Data Warehouse

These short video and eLearning tutorials cover features that represent the bedrock of Data Warehouse Explorer.

Working with reports Before V.2016.6

Video Description

Creating a basic report in Data Warehouse Explorer (2:58)

This video shows you how to create a basic report in Data Warehouse Explorer.

Adding drill-down functionality to reports (4:00)

This video shows you how to add drill-down functionality to reports in Data Warehouse Explorer.

Creating a report with a chart (3:00)

This video shows you how to create a report with a chart in Data Warehouse Explorer.

Working with reports V.2016.6 and After

Video Description

Creating a report (3:22)

This video shows you how to create a basic report and display the results.

Loading a report (2:43)

This video shows you an overview of the Load Report window and how to load a report.

Deleting a report (1:07)

This video shows you how to delete a report.

Creating a report with drill-down functionality (4:31)

This video shows you how to create a report with drill-down functionality, modify, and remove that functionality.

Adding a chart to a report (3:17)

This video shows you how to add a chart to an existing report and modify the chart properties.