SSRS Report Directory

About this topic
  • Audience: System administrators, SSRS Report administrators

  • Conditions/restrictions: None

The SSRS Report Library is a web-based report directory of SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS) reports available to Trimble customers. The reports and report templates listed in this directory allow you to view and generate reports tailored to your company’s business needs.

  1. The reports listed in the Report Directory are designed to be viewed in a web browser.

  2. The Canned Reports, Document Templates, and Embedded Reports use custom SSRS coding and should not be modified.

  3. Images reflect the SQL Server 2017 user interface.

In the Report Library, there are four types of SSRS reports:

  • Canned Reports
    Canned Reports are pre-built reports you can run with no modification.


    These reports display typical business information such as:

    • Database security

    • Financial records

    • Asset locations

    • TotalMail communications

  • Document Templates
    Document Templates work with other Trimble applications.


    These reports display business information such as:

    • Invoicing and settlement

    • Order history

    • Trip summaries

Embedded Reports can be embedded or linked on profile tabs in TMW Operations.

+ image3

+ These reports display business information such as:

  • Company revenues

  • Driver performance records

    • Report Builder Templates
      Report Builder Templates are reports that you can customize to suit your company’s business needs. You can create, edit, or modify these reports in the Microsoft® Report Builder.


      These reports display information such as:

  • Finance records

  • Database administration

  • TotalMail communication

The following templates generate reports that display information about the SSRS Report Library. These are sample reports in Adobe® Acrobat® (PDF) format.

Report Name Description

About the Library

Displays details about the Report Library, such as what’s changed since the previous release, the current version installed, and links to the online help support documentation

Current SSRS Subscriptions

Displays the subscriptions that are currently set up for the report server and their status

MR Report List

Displays Microsoft Access reports and an equivalent SSRS report

Note: Trimble no longer supports Microsoft Access reports.

Report History

Displays the following:

  • Reports run during a period of time

  • Users who ran the reports

  • Number of times the report was run

Reporting Services Usage Report

Displays details about the reports in your SSRS Report Library

Details such as the number how many times a report has been run and when it last ran.

Report List

Displays a list of SSRS reports available on the Report Library

Report Server Configuration

Notes all configuration settings for the report server.

Report List with SQL Details

Displays a list of SSRS reports available on the Report Library along with SQL coding

Report Server Configuration

Displays details about your SSRS Report server