User pages: CarrierHub

The pages are organized by function. For example, all the pages that pertain to load boards are listed in the Load boards topic.

Load boards

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name Page description ASPX page name

Assigned Loads

The Assigned Loads Board displays a list of the loads assigned to the carrier. Carriers use this page to view load details and update load information. Loads display on the carrier’s page from the time they are first assigned through their completion.


Available Loads

An available loads board displays orders that are presented by your company to carriers who may want to request them. Carriers view the list of loads that are available, and then either request or assign themselves to the load.


State Search

The State Search page allows users to search for loads that start/end in specific states and require a specific type of equipment.


Map Search

The Map Search page allows users to search for loads that begin and end in specific states by selecting the states on a map.


Historical Loads

The Historical Loads page allows carriers to retrieve a list of their completed trips for review. For each completed trip, the carrier can view pay details, print a trip sheet, and view reference numbers.


Direct Load Updates

This page allows a carrier to retrieve the detail for a particular order by entering its order number or leg number.


Select Multiple Loads

When updating load information, the Select Multiple Loads page allows you to update and finalize information for multiple assigned loads simultaneously.


Invoice Review

This page allows carriers to review and approve pay details for orders.


External equipment

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Your company has loads to complete. The carrier has equipment that can complete those loads. In addition to having the carrier view available loads, your company may want to match a carrier’s available equipment with your available loads to more quickly offer those loads to the carrier. To do this, you must know when the equipment is available, where it is located, and what types of loads it can handle.

Page name Page description ASPX page name

Add External Equipment

Your company may allow a carrier to post equipment listings in the application. This option allows your company to match the carrier’s equipment with loads you have available.


External Equipment List

A carrier can view posted equipment on the External Equipment List page. From this page, the carrier can modify or expire a listing.


Bid Award feature

Bid Award allows carriers to bid for loads that have been posted for auction.

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name Page description ASPX page name

Biddable Loads

The Biddable Loads page allows carriers to view all current auctions that have not yet been awarded. If the carrier placed bids in auctions, it can view all loads for which it bid, the bids that it is winning, and the bids that it is losing. Carriers can also view the loads they have declined.


Bid History

The Bid History page allows carriers to view their completed auctions. In the Bid History page, the Loads Awarded tab displays the auctions that carriers have won. The Loads Not Awarded tab displays the auctions that they have lost. Date filters allow carriers to display auctions for a specified time period.


Carrier Lane Management

When a load is posted for auction, normally only the carriers that work the lane for that trip will receive notification of the auction. The Carrier Lane Management feature allows each carrier to specify the state-to-state lanes that they serve.


Crude management

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

To use these pages, you must be licensed for CARRIERCRUDE.
Page name Page description ASPX page name

Crude Load Details

This page allows users to view and edit order, stop, and freight information for crude loads.


Crude Planning Worksheet

This page allows users to manage carrier-assigned loads, ticket readings, and run ticket import data.


Crude Ticket Readings

This page allows users to enter, view, and edit run ticket readings.


Crude Ticket Import

This page allows users to import crude ticket reading files in comma-delimited (.CSV) format.
