Uploading pay-related documents

About this topic
  • Audience: General users

  • Conditions/restrictions: You must be assigned to a role that has access to the Carrier Pay pages. If you cannot access the pages, contact your company’s system administrator.

You use the Pay Audit page to upload pay-related documents.

To upload pay-related documents:

  1. Go to Menu > Carrier > Pay > Pay Audit.
    The Pay Audit page opens.


  2. Select the row for which you want to upload pay-related documents.

  3. Click Modify/Dispute.
    The Modify/Dispute Pay Audit window opens.


  4. In the Select Documents for Upload section, click Select.
    A Windows File Explorer window opens.

  5. Locate the document that you want to upload.

  6. Click Open.
    The file is listed under the Select Documents for Upload section.


    Note: You can upload the following file formats: .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pjpeg, .tiff, .tif, and .pdf.

  7. If needed, follow steps 4-6 as needed for additional documents.

  8. Click Process Selected Documents.
    The documents are displayed in the File Name section.

  9. In the Document Type field, select the document type.

    Note: Repeat this step for each document that you uploaded.

  10. Click Upload Documents.

    If the document uploaded successfully, a confirmation message is displayed. If it did not upload successfully, an error message is displayed.

  11. Close the Modify/Dispute Pay Audit window.