Managing CarrierHub features

CarrierHub® enables your company to present available loads to your selected carrier population on a secure Internet site. It allows your private carrier network to view loads that are available for assignment, request or assign themselves to a load, see loads that have been assigned, and supply updates to your dispatch system.

You must determine how your company wants carriers to use CarrierHub, and set up the features they use to best suit your needs. The general process you will follow when setting up CarrierHub is outlined below. Each link directs you to the help topic for the specific task. To return to this page, press ALT+LEFT ARROW on your keyboard.

  1. Set up the basic Web application.

  2. Manage load boards for carriers.
    Managing load boards for carriers includes configuring load boards and controlling what carriers can do on the load boards.

    Carriers view your available loads and the loads assigned to them on load boards. A default view for each load board comes pre-loaded in CarrierHub and cannot be deleted. However, you can define your own views for each load board by setting restrictions (filters), making columns visible or hidden, and modifying column heading names.

    You specify the tasks carriers can perform when they are viewing records on a particular load board. For example, you can determine when a carrier can update a stop’s status, or whether they can print trip sheets, create check calls, or review pay for a trip.

  3. Configure invoice review and pay feature.
    You can allow carriers to:

    • View estimated pay for trips listed on the Available Loads board or the Assigned Loads board. This gives carriers an idea of what to expect regarding future payment.

    • View pay details recorded for the trips listed on the Historical Loads board or the Invoice Review board.

    • Submit approval of ancillary pay for a trip that is listed on the Invoice Review board.

  4. Set up event notifications and logs.
    You can configure CarrierHub to generate an e-mail notification each time a specific event occurs (for example, each time a carrier requests a load).

  5. Manage the Enhanced Brokerage features.

    • External Equipment
      When the Enhanced Brokerage license is applied to your TMWSuite database, carriers can post their equipment and review their listings on CarrierHub’s External Equipment pages. These postings are available to your dispatchers in the Planning Worksheet’s External Resources grid. External equipment postings are an additional tool CarrierHub provides to help you match carriers with your loads.

    • Bid Award
      When the Bid Award license is applied to your TMWSuite database, it extends CarrierHub’s functionality by allowing you to post loads for auction from your TMWSuite applications to your private carrier network.

      The carriers selected for each auction can place bids or decline to bid in CarrierHub (carriers can also manually enter bids in TMWSuite). You will track the bidding for each auction in CarrierHub’s Biddable Loads page, Dispatch’s Export Load window, or in the Advanced Carrier Selection window in TMWSuite.

  6. Set up CarrierHub for updating fuel orders.

    If you are licensed for Trimble Transportation’s FuelTMS modules and the CarrierHub fuel features, you can allow your users to update fuel orders in the Available Loads and Assigned Loads pages.