are populated from the TRACE_TYPE table.


This field is hard-coded into the TRACE_TYPE table, and cannot be edited.


The 'Active' field designates if a certain hard-coded Trace Type will be available for use in other TruckMate programs that use Trace functionality (Customer Service, Invoice Printing, etc.). Un-check the 'Active' flag on Trace Types you do not use (e.g., Steamship Line).

It is NOT RECOMMENDED, however, that you de-activate 'B (Bill of Lading)', 'I (Probill)', or 'P (Purchase Order)', as these Types have special functionality within some TruckMate applications. When you are searching for Trace Types (when you select a Database Search button within an application like Customer Service) only those Trace Types set to 'Active' will be available for selection.


This field allows you to modify the description of any of the 15 existing Trace Number Types, but not the three User Trace Types (1,2 and 3). Once you have made a certain number of Trace Types available to your Users (via the 'Active' flag) you can modify existing Trace Types that you may not have needed by changing their description to something more applicable to your Company, and then setting them to 'Active'.

Restore (Restore Standard Trace Type Descriptions)

The Restore button will display (in a modal form) a list of Trace Types whose descriptions have been changed from the standard ones provided with TruckMate. You may reset one or more of them (to "standard") by selecting the 'OK' button on the form.

Only the 12 types (K, V, L, R, N, S, B, P, U, I, O, Z) that were "hard-coded" in TruckMate 2010 (and earlier) are checked. For example, no matter what description you assign to Trace Type A, it will never be listed in this option (because Type A has no special meaning in TruckMate applications and thus can be set to any description without interfering with application functionality).

This option is intended for TMW Support or the company’s DBA / IT Manager to quickly double-check whether a user has made an unacceptable change (eg "Probill" to "Probill No." is acceptable, but "Probill" to "Bill of Lading" is unacceptable as it will lead to confusion).