Administrator pages: eStat

The pages are organized by function. For example, all the pages that pertain to event notifications are listed in the Event notifications and logs topic.

Load boards

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name Page description ASPX page name

Maintain Boards

Use this page to define a set of restrictions (filters) for a load board. You can define filters for any of these board types: available loads, assigned loads, and historical (completed) loads.


Event notifications and logs

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name Page description ASPX page name

Event Definition

You can add, activate, or de-activate events that will trigger email notification or log entries.


Email Notifications

You can configure eStat to automatically generate an e-mail notification or a log file each time a specific event occurs.


Group Definition

You can create and manage an unlimited number of unique e-mail groups based on revenue types 1-4 and state or province.


Customer Email Templates

You can create and modify preformatted templates for the event notification e-mails.
